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  2. Black Path is generally considered an below average talent in power. And Bleakwalker usually doesn't have enough talents to pick it. You pick Intense Flame, Remember Rakhan Field, Scion of Flame, Spirit of Decay, Two Weapon Style, that's already 5 talents and only 3 left. Apprentice Sneak Attack, Weapon Focus, Savage Attack, Deep Faith are all very competitive with the left 3 slots so there's no room for Black Path.
  3. Today
  4. The Outer Worlds: Spacer Choice's Edition is more like Publisher's Editions. The game made by Tim Cain and LeBo is just "The Outer Worlds".
  5. To continue the tradition of "Mysterious conspiracy quest that ends in cliff hanger and doesn't answer question". Or at the very least as a joke follow up for Hagen's tin foiled quest.
  6. My partner and I have encountered a problem where the infected wolf spider that spawns in the oak tree is stuck in the ground. We can hear it moving around but have no way to get a visual on it or damage it. What could we possibly do to get it's spawn to reset?
  7. Hmm this seems to be a bug only occurs in saves from old version of game, starting a new game and the ability works as intended.
  8. I play Grounded with my two kids. We have a save game that the 3 of us have always played on Mild. Recently, one of my sons characters can be attacked even on Mild. He can't damage us, but we damage him. I switched to Whoa mode and he can't damage us still, even though friendly fire should be on in Whoa!. I have tried having him relog, reloading the game, switching to and from Mild/Whoa mode, him hosting, me hosting, swapping characters with him, verifying his game files on Steam, Sleeping at the bed, etc. Nothing I do prevents him from taking friendly fire. I thought I saw this happen one time earlier and he relogged and fixed it, but now the issue persists. I have seen two other reports of this bug on the GroundedGame subreddit. Anyone have a fix or have also seen this issue?
  9. Just noticed I seem to be missing "male_human_e" watercolor from my Deadfire portrait folder. Anyone happen to have them to hand? Watercolors of everyone's favourite blond fighter companion from PoE1. Calisca! I've really enjoyed making them! It's a good excuse to noodle around with some filters and settings in Photopea that I never used before. Though I'm a bit frustrated to realise that pale elves, by default, can't have black hair... Which is a pain, since I was pretty happy with how that looked after floundering to change that portrait's hair color to white. As for the Aloth PoE1 portrait, your right he does look a little sunburnt in hindsight! I tried to match his face to his ears and hand in the vanilla PoE1 portrait. Which are likely that way due to the light passing through his skin. Anyway it's a simple enough to change that sunburn into a subtle tan! I didn't make any changes to the watercolors version from my previous post, but figured I'd including them in this post as well to save people having to scroll. Ooh that is a cool one! Through together an edit of the original portrait's watercolor to match.
  10. Yesterday
  11. 2 episode into this certainly are tv show
  12. And Homeworld 3 is out in a couple of days. Although I will probably wait for the gog version.
  13. It's very much so, I'm just extra grumpy because my friends went and bought the game even though I told them about the rootkit, but now all of a sudden they care about security breaches and inconveniences.
  14. It is indeed interesting to watch. Either the account requirement should have been enforced from the start (with the purchases being limited to the regions with PSN) or not at all. Curious if the digital distribution platforms are going to refund it. Edit. I've checked SteamDB. The game is no longer available for several regions. True, but the rootkit is less noticeable for an average user, while the game, as I understand, is online-only either way.
  15. Bernard Hill, Lord of the Rings' Théoden King, Has Died (gizmodo.com)
  16. Bumping this as the campaign has only five more days to go. It is funded, and now working towards stretvh goals. I backed it at 50 euro purely because they were considerate enough to include an integral RTwP option.
  17. Now, if only equally as many ****s could have been given about the rootkit you're forced to install aswell.
  18. For those of us who in the UK: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/659071 Unlikely to work, but I like the idea.
  19. Islets. It is a very nice Metroidvania. The level design and controls are good, the graphics and audio design are beautiful. The only issues are the foes respawning too quickly and the bullet-hell ship battles. Though, considering that everything else (open paths and picked up items) is preserved upon death, the former is not too bad. The story follows a warrior mouse (or a warrior cat? Looks like a cat to me) who is trying to bring several floating islands back together by restoring their engines.
  20. Not counting the combat and items/equipment, the Outer Worlds is a good RPG. The hand-holding and guidance part seems to be bound to the graphics - the more useless junk/"graphical fidelity" is there, the harder it is to determine whether something is important or not. At least, TOW has bright outlines for the interactive objects and NPCs. Edit. Wrong thread. Got The Tarnishing of Juxtia on GOG.
  21. This is a carefully curated collection of the best screenshots. That is to say, there are more screenshots, more game, and the game is rather beautiful.
  22. Not sure, if anyone here likes racing much, but this week, I got one of the most intense races in a long time. Very balanced field, where between 7th and my 21st position in qualification was less than 1 second difference Start was pretty solid, gained a little bit, but made a big mistake at the end of the first lap and dropped down to 26th place. After that I have started my slow progress to get up to 11th position, where I have experienced few "near-miss" situations, where the car right in front of me or right behind me was taken out. At the end, I got to position 10, as the guy right in front of me, has been penalized after the race by stewards I watched it today again and could not believe how lucky I got few times, but still crazy good race that was
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