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Posted (edited)

There are few abilities, whose descriptions are a bit confusing to me. Could someone clarify the following?:


1. Wounding Shot:

a). is the dot duration increased by INT? (on gamepedia it is written that it is not. Here it is written that it is.) 

b). is the dot damage increased by "Aefyllath_Ues_Mith_Fyr" chant (+25% burning damage)?


2. Recall Agony:

a). does it deal extra 30% of damage, after every damage appliance (while the debuff is on the target)?

b). does it proc on dot ticks?

c). does it work at all?


3. Combusting Wounds:

a)."causes enemy wounds to ignite" - so it only applies to damage hits over 10 dmg (i.e. wounds like monk wounds)? Or it doesn't matter? What about dots?

b). "5 damage over 20s" - does it mean 0.25 damage per second (for 20s)? or 0.75 damage every 3s?

c). each tick's damage is checked against 1/4 of enemy's burning DR? I don't see it in log, could it be that tick damage is so small that only 20% of it passes through DR; and that value is rounded to zero?

d). do these mini-burning-dots stack with themselves?

e). will it generate recursive procs when used with recall agony?

f). does it proc from pain link or flame shield?


4. Expose Vulnerabilities:

a). do lashes and dots benefit from this DR reduction?


5. Ectopsychic_Echo:

a). it's duration is not modified by intellect, right? (

doesn't mention base duration.) Edited by MaxQuest
Posted (edited)

1a) Yes

1b) No


2a) kind of. If the target gets damaged by 10 points this would add 3 points on top.

2b) It should

2c) no idea :) It used to do nothing - maybe that changed with the latest patches


3a) It applies every time an enemy receives damage - be it 1 point or 100. Each time damage is applied CW will add 5 on top. DoT effects are especially great for that or Wall of Flame, beams, multi projectile attacks like Blunderbuss or Missiles and so on, very fast attacks and so on. Everything that causes a lot of hits in a short time. It's one of the best spells in the game.

3b)normally a tick is 3 sec - so it should be the later. But the numbers over the heads of the enemies that show you the damage (it's not in the combat log) are always higher. Don't know what happens, but it works really well. It seems like there's just a flat +5 damage bonus every time it triggers - but I don't know fopr sure.

3c)that we can't say for sure since we can't see it in the log.

3d) it looks like it - otherwise it wouldn't be so powerful

3e) Ha! That's a good idea. Somebody in this forum already tried that but if I remember correctly it didn't work - have a look at the thread "Nice item-ability-combinations". I think it was in there.

3f) It should. I would say yes but didn't test that myself.


4a) Yes! It lowers all DR directly by 5. That applies to everything. It stacks with Sundering Blow and other DR reducing stuff (chanter invocation, stormcaller) and DR bypass-talents and abilities like Penetrating Shot, Vulnerable Attack, weapons' and spells' inherent armor penetration, rending and Ryona's Vembraces. That's why I love the Golden Gaze so much (on a wizard with Blast or a ranger with Driving Flight).


5a) Sadly not. Same with all other beams. Would be too powerful (or even more powerful) I guess.

Edited by Boeroer
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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

  On 2/4/2016 at 3:41 PM, Boeroer said:

1a) Yes

1b) No


2a) kind of. If the target gets damaged by 10 points this would add 3 points on top.

2b) It should

2c) no idea :) It used to do nothing - maybe that changed with the latest patches


3a) It applies every time an enemy receives damage - be it 1 point or 100. Each time damage is applied CW will add 5 on top. DoT effects are especially great for that or Wall of Flame, beams, multi projectile attacks like Blunderbuss or Missiles and so on, very fast attacks and so on. Everything that causes a lot of hits in a short time. It's one of the best spells in the game.

3b)normally a tick is 3 sec - so it should be the later. But the numbers over the heads of the enemies that show you the damage (it's not in the combat log) are always higher. Don't know what happens, but it works really well. It seems like there's just a flat +5 damage bonus every time it triggers - but I don't know fopr sure.

3c)that we can't say for sure since we can't see it in the log.

3d) it looks like it - otherwise it wouldn't be so powerful

3e) Ha! That's a good idea. Somebody in this forum already tried that but if I remember correctly it didn't work - have a look at the thread "Nice item-ability-combinations". I think it was in there.

