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European Refugee Crisis : Part 3


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"The rape of women, which is relatively common"


Define 'relatively common'. Also,d efine what you mean by rape.


Also, did you know that men are more likely to be raped than women?




"Volo are you saying that the general rape statistics of women are wrong"


They're spin doctored depending on the definition of rape is used.



P.S. Even one rape is awful but extending the definition to things like 'eye rape' just spits in the face of actual rape victims. That is anti justice.


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Also, did you know that men are more likely to be raped than women?



What study are you getting that from?  The CDC says 1 in every 71 men has been in such a situation, while they put the female number around 20%.   That's not even close.  

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lol http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/28/german-army-wants-security-checks-for-recruits-after-admitting-m/


Even if we don't take to account that multiculturalism and policy importing immigrants to replace population decline effectively undermines social cohesion, public trust in each other, creates ghettofication when the host culture differs too much with the one who is immigrating, should we still be surprised that when you allow thousands of people from countries where women are treated like ****, where moral particularism is expected and adhering to a religion that embraces violence in an expansionist way, that you will see an increase in assaults, violence and rapes?


Opening the gates to the third world invites third world problems at your doorstep.


Oh, and men are always tribal and will never stop being that as long as women will be the ones giving birth. A small hint on the problems ahead.

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"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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"What study are you getting that from?  The CDC says 1 in every 71 men has been in such a situation, while they put the female number around 20%.   That's not even close. "


What does that study count as rape?


Do most men take part in that study?


Does it include prisons?


Does it include war rape?


I'd argue most rape studies are wrong and inherently biased both by this myth that women are  obvious the victims and men are just the predators.


Let's not forget that in many places  men cannot, by legal definition, be raped so how does your study deal with that?



I would never trust a study made by people  who are of the opinion either a) men cannot be raped or b)  that 'eye rape'  actually exists.


You give me a study that is reasonable and uses common sense and men are't mocked for admitting to being raped than I'd believe it. 



If you want links find it yourself but here is food for thought in quotes from various articles and studies:


"the rates of nonconsensual sexual contact basically equalized, with 1.270 million women and 1.267 million men claiming to be victims of sexual violence."


Interetsing it is pretty close despite the fatc that we know men are less likely to report rape/sexual assaults to authorities.



"A recent analysis of BJS data, for example, turned up that 46 percent of male victims reported a female perpetrator."


Brekaing the myth that men may get raped but it is only by other males. Nearly half of male rape victims report the perpetrator is female.



"For example, of juveniles reporting staff sexual misconduct, 89 percent were boys reporting abuse by a female staff member. In total, inmates reported an astronomical 900,000 incidents of sexual abuse."


 Look at that. More male victims largely victims of female staff mmebers.


BTW, These quotes all came from ana rticle still pushing the myth that women are raped more than me yet their own numbers paint an ugly picture.



In essence, the CDC is a joke study that can't be trusted even with the basics.



Again, it is hard to take these studies seriously since society still has a major issue with taking male rape seriously often laughing it off or even claiming it is outright impossible.


Again, do some research beyond just flatline basic numbers. Look at what the peramters of the studies are and who they are actually asking.


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"the rates of nonconsensual sexual contact basically equalized, with 1.270 million women and 1.267 million men claiming to be victims of sexual violence."




This stood out to me, and I was curious as to where it came from.  Is it from Slate?


Look, first off let me say that there is a lot I agree with you on here.  I agree that rape of men is serious and has tragically been under reported and ignored for too long.  I'm all for male rape getting the same attention that female rape gets, they are both reprehensible.  I just don't see how heaping scorn on the concept of female rape does anything to help the victims of male rape.   

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 " I just don't see how heaping scorn on the concept of female rape "


No where do I heap scorn on rape - female, male, or otherwise. Don't make stuff up.


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 " I just don't see how heaping scorn on the concept of female rape "


No where do I heap scorn on rape - female, male, or otherwise. Don't make stuff up.

