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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. Who is doing kOTOR 3 (if it's even being done) anyways? I've seen this conversation has gone one for how many different threads already?
  2. Just leave Revan and the Exile alone. Why do they need to be the focus? Revan certainly wasn't during KOTOR II. They should be reduced to nothing but Idols of a time long ago. How much logical growth would be possible if Revan was the PC again? Considering all that he/she has been through, it would be stupid for them to fall to the dark side again, or go back to the light. Unless KOTOR 3 completely got rid of the old Light/Dark side system. New PC is a must. Why would he have to be a sidekick? The Exile was clearly just as powerful (if not more) then Revan at the end of everything.
  3. Games can be good despite LA. They just have to have absolutely nothing with the development.
  4. I guess so. I'm just worried about the quality of the story going back to what was KOTOR I...
  5. I don't understand either. KOTOR has always followed the format of CRPGs, having a character that was anyone but yourself is just silly. Man, I swear... The hardcore Star Wars fans will keep KOTOR3 from being a good game. :ph34r:
  6. ^ I don't see why anyone would want to play Revan or the Exile for that very reason. Revan has been turned into some all powerful Jedi/Sith. The Exile I would say is still possible to continue with, but he has been turned into something of an idol himself. Doesn't matter if they are dark or light, there personalities have been set, as have their motivations. That wouldn't lead to much freedom.
  7. Here is what I want from KOTOR III. Yes, I want to play a Jedi again. However, none of that memory loss (KOTOR1) or re-discovering yourself (KOTOR2) stuff. Every character in KOTOR has had a moment that defined them in their respective backstories... What I want to do, is take on the role of a character, as he reaches that defining moment in their life. That moment that will eventually make them something much greater then what they already are (Perhaps even pave the way for KOTOR 4). Graphically, I want something that looks very similar to what we have now. With more detailed models, enviroments and better looking particle effects and force powers. Just your standard graphic upgrade. More animations for attacks, maybe animations for fighting multiple enemies at once. Better force activations animation, damage taking, healing, etc, etc. Gameplay wise, I want KOTOR 3 to be actually challenging. Both KOTOR1/2 have been cake-walks, nothing remotely hard about them. I loved all the combat upgrades KOTOR 2 had. Different stances, force forms, abilities, powers, weapons... The work bench upgrading and creating system. It was all good. Except you never needed any of it. It just made you more God like. You never needed to upgrade anything because the game was becoming too hard. Basicly, I want KOTOR 2 again. But a lot, lot harder. Music.... I don't care. I hate SW music and I wish they would just go with something different. But I know I'm alone on this. ; . ;
  8. I don't like jaggies and I don't mind taking the FPS hit in order to use atleast x4 AA. I could stand them on my old monitor, but not on my new LCD. Clarity is really good, that means however, I can see all the jaggies a lot better.
  9. I agree with this. Not only did it place a huge task ahead of those who are doing KOTOR3 (if it's even being done!) but the story really didn't need KOTOR much. It could of used references to KOTOR I, but not blatantly say "Revan went to..."
  10. Man, that's a long list of a lot of the same thing. Looking forward to Neverwinter Nights 2 though.
  11. Well, I don't know much about SW, but considering the amount of books, comics, games and other junk that's been tagged with the label, I'd expect there to be more then just guys with glowing swords and magic powers. But KOTOR series is about Jedi is it not? Why change it now when the story is not yet finished? I don't like being overpowered (like in KOTOR 1/2)... But there is a simple fix for that... Make the enemies harder!
  12. I have a nice LCD monitor... There is a bit difference in 1024x768 and 1280x1024... Not so much the graphics, but the the image clarity is crystal clear at the higher resolution. I didn't have this problem before btw, running at the same settings to. Guess I'm screwed since this game doesn't get any official support. I'm just gonna run it off my big tv. :/
  13. I don't understand your logic. NES = SNES, except with a better variety and quality of games.
  14. Somehow? :D My favorites include... Final Fantasy IV/VI Secret of Mana Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 2) - Unfortunately, there is only a translated version... Done quiet badly too. Legend of Zelda : Link to the Past Megaman X Megaman 7 Chrono Trigger Radical Dreamers (something of a prequel to Chrono Cross and something of a sequel to Chrono Trigger)
  15. Only thing that I can say I found better in KOTOR I was the fact that it didn't feel like the tore a chunk out of the ending. I found KOTOR II overall a much better game. Enjoyed the story more, found the characters more interesting and I indentified better with the Exile. The plot blew me away and I thought the revelation towards the end was very well done. If it was not for the cut-content KOTOR II would have probably been my favorite RPG of all time. Keep in mind that I am in no way a Star Wars fan.
  16. Thank you for the suggestion. However, it did not fix the problem. Also, the problem only happens when I'm running at 1280x1024... Doesn't happen on any other resolution... Guess it's back to TV-OUT. >.>
  17. I want a modern setting... Not some lame post nuclear settings though (hehehe)... Just some modern day cRPG. With all the goodies of today.
  18. I can see this. I guess I should go for the 1GB upgrade. It stutters even with low resolution with only 1GB of ram. :/ This is one of those games thats only as good as it looks... >.>
  19. That was the biggest problem. I remember the devs claiming "If your system can run HL2, then it can run FEAR." Oh man, how wrong they were. It's pretty stupid that they would release a game only a small majority of PC users would be able to get the best out of... well, only a very small majority could play it with acceptable frame rates. I personally play FEAR using TV out to gain free AA and the ability to run it at 800x600 without it looking like crap. Though all my other options are at Max and my AA/AF is only at 4/4... I still get stuttering. It's ridiculous.
  20. Too bad that game doesn't fit in with the Xbox 360 crowd... I smell a failure.
  21. Well, I started playing this game again recently. So, I went ahead and installed it. Patched it with the bug fix and music patch (didn't bother with the movie one, since it does almost nothing but waste time). I also added a few things to the override folder to enhance the experience. Added all of the fix mods from Team-Gizka's homepage including the crazy rebalance mod. Also added the texpack.2da to enhance performance a bit. So, now to the actual problem... Runs great, better then I remember. I still get the standard slow-downs, but that's all right. The major problem is that after every single cutscene my graphics become glitchy and distorted. I can fix this easily by ALT+TAB'n out. But then I have to reload the graphics because of the performance lost from using ALT+TAB. Has anyone encountered this problem?
  22. I agree. Both KOTOR did not show the process well... but then again, both PCs in both those games were Jedi before... So that might be why. Actually, no Star Wars game has ever done it right. In Jedi Knight, you just pick up a lightsaber and *bam* you know how to use it. In Jedi Outcast, those trails were a joke... force push this, pull that... speed through this. Same with Jedi Academy.
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