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mass shooting in orlando


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What I meant Bruce was in Europe there has been many instances of muslim crimes being ignored by the police because of a desire not to be called racist. In the UK there were over 1400 English girls raped by muslim rape gangs, and in some instances when the fathers of the girls went to rescue them, the police arrested them and left the girls with their rapists. The many crimes in Germany and Sweden have been covered up by victims and the police for fear of being labeled racist or making migrants look bad. So why is it so hard to believe that could happen in the US too?


Anyway, some similar organizations to the FBI would be the BPOL in Germany, the Police Nationale in France, KLPD in the Netherlands, Polizia di Stato in Italy, etc.

Okay but where did you get the number of 1400 from...Muslim rape gangs in the UK? I have never heard of such  a term...do you have links ?


But I do agree sometimes in its attempts to  be inclusive the EU can make mistakes .







Well played by the way, I remember the whole Rotherham disgrace....its those types of reprehensible events that really annoy me


Oerwinde are you worried about the future as far as extremism is concerned ?


If I might interject; I'm finding extremist as the only viable solution as I often see moderates and reasonable people not taking a stand or not being driven enough to actually make a difference. As I wish change and for these kinds of events to stop I believe extremism to be a good option at least until the pendulum swings the other way entirely and we are back to a repressive state. But I try not to think too much of the cyclical nature of humanity as i'm not patient or kind enough to tolerate it, so I just feel contempt for all of it and I don't like that.

  • Like 1
I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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What I meant Bruce was in Europe there has been many instances of muslim crimes being ignored by the police because of a desire not to be called racist. In the UK there were over 1400 English girls raped by muslim rape gangs, and in some instances when the fathers of the girls went to rescue them, the police arrested them and left the girls with their rapists. The many crimes in Germany and Sweden have been covered up by victims and the police for fear of being labeled racist or making migrants look bad. So why is it so hard to believe that could happen in the US too?


Anyway, some similar organizations to the FBI would be the BPOL in Germany, the Police Nationale in France, KLPD in the Netherlands, Polizia di Stato in Italy, etc.

Okay but where did you get the number of 1400 from...Muslim rape gangs in the UK? I have never heard of such  a term...do you have links ?


But I do agree sometimes in its attempts to  be inclusive the EU can make mistakes .







Well played by the way, I remember the whole Rotherham disgrace....its those types of reprehensible events that really annoy me


Oerwinde are you worried about the future as far as extremism is concerned ?


If I might interject; I'm finding extremist as the only viable solution as I often see moderates and reasonable people not taking a stand or not being driven enough to actually make a difference. As I wish change and for these kinds of events to stop I believe extremism to be a good option at least until the pendulum swings the other way entirely and we are back to a repressive state. But I try not to think too much of the cyclical nature of humanity as i'm not patient or kind enough to tolerate it, so I just feel contempt for all of it and I don't like that.


You are always welcome to interject  :thumbsup:


Do you mind going into more detail, what change do you want and do you want a repressive state?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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What I meant Bruce was in Europe there has been many instances of muslim crimes being ignored by the police because of a desire not to be called racist. In the UK there were over 1400 English girls raped by muslim rape gangs, and in some instances when the fathers of the girls went to rescue them, the police arrested them and left the girls with their rapists. The many crimes in Germany and Sweden have been covered up by victims and the police for fear of being labeled racist or making migrants look bad. So why is it so hard to believe that could happen in the US too?


Anyway, some similar organizations to the FBI would be the BPOL in Germany, the Police Nationale in France, KLPD in the Netherlands, Polizia di Stato in Italy, etc.

Okay but where did you get the number of 1400 from...Muslim rape gangs in the UK? I have never heard of such  a term...do you have links ?


But I do agree sometimes in its attempts to  be inclusive the EU can make mistakes .







Well played by the way, I remember the whole Rotherham disgrace....its those types of reprehensible events that really annoy me


Oerwinde are you worried about the future as far as extremism is concerned ?


If I might interject; I'm finding extremist as the only viable solution as I often see moderates and reasonable people not taking a stand or not being driven enough to actually make a difference. As I wish change and for these kinds of events to stop I believe extremism to be a good option at least until the pendulum swings the other way entirely and we are back to a repressive state. But I try not to think too much of the cyclical nature of humanity as i'm not patient or kind enough to tolerate it, so I just feel contempt for all of it and I don't like that.


