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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. Rather bad one too. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, yes but most official translations of japanese games are even worse. Especially on the SNES. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'd place TOP on another level though. =) But you are correct.
  2. Nothing wrong with owning a console. GC has some good stuff anyways, it's too bad it didn't get enough titles to keep me interested.
  3. Yeah, they follow the tradition of endless random encounters. Good stuff though.
  4. It had a bunch of ambience.... I guess that's what they refer to as "Music"
  5. I disagree. I was good the first time I played through it... It was rather forgettable though, and it really doesn't cut it this time around.
  6. Mainly because I want quick access to winamp. Fallout 2 music, well... It sort of sucks.
  7. I started playing this again today (out of boredom). Is there anyway to get it to play in a window?
  8. The rules governing 21 and above just doesn't work and breaks down. That is the drawback of the d20 System. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't pretent to actually no anything about it... Would that be why KOTOR 2's combat seems completely cheap and broken past level 20?
  9. Well, this makes it sound a bit better. Seems like all the Dark Jedi forgot how to use force powers in the second game. Btw, why the hell does every d20 game's level cap have to be 20?
  10. All right, I understand. I vote no on your idea though. Mainly because combat like KOTORs could not keep me interested for 180 hours. Especially if we are talking about three game series, that's 2-4 years in between each one. I would expect the combat at the very least to evolve, that would mean new way of learning force powers, feats, skills. Having your character start at level 1 after every game would be ideal for this situation.
  11. So what? They would still be different games (or are we talking expansions?). No need to do something stupid, like wrap up levels and stats into the mix. Just start them at level 1 after each game and change the way the force powers/feats level up. Example... First game you get Shock > Lightning > Storm Second game you won't have the option to start out with "Shock." Instead the the first "lightning" type power would be "Force Lightning" then go from there. That way it shows that time has passed and the characters have grown.
  12. The readme suggest NOT running FEAR at any resolution past 1024x768 on any current generation card... I assume this ment GF6... 7 should be already at 1280x1024.. 1600 is a bit too high though. In any case, your FPS are normal for you system/setting.
  13. Why not just start them over at level 1 and change the dynamics of the game so that it works.
  14. All they really need to do is make the game more balanced... Example: Force storm can't kill everything.
  15. I have 2.5 gigs and it still likes to lag! (30 fps is too slow for a shooter game) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, do you have a decent graphic card? Shouldn't lag if you have 2GB of ram and running within your cards range.
  16. You need 2GB of ram to get rid of the lagging. Well, if you are running on max settings and using AA/AF.
  17. Doutful. Revan wanted to handle things ALONE. Exile too, at the end of everything.
  18. Why are Star Wars fans so in love with the idea of continuality? You do realize that severely limits a lot of potential in storylines... Especially in video games. Making a 'cannon' Revan or Exile puts a dent in the amount of freedom KOTOR 3 and any future games using those two will have. It's also the reason games like Star Wars Galaxy and just about every other Star Wars games that has hints of other Star Wars story absolutely suck.
  19. Well, I'll agree with you on that. You can still be an "uber" force user and have the game require tactics and thought though. In my opinion (this is from playing JRPGs), actual battle strength and strength according to the story should be two completely different things.
  20. Doesn't he die if you were a Darksider in KOTOR I?
  21. Yeah, for the sake of the developers... Playable characters should probably limited to characters that lived in any situation(LS/DS)... Just to be safe though, a brand new cast. =)
  22. Ah, I see. Guess that explains why the devs don't simply destroy every KOTOR 3 topic. I'm happy then, I love the direction OE took in KOTOR 2. (except they made the job about x10 harder for themselves by tossing Revan into the mix)
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