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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. That's cheating. ... Lol, I had to noclip myself out of a few walls and boxes though.
  2. Sounds good. I'm all right with the concept of a "tighter" story. I loved exploring in Morrowind, but without a steady stream of storyline, exploring can become quiet pointless.
  3. This game was never trying to be SS2 or DX. Those are RPGs, not true Shooters. And it is immersive, just not in the same way as those two games. Those games gave you choice and paths that let you take on the role of the character. FEAR is immersive because you have to pay close attention to your surroundings, listen carefuly for enemies and use all your resources wisely. SS2/DX were great games, but as shooters alone, they are nothing more then generic. EDIT - Well, SS2 atleast... I barely got started on DX. Combat might get more complex later, but I seriously dout it.
  4. Seems like F.E.A.R has more love for ATI than Nvidia... And why wouldn't it bode well for interesting, involving FPS. It isn't like F.E.A.R really was such a FPS... Or do you really think that the AI made it more involving than a Doom3/Quake 4? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I started a new game today, on the Extremely hard difficulty. The game is a lot more involving then both Doom 3 and Quake 4, which both become nothing but frag fest towards the end of the game. The AI is incredible. Nothing like a tactical squad trying to flank you, smoke you out, lure you out. All I see the Doom 3 and Quake 4 enemies doing is just standing there, shooting in in your direction... just waiting to get killed.
  5. Umm... What does Morrowind have to do with the quality of Oblivion? Morrowind was a fantastic game... People don't think Oblivion will be able to stack up?
  6. As long as there aren't obvious elements of LA pushing them around like in KOTOR 2. I honestly wouldn't want anyone to handle the story OE set into motion... I really enjoyed KOTOR 2, despite it flaws.
  7. Your right. The problem with the F.E.A.R engine is that it's so kick ass, most people can't see how kick ass it really is. I've played it at my buddies house with dual 7800s. Looks incredibly good (still has stuttering with those cards btw... >.>) Much better then Doom 3, especially the models.
  8. It's pretty widely known that anything higher then 1024x768 = bad performance on MOST systems. Even those sporting 7800. I have a setup similar to yours. 1024x768, 4xFSAA, high detail/cpu settings... I got very "acceptable" frame rates. It's a good game... way better then Q4. But only because the fire fights are much more involved.
  9. I'm not a religious man. But I'll pray for you.
  10. I was pretty shocked by how good it actually was. When I first heard about the changes they made, I hated the game so much. Resident Evil was suppose to be about solving puzzles and figuring out things. It all worked out well though. I hope the next installment has more puzzles like the original REs though.
  11. Shouldn't we get back to the topic at hand? It's my opinion that the only consoles worth getting will be PS3 and the Revolution. PS3 will touch on a market the PC completely ignores. The Revolution, well... everything about it screams innovation. The Xbox 360 looks like a good machine. I've had the chance to play with it for a few hours. I was impressed the way in handled COD2 (considering the way my PC handled it), Perfect Dark Zero looked pretty (even though its just N64 version with prettier graphics). But, it's just nothing I haven't seen already. FPS and western RPGs is what I see the Xbox 360 offering. I can't see myself playing any FPS on a console and as for western RPGs... I see a lot of cRPG players claiming that the console has limited some PC titles (since any console still has far more limitations then the PC) or taken them away from the PC all together.
  12. Boooring. (Some, not all) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You sound like a FPS fan. Kill everything in sight, no story, no roleplaying, just mindless hack n slash. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not really. I'm not a fan of traditional role-playing, which is what a lot of CRPGs seem to revolve around. So, I find it a boring most of the time. I'm not mixed up about anything, I just don't enjoy it as much as some of you guys do. Believe me, not because of a lack of trying. I'm still buying CRPGs, even though i've only enjoyed a relatively small portion of them. I rather just sit back, enjoy a game with a nice artwork, a fun and engaging battle sytem, nice music and a thought provoking storyline. There is nothing wrong with that, is there? Funny, I see so many CRPGs that are obviously "Hack n Slash" passing themselves off as CRPGs.
  13. My apologize, I thought you were implying something else.
  14. You can't call me bias, I own every PC RPG.
  15. Well, there are plenty of games that are on that level Hades, if you only tried looking for them.
  16. That is assuming that one wants to play those games. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Someone needs to let you borrow a PS2 or GC so you can play Resident Evil 4...
  17. I just finished up SMT: Digital Devil Saga II, which is the best game I've had a chance to play this year. I couldn't stand Vampire - Bloodlines, moving on to Deus EX (still haven't played it, I hope it's good). I'll be finishing up Legend of Zelda : Minish Cap... Then I don't know what else... Nothing interest me.
  18. Get one of the million flashlight mods for it. It makes the game a ton better IMO. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It ruins the game in my opinion... It's suppose to be dark...
  19. LIKE WHAT I LIKE OR ELSE YOU'RE WRONG! BABIES! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL, that was just funny. Hell Kitty has the right idea though.
  20. I don't see any hints at it being any different this time around. Xbox will continue to cater to it's own crowd and the PS will do the same. If you want to see how different PS3 and Xbox 360 are gonna be, just looks at PS2 / Xbox.
  21. Well, I'll agree that a PC has many more uses. If I had to live with only one, I'd choose PC. I wouldn't call consoles a childs toy however. It simply offers too much.
  22. Well, maybe. Though I rarely find myself using my PS2 for DVDs. I imagine PS3s new disc format will open up all sorts of new possibilities.
  23. I'll agree with you on that. PC has an infinite amount of uses... Console is just one really. I'll ignore Gabrielle's comment for the obvious reasons.
  24. Well, I suppose that's one solution. But for a $2,000 machine... You would expect I wouldn't have to tone it down much wouldn't you? Besides, there has been very, very few PC games released this year that didn't require graphic prowess in to play their best...
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