You can play most of time as ranged debuffer with weapons such as Mechanical Marvel for interrupting up to 3 foes or Scourge of Bezzello (also interrupts but shots 3 missiles, so it is useful for interrupt an enemy with more chance and/or reduce quickly its concentration) and wands with their modal for reduce enemy's accuracy (i.e. A Whale of a Wand). Before using weapon cast your debuff for sure
Occasionally you can act as a single target dealer "in the back line", cast your buffs, "shadow" and kill a single enemy with Marux Amanth when he is near death; Lover's Embrace and Rust's Poignard can be useful too. You can "disable" and or nuke an enemy with your trickster's abilities, or you can hit with two weapons or one great two-handed weapon, better of all weapons which have a modal that reduce enemy defences like flails, clubs or morningstars, it depends on what you wanna cast. Or sabres, battle axes and other two-handed weapons.
You have also Gouging Strike
Remember that damage from stealth/invis is higher with two-handed weapons (IIRC).
Or you can nuke enemies in AoE with Kalakoth's Freezing Rake, and Murderous Intent if it works as @Boeroer said. You can take some of others "empowering" abilities, Potent Empower first of all, but also Accurate Empower, Penetrating Empower, but don't choose them instead of trickster's "spells" ;
Riposte with trickster's defenses is also a way to play the character as already said by Boeroer.
He can be also a spellcaster-like character with deep pockets, high arcana, many scrolls (that can be used with deathblows and its upgrades!) and trickster's spells
Wear light armor for speed (you have all your tricks for defense), i.e. Robes of the Weyc if you shot many empowered abilities or that one you prefer.
I think you can experiment and possibly respec