Slategrey252 Posted April 3, 2015 Posted April 3, 2015 I'll add my vote for a portrait adding method/editor
Kelstrom Posted April 3, 2015 Posted April 3, 2015 It will be great if we could see what are the total grazes / hits on our characters, just like the amount of crits showed in the personal tab.
Luckmann Posted April 3, 2015 Posted April 3, 2015 Remove all spoiler mapmarks and allow us to make our own mapnotes.
Tanred Posted April 3, 2015 Posted April 3, 2015 (edited) Separate audio volume slider for sound effects and background ambient sounds. Edited April 3, 2015 by Tanred
Tanred Posted April 3, 2015 Posted April 3, 2015 Potraits for NPCs, at least for those important ones. 1
Quillon Posted April 3, 2015 Posted April 3, 2015 On 4/2/2015 at 9:42 PM, ShadySands said: I would love to see the stronghold expanded. A few more things to build (like an inn), upgrades to buildings, more people (guards, servants/staff, travelers, peasants/workers, etc), and events and things to do with prisoners. Expanded, yeah a bit living population could add to the flavor but it should've been more connected with the rest of the game, currently it's another skyhold but with THE dungeon. We could have recruited blacksmiths, alchemists and whatnots from rest of the game instead of generic people showing up in repaired buildings or NWN2's keep features and more but nothing can be done now, it's fundamentally this way. Apparently, the separated resources for caed nua area all went to 15 levels.
Schakar Posted April 3, 2015 Posted April 3, 2015 Shop offer alteration. Currently shops allways offer the same stuff . No matter if you visit them the first time or ingame weeks later. There is no reason to go back to the first town and check the traders ... they will never ever get new random items anyway.
Xionanx Posted April 3, 2015 Posted April 3, 2015 IMO the Stronghold needs a complete overhaul. What wrong with the stronghold: 1. "Turns" are tied to quest completion, not time. Meaning that things that take X turns to complete can literally take forever in game days if you are short on quests to do. "Turns" should be removed and everything should be time based. 2. TWO loading screens to rest in Brighthold.. Why? Brighthold needs an innkeeper on the bottom floor as soon as you walk in. 3. "Hirelings" should be recruit-able "Suikoden" Style.. You meet lots of NPC's in the world who might want a better place to live.. Why can't I invite them to work for me? 4. All loot from random attacks should go into the treasury when the attack is over, rather then just vanish.. 5. Prestige loss adventures are garbage.. (especially with turn system). So, I have X days to give this guy 1000(Money) OR drop someone from party and send them off of "X Turns" which could be weeks of in game time.. OR I take a hit on prestige. 6. ALL "Business" type structures should generate income. 7. All "Resting Bonus" type structures should stack into a SINGLE bonus. I'm sleeping in the same bed every time, In the same building, so why am I only getting the tower bonus when I have everything built? 8. The "Throne" somehow managing to recruit contract labor.. makes NO sense. If it can't leave.. how exactly is it getting these people to come? Who is in charge of paying these people? The HONOR SYSTEM? Honestly.. I feel like the stronghold was tacked on with little effort made to actually incorporate it into the game in any meaningful fashion. Every single structure being built COULD have been a quest: Locate Architectural Engineer - You have to find someone capable of handling the work.. QUEST!! Locate a source of X Stone - QUEST Defend your lumberjacks from X Y Z critters who are impeding their ability to harvest the needed wood.. QUEST Fill your library is knowledge to get MORE CRAFTING RECIPES - Collect books/writings and "install" them in the library (suddenly you have a reason to collect all the books) etc etc.. So much wasted potential. Who knows, maybe a mod author with skills will see this and spark some idea.. 4
Rabain Posted April 3, 2015 Posted April 3, 2015 Fast Mode Active text should only be on screen for a short duration after appearing, a few seconds. Maybe to remind players it should appear with each area transition but it is a bit jarring to have it always be active. Stores could be better. Filters should only Display what they are for, not grey out everything else. Also Save Game should remember if I have Fast Mode Active as well as what Zoom level I had. If I load a Save, these settings are forgotten currently.
