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The current refugee wave in Europe


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So caring, so wonderfully moderate, with everyone's best interests at heart. Nothing worse than an intellectual trying to ingratiate himself with everyone.




Why does Europe produce so many of its own gravediggers?

Edited by Drowsy Emperor
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Seems the service is not to his liking. "Refugee" in Hungary



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I don't even need to say anything on this topic as everyone is well aware of my stance on Islamic immigration to Europe. That was my stance before this happened, now I've no words left for the suicidal, self loathing lunacy of European elites. Generations of men died in droves, fighting endless wars and battles, to keep Europe safe from Islam, including the Balkan states (of which Hungary seems to be the only one with any sense).


Yeah, because we had so much luck before with keeping Muslims out of our borders. Anything other then what we did would be giving them political ammunition to crucify us and I doubt that Hungary would even peep a word in our defense.

"because they filled mommy with enough mythic power to become a demi-god" - KP

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Holy ****!





"Poland doesn't have a problem with immigrants. Poland has a problem with immigrants who under the absurd Dublin doctrine [Dublin Regulation] are being forced to stay in concentration camps and want to escape from Poland to Germany, to Austria and other countries. Why? Because Poland has significantly lower welfare. If we were to abolish welfare, there wouldn't be any people coming to Poland and the whole Europe just to live off of handouts. People willing to work are valuable, but they are being sent back to their countries and we take in those unwilling to work. This is a ridiculous policy that results in Europe being flooded with human garbage. Let's state this clear: human garbage that doesn't want to work. America built it's power because it took in immigrants willing to work and didn't give any handouts. We are ruining Europe and this policy is the cause of downfall of Europe. Thank you.
Socialism kills."


Poland Stronk.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Seriously,  why don't other Muslim countries take them in? Why would anyone want to got to evil Western countries that are full of evil and the devil? The logic here is stupid.


For example, people blaming the West for it and using that as a reason why they should accept the refugees. Well.. if the West is at fault why would you want them involved in this? They are obviously evil right? Let the aweesomely perfect and sweet ME countries take the refugees in.


btw, The vast majority of the migrants are adult men.Women are supposed to be 50% of the population yet 70% of the refugees are men according to articles.




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Come on man, surely you realize they're being let in from the top. If a bunch of them were shot the way they would be on the borders of Saudi Arabia - they'd never even attempt to get in (why aren't they going there at all, hmm).  They know they'll get in so they push until it happens. Numbers are completely irrelevant here, the lack of consequences is.


Have you seen the immigrant rioting in Budapest and Greece? Do you think that sort of thing would fly in Europe of just a few decades ago?

If by "being let in" you mean not being shot on sight, then yeah, I suppose they are. What do you want, to torch 'em at the border a la World War Z? Sink their inflatable boats? Like shooting fish in a barrel, right?


Whatever, everything that's worth saying has already been said to death. I just hope I'm never in a situation where I need to request refugee status on another country.

Edited by 213374U
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- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Seriously, why don't other Muslim countries take them in? Why would anyone want to got to evil Western countries that are full of evil and the devil? The logic here is stupid.

Last I heard, Jordan has taken in 1.5 million refugees... Not too shabby for a country of 8 million or so. Lebanon has similar numbers... But as far as I know, those are the only two major examples. Others probably know more than me.

Edited by Bartimaeus
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How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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Poland Stronk.

I, for one, am not looking forward to fascism 2.0.



Too bad it *will* happen as long as refugee policy remains as it is with practically open borders. Zizek is completely right on that part.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I don't really know anything about refugees, but shouldn't the amount of women and children be much higher? Men go to war, and women and children escape the fighting.

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As i said, they are men dressed as welfare queens with some ISIS warriors here and there. 


Throw all the men out and keep the women and children. Kurdish, Yazedi and Assyrian (orthodox christian) are given first row in as the are actively persecuted in those areas.

Edited by Meshugger

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Too bad it *will* happen as long as refugee policy remains as it is with practically open borders. Zizek is completely right on that part.

Not necessarily, sorry to rain on your parade. We've absorbed close to 7 million immigrants, and despite the unemployment rates and economic crisis, far-right parties are still niche at best, without parliamentary representation or significant street support.


Propaganda and hate-mongering are a bigger factor in the rise of extreme political movements than anything else, provided that people at large have their basic needs covered. And by the time they don't, you have bigger problems anyway.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Too bad it *will* happen as long as refugee policy remains as it is with practically open borders. Zizek is completely right on that part.

Not necessarily, sorry to rain on your parade. We've absorbed close to 7 million immigrants, and despite the unemployment rates and economic crisis, far-right parties are still niche at best, without parliamentary representation or significant street support.


