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He is 2nd best. The Moose is BESTEST CAPTAIN.

Best Captain


Edited by Oerwinde
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Rokcetteer was  a vagugely watchable movie so   my careometer is very low. As for the gender/race change: I'm of two minds a) I don't care. Plenty of good black actresses who have entertained my in movies and on tv. Pick the right one and it could be fun. b) the evil cynical side is  lauhing at the cultural appropriation that continues on. L0L


Also,  are all these ahrdcore anti whitey male pro minority people so  fearful of anything that their big ideas is to steal old roles and giver them to others instead of you know make  good quality roles for these minority actors. I would be insulted if I was an actor give me hands me downs out of pity.


Of course, like I said, all that matters is if it is good.   This happened with Denzel Washington in The Equalizer. Then again, it is denbzel 'Fin' Washington one of the best actors ever. of coruse, he did a damn good job. L0L

Oh my hat that is so weird,  I watched The Equalizer a few months ago and I can say it is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It draws you in and when that Russian clean-up person arrives you are captivated ....very good movie and I couldn't remember its name but now I do 


Have you seen Man on Fire and Fallen ...both very good Denzil movies 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I did go see new Ghostbusters, I was surprised that it was actually watchable movie after all the negativity that I have heard and read. I don't think it will be similar cult classic like original, but decent and somewhat funny. Compared to other block busters that I have watched this year, it is better than Batman vs. Superman, but far from Captain America 3 and Deadpool. 

Elerond how are things in Finland? Have you guys had anymore issue around the immigrants ?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Rokcetteer was  a vagugely watchable movie so   my careometer is very low. As for the gender/race change: I'm of two minds a) I don't care. Plenty of good black actresses who have entertained my in movies and on tv. Pick the right one and it could be fun. b) the evil cynical side is  lauhing at the cultural appropriation that continues on. L0L


Also,  are all these ahrdcore anti whitey male pro minority people so  fearful of anything that their big ideas is to steal old roles and giver them to others instead of you know make  good quality roles for these minority actors. I would be insulted if I was an actor give me hands me downs out of pity.


Of course, like I said, all that matters is if it is good.   This happened with Denzel Washington in The Equalizer. Then again, it is denbzel 'Fin' Washington one of the best actors ever. of coruse, he did a damn good job. L0L

Oh my hat that is so weird,  I watched The Equalizer a few months ago and I can say it is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It draws you in and when that Russian clean-up person arrives you are captivated ....very good movie and I couldn't remember its name but now I do 


Have you seen Man on Fire and Fallen ...both very good Denzil movies 



Man on Fire was great. I think my favourite Denzel movie is Virtuosity though. Russel Crowe being manic and charismatic instead of dour. Fantastic.

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The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Rokcetteer was  a vagugely watchable movie so   my careometer is very low. As for the gender/race change: I'm of two minds a) I don't care. Plenty of good black actresses who have entertained my in movies and on tv. Pick the right one and it could be fun. b) the evil cynical side is  lauhing at the cultural appropriation that continues on. L0L


Also,  are all these ahrdcore anti whitey male pro minority people so  fearful of anything that their big ideas is to steal old roles and giver them to others instead of you know make  good quality roles for these minority actors. I would be insulted if I was an actor give me hands me downs out of pity.


Of course, like I said, all that matters is if it is good.   This happened with Denzel Washington in The Equalizer. Then again, it is denbzel 'Fin' Washington one of the best actors ever. of coruse, he did a damn good job. L0L

Oh my hat that is so weird,  I watched The Equalizer a few months ago and I can say it is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It draws you in and when that Russian clean-up person arrives you are captivated ....very good movie and I couldn't remember its name but now I do 


Have you seen Man on Fire and Fallen ...both very good Denzil movies 



Man on Fire was great. I think my favourite Denzel movie is Virtuosity though. Russel Crowe being manic and charismatic instead of dour. Fantastic.


And you have seen The Equalizer ?


Man on Fire was amazing, I have watched it 3-4 times 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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No, haven't seen the Equalizer. My time for watching movies is extremely limited nowadays, so I generally only watch sci-fi and fantasy movies (including superhero stuff) as they are my favourite kind. My 20s was the heyday of my movie watching. Lots of free time, a video store with 99 cent dvd rentals, ahh that was the life.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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BvS. It was a lot better than I was expecting but to be fair I was expecting the worst comic movie of all time. I was expecting it to be so bad that it would leap from screen and strike me in the face and/or biscuits... which were buttermilk, thanks for asking.


