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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. Exactly. Sometimes one is the best solution, sometimes the other. A turnbased Bloodlines would've sucked, while a realtime Final Fantasy wouldn't have been fun. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Someones not played FFXII <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's still turn-based is it not? Just a bit different. I would have loved Bloodlines if it was turn-based also... I'm playing it right now, and the combat is just so lame. Feels like i'm playing GTA or some other generic hack and slash title.
  2. I like turn base better... Or I should say, I'm use to it. I've been playing jRPGs since my first NES and it's what I grew up with. However, I do enjoy some real-time combat (Seiken Densetsu, Tales of Destiny). I dislike cRPG real-time a bit though...
  3. I like both. Why the hell isn't their an option for it?
  4. I'm going to go with zero. Yeah, that seems about right to me. What? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> None? Are you joking? Even the Gamecube suffered from a lack of some genres. That's with a some what traditional controller. Also, I ment that the last two Nintendo consoles haven't done nearly as well as expected.
  5. You sure about that? All these new innovative ideas sure looks like more ways Nintendo is trying to alienating itself. But, yeah, I'm hoping for the best. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> IF the console is affordable (say in the 100 dollar range) and it comes with the full past game lineup... they could make a killing. atari, for instance, has been putting out little "mini consoles" that you just hook up to your tv and play... and they seem to be selling quite well. A console with 4 generations of games (as well as a 5th, new gen).... I can see that being a hot item actually. Especially if it's affordable. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That is true, but... this might just be me, but even though I can play PS1 games on my PS2 that isn't why I have it. Also, the issue of how we will obtain those classic NES/SNES/N64 games still remains to be revealed... Some kind of fee for each would seem strange, since the same games have been available on the net for free for a very long time. I was also referring to what kind of games Nintendo expected to release with it's new console. Are they making a normal controller to go along with the new one? Imagine now many genres are out of the question if that fancy new remote controller as the only option... This is another heavy gamble. Another attempt at trying to be different from the rest... Nintendo is 0/2, let's wish them luck.
  6. The only I don't want to see a cheap and predictable storyline like in KOTOR I.
  7. You sure about that? All these new innovative ideas sure looks like more ways Nintendo is trying to alienating itself. But, yeah, I'm hoping for the best.
  8. At least... It's innovative... Right..?
  9. When things started chugging <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Correct. I've been playing for around 3 hours... happened after 2 hours or so. Quick restart helps though.
  10. I just started playing it this morning. Running on the official v1.2 patch + the fan v1.7 patch (since every 1.9 patch I download was currupted). It runs... all right for the most part. Running at the highest settings + x4 AA. I get solid 75 FPS in most in-doors areas. Outdoor areas really are expansive, so I guess I shouldn't complain about my FPS dropping to 20-30. Though there are some areas were my FPS drops for no reason. In any case, it's running better then I expected, just not as good as I hoped for. I started out with the mage type vampire (forgot the name). Voice acting is really well done and im finding the story quiet interesting right now. Having a great time exploring the city too, lots of things to do.
  11. Heh, yes. You should have zero problems running the game with that rig. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I hope your right. My buddy has the same setup as me, except a 3.2 P4 and a 6800 GT... It's run alright for the most part, but some of the out door areas butcher his FPS (20!). I don't understand it either... Source runs like a dream, but this doesn't. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have an Athlon64 3500+, 1 GB of RAM, and a Radeon 9800 Pro. The only slowdowns I ever experienced were when the memory leak caught up to my memory. Quickly exit and restart the game though fixes this. Mind you, I'm not one of those people that just HAS to have 1600x1200 w 12xAF and 8xAA or anything like that. EDIT: And yes, the Mac-10 equivalent does suck. But having skill 10 (max) with the Kill-o-matic (the Uzi) is just hilarious has you have pinpoint accuracy at full auto. Good times good times. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I usually set my settings at 1280x1024, x4 AA, x8 AF and most in-game details at high... I hope I can do that on this game. :S
  12. KOTOR I might have been complete... but it felt really generic, storywise. Despite KOTOR II being unbalanced, incomplete and buggy... I still liked it more. =)
  13. That'd be recoil. Try semi-auto. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Could you clear this up for me... I know weapons like firearms you have to put skill points (or what ever the system is) so that they become useful. How does it work exactly? If you have, lets say... Zero skill, aim and fire at a enemy... Will it still hit? Or does skill determine weather it hits or not? Or does skill lower recoil, make shots more powerful, etc?
  14. Other then being a fantastic online shooter? The biggest problem this game has is the community in my opinion... So hard to find a nice server were people who play nice, don't TK teammates and work together. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, this Obs server would be different, hopefully, right? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's what I hope for. ^.^
  15. I did hear ranged combat sucked bad... You could aim at an enemy, unload a hole clip in the room and hit everything but the target. ; . ;
  16. Other then being a fantastic online shooter? The biggest problem this game has is the community in my opinion... So hard to find a nice server were people who play nice, don't TK teammates and work together.
  17. I still need to pick that up mysef. Flag bangs are really annoying too... I thought they would be like CS:S which are fun, but BF2s are just wrong.
  18. Well, maybe... But I have never had a single problem with source. Also, a friend of mine has a ATI 9250... he runs source with med detail just fine.
  19. OMG, Obsidian has it's own server? I know were all be playing now. :cool:
  20. Heh, yes. You should have zero problems running the game with that rig. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I hope your right. My buddy has the same setup as me, except a 3.2 P4 and a 6800 GT... It's run alright for the most part, but some of the out door areas butcher his FPS (20!). I don't understand it either... Source runs like a dream, but this doesn't.
  21. I still need to finish up that game... I'm at the last gym and I've gotten my with my pure skills so far... now my level is too low though, so I need to level up a bit.
  22. I don't remember Cloud being disgruntled. His personality was quiet interesting for a hero to... he had major self esteem issues.
  23. Looks interesting enough. I'll pickup up sometime next week. I need a break from JRPGs, been awhile since I've played CRPG. (even longer since I played one that I enjoyed!)
  24. How badly optimized is the game? I'm thinking of giving it a shot, but I atleast want acceptable frame rates. P4 @ 3.6ghz, 1.0GB of Ram, ATI x800xl... will I be getting decent performance?
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