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Hah, I backed this. Well, got hosed I guess.

Is that you, Arvid?

Way over my head there. :p


Had a feeling when I backed it that I was getting suckered. Ah well, was only $100. Means less hookers and blow for a month.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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The top commentator on that youtube video was Arvid Axelsson, and he had a similar complaint with what looked a bit like a Warhammer avatar. But looking closer it seems like the avatar was from Dead Space. Your secret identity is still safe.  :p

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Arvid Axelsson is a cool name, will use that for my next burner identity

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Man, I really need to get myself a PS VR. This, along with Thumper, Resi 7 and Rez: Infinite are must have VR experiences.


EDIT: Also, new Prey footage.


Edited by Katphood

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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Nah, Prey is clearly System Shock. Arkane's still building their way towards a Deus Ex.

You're saying System Shock is inferior to Deus Ex????? What world are you living in?


Prey has to be Deus Ex 2 before it can be anything in the league of System Shock.

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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You're saying System Shock is inferior to Deus Ex?????

No, just older. They're doing this chronologically see, starting with Thief, moving on to System Shock 2 and then going on to Deus Ex. Arkane understands they can't begin to match the highs of System Shock 1 so they skipped it.
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You're saying System Shock is inferior to Deus Ex?????

No, just older. They're doing this chronologically see, starting with Thief, moving on to System Shock 2 and then going on to Deus Ex. Arkane understands they can't begin to match the highs of System Shock 1 so they skipped it.


They needed 2 games to reach Thief though. Not very promising is it ? :ninja:

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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But if you put two Thief games together that makes them go above deus ex or System shock 2 on their own. Two Dishonored games together are barely higher than 1 thief game.


And yes so sad about no Thief 3, but then again they only got 1 mission right when they tried.  And even there it's only the first half.

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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Two Dishonored games together are barely higher than 1 thief game.

To be fair, saying that two Dishonored games added together are a little bit better than a game considered to be among the very best ever created in the genre is saying they're pretty damn good games, especially considering Dishonored 1+2 are mostly identical :-P


Anyway, Thief games never really grew on me all that much. Disliked the focus on sound and light, both massively overstated to show the engine off. Level design was fantastic tho.


So... Yeah, for me, System Shock is where Arkane's mettle really gets tested. But if anyone, it's them who can make it work - after all, a whole bunch of former Looking Glass works for Arkane now.

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At this point, Prey by Arkane is just another game called 'Prey', like there's a bunch of games called ... ... The same ... Name ... That I'm sure exist but I can't remember any.



Don't see the fuss about Thief, I played the first one for a while not so long ago. I liked the third one a lot better. Of course I also got bored with the original Deus Ex, but Invisible War is one of my favorite games ever. Yes, you're all free to hate me now, assuming there's someone left who still didn't.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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At this point, Prey by Arkane is just another game called 'Prey', like there's a bunch of games called ... ... The same ... Name ... That I'm sure exist but I can't remember any.


Neverwinter Nights and Neverwinter Nights?


Barbarian and Barbarian?


Aliens, Aliens, Aliens, Aliens, Aliens, or Aliens?

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I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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We don't hate you, we just disagree politically.


I find that I like the majority of the games you post about if that's worth anything


I also liked IW but just thought the original was OK. Loved the old Fallouts (see my name) but didn't care at all for the new Fallouts. Was never into Thief so don't have any skin in that game. Prey I also really liked but I'm not also seeing the connection to the new game

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Free games updated 3/4/21

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But what if the protagonist turns out to be gay? Or even transgender?


Only if they can tap special abilities like rainbow powers and sharply dressed fatalities.   :sorcerer:


But seriously, I just don't understand why they didn't go with an entirely different brand. 

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Well Bethesda bought the brand, it'd be a shame to let it spoil, wouldn't it?


In most software, there are bits that are just nonsensical remains of the previous development, like a function that drives behavior of all characters in the game, including player, being called "FriendlyNPC" because nobody arsed to rename it. That's exactly what name is for Prey - Arkane were told to delete everything about the Prey they were given, so they opted to make a System Shock, but forgot to change the name.

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Arkane were working on an actual System Shock game a decade ago, John Riccitiello killed it when he got appointed. Using 'Prey' for this game smacks of someone wanting to cover their arse for paying for the IP and then shopping it between multiple studios for years with at least one aborted effort (Human Head's) ending in PR disaster. At this point it's either release a game or admit failure permanently shelve the IP.


Apologies to Shady and WoD, but DXIW was terrible, the only game I've both completed and thought was worthless after completing- next closest is NWN, Bioware version, where I ended the pain early though not in retrospect early enough. I didn't like anything about it, I didn't even like that it had an end to the torment since it just left a dull aching hole where the warm affection and (some realistic) expectations had been. I played it well after release so my expectations were fairly well tempered in the fire of fan reaction, but I'm still butthurt about it 13 years later.


Thief 3, on the other hand, was a genuinely decent game with some problems.

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