You are always welcome to interject  :thumbsup:


Do you mind going into more detail, what change do you want and do you want a repressive state?


I don't want a repressive state but I just see as an inevitable outcome since people can't seem (at least on the first world) to know when to draw the line and stop their politicking. So lest I fall into the trap of cynicism and begin to think of ways to ruin humanity I choose to wash my hand from the whole affair and leave it to pompous internet warriors who believe that their ramblings are going to change the world.

  • Like 1
I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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What I meant Bruce was in Europe there has been many instances of muslim crimes being ignored by the police because of a desire not to be called racist. In the UK there were over 1400 English girls raped by muslim rape gangs, and in some instances when the fathers of the girls went to rescue them, the police arrested them and left the girls with their rapists. The many crimes in Germany and Sweden have been covered up by victims and the police for fear of being labeled racist or making migrants look bad. So why is it so hard to believe that could happen in the US too?


Anyway, some similar organizations to the FBI would be the BPOL in Germany, the Police Nationale in France, KLPD in the Netherlands, Polizia di Stato in Italy, etc.

Okay but where did you get the number of 1400 from...Muslim rape gangs in the UK? I have never heard of such  a term...do you have links ?


But I do agree sometimes in its attempts to  be inclusive the EU can make mistakes .







Well played by the way, I remember the whole Rotherham disgrace....its those types of reprehensible events that really annoy me


Oerwinde are you worried about the future as far as extremism is concerned ?


If I might interject; I'm finding extremist as the only viable solution as I often see moderates and reasonable people not taking a stand or not being driven enough to actually make a difference. As I wish change and for these kinds of events to stop I believe extremism to be a good option at least until the pendulum swings the other way entirely and we are back to a repressive state. But I try not to think too much of the cyclical nature of humanity as i'm not patient or kind enough to tolerate it, so I just feel contempt for all of it and I don't like that.


You are always welcome to interject  :thumbsup:


Do you mind going into more detail, what change do you want and do you want a repressive state?


I don't want a repressive state but I just see as an inevitable outcome since people can't seem (at least on the first world) to know when to draw the line and stop their politicking. So lest I fall into the trap of cynicism and begin to think of ways to ruin humanity I choose to wash my hand from the whole affair and leave it to pompous internet warriors who believe that their ramblings are going to change the world.


Well you have insights that many others may not have due to your connection to Cuba so your opinion is always interesting 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I was inspired by last nights events to go buy another weapon that some would label an assault rifle, as well as take further steps I should have taken long ago to arm those around me that I care for.


What? How does a mass shooting inspire you to buy a long gun?


Unless you are also getting serious training to go along those new toys, they are likely to do you little good in a situation like this, and more than likely to make matters worse. I'm not against people taking self-defense seriously, but responsible, effective EDC is a much more serious commitment than what your knee-jerk reaction suggests, though I may be reading you wrong.


Beyond that, yeah. I don't see how these kinds of occurrences could be better prevented, beyond perhaps a more robust early warning/counseling system for people with issues, and more research into the root causes of those issues. I fear that strict(er) gun control laws will just push people to use other means, and laws only affect law-abiding citizens anyway. Not like a bomb vest/pipe bomb is rocket surgery, and you can build one with off-the-shelf stuff.



Take a step back and look at the bigger picture, the answer to your question for me should come to you.


If you're interested in discussing this more, pm me.

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They could've kept him on the watch list. That way they would've been notified when he bought guns. If it started looking like he's about to launch an attack, they could've put him under surveillance. They could have an informer approach him. The idea that law enforcement can't do anything about a known terrorist until after he commits an attack is ridiculous.

WOD do you think if Trump was president institutions like the FBI would become more effective ?


I find myself sometimes surprised by what you guys want from your governments. For example the NSA gets vilified for developing a system like Prism but yet people  feel the government doesn't do enough to prevent terrorism ?


Yes, Trump would not take advice from Islamists or pressure federal agencies to bury their heads in the sand because of PC. Please read the links I already posted before you ask any more questions. They lay out the reasons very clearly.