I watched the 3 hour extendo version so maybe that had something to do with it

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Free games updated 3/4/21

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Jason Bourne is probably the most mediocre and forgettable action movie I've seen in years. And the third act action scenes were jumpy crap.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Jason Bourne is probably the most mediocre and forgettable action movie I've seen in years. And the third act action scenes were jumpy crap.


That's disappointing to hear.  I liked the original three films.




I watched the Avengers for the first time tonight.  I actually saw Age of Ultron first, but I think I enjoyed this one better.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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If anyone has any ultraviolet or Disney Movie Rewards codes lying around, send them this way. Especially the DMR codes. Use those points for free gifts for the offspring.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Ice Age 5? - Watched it with the nieces and their parents. Basically as expected. Some funny stuff but definitely a kid's film. 6/10

Nerve - A thriller with an intriguing (rip off of The Game?) hook and better than what I expected. Still a little on the short side. Still, fun little caper. 7/10


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Gave Prometheus another go. Didn't quite get halfway, the dialogue is oh my goodness bad. Fassbender kept me in it, his voice is like the caramel drizzle on a bowl of ice cream.

As someone that doesn't mind Prometheus, Fassbinder is definitely the movie's shining light.


I've rewatched Mad Max Fury Road twice this week, and it has become my favorite of the four. Visually it is amazing, and it is proof that you can make a whole movie about a car chase and not make it overbearing, boring, or obnoxious. I initially was wary about it because recasting Max (even though I love Tom Hardy). Recasts can be a tough sell, but Hardy was a great pick. The guy playing electric guitar makes me laugh.

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For me, Fury Road is the best action movie in a long time. I know of nothing specific that I could / would criticize in it. It has the perfect pacing, no dumb dialogue (if you can't have smart dialogue, rather have none at all) and the car chasing scenes are awesome looking. Have seen the movie at least 4 or so times by now and man.. How often do I rewatch a movie nowadays? That happens so, so rarely.

I really totally want the next movie now.

Edited by Lexx
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"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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I agree, Lexx. I can only hope the younger Hollywood generation starts taking notes. It is a movie worth taking as a basis for how to make an action movie. Sad that someone of the old guard showed up and made the new generation look so crappy.


Another action movie I really enjoyed in the past few years was Dredd. It also has minimal dialogue, and mixed very beautiful CG with the ruinous setting to tell a Die Hard-esque story. It's interesting to me because the villain is a symptom of the environment while the judges are a symptom of the violence the world creates. So, the vicious cycle keeps perpetuating. It doesn't praise Dredd, but shows how ruthless a Judge is within the setting.


Sometime in the next day or so I need to catch Star Trek Beyond. I've heard it's the best of the bunch because the characters feel more true to the original series/movies than the first two. It's co-written by Simon Pegg so I'm not surprised.

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I agree that Fury Road is a great example of an action movie, the plot however for me leaves something wanting: For instance why do Mr Joe's brides want to leave the oasis of luxury he has created? Their lives are so much better than almost anyone in the wastes, they have fresh water, books, safety etc and simply have to fornicate with and produce the offspring of an ugly old man to maintain this. In a harsh environment such as the setting presents their urge for "freedom" seems naive and infantile, freedom is all well and good but starvation, dehydration and death surely outweigh it to most reasonable people.


Then there is the bathing scene when Max reaches Furiosa's rig, the sheer idiotic wastefulness of the young ladies who are letting water, which is basically more precious liquid gold, spurt out over the desert waste so they can bathe themselves. Why the hell would anyone accept these wasteful idiots into their society, or help them? The young ladies come off as stupid, spoiled, trouble causing and not worth the effort of saving.


I could go on into why Mr Joe who seems to actually be crafting a workable (though harsh) society in this wasteland is the next moment portrayed as an idiot who has to abandon all he has crafted over the years for a resource he can replace, but I think I have been harsh enough on a movie I actually liked.

Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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I think the movie insinuates the brides are mistreated, and probably being raped. It's a fair reason to want to leave. They are also on their way to the "Green Lands"... So, they are headed to an area with water. So, water is a lesser issue.


The brides are definitely stupid and sheltered, though. I can't argue that, but they have been confined so that is logical.


Mr Joe is a scavenger with a strong hold. He probably has mostly dealt with small skirmishes as there seems to be a sort of peace with the other two warlords. So, he possibly hasn't ever had to think tactically, and since his most important assets are lost he may not have been thinking clearly. He isn't presented as terribly intelligent at any given time anyway. So this is also fairly believable.


That's just how I view it.