3f) It should. I would say yes but didn't test that myself.


4a) Yes! It lowers all DR directly by 5. That applies to everything. It stacks with Sundering Blow and other DR reducing stuff (chanter invocation, stormcaller) and DR bypass-talents and abilities like Penetrating Shot, Vulnerable Attack, weapons' and spells' inherent armor penetration, rending and Ryona's Vembraces. That's why I love the Golden Gaze so much (on a wizard with Blast or a ranger with Driving Flight).


5a) Sadly not. Same with all other beams. Would be too powerful (or even more powerful) I guess.

I was wondering who is gonna answer ALL THOSE questions first.

Funn< thing is I had a prediction and I think I could make my money becoming the new Nostradamus. :p

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It's a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it :p

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"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


Posted (edited)
  On 2/4/2016 at 3:41 PM, Boeroer said:


Ten times thanks for the answers! )


  On 2/4/2016 at 3:41 PM, Boeroer said:

2 (recall agony)

If it works.. imho it's one of the best abilities out there. You have 3 dps'ers and a cc'cipher? suddenly you have 4 dps'ers.


  On 2/4/2016 at 3:41 PM, Boeroer said:

5a) Sadly not. Same with all other beams. Would be too powerful (or even more powerful) I guess.

Well, I just had a 3 INT cipher in mind original.gif

Edited by MaxQuest
  • Like 1

3 INT cipher might work. There are other powers that don't rely on INT. Mind Blades for example or Amplified Thrust. Also Mind Lance and Detonate.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

Posted (edited)

Yeap. Indeed it might.


Every time I casted a crowd-control power as (19,8,11,19,18,3) cipher, I felt that for that cast the might was wasted.

While for every damaging ability, that I better had Dex over Int.


(19,10,19,19,3,11) ranged cipher seems to fill the dedicated-dps role better. And probably even more so in 3.0, if powers will get higher costs.

Played like ranged rogue, and with dmg amplifiers from soul whip, he can make a good use of war bow. (if the recovery time is substantially cut)


Btw, do you know if cipher gains power from the dot part of Runner's Wounding Shot? 



- Update -

Just tested it. Unfortunately it doesn't.

Edited by MaxQuest

No it doesn't. No DoT effect does that. Retaliation and Flame Shield and stuff work great - but not for a ranged cipher. ;) You could try if Prestidigitators Missiles work. The also profit from Penetrating Shot and apply Deep Wounds with a rogue. Maybe they also generate Focus?

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

Posted (edited)

Checked Prestidigitators Missiles. Nope, they don't give focus.
On the bright side, "Aefyllath Ues Mith Fyr" chant does. That's basically +25% focus if you don't have other lashes.

P.S. I've got few more questions: :)

1. if two characters are engaged in melee, and you push one of them, will it trigger the disengagement attack? (thinking of a frontline monk with fighter in his back (with a pike and defender talent)

2. are wizard "Invulnerability Spell Heuristics" talents still accessible in-game? I am 100% sure I have the requirements, but don't see them on level up; and neither the patch notes that would mention their removal.

Edited by MaxQuest

1. Nope; push will break engagement in the same way as prone and other afflictions. The idea is that disengagement attacks only occur when one of the combatants willfully moves away from melee range.


2. What do you mean by "invulnerability spell heuristics" talents?

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus



Adding a question: dr reduction adds DMG to the dragon chant of the chanter? I.e ryona bracers have sense for chanter or not?


Apart from max might,max int, And heir of flame talent, there are others metodo to enanche the dragon chant DMG?

Posted (edited)
  On 2/8/2016 at 4:55 PM, AndreaColombo said:

1. Nope; push will break engagement in the same way as prone and other afflictions. The idea is that disengagement attacks only occur when one of the combatants willfully moves away from melee range.


So 'willfully' is the keyword.

Can't think of other way to force enemy to disengage... So monk + disengagement-based figher/barbarian is not that great as it could be. And luring enemies with low-dr, speedy caster seems a bit too much of fuss. 