gerahmurov Posted April 3, 2015 Author Posted April 3, 2015 (edited) On 3/29/2015 at 4:48 PM, plethoraoflies said: Traps. I love 'em. When I found out they're recoverable with a successful disarm check, I was overjoyed... only to be immediately dismayed when I saw that you can only place one at a time. Why? I get that it's most likely a way to avoid abusing them (even though, it would be hilarious to see something like a dragon be taken out instantly by dozens of traps) but it could be easily solved. For example: -number of placed traps at one time proportionate to Mechanics skill; -have the traps' strength and damage, again, proportionate to the Mechanics skill; -give the enemies the ability to detect traps (not sure if they do this now, but from what I've seen, they can't) and avoid them. or any other number of ways. Why not abuse them? Abusing is fun sometimes. I don't recall whether they are limitless in shops but otherwise there are not much of traps in the game. And if I collected all of them just give me the chance to kill dragon with traps. I earned it. It a single player game. It should be fun above balance. Make me feel I broke the system. and +1 for these -Better transparency or character outlines when characters are behind scenery (trees, doorways, etc) -More obvious character location indication when they are selected. It's currently very very subtle and I have to almost zoom in and look for it. also please do something with unstackable bonuses from items. As I wrote in another thread, in Divinity Original Sin I had to spend hours to sort items manually in the inventory before patch. And now in Pillars sorting is presented from launch but now I have to spend hours replacing items on my chars through 12 windows for better bonus (1 inventory, 1 status, both x6 chars). High-end items with bonuses to different stats at once make things only worse. There is so much info I have to keep in my head every time I shop. And I cant think of any convenient interface for speeding up this process. And the only useful thing could be 'Autosuggest' button based on priority of stats for the character, which (thing), seems to be not so easy fix. Edited April 3, 2015 by gerahmurov 1
gerahmurov Posted April 6, 2015 Author Posted April 6, 2015 Opening a door with a key should be rewarded by the same amount of experience as opening it with lockpicks. XP is important and after finding a key I can not pick a lock to the door anymore. And why characters without lockpicking skills, but who traveled through the whole level, slayed countless foes, found a key in a kidney of a dead spider-ogre on the bottom of the cold stream, shouldn't be rewarded by a small amount of XP? They got the door opened, right? Or give a option to lockpick it even if I have a key. Because now it is a problem. Furthermore, finding a key can be rewarded to by a small XP =) 2
Sabin Stargem Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 On 4/3/2015 at 9:05 AM, cloudline said: Completely remove the pet tooltip. When I hit tab neither myself nor my party members show a tooltip and neither should my pet. Actually, I have a use for that: It tells me if tab is activated. I would sometimes forget to toggle it on without the pet to remind me.
metsu Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 On 4/2/2015 at 9:23 PM, JerseyP said: More Portraits There are many head types per race. Very few have matching portraits. Custom ones are Ok, but using portraits that match the art direction of the game is great. More Portraits Yeah, I want to echo this sentiment. Hearth orlan makes can choose from like... One portrait.
kilobug Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 Hi ! Great game so far, a few little UI-related suggestions that would make it even better : 1. Add some auto-sort options for the stash. 2. Display the "proficiency type" of the weapon (knight, soldier, ruffian, ...) on the weapon detail, if possible colored in green if the currently selected character has the proficiency. 3. On the details of an "ingredient", display the list of currently known potions/scrolls/enchantements this ingredient is used in. 4. Make resting in the stronghold easier, without having to enter Brighthollow, climb upstairs, and then back downstairs and out of it, that's 4 scene transitions (the 4 loadings) easily avoidable by like adding some clickable item on the outside of Brighthollow that pops the rest menu too.
