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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. I knew it was BS when they mentioned the possible titles. KOTORIII - Return of Revan That just sounds stupid. Besides, I don't think who ever is going to actually make this game would cheat us out of making are own character again.
  2. Isn't the low frame rates due to the Xbox own limitation?
  3. It's not realistic... If you check out the Multiplayer videos on the official site... You will see Dooku pretty much slashing up Windu with his lightsaber... No saber blocks, no dodging... And he is still alive after the 3 hit combo! This game looks like a Star Wars version of Devil May Cry.
  4. It looks pretty neat. I'm just curious... Is it going to be a straight hack and slash game? Or are there going to be some decent lightsaber simulation. EDIT- Just saw Movies.. indeed looks like a hack and slash type... Don't think i will bother to buy it now :/
  5. Perhaps he was one of the Jedi that was crushed by the gravity machine?
  6. This game was just beatiful. I really don't care about the deleted content, or the open-ending. It's been soo long since I enjoyed a western RPG this much. Kotor1 was a very good, but it still didn't escape the cliche storyline that most RPGs have these days.
  7. Yes, you are right. Every single bug was OEs fault. But, It was LA responsibility to make sure it was polished when It was time for release. They tested it, mostlikely found a lot of these errors and instead of sending it back to be fixed, they released it.
  8. Don't forget anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtration. Must haves, in my opinion. Not into blurry textures and jaggies. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The patch should mean nothing to the Xbox users. It does not adress any of the Xbox bugs and are in the PC version. Because of the way TV display the game... Little or no AA/AF is needed for a a smoother look... I've tested it, With TV-OUT. It looks lousy though... Nowhere near as clear as on a monitor.
  9. Nihilus was a male. Kreia tells you this. Malak ordered the attack on Telos.
  10. It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think your ignorant.... Rather then open it and prove them right. We (the PC users) had to wait two extra months to get the game. Then, we had to wait an additional two months to make it: 1) Playable for some. 2) Get game stopping bugs fixed. 3) To get an exact copy of the Xbox version. None of the Xbox bugs have been fixed on the PC version. So, be silent. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> KOTOR 1 was updated and it wasn't xbox live you retard. Xbox live enabled means you can logon in your xbox account, make purchases for that game. etc. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why the hell did you quote me? I said nothing about live. And what exactly are you complaining about... Read #3. There is no point in doing that, unless you want better graphics.
  11. Lucast Arts was responsible for the quality assurance of this game (making sure it works well). Blame them for the faulty product they shipped *KNOWING* it was going to cause problems.
  12. I enjoyed the combat aswell... It's ashame it goes to hell during online play.
  13. Good point :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Soo... THe rest of us would have fun
  14. I like the lethal aspect of the JO/JA lightsaber fighting... What I hate though (online play atleast) is the fact that Duels are soo lame... They aren't even duels... more like, jumping around until you connect a Power stance attack. It would be awsome if there was an engine that could give us a more civilized way to lightsaber duel. Anyhow @ Topic. FPS + Kotor = bad Imagine how the AI would work. NPCs running all over the place, using random sabers attacks to hit enemies... Some more tweaking to the current battle system would be nice... Maybe some walking fightning, crouching attacks, etc. Just some add ons, while still keeping the current rules of the game.
  15. It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think your ignorant.... Rather then open it and prove them right. We (the PC users) had to wait two extra months to get the game. Then, we had to wait an additional two months to make it: 1) Playable for some. 2) Get game stopping bugs fixed. 3) To get an exact copy of the Xbox version. None of the Xbox bugs have been fixed on the PC version. So, be silent.
  16. I've always felt that Kreia was a master of force bonds... Sion mentions that he and she were bonded at one points... The way she speaks about manipulation... And the way your are suddenly bonded to her leads me to believe she once had a bond with Revan, and Nihilus.
  17. Obi was a servant of the light. Kreia... Did what she thought was best... which wasn't good or evil in my opinion. Kreia also had, atleast 4 apprentices: Nihilus (sp?), Sion, Revan and the Exile. I don't think Revan was Yoda's master... Doesn't seem very possible. I don't see the connection from Kotor to the clone wars either... Unless your refering to the Mandalorian cLones.
  18. I believe this happens if your influence with the character is low.
  19. Are they standing inside a giant speaker? And why does all Japanese anima/manga look like pron? I guess if you can be bothered to spend that long creating 240 images per second, you probably want to look at something good. Obviously another career path not open to females, yet. " So is there a picture of the KOS-MOS ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> KOS-MOS is the one on the right
  20. Thats the style. You should check it out, Xenosaga I is like 10$ now o_O
  21. Not sure were you got this information from... But it's wrong... If you TV supports S-Video, or DVI Input.. There is no way it will "Burn Out." The worse thing that could happen is graphic curruptions... but that is due to the frequency of the card, or setting it at the wrong resolution. 10,000$? Pentium4 @ 3.20Ghz GeForce 6800 GT 1.00GB of DDR 100GB Harddrive Under 3,000$ I know it's a lot, but considering this is also my home theater, stereo, recording studio, photo editing lab and game machine.. I think it's a reasonable price
  22. You should really read the entire topic... anyhow, this is what i posted earlier. "KOS-MOS is a beatiful weapon from a far superior game http://www.xenosaga.com/ official site. It's the prequel to Xenogears... Which was probably the best RPG on PS1. "
  23. PS2 Has UBS ports for both keyboard and mouse (makes playing FFXI much easier). But your right... Only a few games use it
  24. Controllers are very limited. Keyboard and mouse allow for far superior motion, and comfort... Since you can put the keys anyway you wish. The mouse offers more precise targetting. Also, it's very odd for someone to have a Graphic Card without TV-OUT these days. Xbox games run at 640x resolution I believe, which is very poor quality if it were displayed on a monitor. However, most TVs support 1024x resolutions these days, a PC with TV-OUT could run the game at that resolution, resulting in much better display. So there goes your "Small screen" argument. Also, those "Small Screens" allow much more detail to the graphics. TVs are a blurred mess and run games at 640x resolution with little or no AA/AF filtering wich is garbage
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