  On 2/8/2016 at 4:55 PM, AndreaColombo said:

2. What do you mean by "invulnerability spell heuristics" talents?

The ones listed in the talents section of PoE gamepedia:

Lesser Invulnerability Spell Heuristics

Greater Invulnerability Spell Heuristics


I understand gamepedia can be / is outdated. But I couldn't find related patch notes, which would hint that these talents were deleted.




  On 2/8/2016 at 5:08 PM, Dr <3 said:

Adding a question: dr reduction adds DMG to the dragon chant of the chanter? I.e ryona bracers have sense for chanter or not?

The damage is not raw, so I bet it does.


  On 2/8/2016 at 5:08 PM, Dr <3 said:

Apart from max might,max int, And heir of flame talent, there are others metodo to enanche the dragon chant DMG?

Iirc the damage is not auto-hit, and a roll against reflex is made. Increasing perception should increase the damage (less grazes, more crits). Edited by MaxQuest

Scion of Flame doesn't work with DoT effects - so The Dragon Slashed will not profit from Scion of Flame. Sad but true.


I think Ryona's Vembraces also don't work with The Dragon Slashed but I will test that soon. I did some tests with the Vembraces in the past and they don't apply to anything. For example: they apply to Minor or Bounding Missiles or Missile Barrage, but not to the AoE crush damage of Concussive Missiles. I think it doesn't apply to any AoE damage at all except Carnage but I may be wrong.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

  On 2/8/2016 at 10:08 PM, Boeroer said:

Scion of Flame doesn't work with DoT effects - so The Dragon Slashed will not profit from Scion of Flame. Sad but true.


I'm so sad now :(


Bit hey, this is actually a good news, so i basically have a free talent to put somewhere else ( i'm waching you gallant focus).


I noted that at max lvl the chant count grows very fast, i'm tryng to see if the invocation that gives +40% attack speed is abusable enough whit a dal wield chanter

Posted (edited)

Ouh right - that might work. Although it's just 10% - and not per "hit" but on the whole DoT-effect - but still. With ~20 MIG you would do 86 burn/86 slash instead of just 80/80.


I don't know how Brisk Recitation works regarding duration (and therefore damage?) of the DoT effect. 


Maybe with Brisk Recitation and lvl-1-chants you can chain the self-haste-invocation. But stun and other afflictions will pause chanting, so watch out and raise your defenses. ;)

If you add enough multipicative speed mods (ability/spell/chant, speed items, durgan stuff, Gloves of Swift Action) you maybe don't even need Two Weapon Style in th end to reach 0 recovery.

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

Posted (edited)

I think i will stick to the "Winds of death" chant, much less DMG than the dragon chant but more useful than +10 ref o + 10 fortitude/+10 will. This evening i will test this kind of "barbaric dual wield chanter".


PS: actually with brisk recitation you can chain both the defensive chants, but i fell that pure DMG is better that the difensive boost

Edited by Dr <3

The Dragon Thrashed plus Come, Sweet Winds of Death is nice in conjunction with Combusting Wounds because this way you can set up two DoT effects that tick down with one chanter who has to do nothing but sing. So a chanter with those two chants can generate 10 extra burn damage per tick with Combusting Wounds while the both chants overlap. I have two cahnters with those and a wizard with Combusting Wounds as Mastered Spell - 20 extra burn damage every 3 seconds is just awesome.

Ah - and my ranger's animal companion also likes those DoT chants. ;) 

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Hmm strange thing I noticed in 3.01:


dmg of The Dragon Thrashed, The Dragon Wailed is effected by INT stat, higher number=higher dmg, is this intended effect?


I suppose dmg value for chants/invocations, for everything  pretty  sure, always was defined by MIGHT, not INT stat.

Edited by Gs11
Posted (edited)

All DoT effects (and also heal over time) are affected by intelligence.


DoT damage = base damage × (1 + 0.03 x Mig) x (1 + 0.05 x Int).

(But of course, with higher Int, it also takes more time to apply and more ticks means more DR so it is not linear).


For chant, the Int modifier is a bit different cause it applies only to the linger part. So when at high level linger is equal to chant duration (due to brisk recitation), every point of Int boost damage by 5% / 2 = 2.5%.

Edited by Elric Galad
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