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  2. We're All Going To The World's Fair (2021) A brilliant exposition of isolation and loneliness in the always online world. It's very disturbing and low-key, and doesn't commit the cardinal KP movie sin of explaining itself in a way that feels unnatural/solely for the benefit of the audience. You pick up enough from each character to know who they are while still not really knowing who they are, which is very fitting given that it is a film about online engagement. Highly reccomend, can't wait to see the director's next film tonight. There's just a hollowness to his films that all the spectacle in the world can't compensate for. I don't think he can understand the human element(s) of storytelling to make a film that is compelling
  3. Today
  4. I guess is a precedent, not like the US - the one they're really begging - is going to cave on that pressure.
  5. Bioware started it with a bull, Larian responded with a bear, so the next logical escalation would be something like a hippo or elephant.
  6. It was a joke scene, though. With Larian's usual type of humour. Well, the usual is more gory. Nonetheless, it did increase the game's visibility, and probably even more than Fox did for Mass Effect.
  7. Finished Ghost Song. A very good Metroidvania in a sci-fi setting. Highly recommended. Review: Somehow amusingly, my playthrough have taken about 14 hours, while there is an achievement for beating the game within 3 hours. I am really curious how one could do so. --- Continuing with There is no Light. The combat became reasonably enjoyable, though the encounter design ("lol, ambush") is not. I also have realised what was bothering me about the story (aside from the part where every nice place was turning grimdark very quickly) - everything felt like descriptions of the actual dialogues or notes. Like something you give to the writer to start with, not the final script. On another note, I have discovered the health-increasing NPC on the last of the 3 available paths (which I could have taken as the first). Then again, I did not gather enough McGuffins for the NPC to increase my HP by much at that point either way (~16.6%, if I read the progress bar correctly). On a positive note, the locations differ from each other quite a lot, there are a lot of enemy types, and the visual style is quite lovely. Also, the inventory screen slightly changes as the optional quests are completed. Which supposedly unlock something and show the MC's background story. --- Downloaded a bunch of demos and have not played them yet. There is a good chance that by the time I have done so, the games themselves will be released, patched, and discounted.
  8. Of the top of my head, some random titles in a couple of different directions Bakemonogatari Code Geass Based on you liking the slime isekai: Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
  9. I found it ok, but I never got around to book 3. Did start it, but I just wasn't in the mood for reading it. Have to give it a go one of these days.
  10. Ghost Song The game is gorgeous. An early boss. Well, this I did not expect at that point. I realised only by late-game that these were the escape pods. The secret merchant probably was not wrong. The return runs were rather fun. Persuasion failed, I suppose. The first attempt did not go well - the boss' hitbox was ridiculously large (included the flail while just standing still and not attacking), while my melee weapon had a very limited range. Some lore spoilers. Happens. Tree stumps are good listeners, though. At least, she is not attacking anymore. The purple balls were not hostile and did not cause contact damage. One of the tankiest bosses. Took quite some time. Would high-five the murder bot at that point. End-game.
  11. Bioware has a pretty high hurdle now to overcome. Trying to beat Larian's Bear "romance" will be definitely challenging
  12. Good old friendly Sweden, doing the right thing again
  13. It's a Bioware game, so aren't romance options mandatory? I would expect they'd be just like in the previous games, and especially so since this game has been rebuilt as a more tightly narrative-driven game.
  14. I do wish I understood what other people see in his style. Here's a guy who's supposedly making some of the best films of the last decade, but I just can't invest in his stories, develop attachments to his characters, or even be taken to a different world by his visuals and environments. My whole thing is that I want to be emotionally moved one way or another by what I am watching, to actively engage with and become attached to what I'm watching...not get the very life sucked out of me as I watch. He's just one of those guys like James Cameron that no matter how many times I try their films, I really wish I could go back in time and push them off a bridge over an interstate highway so that someone else with a totally different directorial voice could've made their films. That's why I'm not going to watch any more.
  15. Because they “want” a ceasefire so badly
  16. I will definitely be playing this, I enjoyed DA:I and I thought some of the mechanics like the War Table was something different and fun It wont be a "day 1 purchase " which is fine. Do we have any information about Romance options?
  17. And right on cue the Russians bombed a store.
  18. Yesterday
  19. We have commercial pharmacies here too, but they're following the same principles of always educating the patients of what they are taking, wether the 20 people waiting for the single cashier want to or not I've waited a bit over two hours once to get my things, which kind of sucked when it was pain medicine for my foot.
  20. Oh, no, don't get me wrong. I think it's pretty similar here in the US too, re: education requirements. I just mean the ... retail? customer service? ... aspect of pharmacy/prescription pick-up for many hospitals or retail outlets (a pharmacy can be put into/offered in a Wal-Mart) has turned into a cattle-drive retail line system, which generally doesn't encourage people to hangout and try to get lots of info at those places specifically. I'd guess most people spend more time talking to doctors and online research then talking to pharmacists - who are more likely to be viewed as a sort of cashier (just someone you hand a prescription to/or give your name to and they fill it). Don't quote me tho - just what I think while standing/watching in lines.
  21. Just an idea for a new biome or sub-biome in the yard. An outside Air conditioner condenser unit that's frozen over, that would introduce a cold/ice/snow area, thus allowing for the usage of cold-weather clothing, snow/ice shoes, as well as the collection of snow/ice and possibly rust/mechanical parts/etc. Also, these often attract mice/rats that live inside of them too, for a new type of enemy. Also - just in case it wouldn't fit, frozen over window air conditioners are a thing too, and there's a window near the hedge that doesn't really have much in front of it, and the hedge itself could be a platform up to the AC unit.
  22. Ukraine captured the first T-90M on May 4th. May 4th 2022 though. At least a couple more during their Kharkov offensive too, iirc, so not a new development. Technically the 5/7 isn't FB's ('blogger' Fighterbomber, not facebook for anyone confused) claim but the Russian MoDs (?) "There were officially 7 missiles, 5 of them were shot down, 1 worked". Personally I think he sounds skeptical of that claim but mileage will certainly vary there given it's translated and FB is a bit, uh, idiomatic and restricted (for those not familiar with him he criticises the 'Laotian' military rather a lot. Coincidentally Vientienne makes exactly the same mistakes Moscow does)
  23. In this case it's definitely my fault for going against my instincts and watching it. Dissecting the movie more in my head, the thing that really stands out to me is Florence Pugh's horrible last line in the film, which sounds like she was rushing through a line read at 2am instead of being on a set with a dozen incredible actors. When I say this I'm not just angry about how that French-Canadian fool squandered the Midsommar star's talent to have her stand around in weird costumes delivering plot exposition, I mean that with the cast of actors that are all capable of incredible performances he managed to get for the movie he wanted to make since he was a child....he didn't get a memorable performance out of any of them. Not a one. How do you get Christopher Walken out of retirement and sequester him to making grumpy faces while wearing a dress? Villeneuve with his hatred of dialogue and inability to understand humanity should just make videogame cutscenes or something.
  24. "We can't say that all the missiles missed" but yet it is embarrassing, heh. FB, the guy people quote at least when it suits them. claims 5 out of 7 intercepted. Ah, had thought this was old news, but was not a T-90M that was in the US a year or two ago. Not sure it's really that big a deal.
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