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Possibility of Vampire the Masquerade:Bloodlines sequel


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A part of me wishes that, if this ever gets made, it's done in the Source 2 engine. I don't think there's any engine out there that can match Source's extremely expressive facial animations. The engine is free too, so there's literally no reason not to.


After what happened with VtMB and Source/Valve, Tim Cain probably doesn't have the fondest memories of it, but hey, here's to hoping.

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I hate Unity.

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Agreed. It seems like the only drawback of a free Source is for the modding that has to be done, which the same can be said for any engine that isn't already specifically designed for a certain task. I wonder if they could use the existing work from Bloodlines, or if they'd rather start from scratch. And the other issue is from a production standpoint - one would assume that a first person engine is going to require more resources, which equates to more money, etc - but I'm not exactly so sure about that. At least the engine is free..


Along with the facial animations, the lighting in Source always looked realistic to me - not too overblown with visual effects, lense flare and all of that. Couple that with the modern environment and real world textures, the look of the game is still relevant. Some of the textures are even more high res than games being released today.


I would be so bummed if a sequel turned out to be isometric that I doubt I'd even play it.

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I have to admit, I don't care for modern Vampire. Vampires running around with machine guns just feels off to me. But if they make it not first person, I'll probably play it (first person doesn't make me motion sick, but I find it very disorienting, mostly because my ability to control my motions with a mouse is so much worse than my ability to control my actual self.)

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I'm the exact opposite. As far as fantasy is concerned in games, vampires are one of the least visited subjects. The same goes for having a modern setting that isn't set in ruin and far removed from it's recognizable state. A vampire setting in Southern California is just a really good combo. The place just breeds an atypical climate. Isometric and 3rd person are both more disorientating than first person to me.

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I'm the exact opposite. As far as fantasy is concerned in games, vampires are one of the least visited subjects. The same goes for having a modern setting that isn't set in ruin and far removed from it's recognizable state. A vampire setting in Southern California is just a really good combo. The place just breeds an atypical climate. Isometric and 3rd person are both more disorientating than first person to me.

I don't necessarily object to modern setting with vampires. I dislike the way Vampire tends to handle technology, though. Take something like the novels True Blood was based on, which aren't particularly good, but I feel handle the juxtaposition of real world and vampires better. The vampires in those books are, when the cards are on the table, savage, bestial creatures who are all about claws and fangs. A vampire with a flamethrower, grenades, or some sort of electrical gun (which I seem to recall from Bloodlines, though I may be getting it confused with Requiem) just feels like some guy, not like a vampire.
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Eh, I guess I'm just not a stickler when it comes to limits of behavior. I think it fits the blending into society aspect, as well as occasionally being an effective weapon(flamethrower because it burns to dust). But overall I felt guns were treated as a secondary option in Bloodlines - something you could do, but simply brawling and melee along with disciplines were more effective. As for enemies, it was weighted towards guns too much, but just replacing them all with claws wouldn't do much to change gameplay, just aesthetics, while removing some diversity and perhaps some game balance.

Edited by Blodhemn
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  • 2 weeks later...


Unfortunately, creating a Bloodlines style game is super expensive. The only place they're likely to get that sort of cash is if they go to a major publisher, and then they'd ruin it by ramming a bunch of microtransactions, multiplayer modes, and other unfocused features to turn the game into a bland, uninspiring, and completely non-threatening product.


That's very sad truth. And even more sad, because i want to see WoD mmo even more then just WoD rpg, but i totaly understand why CCP cancelled it - quess they just didn't have enough funds to make a real role-playing online game instead of another mob-and-dungeon grinding game like the rest of the mmo's right now. And if they could not handle the task, then i just have no hope on seeing a first real mmorpg in any near future.


But as for the single-player game - i think that Obsidian has a chance here. Im not sure of it, but maybe they earned some extra-cash from PoE sails and their tank game, and if that will be added to new Kickstarter company - it could make just enough for 3d rpg. So... everything can happen.

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I'd rather see a Requiem RPG than a Masquerade one at this point... Though I'm also kinda burned out on OWoD at the moment, mostly because of the god-awful new MET rules that are horrible.... Though I do love V20 Dark Ages and Lore of the Clans because they're amazing. Go Onyx Path go! :dancing:

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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I really like the Vampire franchise.


When i was a kid i fell in love with Vampire the Masquerade : Redemption. That game had a feeling...it was wonderful. Rich of emotions. (Plus, i enjoyed the love story between Cristoph and Anezka).


And who did not like the other NPC like Vukodlak or Pink ?




And then there was Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines.


My first impression was that that game was bad. But soon i realized that i thought it was bad because i was expecting a game like it's prequel. So, i decided to keep playing it anyway.


And in the end i loved it. Sure, it's less RPG and less action-packed, but it has a Story that is a masterpiece. I mean, it almost makes you believe that Vampires truly exist.




And here comes my biggest fear for a sequel of Bloodline : who could ever be able to create another game like that one ? Bloodlines had a lore, a story so beliveable and enticing that felt almost real. Can you do something like this ?

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It'd be impossible to hit all of the elements to the same standard, but if anyone could come close, it'd be Obsidian. I'd just hope that the designer would focus on dialogue/quests/lore than try to fix game mechanics. There shouldn't be a departure from how the original played, the template is set, just get the immersion and feeling of the world right. I think that's something Obsidian can do, but I'm also skeptical that the quality of quests/writing/voice acting can be to the same standard. No game has really come close.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Allegedly, they've been working on this in conjunction with Paradox for a little while. And they have one more unannounced project, no? Louisiana could be a vampire game, right?

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My wild guess is Pillars team has moved on to VTM with additional support and they are using unreal engine(ıt's been pretty much confirmed they are using it but with what game? : p). And Obs will wait until its done to crowdfund PoE 2.

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