You may not think you are heaping scorn on the rape of women but I promise you this is exactly how you coming across


I have always thought you were dismissive of the rape of women and you keep raising the rape of men as a distraction so you dont have to address and accept the societal rape of women 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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"You may not think you are heaping scorn on the rape of women but I promise you this is exactly how you coming across


I have always thought you were dismissive of the rape of women and you keep raising the rape of men as a distraction so you dont have to address and accept the societal rape of women"


OOOOO The hilarity of the lack of self awareness in this bullcrap accusation. It makes me giggle. :D



Typical SJW Nazi. When someone states something that you don't like just accuse them of misogyny, sexism, and evil. :)

Edited by Volourn


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What's with the fascination with rape around these parts, anyway.

It's a classic insult to masculinity meant to fuel xenophobia.

The 'dirty savages are ravaging our women' has been an effective rallying cry at least since the colonial times.

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I believe the CDC study didn't count "forced to penetrate" as rape. Or at least some major study on rape victims didn't

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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What's with the fascination with rape around these parts, anyway.

And, to go even a step further, is the practice of fist-****ing not the exemplary case of what Deleuze called the "expansion of a concept?" The fist is put to a new use; the notion of penetration is expanded into the combination of the hand with sexual penetration, into the exploration of the inside of a body. No wonder Foucault, Deleuze's Other, was practicing fisting: is fist-****ing not the sexual invention of the twentieth century, a new model of eroticism and pleasure? It is no longer genitalized, but focused just on the penetration of the surface, with the role of the phallus being taken over by the hand, the autonomized partial object par excellence. And, what about the so-called Transformer or animorph toys, a car or a plane that can be transformed into a humanoid robot, an animal that can be morphed into a human or robot. Is this not Deleuzian? There are no "metaphorics" here; the point is not that the machinic or animal form is revealed as a mask containing a human shape but, rather, the existence of the becoming-machine or becoming-animal of the human, the flow of continuous morphing. What is blurred here is also the divide machine/living organism: a car transmutes into a humanoid/cyborg organism. And, is the ultimate irony not that, for Deleuze, the sport was surfing, a Californian sport par excellence if there ever was one? No longer a sport of self-control and domination directed towards some goal, it is just a practice of inserting oneself into a wave and letting oneself be carried by it.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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What's with the fascination with rape around these parts, anyway.

Canola is good oil.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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What's with the fascination with rape around these parts, anyway.

Canola is good oil.


The word "rape" in rapeseed comes from the Latin word rapum meaning turnip


So sayeth the wise Wikipedia

Edited by ShadySands
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Free games updated 3/4/21

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I'll concede (having done some research) that it was inaccurate to label Sweden as I did.  If Sweden was the subject of a question and study though: are migrants assaulting/raping swedish women? It seems as though providing a definitive answer is impossible.  As an observer it seems that Sweden is governed by the far left, a government that sees no wrong with immigration and will punish it's native citizens severely for raising questions on immigration. 


In the event that judges are presented with cases of migrants raping women, they consider the rapists to be victims of their previous culture and provide lenient sentences:

"In an astounding number of cases, the Swedish courts have demonstrated sympathy for the rapists. Several times the courts have acquitted suspects who have claimed that the girl wanted sex with six, seven or eight men."


"A 15-year-old girl was locked up while six men of foreign extraction had sex with her. The lower court convicted the six men but the court of appeals acquitted them because no violence had occurred, and because the court determined that the girl "had not been in a defenseless position."'


In fact, it seems to be a greater crime (4 years min jail) for a citizen to raise concerns on immigration.  The government has refused to allow police to record the ethnicity of criminals, classifies second generation migrants as Swedish, and actively tried to prevent (as happened in Cologne, Germany) the police from telling the public what happened in Stockholm.  The consensus seems to be that the far left government doesn't want to swing public opinion to the right when it comes to the next elections.


When Swedish citizens voice dissent, such as policemen telling women not to go out at night, it's done in a totally PC manner.  People expressing informative views are excluded from society and citizens are afraid to read their work, experts (Michael Hess) presenting informed facts to judges are dismissed as personal racist opinions, or an artists (Dan Park) freedom of expression against PC is prosecuted as a form of insanity by the court.

