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The current refugee wave in Europe


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Russian plane crashed over Egypt, ISIS is claiming responsibility apparently, but no one is really that convinced.




Not convinced. Shooting down is definitely out of question unless they got specialized surface to air missile systems, which would mean that Sauds or USA delivered them to rebels. I doubt that any of that happened.


The Saudis or US would not be arming rebels in Egypt. There were rumours that the ISIS chapter in Egypt may have got hold of a high altitude capable SAM via capture off the Egyptian army, but I don't think anyone seriously believes it given that the whole rebel force in Syria has captured one functional non manpad SAM system despite being far more organised and having captured far more equipment and territory. On the other hand, an airliner that had to reduce altitude due to cabin pressure loss or similar would be in the danger zone for man portable air SAMs which it is very credible that they would have a limited number of.


Overall though it is highly unlikely to be a SAM even given that, and I think 'Sinai State' have actually denied it as well.




hmm something fishy is going on here.


It seems that the plane DID NOT send any SOS message and it started to shatter on high altitude as the remains are scattered across a large region. It may have been something sudden, but the questions is what. What kind of technical defect would trigger a destruction in air, the plane crew first wanted to land on the nearest airport, and later on there was no SOS, no mayday, just disassembled in mid air on high altitude.


perhaps there was something going on during the flight among the passengers. if it would be indeed SAM, then this thing would have a really smelly background. I mean, this would mean that someone sold a complex SAM system to "rebels"

Edited by Darkpriest
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So. Why would anyone shoot down a passenger jet and how did they acquire the means to do so? Good starting plot for a spy novel, I guess.






"Well, overkill is my middle name. And my last name. And all of my other names as well!"

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For all that's worth anyway, airline said it was an 'external influence'. Guess it's just WAGs for now.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Confirmed, shotguns are selling like hotcakes lately, I've seen many couples with apparently little to no experience with firearms in the gun shop buying such firearms and ammo. I am a gun owner but I have mixed feelings about this because I'm pretty sure the majority of the buyers won't practice with it or learn how to safely operate it....let alone ever test fire it.


But saying the refugee invasion has caused this buying spree is only half the truth, it only boosted sales further. Shotguns and defensive firearms have been selling really well for the past 2 years now because people have been feeling that somethings brewing long before the refugee incident started. One reason is the EU antagonizing private gun ownership, many people want to arm themselves before bans come from the politicians in Brussels.


Coincidentally, the survival products market -like emergency food- has been experiencing a dramatic increase in sales the past couple of years.


To me, it feels like people wake up from their slumber in their false safety bubble realizing that not everything's gonna be alright forever.

Edited by Woldan

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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Confirmed, shotguns are selling like hotcakes lately, I've seen many couples with apparently little to no experience with firearms in the gun shop buying such firearms and ammo. I am a gun owner but I have mixed feelings about this because I'm pretty sure the majority of the buyers won't practice with it or learn how to safely operate it....let alone ever test fire it.


But saying the refugee invasion has caused this buying spree is only half the truth, it only boosted sales further. Shotguns and defensive firearms have been selling really well for the past 2 years now because people have been feeling that somethings brewing long before the refugee incident started. One reason is the EU antagonizing private gun ownership, many people want to arm themselves before bans come from the politicians in Brussels.


Coincidentally, the survival products market -like emergency food- has been experiencing a dramatic increase in sales the past couple of years.


To me, it feels like people wake up from their slumber in their false safety bubble realizing that not everything's gonna be alright forever.



Woldan NO! I thought that only those red-neck americans were gun nuts. Why aren't you being smug about your healthcare at your local barrista and deconstructing the dreamscapes of Klimt? :( :(


In other news, KP's ranting about the elite financing the crisis turns out to have some merit: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/11/02/soros-admits-involvement-in-migrant-crisis-national-borders-are-the-obstacle/


(Relax, the source is from Bloomberg News)

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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It seems that the plane DID NOT send any SOS message and it started to shatter on high altitude as the remains are scattered across a large region. It may have been something sudden, but the questions is what. What kind of technical defect would trigger a destruction in air, the plane crew first wanted to land on the nearest airport, and later on there was no SOS, no mayday, just disassembled in mid air on high altitude.