Propaganda and hate-mongering are a bigger factor in the rise of extreme political movements than anything else, provided that people at large have their basic needs covered. And by the time they don't, you have bigger problems anyway.



Oh, you mean over a 30 year period where most are from EU and Latin america, leaving about 750k from Marocco? And most in an orderly fashion? Yeah, exactly the same thing.




^Shared over 6 million times. This is big.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Oh, you mean over a 30 year period where most are from EU and Latin america, leaving about 750k from Marocco? And most in an orderly fashion? Yeah, exactly the same thing.


No, mate. I mean more like over a 15 year period, where most are actually African (sub-saharan and Moroccan), South American, and Romanian, and an estimated half a million of illegals. Do the math. Or ask /pol/ to do it for you.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Too bad it *will* happen as long as refugee policy remains as it is with practically open borders. Zizek is completely right on that part.

Not necessarily, sorry to rain on your parade. We've absorbed close to 7 million immigrants, and despite the unemployment rates and economic crisis, far-right parties are still niche at best, without parliamentary representation or significant street support.


Propaganda and hate-mongering are a bigger factor in the rise of extreme political movements than anything else, provided that people at large have their basic needs covered. And by the time they don't, you have bigger problems anyway.



Oh, you mean over a 30 year period where most are from EU and Latin america, leaving about 750k from Marocco? And most in an orderly fashion? Yeah, exactly the same thing.




^Shared over 6 million times. This is big.



It is watched over 6 million times shared only 265900 times. So it is quite far behind your typical facebook cat video

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Oh, you mean over a 30 year period where most are from EU and Latin america, leaving about 750k from Marocco? And most in an orderly fashion? Yeah, exactly the same thing.


No, mate. I mean more like over a 15 year period, where most are actually African (sub-saharan and Moroccan), South American, and Romanian, and an estimated half a million of illegals. Do the math. Or ask /pol/ to do it for you.



They answered that the international jewry is out to destroy europe by making every goyim a passive slave without any clear cultural heritage and that ISIS is a Mossad funded and trained operation. Uhm, do not know how to make out of that number. 


But really, i took the statistics from wikipedia, where the graph started at 1980. I do not understand how you can compare it to the current scenario in any way.





Too bad it *will* happen as long as refugee policy remains as it is with practically open borders. Zizek is completely right on that part.

Not necessarily, sorry to rain on your parade. We've absorbed close to 7 million immigrants, and despite the unemployment rates and economic crisis, far-right parties are still niche at best, without parliamentary representation or significant street support.


Propaganda and hate-mongering are a bigger factor in the rise of extreme political movements than anything else, provided that people at large have their basic needs covered. And by the time they don't, you have bigger problems anyway.



Oh, you mean over a 30 year period where most are from EU and Latin america, leaving about 750k from Marocco? And most in an orderly fashion? Yeah, exactly the same thing.




^Shared over 6 million times. This is big.



It is watched over 6 million times shared only 265900 times. So it is quite far behind your typical facebook cat video




Whops, my bad. I stand corrected.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Seriously,  why don't other Muslim countries take them in? Why would anyone want to got to evil Western countries that are full of evil and the devil? The logic here is stupid.


For example, people blaming the West for it and using that as a reason why they should accept the refugees. Well.. if the West is at fault why would you want them involved in this? They are obviously evil right? Let the aweesomely perfect and sweet ME countries take the refugees in.


btw, The vast majority of the migrants are adult men.Women are supposed to be 50% of the population yet 70% of the refugees are men according to articles.



because countries liek Syria, Jordan are pretty progressive as far as Muslim countries go compared to Saudi Barbaria, Bahrain, etc

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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btw, The vast majority of the migrants are adult men.Women are supposed to be 50% of the population yet 70% of the refugees are men according to articles.




And all of them 20-30 years of age.


Deserters and economic migrants. Not refugees. That entire line of thinking is nonsense. The war has been going on for half a decade now and the refugees are coming out of the woodwork now? Lol.


Besides, I've watched real refugees stream into my country and unfortunately, I can now also see these people coming as well, as they've occupied Belgrade city center railway station/bus station. They're nothing alike. The media is full of ****. These people are well clothed, have the latest electronic gadgets and don't look in the least bit distressed on the whole. Most of them have been living decently in Turkey after getting out of Syria and have now decided that Swedish and German welfare is a better deal. Many of them are from Afghanistan and Pakistan where nothing of note has been happening to spur "refugees". 