Michael Hess discovered (before the government stopped measuring) that:


Whether or not they measured by the number of convicted rapists or men suspected of rape, men of foreign extraction were represented far more than Swedes. And this greater representation of persons with a foreign background keeps increasing:

    1960-1970s – 1.2 to 2.6 times as often as Swedes
    1980s – 2.1 to 4.7 times as often as Swedes
    1990s – 2.1 to 8.1 times as often as Swedes
    2000s – 2.1 to 19.5 times as often as Swedes


The reason that this concerns me is that in Britain the police refused to investigate Pakistani Muslim men who were grooming and raping over a thousand girls over a fifteen year period.  They were paralysed by political correctness and afraid of being labelled racist. Consider that a moment - parents, police, social workers, lawyers, politicians and every policeman and woman from the lowest to the top ranks who were aware of this did nothing because political correctness prevented them from doing so.


Now consider -from Wikipedia- that in Sweden:

According to Brå, it is likely that only around 20 per cent of all rapes are being reported, which was confirmed in a 2001 study of the extent of violence against women, funded by the Government of Sweden and the Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority.


As well as:

How is it, then, that in 2008, Sweden's neighbor Denmark only had 7.3 rapes per 100,000 inhabitants compared to 53.2 in Sweden?

Danish legislation is not very different from Sweden's, and there is no obvious reason why Danish women should be less inclined to report rape than their Swedish counterparts.

In 2011, 6,509 rapes were reported to the Swedish police -- but only 392 in Denmark. The population of Denmark is about half the size of Sweden's, so even adjusted for size, the discrepancy is significant.

In Sweden, the authorities do what they can to conceal the origin of the rapists. In Denmark, the state's official statistical office, Statistics Denmark, revealed that in 2010 more than half of convicted rapists had an immigrant background.

So does that mean that 53 per 100,000 inhabitants (another site said about 1 in 4 women) are victims of sexual attacks, that this figure is only 20% of the actual figure (I expect, not including the 55 'no-go' zones/156 ghetto areas as of 2006) and that as I mentioned above, not just the people in a single town of Rotherham in the UK, but EVERYONE who has a legal and moral responsibility from the government down is -country wide- doing nothing or acting in a politically correct manner because they are afraid of the consequences of being labelled racist?  Because, quite honestly, that would cause me to entirely re-evaluate my perception of the entire human race.


Or maybe I'm the crazy for seeing a problem and Swedish government is the future of Europe.  This is what the future holds for all barbarians like me who actually knows of a girl who was a victim of the type of rape mentioned in Rotherham.  Who thinks that political correctness is a system used by the far left not to facilitate law, or justice, but (either by design or ineptitude) to re-write of a persons rationality through guilt and other projected behaviours and attitudes to achieve their own agendas.


So essentially I think that if you don't see a problem here, and are not prepared to query the source of the problem - then you're just laying down, grinning and bearing it.

All in the name of political correctness.


That's my take on it as an observer, apologies if anyone takes it the wrong way, probably won't discuss this anymore.  My father is Tunisian and I spent many a youthful holiday surrounded by Arabic and Muslim culture which still facinates me today - I have nothing but great memories of teaching adult offenders (over 5000 for 5 years) of which 70% were black or from an ethnic minority and totally smashed government targets to the extent that other colleges from Europe were visiting to discuss our recipe for success (hint: it was respect), but my experience with the left has always been bad.














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Danish laws are very different from Sweden's on this regard - to the point where most here think they are insane to have expanded the definition so much. With high numbers before immigration as well.


Interestingly I think it would be more telling to look at the socio-economic background for many of these crimes.. Are well to average educated immigrants also over represented? Statistics here say no, but I don't know about Sweden.


But yeah we generally think they're too PC as well- but I don't see that as the future of Europe, quite the contrary. It seems we're running down the 'ol fascist route again with curtailing of civil liberties and more and more power concentrated in the hands of the morally inept.

Fortune favors the bald.

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an artists (Dan Park) freedom of expression against PC is prosecuted as a form of insanity by the court.


I read the whole post, and the problem I have is not with the tone or the message, but rather, the facts. Presenting facts impartially is apparently less important than railing, for the umpteenth time, against "the left". Here's the "freedom of expression against PC" that was being prosecuted:




(much art, so freedom, wow)


You won't see me defending hate speech laws. But I'm thinking the same response would have been triggered if an "artist" had begun posting "Behead those who insult Islam" posters around, much like what happened to Abu Hamza al-Masri in the UK.


