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I like that aspect of BG2. I think it would be good in PoE2 as well, and have slings too


Ugh, no thanks. Managing stacks of ammo is busywork, not fun, and with an unlimited stash there isn't even any resource-management aspect to it (past the point that money becomes irrelevant anyway).

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Seriously - not that fuzz with all those projectiles messing up the inventory. And even if it would be solved with charges or whatever: if you want to fire in combat you realize that you didn't buy arrows (which you would never forget if you really had a bow and a quiver in your own hands). I hate that! And then you have to decide which arrow to use - the +1? the fire arrow?

And would this also mean that you have to buy blunderbuss pellets and pistol rounds? Please no!

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People get frustrated by managing a stack of projectiles in the inventory?


Oh boy... :disguise:

Perkele, tiädäksää tuanoini!

"It's easier to tolerate idiots if you do not consider them as stupid people, but exceptionally gifted monkeys."

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Not ammo, but perhaps ammo types?  Kinda like a mod like in Mass Effect 1, you select an ammo-type (fire arrows, magic arrows, etc) but you can fire as many as you want of them.  Or maybe you could have limited numbers of the special ammo type but the standard unmodified ammo is unlimited.

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People get frustrated by managing a stack of projectiles in the inventory?


Oh boy... :disguise:

I get frustrated by managing coins in my purse, so yes. ;)



Too bad there's no one unlimited penny there. :p

Edited by Undecaf
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Perkele, tiädäksää tuanoini!

"It's easier to tolerate idiots if you do not consider them as stupid people, but exceptionally gifted monkeys."

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I actually miss Ice Arrow, Fire Arrows, Arrow of Detonation.. it's more or less the "spell" version for archer.


That's another good reason not to have them. If everybody has their version of spells, then how are actual real spellcasters different from anybody else? The whole point of having classes in the first place is that they play differently, and have different strengths and weaknesses.


Edit: although in (A)D&D which has lots of enemies with specific immunities, elemental ammo plays a different role. Fire arrows make sense when you need fire to finish off a troll.

Edited by PrimeJunta

I have a project. It's a tabletop RPG. It's free. It's a work in progress. Find it here: www.brikoleur.com

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I actually miss Ice Arrow, Fire Arrows, Arrow of Detonation.. it's more or less the "spell" version for archer.


That's another good reason not to have them. If everybody has their version of spells, then how are actual real spellcasters different from anybody else? The whole point of having classes in the first place is that they play differently, and have different strengths and weaknesses.


Edit: although in (A)D&D which has lots of enemies with specific immunities, elemental ammo plays a different role. Fire arrows make sense when you need fire to finish off a troll.



I whole-heartedly agree with you. But then.. most often casters > melee/range. So for melee/range they should be equivalent and effective as casters or magic users. But of course even in many high fantasy, magic > physical.

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Not ammo, but perhaps ammo types?  Kinda like a mod like in Mass Effect 1, you select an ammo-type (fire arrows, magic arrows, etc) but you can fire as many as you want of them.  Or maybe you could have limited numbers of the special ammo type but the standard unmodified ammo is unlimited.

Limited types of special ammo like sleep effects or slowing is what I want. And enchantment level tied to the ranged weapon is the way to go so we aren't hoarding +5 arrows and ****.

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It would be great basically!

Old good hardcore with non-easy choice which arrow u gonna use against troll or ice-golem!


And such a lovely feeling when you got 'unlimited' arrow +2 in yr inventory...aaaaah...

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limited ammo is kinda annoying in RPG's like this, but I have always wanted to see Ammo types like we had in Fallout 1&2, where we had AP (Armor Piercing) and JHP (Jacketed Hollow Points) 


if you look into military History there has always been specialty ammo. slings had round rocks which where great for cheap lower damage ammo, and led bullets that where more expensive but where so devastating that the Romans had special medical tools to remove them form legionnaires. 


Bows and Crossbows had many specialty pints for ether mass soft tissue damage, armor piercing, cutting rigging from ships, even blunt force trauma.

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I like that aspect of BG2. I think it would be good in PoE2 as well, and have slings too


I would love this so long as there's a chance to retrieve a portion of the ammo spent, and in the case of firearms can simply carry more; Something like a heavily burdened quiver would carry 12-16 arrows with a 40% chance to retrieve arrows that missed and an 80% chance to retrieve arrows that hit. A crossbow bolt being easier to retrieve (90%) whether you hit or missed because they're more sturdy and less likely to break. A slingshot ammo bag would carry 20-26 (retrievable and can be replenished out exploring; yes I know there's no slingshot) and 48-60 bullets, per stack, for firearms.


All numbers/percentages put out of my ***. lol

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The special types of ammo might not be a horrible idea. They don't have the system set up for ammo as part of inventory and I would think that designating it as an inventory item would be a pain. On the other hand, if there were some way to implement special ammo types that would be limited in availability and duration wouldn't be so bad. It's tricky to implement. Frankly, I don't think it's worth the effort to do it, but if enough people wanted it, they could take a stab at it. As long as it's not one of those things that a small and vocal minority wants that takes resources to implement and causes a bug stream that ravages the game like a plague of locusts on Egypt.


The sling thing seems like it wouldn't be bad. All weapons in the game are simply stats dumped onto an icon, really. Other than animations of using a sling, which wouldn't be that different than seeing Aloth wave a wand all over the place, the mechanics would be easy. Put stats together for a ranged weapon, make an icon, call it a sling. I didn't miss slings in my game, but they have a ton of other stuff in the game. It depends on how they differentiate a sling from a bow, crossbow, flintlock, etc.

So shines the name so shines the name of Roger Young!


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People get frustrated by managing a stack of projectiles in the inventory?


Oh boy... :disguise:


Limits for basic ammo don't add anything to the game, it's not a challenge beyond "remember to spam click the buy button occasionally" it's just busywork that came about as a legacy of (old crufty) pen and paper design but doesn't actually enhance a computer RPG (which tend to have considerably more combat).


Even having limited quantities of special ammo was rarely useful, because what tended to happen in Baldur's Gate was that you just hoarded them and never used them because you might need them later, until the point where you didn't need them because you got the quiver of plenty anyway.


Having special ammo as a per rest or per encounter equipment would preserve the "when do I use this" nature of special ammo without the annoying busywork part.

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I'd be down for some kind of special ammunition.


Biggest problem with BG2 et all was that you could only have 40 in a stack. If you up the stack limit it eventually becomes redundant, so a system like D:OS's arrows could be interesting.

You read my post.


You have been eaten by a grue.

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