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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. I guess you have a point NCR. TSL had a very deep and complex storyline. Filled with philosophy and symbolism. Star Wars never had any of that, guess it's too much for the [/i]hardcore fans to accept alittle change.
  2. No... I'm sure if they were to fight in Kotor3 or whatever. The player would decide who wins.
  3. Overpowered :S I don't even recall my FP dropping when I used it... By the end of the game, I swear I had infinite FP. :S
  4. Wow, aren't you listening. TSL has higher requirements.
  5. Not true. Revan was simply powerful in all aspects of the force. Look at the way Kreia talks about him in TSL. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> she says he was "power" but kreia respected him for his ability to see in grey, so that could mean anything <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I imagine being called the Heart of the force isn't a testament to his power .
  6. Not true. Revan was simply powerful in all aspects of the force. Look at the way Kreia talks about him in TSL.
  7. I hate to tell you this... But TSL requires OGL1.4, The first Kotor only required OGL1.3 on ATI cards. Your graphic card doesn't support 1.4. =(
  8. Ummm... I might be wrong. But It was The Exile you launched the order to destroy Malachor 5, thus creating the wound.
  9. This is a tough question. Considering how Revan is refered as Life and the Exile as death. If they were to fight... Revan is probably more skilled in lightsaber combat and force weilding. The Exile though, has his own set of unique abilities. Though, he probably isn't as skilled as Revan he does have the ability to drain the force from others (DS) or awaken it in others (LS, In raising the strength of others he strenthens himself). He also seems to be quiet adapt in many forms of fighting. Considering how his Force bond not only gives him influence with others, it also lets him learn their skills. The Exile was refered to as an Average force users by Vandar and Vrook, yet he learns everything so quickly. Look at how fast he learned the lessons of the Jedi Masters, Handmainden, diciples, the mandalorians, etc, etc. So, In the end it would probably be a battle of Power VS Versatility. Since I'm a fan of being able to do everything, I vote for the Exile. ^_^
  10. Consular/Weapon masters is probably the strongest combo. Since you get all three levels of force focus which make your powers really hard to resist. You also get all the advance weapon skills. This game is far too easy though, considering you could blow through the game with any combo it's pretty hard to fully test the effectiveness of this combo.
  11. Off Topic a bit, but... Episode III Game is garbage, I rented it and it's not even worth the time. Everything about the advertisement is wrong. This game does not provide the realistic Jedi experience. Considering how linear the game is, destroying wave after wave of identical enemies with absolutely no thought involved, just slash, slash, slash. No free roaming, no puzzles and too damn short. I went rented it, thinking it would be something like the SW version of DMC... but it's just so awful.
  12. I would have bought TSL if it wasn't Star Wars. It can stand on it's own story. However... The first Kotor sort of needed the title, because the story was pretty generic.
  13. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If it wasn't star wars... I probably wouldn't have bought Kotor1... I would have bought Kotor2, simply because it isn't like Star Wars. Just swap lightsabers for magic swords, force for magic, change various planet and character names... =)
  14. Heh, I thought the twist in TSL were better then, "OMFG!11! Im d4rth R3v4n!!11! Anyhow, I'm sorry to didn't enjoy the story... thought, i'm sure you decided long before you even played the game, that the story was going to suck. Also, I'm almost 100% sure you will buy Kotor3, even if it gets horrible reviews. Because anyone who would continue to *waste* their time visiting a Kotor2 Board and actually post has some sever attachment to the game.
  15. Hehe... What's the big deal about the Xbox 360? It's just a mid-range PC. ^_^
  16. You should read around some more before you post things like this. First of all, this entire complaint should be on the LA forums, not OEs. Why? It's simple, LA decided it was okay tou put a buggy game on the market, instead of sending it back to have it polished some more. You have to decide for yourself who you want to blame. The people who designed it, and were willing to spend more time on it. Or the people who published it, only cared about the money and decided it was best to put a bug filled game on the market. As for not making Kotor2 Xbox live enables.. I'm not sure who decides that. For all we know, the option might have never been open for OE. Also, Xbox owners... Please, stop complaining about the PC patch. You know all the bugs you have in your version? Well, they are alive and well in the PC versions. It's incredible really. We got the game two months later, not only does the PC version have it's own set of much worse bugs, but all the Xbox bugs are present aswell. Two more months pass, we get a *few* of are bugs fixed. But still, the Xbox bugs remain in the PC version. My guess is that they are intentionally leaving them in.
  17. you actually see it falling , it theorhetically could have regained power while in mid plunge and flown about under the rocks in the caves in the malachor depths looking for a way up, then voilla, it comes just at the right time after you kill kreia i will admit that is a shoddy explanation but you can't polish a turd <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sigh... You didn't understand what I was saying. What we see flying away, wasn't the same Ebon Hawk, it was one of the ships at the trayus acadey. What I think anyhow ^^
  18. The answer was right in front of you the hole time... This is all my theory... but.... First let's talk about the Ebon Hawk. Nobody from either the first or second game seems to know where it came from. We have met some of the previews owners, but it's origins remain unknown. On M5 we clearly see the Ebon Hawk destroyed. There is no dout about that. (i'm not too sure about this part, since it's been awhile since playing the ending) During the LS Playthrough, after you defeat Kreia and spare her. She tells you to use one of the Ships from the academy to escape. That's it.
  19. And we X Box people won't even get to try out Restoration patch when it comes either... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's your own fault really... You choose Xbox over PC, and besides the MOD isn't official.
  20. Why is this even a question? They tell you he died on Katarr. True, we didn't see him die... But we also didn't see the other thousand Jedi die. Does that mean they are alive and well somewhere?
  21. Even the xbox bugs that made it into the PC version were not fixed in the patch :/
  22. None of the Xbox issues that made it into the PC version were fixed... And they won't be, not from an official patch atleast.
  23. Story isn't the most important aspect of an RPG you say? That just doesn't seem right. There are a lot of choices for games, some are for visual effects, some for strategy and some for story. To say all is dependent on Graphics is just plain stupid. I don't think anyone goes out and buys games like FFX-2 or Xenosaga for the visuals. If you take a poll of the greatest RPGs of all time, i'm sure you will find that most of the most popular weren't even made in the last decade. Ofcourse the graphic engine for Kotor3 will be redone mostlikely. But i'm pretty sure not a huge number of people would mind if it was done with the old engine. @Topic - I pretty much got bored with Kotor1 after the first play through, which was LS. It was a fun game , but once was enough for me. I felt the story was too plain, and in the end... I felt that the story had forced me to become someone I didn't want to be. I remember at the end, Master Vandar saying somethinga bout " The redemption of Revan." This felt incredibly cheap... My character wasn't named Revan, and In no way did I consider him the same person. As for Kotor2, I'm on my 3rd playthrough at the moment. That really says it all for me... I usually play RPGs one time through, it takes a very exceptional once to make me play it again. I felt the overall story was better. It was different, which is what I liked the most about it. The voice acting was superb aswell, I can't get enough of those long chats with Kreia or Visas. The scenes and the revelation was awsome too. I remember during Kotor, when Malak finaly appeared on the Levi(whatever the hell it was called) and I remember thinking, "Great, he is finaly gonna tell me i'm revan." Kotor2 was just a plain shock... Even though, there are soo many clues everywhere... I couldn't piece it together. That Scene witht he Jedi Masters towards the end was just plain incredible. I couldn't turn away... That was the same feeling I got when Cecil turned into a Paladin in FF4, or when during the wild ending on Xenogears... I just loved the feelings TSL created.
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