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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. yea ive herd some nice things about that game but is it a PC game? i thought it was PS2, or maybe im just slow?!?!? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's cross-platform... and the PS2 butchers the game in a way. Graphics get the job done, but the textures get really muddy at higher resolutions. Also, since its a straight port from the PS2 version... no AA/AF and it barely uses the GPU. Very CPU intensive. Regardless though, great game. Awsome fighting system. Actual team work is REQUIRED. Music is awsome and heart warning at times (those story cutscenes were emotional at times). The game is the most expansive I've ever seen. So many places to explore. Great storyline. You will never find ANYONE wanting to skip the story sequences (like in GW). It's challenging as hell too. The current expansion "Chains of Promathia" really requires a lot of dedication. I've gone 1/8 on some of them... your team has gotta be really in sync. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> is there a monthly fee for this game and if so how much? Also is there like a site i could go to to get basic facts about the game such as LvL caps Character creation etc.? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/index.shtml Official Website. I really don't know any good sites for that type of information though. Level Cap is currently 75. They will raise it, but in the future. Balance is a big issue for this game. The devs are really careful (monthly updates btw) with this. Which is why they are taking their time. Characters creation is very simple... Like I said, PS2 really limits this. http://ffo.warcry.com/ general information. Also, I forgot to mention this game will be released on Xbox 360 sometime in the future.
  2. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Almost fell of my chair laughing!
  3. yea ive herd some nice things about that game but is it a PC game? i thought it was PS2, or maybe im just slow?!?!? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's cross-platform... and the PS2 butchers the game in a way. Graphics get the job done, but the textures get really muddy at higher resolutions. Also, since its a straight port from the PS2 version... no AA/AF and it barely uses the GPU. Very CPU intensive. Regardless though, great game. Awsome fighting system. Actual team work is REQUIRED. Music is awsome and heart warning at times (those story cutscenes were emotional at times). The game is the most expansive I've ever seen. So many places to explore. Great storyline. You will never find ANYONE wanting to skip the story sequences (like in GW). It's challenging as hell too. The current expansion "Chains of Promathia" really requires a lot of dedication. I've gone 1/8 on some of them... your team has gotta be really in sync.
  4. Final Fantasy XI. Don't play it expecting it to be easy though. It's a hard game, dependant on your ability to make in-game friends. It's impossible to advance on your own.
  5. Glad to hear it's good. I'm gonna pick it up once I finish Digital Devil Saga II.
  6. I'm guessing the Xbox 360 "Emulates" the FPS drops to keep the overall timing accurate. PS2 does the same thing when you are playing PS1 games.
  7. Very generic shooter... Peformance is pretty bad I would say. First game I've had to run at 1024x768 since I got my new rig... (P4 @ 3.6ghz, ATI x800xl, 1.0GB of Ram)
  8. Except for the part where it sucks. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I gotta agree... if you are going for a 3rd person adventure game, play Legend of mana (pretty rare).
  9. There is a mask you can wear that turns him into in Adult... sorta.
  10. Ebay it. :-P Part IV was really bad too. =( Tactics is looking pretty nice though (newest one I believe). @Original Poster - In case you haven't picked up Chrono Cross, do it. :D Started playing again, (15th playthrough) and it's one of best console RPGs around. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've just ordered it today <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hurray... Just be careful with the choices you make in-game. On my current play through, I sorta screwed up, included someone in a battle I wasn't suppose to... Now I can't gain this person final special attack, and I can't create one of the games best trio attacks anymore.
  11. Emulator. English translated ROMs are our friends. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is it legal to use emulators and roms? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you own the originals yes. "
  12. Yeah, I wasn't happy with the translation myself... Did the original have that much bad grammar and language?
  13. Emulator. English translated ROMs are our friends. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He is talking about the remake on PSone I think. Hmm... Didn't that one hit the US?
  14. Majora's Mask felt a lot more original though. "
  15. Agreed. Design might be a fit funky (why exactly does it have to be so long?), but the PS controllers have always been the best.
  16. Ebay it. :-P Part IV was really bad too. =( Tactics is looking pretty nice though (newest one I believe). @Original Poster - In case you haven't picked up Chrono Cross, do it. :D Started playing again, (15th playthrough) and it's one of best console RPGs around.
  17. It isn't just Xbox Live... really any online service of this type. I've played on countless CSS & BF2 servers... sure there good servers, but there will always be those few people who will ruin the experience with racist talk.
  18. PS3 > 360 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> revolution > PS3 > 360 Search your feelings, you know it to be true <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm hoping it will be good. But let's face it, Nintendo has been alianating themselves since N64. Revolution seems like just another step in that direction...
  19. I don't care what they say about you. You're an ok guy in my book. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Final Fantasy VIII if you're in the mood for love. Its cheesy, oh you'd better believe its cheesy, but it has some great moments. The train hijacking, the assassination attempt, the epic battle between two flying... universities. It will be fondly remembered in my minds... eye, might replay it soon actually. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, that was a good one (even though the game hardly felt like a FF). I still remember that scene were you are running across the battle field during the CG scene... In the background all those people fighting... That was a good one.
  20. If you are willing to find them over the net, it's not hard at all. Hit Ebay. Even Ebgames still has a lot of old PSX games around.
  21. You never finished it!? I was at 68 hours by the end during my first play through... The gameplay was incredibly repetitive, but the story more then makes up for it.
  22. I also recommened Chrono Cross & Tales of Destiny II.
  23. http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/qua...iew.html?page=1 Certainly an interesting read.
  24. How many times have a answered this question? Your not doing anything wrong. Activate cheats in the .cfg file, press the ~ key. Can't see anything? That's how it's suppose to be! You can't see the text though, just type in what ever code you like.
  25. Too few... Nuff' said. How many games this year have not been simply about showing the latest graphic engine? Half Life 2, Doom 3, Quake 4, FEAR, Call of Duty 2, Battlefield 2... Sure, in the mist of all that we have some pretty cool games like Indigo Prophecy (which still really needs good graphics to pull of what it did) and Civilization IV. But those are just too few.
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