The "artist" is also apparently a PEGIDA supporter. But that's ok -- far left is a no-no, but we don't care about the far right. Seeing as how he didn't get committed or declared insane, I guess the prosecutor's request to have a psychiatrist examine him amounted to nothing. Note: it was a prosecutor's motion, not the court's. A single prosecutor being a tool is hardly proof of a far-left government conspiracy to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids suppress any dissent against PC and immigration.


And no. Raising concerns about immigration in Sweden is not an offense punishable with four years imprisonment. If it were, the whole Sweden Democrats party would have been thrown in jail. But what do I know, I'm not a "journalist" like Pamela Geller.


Oh, crap. I guess that means I'm lying down grinning, and bearing it, right?


Ah, why bother.

Edited by 213374U

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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What's with the fascination with rape around these parts, anyway.

Canola is good oil.



The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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This is  a huge development, I am not that surprised but I am disappointed by this result because I like Merkel and really respect her but the frustration being felt by EU citizens cannot be ignored ....clearly


So now what? Will Merkels party see this as a warning and change policy?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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"Anti-immigration Alternative for Germany"


im curious to hear about this alternative. What's their solution beyond "closing borders" and hoping millions of ppl will disappear or go somewhere else?

Exactly, that should be a valid question but I think this rejection of Merkels view on immigration is more about emotion and anger at the direction Germany has taken...its not about actual policy at the moment 


I'll be honest if I was Merkel I would accept the reality of the political situation, yes it could have worked allowing large amounts of immigrants into the EU but if she continues on this path she could lose the government election ....so I would start reversing the policy in a reasonable and sensible way 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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"Anti-immigration Alternative for Germany"


im curious to hear about this alternative. What's their solution beyond "closing borders" and hoping millions of ppl will disappear or go somewhere else?

They are Eurosceptic, they want to end free movement, dissolve the Euro, keep the common trade bloc, promote traditional family roles, are pro gun rights, etc. With multiculturalism a failure, immigration driving low skill wages down making the poor poorer, and the leftist feminist drive to destroy the traditional family I can see the appeal

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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"Anti-immigration Alternative for Germany"


im curious to hear about this alternative. What's their solution beyond "closing borders" and hoping millions of ppl will disappear or go somewhere else?

They are Eurosceptic, they want to end free movement, dissolve the Euro, keep the common trade bloc, promote traditional family roles, are pro gun rights, etc. With multiculturalism a failure, immigration driving low skill wages down making the poor poorer, and the leftist feminist drive to destroy the traditional family I can see the appeal



They are just similar party as our Eurosceptic and anti-immigration party here in Finland that is currently in government that is cutting income from poor (which they were against in election), giving tax breaks for rich (which they were against in election), giving stick for unemployed people (which they were against in election), cutting occupational immigration and focusing in taking more refugees (which is opposite what they said in election), cutting from education (which they were against in election), cutting from elderly care and health care (which they were against in election), and so on.


Because it seems that populism don't work when you need to make decision in real world.

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"Anti-immigration Alternative for Germany"


im curious to hear about this alternative. What's their solution beyond "closing borders" and hoping millions of ppl will disappear or go somewhere else?

They are Eurosceptic, they want to end free movement, dissolve the Euro, keep the common trade bloc, promote traditional family roles, are pro gun rights, etc. With multiculturalism a failure, immigration driving low skill wages down making the poor poorer, and the leftist feminist drive to destroy the traditional family I can see the appeal


But some of these objectives seem inconsistent, you cant have the EU and the single market without the Euro as the currency and the central government in Brussels


It surprises me people keep bringing this up as a reasonable objective ?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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"Anti-immigration Alternative for Germany"


im curious to hear about this alternative. What's their solution beyond "closing borders" and hoping millions of ppl will disappear or go somewhere else?

They are Eurosceptic, they want to end free movement, dissolve the Euro, keep the common trade bloc, promote traditional family roles, are pro gun rights, etc. With multiculturalism a failure, immigration driving low skill wages down making the poor poorer, and the leftist feminist drive to destroy the traditional family I can see the appeal


But some of these objectives seem inconsistent, you cant have the EU and the single market without the Euro as the currency and the central government in Brussels


It surprises me people keep bringing this up as a reasonable objective ?



Why would you need a common currency to have free movement of goods? The EU as a trading bloc with free movement of goods within it and the European commission simply in charge of negotiating trade for the bloc is what most EU countries signed up for if I remember correctly.

Edited by Oerwinde
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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