If you want the FBI to investigate every instance of persons of interest buying ammo, that would require a huge amount of man power

Basically this.


I have a hunch that the people protesting about the FBI not preventing this attack just have no idea what kind of resources it'd take to investigate every single person who exhibits the same warning signs as the shooter.


It's not that they didn't prevent it, even if they did everything right they might not have succeeded. The problem is we know they put him on terror watch list and then removed him against all logic.


Edit: If a guy is on a terror watch list and FBI gets a call he's trying to buy body armor and bulk ammo, that might make his case high priority. If it's just an average guy doing that may be FBI doesn't have time to follow up.

Edited by Wrath of Dagon

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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What I meant Bruce was in Europe there has been many instances of muslim crimes being ignored by the police because of a desire not to be called racist. In the UK there were over 1400 English girls raped by muslim rape gangs, and in some instances when the fathers of the girls went to rescue them, the police arrested them and left the girls with their rapists. The many crimes in Germany and Sweden have been covered up by victims and the police for fear of being labeled racist or making migrants look bad. So why is it so hard to believe that could happen in the US too?


Anyway, some similar organizations to the FBI would be the BPOL in Germany, the Police Nationale in France, KLPD in the Netherlands, Polizia di Stato in Italy, etc.

Okay but where did you get the number of 1400 from...Muslim rape gangs in the UK? I have never heard of such  a term...do you have links ?


But I do agree sometimes in its attempts to  be inclusive the EU can make mistakes .







Well played by the way, I remember the whole Rotherham disgrace....its those types of reprehensible events that really annoy me


Oerwinde are you worried about the future as far as extremism is concerned ?


If I might interject; I'm finding extremist as the only viable solution as I often see moderates and reasonable people not taking a stand or not being driven enough to actually make a difference. As I wish change and for these kinds of events to stop I believe extremism to be a good option at least until the pendulum swings the other way entirely and we are back to a repressive state. But I try not to think too much of the cyclical nature of humanity as i'm not patient or kind enough to tolerate it, so I just feel contempt for all of it and I don't like that.


You are always welcome to interject  :thumbsup:


Do you mind going into more detail, what change do you want and do you want a repressive state?


I don't want a repressive state but I just see as an inevitable outcome since people can't seem (at least on the first world) to know when to draw the line and stop their politicking. So lest I fall into the trap of cynicism and begin to think of ways to ruin humanity I choose to wash my hand from the whole affair and leave it to pompous internet warriors who believe that their ramblings are going to change the world.


Well you have insights that many others may not have due to your connection to Cuba so your opinion is always interesting 


I don't think that it was all that different from Joburg, except a bit tamer...a lot tamer actually.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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I always forget who supports what SJ campaigns on these forums but you  a big supporter of the LGBT community ?









What I meant Bruce was in Europe there has been many instances of muslim crimes being ignored by the police because of a desire not to be called racist. In the UK there were over 1400 English girls raped by muslim rape gangs, and in some instances when the fathers of the girls went to rescue them, the police arrested them and left the girls with their rapists. The many crimes in Germany and Sweden have been covered up by victims and the police for fear of being labeled racist or making migrants look bad. So why is it so hard to believe that could happen in the US too?


Anyway, some similar organizations to the FBI would be the BPOL in Germany, the Police Nationale in France, KLPD in the Netherlands, Polizia di Stato in Italy, etc.

Okay but where did you get the number of 1400 from...Muslim rape gangs in the UK? I have never heard of such  a term...do you have links ?


But I do agree sometimes in its attempts to  be inclusive the EU can make mistakes .







Well played by the way, I remember the whole Rotherham disgrace....its those types of reprehensible events that really annoy me


Oerwinde are you worried about the future as far as extremism is concerned ?


If I might interject; I'm finding extremist as the only viable solution as I often see moderates and reasonable people not taking a stand or not being driven enough to actually make a difference. As I wish change and for these kinds of events to stop I believe extremism to be a good option at least until the pendulum swings the other way entirely and we are back to a repressive state. But I try not to think too much of the cyclical nature of humanity as i'm not patient or kind enough to tolerate it, so I just feel contempt for all of it and I don't like that.