There are several different possibilities (and others, such as plain metal fatigue or a door failure causing explosive decompression). Of the two linked the China 611 is perhaps the most likely since the Airbus321 involved here had also had a significant tail strike incident. This analysis brought to you by multiple hours watching Air Crash Investigation/ Mayday.



For all that's worth anyway, airline said it was an 'external influence'. Guess it's just WAGs for now.


Analysis of the black boxes is required to actually tell. And yeah, they would say that since it exonerates them of blame.

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"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Refugees as weapons, what a weird time we are in

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Russian plane crash: Midair heat flash detected before disaster.


I only post this link to discuss the detection method. The US has the capability to perform real-time worldwide monitoring of "heat flashes" as small as an aircraft exploding, from outer space? That's freaking awesome.

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I would caution that initial news reports usually turn out to be wrong. Also it wouldn't surprise me if IS had captured on of the Syrian government SAMs and smuggled it into Sinai. They would definitely be trying to get back at Russia just about now.

Edited by Wrath of Dagon

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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In other news, KP's ranting about the elite financing the crisis turns out to have some merit: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/11/02/soros-admits-involvement-in-migrant-crisis-national-borders-are-the-obstacle/


(Relax, the source is from Bloomberg News)

KP's ranting always has merit. It should come as no surprise that the refugees are being brought in to provide low-wage workers and keep wages down.

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To be fair, the Russians do already have (albeit multirole) fighters there plus SAMs around their airbase.


I can't see them responding overly much to a few F15s- which is provocative but everyone does similar- in a shooting war their Syrian deployment is already outmatched by Turkey/ Israel and at least theoretically by any Jordan/ GCC combo and it would take a very large increase to change that. Which might come if ISIS really did bomb the airliner but then it wouldn't be in response to anything the US did.

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It seems that some US and EU intelligence suggests that it indeed could have been a bomb planted on the plane. If that will get confirmed I am sure as hell that a ton of various consipracy theories will rise up, from Russians government planting it to validate their intervention to US/Israel to force Russian intervention more towards the ISIS/terrorists to Sauds playing their own game in the region, etc...


Fun times ahead if it confirms....

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It seems that some US and EU intelligence suggests that it indeed could have been a bomb planted on the plane. If that will get confirmed I am sure as hell that a ton of various consipracy theories will rise up, from Russians government planting it to validate their intervention to US/Israel to force Russian intervention more towards the ISIS/terrorists to Sauds playing their own game in the region, etc...


Fun times ahead if it confirms....



There is no need to consider conspiracy theories, the Russians are actively involved in combating ISIS. This is the reality of fighting extremism in the modern age.... suicide bomb  blasts, planes being targeted, pointless killings of innocents. Its a bit naive to think that Russia could become involved in  fighting ISIS and this type of event wouldn't occur. The West has been dealing with this since 9\11....


I'm not saying is ISIS is irrefutably responsible for this Russian plane being targeted but its not impossible 

Edited by BruceVC

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

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To be fair, the Russians do already have (albeit multirole) fighters there plus SAMs around their airbase.


I can't see them responding overly much to a few F15s- which is provocative but everyone does similar- in a shooting war their Syrian deployment is already outmatched by Turkey/ Israel and at least theoretically by any Jordan/ GCC combo and it would take a very large increase to change that. Which might come if ISIS really did bomb the airliner but then it wouldn't be in response to anything the US did.


well, now they will have even more SAMs



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The rebels have fired a scud (not technically a scud but I can't remember what it actually was; long range though so not a grad or similar) at Latakia airport already, it just missed by a lot. Both Pantsirs and S300s can theoretically shoot scuds and other ballistic missiles down if they did come close.


The Yemeni situation is a bit different since most of the formal military there is fighting the Saudi/ GCC invasion rather than supporting it, so they started out with a lot of missiles.

Edited by Zoraptor
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