Steve also said in that video that certain MSRP cards just don't make money, or at least they didn't for EVGA, and that was before inflation and TSMC's monopoly on modern process nodes. It really does stand to reason that AMD doesn't have the clout to do that beyond an initial launch window or with subsidies they probably don't want to afford.
Still hoping - probably beyond reason - that Intel can get their heads unstuck from their asses and make their new nodes work. Would be a lot better if someone else than the silly Tangerine in Chief would be at he helm. Not to drag politics into the tech forum, but TSMC is sitting on a powder keg and we have no idea when it will go off. They understandably also said that the newest nodes will remain in Taiwan, which makes sense. It's the one thing stopping Winnie Pooh from bringing them home into the Reich.
The Tangerine, meanwhile, doesn't get that setting up tariffs is not going to make factories and fabrication plants appear magically. Not for steel or aluminum or car assembly, and even less so for bleeding edge chips production. We already had a taste of what happens when TSMC stops producing microprocessors for a while, and it was not pretty, and for all their faults, Sleepy Joe and the Democrats at least realized that. Granted, I don't exactly know how effective the Chips Act subsidy was, but The Tangerine and his cronies look at the situation and say: "This is fine, companies should bring their production plants back to America because they have to, not because they're being paid for it!"
As it stands, we better hope China doesn't catch up with modern process nodes before someone with a little more strategic foresight is back at the helm in the US, assuming that is at all possible once the Tangerine's done ruining the country. I am somewhat baffled that for all his tech bro advisors, no one seems to have told him yet how much hangs in the balance of his good friend Winnie playing nice.