You are always welcome to interject  :thumbsup:


Do you mind going into more detail, what change do you want and do you want a repressive state?


I don't want a repressive state but I just see as an inevitable outcome since people can't seem (at least on the first world) to know when to draw the line and stop their politicking. So lest I fall into the trap of cynicism and begin to think of ways to ruin humanity I choose to wash my hand from the whole affair and leave it to pompous internet warriors who believe that their ramblings are going to change the world.


Well you have insights that many others may not have due to your connection to Cuba so your opinion is always interesting 


I don't think that it was all that different from Joburg, except a bit tamer...a lot tamer actually.


Your history is impacted directly by ideology I imagine, if you dont mind me asking how do you feel about the new relations with Cuba? Do you care....do you feel betrayed?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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This thread is about Orlando, if you feel that there is enough here to fill a thread then feel free to do so. But I don't have much to contribute other than I remain cautious about the whole thing as it could go either way and it takes time to tell the effects.

  • Like 1
I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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A Sacramento Baptist preacher’s sermon praising an attack on an Orlando nightclub that killed 50 people has the local LGBT community outraged.


“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”


“If we lived in a righteous government, they should round them all up and put them up against a firing wall, and blow their brains out,” Jimenez said in the sermon.

Edited by Elerond
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A Sacramento Baptist preacher’s sermon praising an attack on an Orlando nightclub that killed 50 people has the local LGBT community outraged.


“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”


“If we lived in a righteous government, they should round them all up and put them up against a firing wall, and blow their brains out,” Jimenez said in the sermon.

Dont get annoyed by this, people like this I consider fundamentalist Christians and dont represent the views of  the majority of Americans or Christians ...very few people nowadays in the US  would be this open about there bigotry 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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What I meant Bruce was in Europe there has been many instances of muslim crimes being ignored by the police because of a desire not to be called racist. In the UK there were over 1400 English girls raped by muslim rape gangs, and in some instances when the fathers of the girls went to rescue them, the police arrested them and left the girls with their rapists. The many crimes in Germany and Sweden have been covered up by victims and the police for fear of being labeled racist or making migrants look bad. So why is it so hard to believe that could happen in the US too?


Anyway, some similar organizations to the FBI would be the BPOL in Germany, the Police Nationale in France, KLPD in the Netherlands, Polizia di Stato in Italy, etc.

Okay but where did you get the number of 1400 from...Muslim rape gangs in the UK? I have never heard of such a term...do you have links ?


But I do agree sometimes in its attempts to be inclusive the EU can make mistakes .




Well played by the way, I remember the whole Rotherham disgrace....its those types of reprehensible events that really annoy me


Oerwinde are you worried about the future as far as extremism is concerned ?

I think its inevitable. You have the collectivists becoming more and more extreme in their attacks on individualists, and the islamists emboldened by collectivist support, and individualists being pushed further to extremism by the threats of Islam and the collectivists.


Whats interesting with the Orlando thing is it is causing a rift. Conservatives are coming out in support of gays and the threat of Islam, with regressives coming out in support of Islam. With the regressives attacking a lot of gays as "cis white males" and conservatives embracing them, you're starting to see some major K shifts amongst gays.

  • Like 1
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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A Sacramento Baptist preacher’s sermon praising an attack on an Orlando nightclub that killed 50 people has the local LGBT community outraged.


“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”


“If we lived in a righteous government, they should round them all up and put them up against a firing wall, and blow their brains out,” Jimenez said in the sermon.

Dont get annoyed by this, people like this I consider fundamentalist Christians and dont represent the views of  the majority of Americans or Christians ...very few people nowadays in the US  would be this open about there bigotry 


I am not sure about your assessment of very few people, there has been quite lot people in twitter and facebook that have openly celebrated this attack.


Although all don't necessary directly declare death for gays but aren't really that sympathetic towards people being killed just because who they love



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A Sacramento Baptist preacher’s sermon praising an attack on an Orlando nightclub that killed 50 people has the local LGBT community outraged.


“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”


“If we lived in a righteous government, they should round them all up and put them up against a firing wall, and blow their brains out,” Jimenez said in the sermon.

