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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/25 in all areas

  1. Oh, I also saw a massive ad for Avowed in Times Square. It was one of the corner ones that stretches around. Here are a few more good photos of our trip: The Bone Museum in Brooklyn One really good family photo. I don't know how we got the angsty teenager to smile.
    3 points
  2. Avowed has a much better inventory system than previous Obsidian games. The crafting is also pretty decent. I don't know who handled that, but they deserve accolades.
    2 points
  3. Trip Report! I took the family to NYC this last week. It was the first time for all of us. My wife just turned 50, and my daughter is going off to college in the fall, so I figured this was a good reason to celebrate with a pretty big trip. It was a stretch financially, but I did my best to make it a special trip. Here are some highlights: Skating in Central Park: We actually packed our ice skates for this trip. An entire suitcase was dedicated to bringing our hockey skates across the country. It was worth it. We got out on the Central Park rink and it was beautiful. The hole park is amazing and I ran through it every day, despite the temperature feeling like it was in the low single digits. Skating with my wife and kids was my favorite moment. Dungeons and Dragons 20-sided Tavern: This was a fun improv show a bit off broadway. It was interactive. You chose whether you were a warrior, rogue, or wizard, and then you used your phone to vote on decisions for the party. My son really enjoyed this one. They were amazing at improv. The Great Gatsby: I'm actually going to talk about the show on a separate thread, since it affected me more dramatically than anything else I've ever watched. But needless to say, the whole family enjoyed it and it was a perfect Broadway show. We stepped out of the matinee show and it was snowing in Manhattan, so it was a pretty magical moment. I still feel like I barely scratched the surface of what Manhattan has to offer. We went to the Bone Museum in Brooklyn, we took the Subway, we visited the 9/11 Memorial. I ate bagels every day. But there was a lot I didn't get to. Hopefully someday we will take another shot at it. Maybe when the weather is better too.
    2 points
  4. Hi. Game has its pretty moments. I strongly suggest to put in a photomode or at least a hotkey to quickly toggle/hide ALL GUI for screenshots. Don't wait to long with this. People wanna see some eyecandy as long the game is hot. best regards Hemipheistos
    1 point
  5. Hello trolls & Denizens, As you reach out to the community for support, please also send concerns/frustrations/bugs to support@obsidian.net. This will also allow me to get the right support team up to speed in order to expedite resolution. Please PM or reply here with questions, friends. #GameOn!
    1 point
  6. Hello Developer, I had the only one major issue with Avowed's Journal UI. It hurts my eye trying to read Avowed's Journal with White Background and Black Text. Almost impossible to read and hurting my eye greatly. Can we have a simple patch with the opposite White Text with Black Background for user with TV monitor especially. I try adjusting all possible TV settings,. Brightness/Contrast/Gamma to no valid solution. I cannot enjoy the game without reading the journal properly. Upvote if anyone is facing similar issues. Thanks. rgs Ariobeth.
    1 point
  7. So, today I started a new game after the last patch was installed, and I found out the pre-order ring and the blue pig are not in my inventory. Weirdly enough, they are still there in old saves/characters. Just to further clarify my situation: I originally pre-ordered Pillars of Eternity back when GOG.com didn't have automatic updates. I got my bonus thingies, and I haven't had a single problem all these years. I finally got sick of the no-auto-updates situation and bought the game on Steam (Hero Edition + White March Season Pass). This was on October 2016, so I don't really know if I should have gotten the pre-order bonus items; it was a looong time ago, and I don't really remember what was included in the version I bought. The fact of the matter is, I did get them. Oh well. Since then, I have only played my Steam version. Now, after the last update, I no longer have the bonus items when starting a new game, even if they are in my DLC menu, ticked and all. I decided to install my GOG.com version (which I did pre-purchase)... and I don't have them either! They appear ticked on my DLC menu too. Is this normal/a bug? How can I solve this? I know it doesn't seem to be that important, but I really want to have every possible piece of game content and I find this very frustrating. Also, how can I contact customer support? Thank you for your help :).
    1 point
  8. Dear Obsidian, I have a suggestion on how to make the combat a bit more flexible. While playing Avowed I found that as much as ther is exciting freedom in combining your weapons and magic, there is no possibility to parry with any dual weapon scenario (only sowrd and board and two handers). Please consider adding a seperate parry button/action, so that every melee weapon, regardless of secondary is able to parry. You have character abilities dedicated to this function, it is just such a shame it is so restrictive at the moment. I am imagining a dagger+sword rogue or sword+pistol pirate and it would be great if such setups would allow for parry and not only dodge as defensive non-magical option. On other note, I really enjoy your game so far, thanks and keep up the good work !!
    1 point
  9. I interacted with the statue before getting the heart. Now that i have the heart I cannot re interact with the statue and the cut scene to progress in the main story line will not trigger. I do not have another save file to go back on.
    1 point
  10. O.k., just a feedback after some experimentation: I respecced my char from a Wizard to a heavily armored Spellblade with good con, might and resolve. I am mainly using Drawn in Winter together with chill blades and arcane veil. It's as different as day and night. This guy can take tons of hits and never has to dodge. If at all, I'm just blocking. Playing on normal is a breeze now and I can already increas the difficulty to "hard" in non-boss fights. Still a bit sad that I cannot play my usual wizard, but at least I can play the game at all now.
    1 point
  11. Spent 1 hour on a powershell script to save me 10 minutes. Also why does MS have to special and make use `t for a tab instead of \t like everywhere else.