The media are preemptively cushioning the anger of the public by creating a situation where these "refugees" are an issue of morality (look how sad  they are, you have to help them) instead of economics and cultural incompatibility. They're fabricating the entire atmosphere surrounding the issue. All negativity is suppressed, videos of migrants rioting and being violent are limited to local and at most national coverage while overwhelming the global coverage with fake positive news "great welcome in city xyz for migrants" etc. etc.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor
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If anyone wants a plausible conspiracy theory for why there are suddenly so many refugees look no further than Turkey being baulked at setting up their 'safe zone' in northern Syria. They've announced it every month for the past six months as if it has approval from the US and others, and been told to FOAD (diplomatic equivalent thereof) every time because no one wants to support Erdogan's neo-Ottomanism and everyone knows it would be an anti Kurd zone rather than an anti ISIS one- and many suspect that there would be a 'referendum' and Syria would never get the land back, per Antioch/ Hatay 1939. However, if Europe finds themselves drowning in refugees from Turkey they'll be looking for an alternative solution and Turkey has one on the table.



Seriously, why don't other Muslim countries take them in? Why would anyone want to got to evil Western countries that are full of evil and the devil? The logic here is stupid.

Last I heard, Jordan has taken in 1.5 million refugees... Not too shabby for a country of 8 million or so. Lebanon has similar numbers... But as far as I know, those are the only two major examples. Others probably know more than me.



Lebanon and Turkey have a million plus refugees, Jordan around a million, iirc. Even Iraq has a few hundred thousand.


Saudi Arabia is a bit of an odd case, they have no official refugees but they do supposedly have a hundred thousand or so Syrian 'guests' who may or may not exist and may or may not be refugees by another name depending on who you ask. Considering the stipulations placed on Syrians wanting to go on the Hajj by KSA I'm deeply sceptical about them taking actual refugees, if they have anyone it's likely to be the next crop of 'religious students' all set to join whichever extremist group hasn't blotted their copybook yet.

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I don't even need to say anything on this topic as everyone is well aware of my stance on Islamic immigration to Europe. That was my stance before this happened, now I've no words left for the suicidal, self loathing lunacy of European elites. Generations of men died in droves, fighting endless wars and battles, to keep Europe safe from Islam, including the Balkan states (of which Hungary seems to be the only one with any sense).


Yeah, because we had so much luck before with keeping Muslims out of our borders. Anything other then what we did would be giving them political ammunition to crucify us and I doubt that Hungary would even peep a word in our defense.



So what. Its just words, its not like they can make us obey. Block the borders with army and police and make them take the longer way round or turn back. Now the government has received money from the EU for "camps". Why do you think they're giving us money? Because they're going to kick them out of Hungary/Austria and back to us. And then winter is going to come and the migrants are going to run out of travelling money and be blocked out of getting in the EU and what do you think will happen then? Hmm? Stay in Serbia where unemployment is 30%+, and do what, sell kebabs?


No we're going to have rioting and violence and bull**** of all sorts and it could have all been prevented.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

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Come on man, surely you realize they're being let in from the top. If a bunch of them were shot the way they would be on the borders of Saudi Arabia - they'd never even attempt to get in (why aren't they going there at all, hmm).  They know they'll get in so they push until it happens. Numbers are completely irrelevant here, the lack of consequences is.


Have you seen the immigrant rioting in Budapest and Greece? Do you think that sort of thing would fly in Europe of just a few decades ago?

If by "being let in" you mean not being shot on sight, then yeah, I suppose they are. What do you want, to torch 'em at the border a la World War Z? Sink their inflatable boats? Like shooting fish in a barrel, right?


Whatever, everything that's worth saying has already been said to death. I just hope I'm never in a situation where I need to request refugee status on another country.



Issue commands to the border guards to warn first, then fire into the air, then fire at them if they keep coming (if they're stupid enough to do it). A few will eventually do something stupid and get shot and then word will spread around and that will be the end of that.


Case closed, problem solved. Why the **** is this so hard to grasp? The state exists to exert its authority, not to stand idly by as foreigners come demanding welfare checks, then their own mosque, political party, dress code, legal system and whatever else they fancy (lolollolo).

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

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If anyone wants a plausible conspiracy theory for why there are suddenly so many refugees look no further than Turkey being baulked at setting up their 'safe zone' in northern Syria. They've announced it every month for the past six months as if it has approval from the US and others, and been told to FOAD (diplomatic equivalent thereof) every time because no one wants to support Erdogan's neo-Ottomanism and everyone knows it would be an anti Kurd zone rather than an anti ISIS one- and many suspect that there would be a 'referendum' and Syria would never get the land back, per Antioch/ Hatay 1939. However, if Europe finds themselves drowning in refugees from Turkey they'll be looking for an alternative solution and Turkey has one on the table.


As far as I know its no theory - most of the migrants are coming from Turkey, which they have no real reason to leave. They are being spurred internally, but to be honest, it probably didn't take much as the land of multi-culti ignorance, aka Sweden and Germany did announce they would accept everyone.

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