Dont get annoyed by this, people like this I consider fundamentalist Christians and dont represent the views of  the majority of Americans or Christians ...very few people nowadays in the US  would be this open about there bigotry 


I am not sure about your assessment of very few people, there has been quite lot people in twitter and facebook that have openly celebrated this attack.


Although all don't necessary directly declare death for gays but aren't really that sympathetic towards people being killed just because who they love




You right of course and I'm not making excuses but until 10-15 years ago Conservative Christians were very strong in the USA  and they were opposed to homosexuality. Times have changed but your old school ministers and preachers wont change 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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What I meant Bruce was in Europe there has been many instances of muslim crimes being ignored by the police because of a desire not to be called racist. In the UK there were over 1400 English girls raped by muslim rape gangs, and in some instances when the fathers of the girls went to rescue them, the police arrested them and left the girls with their rapists. The many crimes in Germany and Sweden have been covered up by victims and the police for fear of being labeled racist or making migrants look bad. So why is it so hard to believe that could happen in the US too?


Anyway, some similar organizations to the FBI would be the BPOL in Germany, the Police Nationale in France, KLPD in the Netherlands, Polizia di Stato in Italy, etc.

Okay but where did you get the number of 1400 from...Muslim rape gangs in the UK? I have never heard of such a term...do you have links ?


But I do agree sometimes in its attempts to be inclusive the EU can make mistakes .




Well played by the way, I remember the whole Rotherham disgrace....its those types of reprehensible events that really annoy me


Oerwinde are you worried about the future as far as extremism is concerned ?

I think its inevitable. You have the collectivists becoming more and more extreme in their attacks on individualists, and the islamists emboldened by collectivist support, and individualists being pushed further to extremism by the threats of Islam and the collectivists.


Whats interesting with the Orlando thing is it is causing a rift. Conservatives are coming out in support of gays and the threat of Islam, with regressives coming out in support of Islam. With the regressives attacking a lot of gays as "cis white males" and conservatives embracing them, you're starting to see some major K shifts amongst gays.


Do you think the West faces a real threat that could eventually lead to a war or something similar 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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What I meant Bruce was in Europe there has been many instances of muslim crimes being ignored by the police because of a desire not to be called racist. In the UK there were over 1400 English girls raped by muslim rape gangs, and in some instances when the fathers of the girls went to rescue them, the police arrested them and left the girls with their rapists. The many crimes in Germany and Sweden have been covered up by victims and the police for fear of being labeled racist or making migrants look bad. So why is it so hard to believe that could happen in the US too?


Anyway, some similar organizations to the FBI would be the BPOL in Germany, the Police Nationale in France, KLPD in the Netherlands, Polizia di Stato in Italy, etc.

Okay but where did you get the number of 1400 from...Muslim rape gangs in the UK? I have never heard of such a term...do you have links ?


But I do agree sometimes in its attempts to be inclusive the EU can make mistakes .




Well played by the way, I remember the whole Rotherham disgrace....its those types of reprehensible events that really annoy me


Oerwinde are you worried about the future as far as extremism is concerned ?

I think its inevitable. You have the collectivists becoming more and more extreme in their attacks on individualists, and the islamists emboldened by collectivist support, and individualists being pushed further to extremism by the threats of Islam and the collectivists.


Whats interesting with the Orlando thing is it is causing a rift. Conservatives are coming out in support of gays and the threat of Islam, with regressives coming out in support of Islam. With the regressives attacking a lot of gays as "cis white males" and conservatives embracing them, you're starting to see some major K shifts amongst gays.

Do you think the West faces a real threat that could eventually lead to a war or something similar

If we keep importing low IQ, low skill illiterate immigrants it will be a civil war across the west.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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A Sacramento Baptist preacher’s sermon praising an attack on an Orlando nightclub that killed 50 people has the local LGBT community outraged.


“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”


“If we lived in a righteous government, they should round them all up and put them up against a firing wall, and blow their brains out,” Jimenez said in the sermon.


Do Americans have a problem with Radical Christianity and what is the FBI doing to keep arms out of their hands? Thing being, of course, that if it were one of his congregation who did the shooting instead of a 2nd gen Muslim Afghan you'd have most of the people who want it to be all Radical Islam insisting it wasn't a religious issue this time and most of the people who don't want to mention Radical Islam insisting this was a religious issue, this time.