    1 point
  12. I was out of town, so I have to be twice as fast downloading to catch up.
    1 point
  13. That's a lot of downloading for a demo.
    1 point
  14. The kids have grown so much from the first family trip photos I remember.
    1 point
  15. Well from my outsider perspective, I think you succeeded. --Closest I got to NYC was Boston. A long time ago. --I'm not a collecting type, but I now really want a giant deco Mimic for my living room. --college age already, time flies. Wonderful pictures, thanks for sharing.
    1 point
  16. I can joyfully report that the motion sickness problem is much better now. What is helping are the many sensational views in this game, holy moly. The combat is still too wild for me, but level 2 of Steady Aim improved it a lot. I also learned to find spots where enemies usually don't go - so I can camp and shoot them relatively unbothered. In confined spaces it's still a panic-induced dodgefest where I (very) often throw random grenades because my nervous index finger slipped. I prefer the bow because I can spend a lot more combat time in slow motion. But the guns sound and feel awesome, especially the arquebus. So I often use it for an opening shot. I'm thinking about adding Shadowing Beyond to get out of tight situations, but I have to say it's hard for me to use active abilities - because my index finger needs to find the fitting number key blindly - and when it returns I throw a grenade instead of moving forward. I thought I could profit from Arcane Veil's projectile reflection - but I almost never use it because I have to look at the keyboard to reliably hit the right key. So I usually restrict myself to Binding Roots (which is great). Now I wonder if I would use Shadowing Beyond at all. Maybe using a gamepad would improve things? I think I have an old PlayStation Controller lying around somewhere. Besides the controls I am starting to really enjoy this game. If it would do exploration etc. in first/third person (the views! ) and zoom out to top down/isometric style TB or RTwP combat it would be THE game for me. Cheers!
    1 point
  17. Correct me if I am wrong: my understanding is that Arcane Veil adds to all DR (stacking), hence why it is hard to balance since some players can choose to wear good DR armor in addition to Arcane Veil. If it was a flat DR (like max. 50% DR), which could make plenty of sense as a magic shield spell, it would be fine. It would then be used mostly by those wearing low DR armors or to block projectiles.
    1 point
  18. Einstein wins again! Quarks obey relativity laws, Large Hadron Collider finds | Space
    1 point
  19. Ha, no shame in that. Personally, I abused the hell out of Ancestor's Memory/Salvation of Time combo to get through DLCs harder content. I generally really enjoy the challenge presented in them, but it is a bit too much when rushing a playthrough for Avowed. Yeah, I still thing PoE1 and PoE2 DLCs are a glimpse at what Pillars game could be. White March is still my favourite bit of PoE content (though it's been a while since I played through it).
    1 point
  20. Fixed with the latest patch
    1 point
  21. According to ChatGPT NWN still has a small but active community with "an average daily peak of around 1,159 concurrent players", so good for them I guess and it is sincerely nice that those players are being catered to. I'm not super enthusiastic about a NWN expansion personally (I know it's the easiest to make new content for but I think the Aurora Engine has aged horribly) but I'd love for publishers to be encouraged to dust off old classics like Baldur's Gate 2 and Neverwinter Nights 2 and make expansions in those engines.
    1 point
  22. Nevermind, reloading is not fixing it And neither is changing map Great xD
    1 point
  23. My plan was to build a Ranger mostly but with the Wizard's Blackbow and Spirit of Decay and so on. Unfortunately my progression in the game is veeery slow so far. The lack of info/explanation/numbers is not helping. I would like a mod that added all that useful info (combat log etc.).
    1 point
  24. It's almost impossible to read the journal. Please patch!
    1 point
  25. Very hard time reading the notes in this game, the text is so washed out against the background. Please fix!
    1 point
  26. I can't read the journal either. Please patch!
    1 point
  27. There's a Mac release available now and I think I've made the correct code changes support Mac, but I've got no way of testing the app myself so just to be clear... no clue if it actually works Mac download links can be found here: https://gitlab.com/noqn/apotheosis#download--run (Be sure to confirm whether your mac is arm or x64 and select the appropriate download) In addition, on Mac you also have to download GTK 3 (the gui toolkit I've used for Apotheosis) yourself. First, install https://brew.sh/, then you can simply run the following commands: brew install gtk+3 brew install gtksourceview4 brew install adwaita-icon-theme After that, Apotheosis should theoretically be able to run, but again I really have no clue whether it will work at all. Please let me know how it goes
    1 point
  28. I've just received an answer by Obsidian. They are already aware of this issue, which is affecting many people, and will address it in their new patch - which they don't know when will be released, but still.
    1 point
  29. Hello! I looted the proof from Furrante's office for him conspiring with the trading company. When I go to him and confront him I can tell him I know about the conspiracies however he says I dont have any proof and then the only dialogue option left is "suddenly attack" or something like that. Why cant I get him hung? Is it that ive progressed the quest too far or something so the relevant people arent there anymore, or is it that my reputation with the Principi is too low? Bugged?
    0 points
  30. I'm going to be honest, the last picture has me scared because yall look like a horror movie family about to run into some nonsense. Be careful on the flight or drive back. But it really looks like a fun time. The DnD improv looks pretty cool if I'm being honest.
    0 points
  31. Hey, I'm using a Xbox series X and I have constant crashes. I have made it past character creation though but not very far until it boots me back to home page. I've tried everything like you say too, but to no avail. I'm probably just going to leave it until something gets sorted. It's really disappointing as from what I could play I enjoyed. Imagine xbox games studio publishing a game that can't even run on their "highest performing" consoles. The only next thing I could suggest is clearing your cache on your Xbox, but at this point I don't think much is going to help sorry :/
    0 points
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