kilobug Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 Three other useful features : 1. Pathfinding should try to avoid traps that were detected. 2. The currently selected character should be more strongly highlighted during battle, something it's hard to recognize which one is selected on the battlefield. 3. When casting a spell (or using a ranged ability) it would be useful to have some visual feedback on where the character would have to move. Like I select a wizard, try to cast "fireball", when I hover the mouse to select the center, the AoE is highlithed, but I don't know if my wizard will have to move to cast nor where, it would be nice to have some visual indictator of where the wizard would move. 1
Awathorn Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 (edited) Give us something for killing enemies. Idea: 1) Killing different enemies fills out the blanks in your bestiary. Upon completing the page, party members get small damage bonus when fighting that beast. and more importantly... 2) When using weapon type, party members get damage and speed bonuses after some time. Like a weapon XP. Everyone can use whatever they want, no need for weapon groups, focus, specialization or any weapon talents. No real XP for killing enemies, but fighting makes you better at... fighting. So, if a character deals XXXX damage to xaurips with sword, he will be better at fighting xaurips and better with swords. After going through the whole game with a bow, character will achieve mastery with that weapon, but will still be level 12 or whatever, like the rest of the bunch, just slightly more powerful (if a player took the time to complete all the quests, clear out wilderness areas etc). Resting: Away with current system. IE style rest back into play, but more punishing. Rest wherever and whenever you like, small chance of interrupt in wilderness areas, huge chance for interrupt in uncleared parts of dungeon, small chance of interrupt in clear parts of dungeon. Do dungeon designs with resting places in mind. Who wants to SAVE/LOAD their way through the game, so be it. Remove resting bonus in inns. Makes no sense. Maybe add a longer period before becoming fatigued after resting in proper bed. Come up with some minigames (Witcher style) if you can't think another way to make inns relevant. Rolling dice (how appropriate), fighting bare handed, playing cards with gods painted on them, having bards recite poems when you talk to them, drinking beer and getting some flavor information about the world from the innkeeper. Edited April 6, 2015 by Awathorn
Nasdaq7 Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 Unfortunately that's no really nice weapons in the game, it is in my view what lacks - there needs enormous work to be done on the weapons. Really. Everyone I have chatted to say the same thing. Interesting variety of weapons are really lacking in the game. And it needs to be random too. No one likes having the same game as everyone else on earth. Generate random weapons. There's nothing so much fun as to go and search for unique weapons for unique characters.
DIIscIIple Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 I would love to have a hotkey that would switch between all ranged or all melee weapons for evertyone in the party. I usually fire an opening salvo and then charge everybody in (four fighters, two paladins in the party). And I find it annoying to switch each dude's weapon manually one by one.
deama Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 (edited) -- Uncap level, or extend it to, say, level 50-ish? -- give solo-players 5 times the exp instead of 50%. -- Add in a lot more encounters, e.g. I am being hunted by some criminal organisation cause I've done too many good-deeds, now I've just met up with a group, they're gonna kill me. Or I've just come across some peasants trying to stay alive and I can help them by donating some money, or telling them to go live in my keep. Maybe something more? Like a quest? -- Add in a lot more of those "novel" type parts where you climb up a wall, or something, though how about arm-wrestling? Or dexterity matches with some random strangers? Or resistance checks like "Will you be able to cross this stream without falling?" Or you go on some debate with some stranger about the current events. -- Less monster placements, or at least make them more meaningful, I find it kinda annoying having to run into a new room and there being a group of monsters each time; how about instead of a group only 1 big one? Mini-bosses? It didn't matter as much for me in the IE games, but that's because I always got exp for them (a lot actuall), so I didn't care as much; but there it gets annoying, fast. -- Add in Keep events, as in, some peasants come and beg you to let them stay; or some "great" warrior comes and wants to challenge you, or some other lord challenges you, so you get your army together and go kill him before he kills you or your subjects. Or you are threatened by the King to marry some princess or he will scold you and send assassins after you. -- Add in more interesting strangers into towns, like you talk to someone and he just asks you if you want to buy this ultra-rare item, but