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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. BF2 for PS2/Xbox is not the same BF2 us PC players are using. BF2 for console is pretty lame. Choppy as hell, it can become a slide-show on the PS2. I would say no, it's not worth it at all. BF2/SF for the PC is a great game though. Only hard part is finding a good server.
  2. Yeah, I love medic. I rarely use anything but Medic & Tech. There are far more effective ways to kill people then just pointing and shooting.
  3. I'll let you know when I find it. Haven't touched it in ages. :"> Fallout 2 looks all right. But... some games aren't meant to be displayed at that kind of resolution. :ph34r:
  4. LOL I love that. Just like Flashbang kills on CSS, always awsome.
  5. One good game among all the garbage? No thanks.
  6. Xbox 360 is nothing new. Same exact games (and I mean, EXACT), prettier graphics. I suppose that's fine if you enjoy that kind of thing. It's an impressive machine. Seems kind of pointless at the moment though and anything worth getting on the 360 will probably be on PC as well (seems to be picking up a lot of shooters, and there is only one king for that genre). PS3, well. Despite what I hear about all the new gadgets and blue-ray. Seems like its likely to perform no better or worse then the Xbox 360... Having however, the potential to far exceed it. That will be my console of choice, since I enjoy japanese games.
  7. The jRPG genre for PS2 (a lot of games, not all) warped from it's traditional gameplay and transformed into a little more then an interactive movie. You said you didn't like that much. So I suggest some titles from the previews (in my opinion, best) generation.
  8. If you ever manage to finish playing FFVII, please let everyone know that there is more to Cloud that just spikey hair and a big sword. =)
  9. Not in the sense that you are refering to no. You play the role of a character. But this isn't old school table top RPGs were you make your character. Dhruin, I will suggest some titles... But I fear that you might not like them right away and give up. =X Xenogears for PS1. Best story of any game I've ever played. Chrono Cross for PS1. Perfect mesh of awsome gameplay, killer storyline and a beautiful soundtrack. It has over 40 playable characters, i'm sure there is atleast one you will like. One of those rare jRPGs were choices do matter. Final Fantasy IV & VI for your pc... I mean SNES. Classics really, overall great games. SMT: Avatar Tuner I & II. I hesitate to recommend these, because the first is barely more then a dungeon crawler RPG, the meat of the story is in the second one. However, without playing the first. The characters motives aren't very clear or believable. Beautiful games. I hope you atleast find one enjoyable.
  10. Is that picture of Varn not artwork? No I was not paraphrasing, my comment applied to that as well. That is artwork, it's their view of another culture. Yes, California is another culture, yes some people do dress in a similar fashion. It's not common, I'll say that. But it is there.
  11. I don't understand what you are trying to say. SP said that the Japanese model their characters from their views on the western world. Including Varn. You only quoted him saying that people in California people dress just as wacky. You said that... I was correct you see, SP was trying to say that. See, completely relevant. And I'll leave it at that, you obviously made up your mind on the androgynous topic.
  12. Actually, what he said was... Quote peoples entire post when all of it is relevant. As for the about picture... I can't say much on it. It's just the style there using, for the world SE created. Everything else is pretty much based on opinion. He might a look a bit homosexual to me (just like Tidus did initialy), but androgynous? Just... no. In either case, whatever he looks like won't matter in the end. In the context of his story he will be an incredibly different person.
  13. ok, first of all, we don't know how this turned into an us v. them thread, but as for Gromnir, we has been to japan twice and loved the culture and people... so our loathing of anime and japanese games is not a condemnation of japanese culture in general. second, we call bs. there is more wacky dressed teens and young adults in tokyo than any other place we ever seen... and no, if you go to california you will not typically see people dressed like varn... save for on halloween, and then only if you is visiting the castro district. HA! Good Fun! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think he was just trying to say that some of Japans artwork represents their view of other cultures. I happen to live in Long Beach California. Yes, I do live near the beach. Yes, people will walk out without a shirt on a hot day, Hell, I do it myself. God, there must be something wrong with me! If we generalized, yup this is definitely true. Threads have a habit of exploding into something much bigger in this place don't they... :ph34r:
  14. Hehe, you generalized on such a massive scale. There is absolutely no way that you are correct.
  15. You do realize this is a game correct? Non-Fiction. Also, there is following of the Effeminate male in America and Europe. Don't kid yourself by saying it's exclusive to the Japanese. The guy is suppose to be around 15 too I think. Well, of course that entire statement depends on you being right. However, you are not. Plain and simple. I know, it's pointless to argue with him. Since he has probably closed his mind to any opinions that are different from his own. But I don't know, I guess I just like to argue...
  16. He is suppose to be a kid without a shirt wearing metal greaves and gauntlets. Was that so hard to see? Also, I
  17. 100% for me as well. Actually, I have Secret of Evemore... That's Squaresoft game... made in America though!
  18. What time does everyone play? I've logged in twice and been completely alone. ; . ;
  19. Afraid not. Console garbage. Next. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Way to support your argument. Games that purely rely on action should not be called RPGs at all, period.
  20. Actually I tried this, things got worse... It couldn't get top speed without a high screen resolution and AA bumb'd up.
  21. Yuki Kajiura is becoming one of my favorites. She just has such a unique style. The moment I got the Xenosaga II Movie Scene OST, I literally just looped it for hours. Some of the tracks are down right addictive. I can't really describe it well, it's sort of a collage of electronica, techno, orchestra, celtic... It just comes out beautiful. Of course I love Nobuo Uematsu as well. I have at least a dozen of the Final Fantasy albums that were arranged by him. The piano collections are just awsome. Another of my favorites is singer who isn't known too well, she did some work Uematsu. Risa Ohki man, I've never seen this women, but she is beautiful. She sings in at least five different languages. I can't leave out Yasunori Mitsuda, I can't go more then two days without listening to Xenogears - Creid. It's a beautiful celtic arrangment.
  22. This game is plagued with performance issues. (ATI x800xl, 3.0GHZ, 1.0GB) Frame rates were never stable and sometimes just went down for no reason. I would be looking at a wall and getting 20FPS. After extended periods of time, I would have to restart because of memory leak. Also, this game was weird. It actually ran smoother when I set AA to 6. I tried to gain a few FPS by using TV-OUT (so I set the resolution to 1024x768), it actually ran worse... Sound stuttering almost all the time. I could not get it to stop... It was truly one of the most unoptimized games I've ever played.
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