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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. Your a strange one... You won't call Metroid Prime a FPS because it's so much more... But you will say Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows an RPG simply because it has stats and growth? ~ and lacks everything an RPG should have. Anyways, your right. It's a great game. One of those games that makes me glad my friend has a GC I can borrow. ^_^
  2. What the... You can't tell me this kind of game passes for an RPG...
  3. A great loss indeed. Lunar II will forever remain one of my favorites.
  4. I don't agree. Lifelike would be far to difficult to be considered normal. Maybe FPS should have different difficulty settings... Easy, Normal, etc should be replaced with... Realistic, Unrealistic, etc... Come on, that's a good idea right?
  5. Why not... No health regeneration and very few Med-packs. :D
  6. Definitely. I can understand why there is energy regeneration in games like Halo and FEAR. But it makes absolutely no sense in COD2. I didn't see a medic hanging around me 24/7. :ph34r:
  7. Sorry to hear that. I guess jRPGs aren't for you. Like I said before, jRPGs are about watching a story unfold, not about creating it. Very few RPGs have multiple endings that can be influenced by your decisions. Though some things might change based on the choices you make, for the most part... you are simply traveling from point A to point B. I suggest playing Chrono Cross if you are looking for a jRPG with more interraction. Old PSone masterpiece.
  8. I don't know whether I will get an Xbox 360 or not but if KOTOR III comes out as an Xbox 360-exclusive, I will buy the platform for that one title. Yes, I will admit that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Its that type of attidue that is killing the PC market. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not that i'm defending the Xbox 360. But what is wrong with buying new hardware just to play a single game? People spend thousands upgrading PC equipment just to play the latest games. Is it the peoples fault that consoles are far more convinient?
  9. Better yet, pre-order to wait patiently for a few month...
  10. EDIT - So strange you hear you say that.
  11. They are all fools. They do realize they are offering all of this for a fricken Xbox 360 right?
  12. Maybe so... FFVI+ (except FFIX) got extremely easy end-game bosses once you were high enough, and had the best equip,spells and items. But FFX was just ridiculous. The option bosses isn't that hard either. ... But seriously, if you want a god-like boss to fight... Try Avatar Tuner I... the secret boss is, in my opinion the hardest boss in any RPG... period. Level 99, with all stats maxed out to 99 and It took me easily over 10 tries to beat him (makes FF7s Ruby weapon look like a joke). EDIT - And yeah, SMTs do have an extremely high battle rate...
  13. Yeah, you also have to have a good understanding of the Xenosaga plot to truely enjoy the game. The Pal version only comes with a DVD of the first games movie scenes (8 hours and still does not cover everything!) You will probably have a hard time understanding everything. There are some great online Faqs though, and the game is $20. Great bargain if you ask me. Great music, innovative gameplay and a very touching story. I can't really agree with the SMT to FF comparison you made. Not all FF games are created equally. ^^ But yeah, I'll agree that some FF games had much better stories then some SMTs. I would have to say the Avatar Tuner series does indeed trump FFX though... Great storyline, awsome gameplay with real actuall thought having to go into your actions. FFX was a cake-walk, plain and simple. I beat the last boss with 3 hits for the love of god... Could that game have been anymore easy? Avatar Tuner on the other hand... is very unforgiving. Maybe it's because I'm really starting to not like traditional storylines. I thought FFX-2s plot was really great. Not to mention how it was definitely something new to actually play a non-typical FF male hero once again. I loved the music (bought the OST) and the gameplay was really a huge improvement.
  14. Such as ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not. I've just never felt that that Final Fantasy X was the pinacle of jRPG storytelling. Games I felt that were a lot better during the FFX generation... Xenosaga I & II, SMT: Avatar Tuner I & II, SMT: Nocturne, Suikoden III... just to name a few. Not that FFX is not a good game, it's up there on the Final Fantasy scale (one slot below FF7 and one slot above FF5), I just thought the story was a bit plain. Strangely enough, I thought FFX-2 was better. EDIT - La~ I'm closer to a Xeno- game fanatic btw.
  15. Japanese RPGs in general are more about telling a story then their American counterparts, which are more about letting you create a story. You think playing two hours and getting to play 30mins is rough? Pick up Xenosaga... Over 14 hours of movie scenes, and maybe six hours of actual gameplay. (Epic story however) If you haven't liked the jRPG format up until this point, you probably won't find Final Fantasy X all that great (it's nowhere near as good as other jRPGs anyways).
  16. Haven't Gauntlet games always been mindless "Beat em' ups"?
  17. I vote for the entire Xenosaga series. It's getting cut-short since Namco can't seem to make a profit on the series. I guess some dreams are far too ambitious. Tetsuya Takahashi & Soraya Saga are true artist and it's rare to see people making games these days just to tell a wonderful storie. They don't care about anything but that. Saga's wrote an entire game-script for free just so she could continue to help the series stay alive.
  18. It's a great game. I thought the combat could have been a hole lot better though. You'd think a game using a the source engine would have much better physics. It felt like I was playing GTA3. <_<
  19. Why do they need to trash KOTOR III? KOTOR II pulled of adding new things depending on how you finished the first game. In case you didn't notice, they changes were small and really didn't effect the course of the game much. Why couldn't KOTOR III have something like that?
  20. Your criteria are no more rational than Hades. Roleplaying is fine and dandy, but using that as an excuse to call a game easy or difficult is not. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Correct. Not every game is made so you can play your Pirate Ninja or Healing Zombie Tank. If you find the game too difficult or easy because of the build your using... well, that's your problem.
  21. If the game is too easy, I get bored and any game I get bored at is not a CRPG to me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As a parallel to this definition, any time I eat something, but do not enjoy it as much as I expected, it is no longer defined as food. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Fair enough. I could sit through horrible, tedious, repetitive gameplay if the story is good enough, make a parallel definition out of that.
  22. Excuse me... But how does combat/difficulty stop a game from being a true cRPG? These things are at the bottom of the priority list... EDIT: I should say, they should be.
  23. Never played it. Do you mean that each action has it's own "time cost" ? For example a fireball spell taking 3 real seconds to complete rather than to cram everything into 6 second turns or the like ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, skills have a casting time. Also, I think turn-base fits better with the RPG genre in general.. Think about it... in any RPG, you never really have total control. Your always limited to certain choices, story paths, etc.
  24. That's a good point. Gamecube didn't have enough games to keep my attention... but toss in a new set of games, and those oldies we all know and love. Revolution is starting to sound alright. Assuming the price isn't remotely close to the Xbox 360/PS3.
  25. Personally, I've always considered them turn-based. Even the ones that did use the ATB (IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX,XI,X-2... wow, almost all of them). I guess thats because my idea of "real" real-time is also having the ability to move about.
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