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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. From my experience, all these benchmark applications are just for those who feel the need to boast about their superior machines in internet forums. Benchmarks have nothing to do with how actual games perform, thus are useless.
  2. I had high hopes for DDO, but instanced zones killed all of that for me. Speaking as someone who enjoys MMORPG, instanced zones is one of the worse ideas ever.
  3. They need an option to hide headgear... It all looked rather stupid.
  4. You really don't get the concept of LS and DS, do you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah, let the kid be. If he wants to play a psychotic light side Jedi, let him.
  5. Good idea, except this game will not be PC exclusive. I thought the combat for both KOTORs is fine. They just need to fine tune it better. Make force powers less effective. Break force powers down into attributes... Lightning, wind, etc so they are not the trump all power in the game. Also that way, enemies can have better resistance against them.
  6. Huh? It was a good action game. A bit short maybe, but good still. Much better than Gun to be sure. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No it wasn't... Horrible game all around.
  7. Nothing major really, just cost more MP to cast the spell. If you have enough CHR the penalty is lowered quiet a bit.
  8. I've never played BG2 but I imagine it's one of those rare games that comes a long once in a while that manages to do everything right. Those games a rare and I imagine the length and everything about it happened naturaly during the development phase. You can't artificialy make a game long and still expect it to come out right (Morrowind). All I'm saying is if a game is ment to be 30hours long, it's probably best it stay that way.
  9. Console? PC? Metal Gear Solid 3 (in case you haven't played it) Thief : Deadly Shadow Gun
  10. They wil change everything that makes the game Fallout. For example, you are a fan of Chrono series. Just imagine that, Blizzard takes the rights of Chrono series and makes Hack&Slash games under the Chrono name. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay, I understand. I would only be pissed once I knew that it would be a Hack & Slash game however... Fallout 3 doesn't even look it's hit the point of actual development. Bethesda seems to have a bad rep, anyone care to fill me on why exactly? :ph34r:
  11. What if... It's the best Fallout of them all!? You never know, It might be all right.
  12. All I really want is a good OC. That way it won't fee like I spent $50 on a tool set.
  13. Why do you guys hate the idea of Fallout 3 so much? Just because the development team is different? Might be worth checking out.
  14. Yes, because you shouldn't be going against godlike opponents in that short of time. You should be still facing orc cheiftens and goblins with class levels. Or at the most young adult to adult dragons. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Computer games aren't PnP games and thus don't fit within your self created measure of leveling speed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They are using PnP rules, so they should be. Atleast, that's what he believes. "
  15. When I think of Adventure games, I think Zelda... So, Puzzles and such.
  16. Maybe it's not a very good game?
  17. Yes. Reaching Godlike power in 30 hours is stupid and poor game design. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What if levels don't mean the game thing in this game? What if level20 or whatever isn't godlike?
  18. As long as the game is still challenging, should it really matter how fast the characters level up? For me, game mechanics have never been part of the actual story of the game. They are just there for gameplay purposes, getting them involves just causes problems.
  19. The difference between AMD and Intel in high-end gaming is ridiculous. You should give AMD a shot, there quiet good. I really regret going P4.
  20. It's a good game to play while you look for something thats actually worthwhile. (w00t)
  21. Hm... Let's see. Favorites include... Chrono Cross Xenogears Xenosaga II SMT: Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 (I know, two games... I don't care!) Legend of Mana Final Fantasy IV Planescape: Torment Fallout 2 (never played the first one) Knights of the old Republic 2
  22. Beat Chronicles of Riddick, surprisingly great game. haven't heard much about planetscape though. What type of game is that? :"> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Only one of the best stories you will ever hear... Might be hard to find, but totaly worth it.
  23. I agree. This game was very underrated, in my opinion, better then both HL2 and Doom 3 which came out around the same time.
  24. Volourn sure is in love with NWN. I suppose the OC can be considered good if your a fan of typical generic fantasy storylines.
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