Weirdest panel conversation I've seen in ages was over the question of whether the Orlando shooting was ISIS inspired or an attack on the LGBT community, as if they were wholly separate concepts and it had to be one or the other but not both. Because apparently ISIS isn't anti gay or something andor someone cannot be inspired to be anti gay by them or join them because they were already anti gay, I couldn't follow either side's 'logic' but they seemed utterly committed to it. And, of course, both sides insisted that the other was politicising the issue...

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A Sacramento Baptist preacher’s sermon praising an attack on an Orlando nightclub that killed 50 people has the local LGBT community outraged.


“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”


“If we lived in a righteous government, they should round them all up and put them up against a firing wall, and blow their brains out,” Jimenez said in the sermon.


Do Americans have a problem with Radical Christianity and what is the FBI doing to keep arms out of their hands? Thing being, of course, that if it were one of his congregation who did the shooting instead of a 2nd gen Muslim Afghan you'd have most of the people who want it to be all Radical Islam insisting it wasn't a religious issue this time and most of the people who don't want to mention Radical Islam insisting this was a religious issue, this time.


Weirdest panel conversation I've seen in ages was over the question of whether the Orlando shooting was ISIS inspired or an attack on the LGBT community, as if they were wholly separate concepts and it had to be one or the other but not both. Because apparently ISIS isn't anti gay or something andor someone cannot be inspired to be anti gay by them or join them because they were already anti gay, I couldn't follow either side's 'logic' but they seemed utterly committed to it. And, of course, both sides insisted that the other was politicising the issue...


Its really not that complicated, it was a hate crime and an attack on the USA and he was inspired and swore fealty to ISIS 


ISIS still need to be destroyed and certain countries will still face potential  attacks 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I think the number one issue here is teaching tolerance.  We have a huge religious right the preaches against homosexuality, gay marriage, and morality.  If anyone should be called out over this, it is them.  They sow hatred.  


The religious right isn't massacring infidels in the U.S. Or gays. Or people with contrary political beliefs. Muslims are. Islam is far and away less tolerant, less inclusive and more violent than modern christianity. 

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A Sacramento Baptist preacher’s sermon praising an attack on an Orlando nightclub that killed 50 people has the local LGBT community outraged.


“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”


“If we lived in a righteous government, they should round them all up and put them up against a firing wall, and blow their brains out,” Jimenez said in the sermon.

What a worthless traitor that pastor is. He should leave the US if he has no love for his countrymen.

"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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A Sacramento Baptist preacher’s sermon praising an attack on an Orlando nightclub that killed 50 people has the local LGBT community outraged.


“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”


“If we lived in a righteous government, they should round them all up and put them up against a firing wall, and blow their brains out,” Jimenez said in the sermon.

Do Americans have a problem with Radical Christianity and what is the FBI doing to keep arms out of their hands? Thing being, of course, that if it were one of his congregation who did the shooting instead of a 2nd gen Muslim Afghan you'd have most of the people who want it to be all Radical Islam insisting it wasn't a religious issue this time and most of the people who don't want to mention Radical Islam insisting this was a religious issue, this time.


Weirdest panel conversation I've seen in ages was over the question of whether the Orlando shooting was ISIS inspired or an attack on the LGBT community, as if they were wholly separate concepts and it had to be one or the other but not both. Because apparently ISIS isn't anti gay or something andor someone cannot be inspired to be anti gay by them or join them because they were already anti gay, I couldn't follow either side's 'logic' but they seemed utterly committed to it. And, of course, both sides insisted that the other was politicising the issue...

The problem with have with "Christian extremists" is that they mainly use and abuse the freedom of speech. They will use protest in a vile way but without lose of life. More showing signs and pictures and spew hung a lot of hateful vile ****. That's it. Now the Mormans are the ones u have to worry bout and the cults, mostly in Utah. Utah a weird crazy place.

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There is nothing "Christian" about praying for people to die. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to spend a little more time reading their bible rather than thumping it. 

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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The religious right isn't massacring infidels in the U.S. Or gays. Or people with contrary political beliefs. Muslims are. Islam is far and away less tolerant, less inclusive and more violent than modern christianity. 



So what is your solution here?

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