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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. Have you played Jade Empire? 13-15 hours of RPG goodness and shoot'em up crappiness and it was over. I almost felt guilty for suggesting the game to my cousin (who bought the damn thing). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pick a good example. :/ Plenty of RPG run in the 20~30 hour range and are wonderful. No.
  2. Did you finish Fallout, PS:T or Baldur's Gate in 30 hours? How about NWN? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, no (never tried Baldur's gate). However, length does not matter. My favorite game of 05 was SMT: Avatar Tuner 2, which took me 20 hours to complete (the main objective anyways). The content is what matters. I rather a game be short and sweet then long and boring. (COUGH* Nwn1)
  3. I don't see the problem really. 30 hours is fine as long as it's enough to wrap up everything the game has to offer.
  4. And because the story was going nowhere! I was happy with the explanation on why Umbrella went down... it was weird, I always imagined them being destroyed by their own creations. But, hehe, I thought RE4 did an excellent job closing that up. Unexpected, but good. Then you understand that the major players are still in the game and they are up to their old tricks. This game trumps 90% of the stuff that came out on PC this year... You should give it a try. EDIT : 05' I mean.
  5. Simple. You were a lightside character, you choose the lightside options after you fought her. You gained a lot of influence by just being a nice guy, thus you had high influence with her before even being able to select her as a party member. When your influence is high with a character, their light/dark shifts to match yours a bit. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> id just like to add why the people change from dark to light or from light to dark according to you since you seem not to have grasped the idea. (haitoku that is) You form bond with people, its one of those things that make you uber special (w00t) in the game, as such you will influence all living things that have a high mental ability, in the direction youre heading yourself. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't understand what you are saying. I understood the Exile's revelation very well. He was saying that it was weird that Visas started with almost lightside mastery even though she was a Sith. I explained to him that after fighting her, if you are nice to her you gain a lot of Influence. When your influence is high with a character, their light n' dark meter shift to match yours. I was describing the Influence system with him, not the story.
  6. Darth Malak vs Darth Traya/Kreia Kreia without a dout. Her force powers were simply at a much higher level. The Exile vs Master Vandar I say the Exile. Never seen Vandar fight, but I will asume he was as weak as the other Jedi Masters. Darth Nihilus vs Revan Nihilus was very powerful according to the story, the battle was just badly planned. I would say Nihilus would win this one. I don't think Revan could survive Nihilus force drain. Unlike the Exile, he isn't a void. Darth Sion vs Master Kavar and Master Zez-Kai Ell It took a lot of knowledge to defeat Sion in the end. Both masters had none of it, thus they would lose. Atris vs Bastila Shan I say Atris. Bastila really didn't have as much knowledge of the force as Atris. Not to mention that fact that she switched off her Lightsaber. Master Uthar vs Master Zhar They both kind of did the same thing... But since the Sith respect power far more... I vote for Uthar. Yuthura-Ban vs Master Dorak Don't remember either of these characters. Visas Marr vs Brianna Kae Visas. Jolee Bindo vs Mical the Disciple Jolee. Never played Female so I don't know much about Mical expect that he sounds absolutely boring. Juhani vs Mira (Force-User) I vote for Mira. She is far more skilled then Juhani and she weilds the force. Zaalbar vs Hanharr Big Z. would get ripped apart... Mission/T3-M4 vs HK-47 HK-47 would waste them both... Unless they sneak attacked him. Canderous Ordo/Mandalore vs Bao-Dur (Force-User) Bao-Bur would win. What good are blasters against Lightsabers and force powers? Atton Rand (Force User) and GO-TO vs Master Lonna Vash Don't know much about Vash. And even though I dislike Goto, Atton and him would still win.
  7. True. Its a very well made game. However, the game itself is boring. Typical sci-fi weapons, armor, setting. Story is pretty boring and ends up just getting in the way a lot of the time... The gameplay itself is to generic.
  8. I believe the altered the storyline so much because the old one really wasn't going anywhere. EDIT : Oh, and there is much you still need to see. Finish the game.
  9. You should use the latest patch. You can grab some more game fixes here -> http://team-gizka.org/downloads.html In any case, I've never had cutscene acting weird. I've played the game through 4 times. Once without the patch, 3 times with the patch. Never had anything game stopping. And? Are you trying to say that KOTOR I didn't break down into simple Force Lightning/Push spamming? It did, just happened a bit slower because the level cap was 20. I can't say much on this, Just hope the next KOTOR is better. Simple. You were a lightside character, you choose the lightside options after you fought her. You gained a lot of influence by just being a nice guy, thus you had high influence with her before even being able to select her as a party member. When your influence is high with a character, their light/dark shifts to match yours a bit.
  10. If this is the case, I won't be buying any OE game ever again.
  11. Point taken. It has to be setup in a way that people that don't know the rule set can still enjoy the game... >. >
  12. I'd like to see that... I wouldn't mind the d20 being tossed out either.
  13. Looks nice. Kinda sick of the fantasy setting, but if OE can pull of a interesting story (unlike the first)... I'll be sure to pick this up.
  14. As long as you go in not expecting to do heavy Role-playing, you can enjoy them.
  15. How do you do that? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Create a text file. Type in: start /low vampire.exe -console Save the file as Vampire.bat, then stick it in the same place as your Vampire.exe and boot up with that.
  16. Some Tips: Make sure you force AA (x6) in your cards control panel. This game runs better on higher end systems when the settings are maxed out. Also, make a batch file so that the game starts in low priority mode. It was much more stable for me running in low priority.
  17. That's just BS Hades. The funny part though, is the fact that it has almost as much story (if not more) as Fallout 1 & 2. "
  18. That does not apply to everyone. Some people don't care if you can see health and ammo bars. Hell, why not make Snake die in one hit from a high caliber gun or make it so that when he eats (MGS3), he has to take 10-15mins to cook his meals.
  19. Immersion isn't the same for everyone. If you can believe what you are being told, what your seeing and reading. It won't matter how many health bars, power bars, ammo bars, radars, etc, are on the screen. I think this says it best. Were some people find it, such as Fallout because of the wide variety of paths and choices. Others might not because of the lack of any real storyline.
  20. Tactics is ok but if you think it's like the first two Fallouts, it isn't. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't worry, I didn't go in thinking it was a role-playing experience. So I can enjoy the game for what it really is.
  21. You'll find that the first cutscene that loads up with the game and the one right after you make your character make up around 90% of the story... Fallout is about Role-playing though.
  22. I haven't found any at any Gamestop. Even PSone games are rare. Ebay is another possibility, but I wouldn't be feeding nintendo anymore would I?
  23. As Kreai once said, "It's not the destination that matters, it's the journey." "
  24. I came across Fallout Tactics (didn't even know it existed!). Started playing that.
  25. It's too bad that excuse is total bull****. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Right, because I can go into any Gamestop and buy any old cart.
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