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They must have seen that they are in a den of luxury and stability compared to the outside world, they obviously have contact with the outside (enough so that they can arrange their rescue,) and so must know that though having to please an ugly old man they are in a far, far better position than anybody in the wastes where life is brutal, short and barely sustainable. To risk all of the privilege they have on a rumour, and venture into the wastes with as shady a character as Furiosa, when they surely must know that they'll probably die, be sold or find much worse conditions...well thats stretching their idiocy beyond the limit i'd find acceptable.


Mr Joe may not have much, but he has built up something in this desolate land, and this speak of some at least base cunning. He can find, buy or raid for other fertile women, or just wait for them to come to him as he has one of the most precious resources in the wasteland, and even the ugliest and most detestable individuals (Donald Trump for instance) can be assured of affection due to their wealth.


Edit: Then again it's probably a subjective thing, I see the wasteland setting as a perfect vehicle for deconstructing modern day morality, showing just how feral, hard and practical mankind can be when they are faced with survival or death. What they will do that they would not before, and what they will sacrifice for a few more drops of water, bites of food or little comforts. Where men like Joe, as vicious and unlikable as they are, are at least building something and trying to hold on to some semblance of society even if one so disfunctional.


I thought Dredd explored this wonderfully as you point out, Mama and the Block gangs are a product of Megacity life and inhumanity, but the Judges are just a little better than the alternative which would be almost assured self destruction.

Edited by Nonek
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Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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It's true, but compared to other action movies of this generation, I can perfectly ignore these issues.

Edited by Lexx
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"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Here's some information from the comics co-written by George Miller.




Immortan Joe was in need of an heir to carry on his vision for his future. His three sons wouldn't be able to do that. Scrotus was a psychopathic killer. Rictus Erectus was a herculean man with a child's brain. Corpus Callosum was a man in the body of a child. Joe only saw the women as breeding stock, wombs on legs, and they only had three chances. Every time a baby was born, the babies were deformed and discarded. Once the women gave birth three times, they were cast out with the wretched. Now think about the time during three pregnancies. That's at least 3 x 9 months. More than 2 years of being abused only to be cast out on the scrap heap.


Joe rapes and abuses most of the women. Hitting them, throwing them against walls. The women couldn't take it anymore. Furiosa was there to protect the women from others who may wanted to get into the inner sanctum. Furiosa was also there to protect them from harming themselves. eg. coat hanger abortions. The women also don't want their babies to grow up as warlords.


Furiosa even tells them it's better for them to be inside where they are instead of outside. After weeks of listening to the women talking to each other about their plight and also saying to Furiosa that Joe owns her too, Furiosa eventually concedes with getting them out. Furiosa thinks the Land of Many Mothers still exists but isn't sure when she takes the women with her.



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Here's some information from the comics co-written by George Miller.




Immortan Joe was in need of an heir to carry on his vision for his future. His three sons wouldn't be able to do that. Scrotus was a psychopathic killer. Rictus Erectus was a herculean man with a child's brain. Corpus Callosum was a man in the body of a child. Joe only saw the women as breeding stock, wombs on legs, and they only had three chances. Every time a baby was born, the babies were deformed and discarded. Once the women gave birth three times, they were cast out with the wretched. Now think about the time during three pregnancies. That's at least 3 x 9 months. More than 2 years of being abused only to be cast out on the scrap heap.


Joe rapes and abuses most of the women. Hitting them, throwing them against walls. The women couldn't take it anymore. Furiosa was there to protect the women from others who may wanted to get into the inner sanctum. Furiosa was also there to protect them from harming themselves. eg. coat hanger abortions. The women also don't want their babies to grow up as warlords.


Furiosa even tells them it's better for them to be inside where they are instead of outside. After weeks of listening to the women talking to each other about their plight and also saying to Furiosa that Joe owns her too, Furiosa eventually concedes with getting them out. Furiosa thinks the Land of Many Mothers still exists but isn't sure when she takes the women with her.




Interesting and makes for a more legitimate reasoning but i'd still think that starving, thirsting, being abused and probably killed on a daily basis among the wretched might make a few years in luxury breeding for Mr Joe (and suffering just his beatings) a fairly good prospect of advancement.


Edit: Still I think Lexx is right, it works as an action movie despite any flaws, it's gorgeous, jaw dropping and exhilirating.

Edited by Nonek
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Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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Better to die free than to live under the oppression of a dictator. :p


This is a fun discussion. I hope Miller does keep this going for another movie, but I am fine if he doesn't. This movie would be a great stopping point for anyone's career.

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