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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/25 in all areas

  1. Anyone who writes a novel casting their boss as an undead monster has a funny streak. But I do think it's genuinely funny how Eggers broke with the zeitgeist of (modern) vampires to make a historically accurate monster that would be almost unrecognizable as a vampire in contemporary fiction.
    1 point
  2. On another note, I've completed Avowed now so I'll have a lot more time to spend on Apotheosis
    1 point
  3. Hi, sorry for the late reply. Short version: Apotheosis does not support this yet. You have to change the GameData type of the ability to the appropriate type that can hold one of those components. I'll start working on adding support for that after I'm done with the export freeze and Chatters.
    1 point
  4. Personally I loved Nosferatu. It felt like Eggers was trying to take the basic Dracula story (as cribbed by the original Nosferatu) and draw together a take on the material that tries to get to the heart of the vampire story, using myth, magic and esoteric thought. It also plays symbolically as a story regarding the destructive nature of men who obsess over an individual woman and how that woman is trapped by such obsessions towards them.
    1 point
  5. You can play most of time as ranged debuffer with weapons such as Mechanical Marvel for interrupting up to 3 foes or Scourge of Bezzello (also interrupts but shots 3 missiles, so it is useful for interrupt an enemy with more chance and/or reduce quickly its concentration) and wands with their modal for reduce enemy's accuracy (i.e. A Whale of a Wand). Before using weapon cast your debuff for sure Occasionally you can act as a single target dealer "in the back line", cast your buffs, "shadow" and kill a single enemy with Marux Amanth when he is near death; Lover's Embrace and Rust's Poignard can be useful too. You can "disable" and or nuke an enemy with your trickster's abilities, or you can hit with two weapons or one great two-handed weapon, better of all weapons which have a modal that reduce enemy defences like flails, clubs or morningstars, it depends on what you wanna cast. Or sabres, battle axes and other two-handed weapons. You have also Gouging Strike Remember that damage from stealth/invis is higher with two-handed weapons (IIRC). Or you can nuke enemies in AoE with Kalakoth's Freezing Rake, and Murderous Intent if it works as @Boeroer said. You can take some of others "empowering" abilities, Potent Empower first of all, but also Accurate Empower, Penetrating Empower, but don't choose them instead of trickster's "spells" ; Riposte with trickster's defenses is also a way to play the character as already said by Boeroer. He can be also a spellcaster-like character with deep pockets, high arcana, many scrolls (that can be used with deathblows and its upgrades!) and trickster's spells Wear light armor for speed (you have all your tricks for defense), i.e. Robes of the Weyc if you shot many empowered abilities or that one you prefer. I think you can experiment and possibly respec
    1 point
  6. Most exciting thing for me is trying a new scent of deodorant.
    1 point
  7. Hubby: "Wanna go to the grocery store later today?" Me: "Sure! Yay! Excitement/event of the week! Maybe we should get some early dinner too?" ...such is our life at the moment. Although last week, hubby's car broke, mine wouldn't start/stay juiced even after jumps with a portable power/jump unit thingie, and the van needed a jump (that one worked/stuck). Hubby's car now fixed (dealer shop), mine has a new battery. I guess lack of excitement is sometimes better.
    1 point
  8. One of the methods for dealing with hardened underground facilities is a nuclear version of the bunker buster (B61m11). It's extremely likely Israel has an equivalent. Funny thing is, of course, that there was a mechanism for stopping Iran getting a nuclear bomb without the supreme irony of using nukes to do it: the JCPOA. Donald Trump should seriously consider drone striking whoever decided to renege on that deal for causing so much unnecessary threat to the world and to Israel.
    1 point
  9. I never tried if Murderous Intent works with the Trickster's Kalakoth's Freezing Rake. Could be great if that worked. Eye of Wael for +2 PL, White Witch Mask +1, +1 from Prestige, +5 from the Empower and then +100% crit conversion and +100% crit damage against bloodied or worse enemies... Ouch. --- Could also see a SC Trickster maxing deflection and using Whispers of the Endless Paths w. Offensive Parry + Riposte and pick Wall of Flashing Steel (the first time I'd use that tbh).
    1 point
  10. I restarted the Tusks storyline, and completed Marius' companion quest this time before facing Lodwyn. It let the quest proceed as it is suppose to. First time I just played main story and found the big.
    1 point
  11. Customizalbe auto-pause would be a great thing for this and other similar issues with RTwP. Like the customizable AI "scripting" basically (less complicated overall of course).
    1 point
  12. in fact, IIRC, the increased damage bonus from ascending is universal, so not just weapon damage. so even if you forget, you still will be doing more damage across the board than a normal cipher. though tbqh i would kill for a mod that puts a gigantic dialog box or message the moment you ascend, i do agree that it can be rough to remember in casual situations (e.g. outside of using a weapon ability that basically guarantees you max focus)
    1 point
  13. Besides not noticing, your problem might also be that Rod + Blast has a very long recovery time. You ascend from the shot + Blast - but then you have to wait for a long time until the recovery of the rod is finished before being able to cast. And that cast will also have animation time. For an Ascendant it's best to ascend with a shot from a reloading weapon (or from a weapon you have short or even 0 recovery with). The reason is that reloading - unlike recovery - can be canceled. So for example you would shoot with an arquebus and ascend - and then start casting a spell immediately (preferably one with only 0.5 secs casting time). You could still use a Rod + Blast at first but switch to a reloading weapon once you suspect that the next weapon hit might ascend you. In general you want to speed up animation time and recovery times, too - in order to squeeze as many spell uses into the Ascension phase as possible. You can prolong your ascended status with more INT and with items that do "+X% beneficial effects duration". Those are Strand of Favor (amulett) and Cabalist's Gambeson for example. Easiest is to find some +INT items and pit them on - and then maybe get a +INT Litany from your party's Priest. If you have a Priest you can later extend Ascension with the spell "Salvation of Time". And if your Ascendant casts "Ancestor's Memory" (Power Level 7) on the Priest then the Priest can prolong your Ascension for the whole fight. At that point all the recovery/reloading/whatever doesn't matter much anymore. You will cast all stuff for free then. PS: not noticing being ascended isn't that bad imo. Unlike other Cipher's Soul Whip which turns off at max focus, yours will even do more weapon damage while ascended. So once you have a good DPS weapon (like Frostseeker) it's not so bad to just keep firing with increased damage.
    1 point
  14. This music wasn't included in OST and I couldn't find it on youtube, so I recorded it in game and uploaded to youtube. I hope no one minds.
    1 point
  15. Wasn't your premise that we'd go to war to prevent Iran from having a nuclear arsenal? We're not at full-blown war with them now, so presumably that would happen once Iran is nuclear armed to some degree? Do we invade Iran at that point? What's the trigger point? When Iran tests a nuclear weapon?
    0 points
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