it turns out to be fake, then you can chase him and kill him or let him go, idk. Or just more NPCs where they react to your choices; e.g. you talk to them and say you like democracy lots, so they get mad and don't like you, or start arguing with you; or just some peasant begging you for money; Or when your reputation is high some citizens will praise you, or even follow you around town, like having your own fandom, and you can tell them to piss off or whatever. -- Add in more item modells, too many look the same I think. -- Remove enchanting system. Yes, having an enchanting system is good, but I don't think it's been done well enough, it kinda defeats the purpose of finding gear. Once you start using the enchanting system you end up just hunting for gems and ingredients, so that makes 25%> of the loot useless. It's not "Skyrim" bad, but it's not good either. -- Add in more "citizens" or guards to your Keep, so far I've hired the max amount and it feels kinda "empty". -- The beastiery idea needs work; it's a neat idea I think, but once you complete it the combat becomes more of a drag, especially because of the many enemy placements. Maybe just half the amount of exp you get after you complete the beastiery? -- Add in more interesting classes. The basics are there, fighter, rogue, ranger, paladin, priest, monk, ect... but there needs to be more interesting classes like the Cipher; maybe a PoE version of the Death Knight? How about Life leecher? His spells cost HP to cast? How about a monk-mage who can throw boulders, jump to some other location, or use wind to push the opponent, pull people to himself, idk. -- Make it so you can "quick" rest in your stronghold. It was fun the first couple of times I did it, but it got annoying, REAL fast. Edited April 6, 2015 by deama 1
gerahmurov Posted April 6, 2015 Author Posted April 6, 2015 On 4/6/2015 at 6:24 PM, Awathorn said: Give us something for killing enemies. Idea: 1) Killing different enemies fills out the blanks in your bestiary. Upon completing the page, party members get small damage bonus when fighting that beast. and more importantly... 2) When using weapon type, party members get damage and speed bonuses after some time. Like a weapon XP. Everyone can use whatever they want, no need for weapon groups, focus, specialization or any weapon talents. No real XP for killing enemies, but fighting makes you better at... fighting. So, if a character deals XXXX damage to xaurips with sword, he will be better at fighting xaurips and better with swords. After going through the whole game with a bow, character will achieve mastery with that weapon, but will still be level 12 or whatever, like the rest of the bunch, just slightly more powerful (if a player took the time to complete all the quests, clear out wilderness areas etc). Resting: Away with current system. IE style rest back into play, but more punishing. Rest wherever and whenever you like, small chance of interrupt in wilderness areas, huge chance for interrupt in uncleared parts of dungeon, small chance of interrupt in clear parts of dungeon. Do dungeon designs with resting places in mind. Who wants to SAVE/LOAD their way through the game, so be it. Remove resting bonus in inns. Makes no sense. Maybe add a longer period before becoming fatigued after resting in proper bed. Come up with some minigames (Witcher style) if you can't think another way to make inns relevant. Rolling dice (how appropriate), fighting bare handed, playing cards with gods painted on them, having bards recite poems when you talk to them, drinking beer and getting some flavor information about the world from the innkeeper. I disagree with resting. Resting is fine as it is. Also bonus in taverns is the greatest thing for making me sleep in taverns. I use it very often instead of camping outside. And interruption by monsters - not good idea for crpg without random levels and random monsters. And personally, I hate when they appear out of air. I'm so happy that there is no respawn of monsters so you can literally clear all locations and you cant grind small mobs at start. Or it can be interruption by script and disbonus - and everybody hates disbonuses. Bonuses are a better motivator. That's why I think resting is fine as it is and tavern bonus is an excellent solution. Just to make clear that there are people who dont want to change the resting system.
graf wasili Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 My 5 cent: DO: - multiple traps. using one trap hardly ever makes a big difference for the fight, so I don't use them much. that's my experience at least. - beeing able to open containers during combat. It should be legitimate to use speed potions or invisibility to go around hordes of monsters to get an item - being able to use invisibility out of combat DON'T: - nerfing the difficulty. people who complain about "hard" being to "hard" should simply try an easier difficulty. I mean you can even adjust the difficulty for single fights, so there's no sense in requests like this - mini games of any kind NICE TO HAVE: - pickpocketing - random encounters on journeys and (maybe) on resting - having spells for interacting with the world outside of combat. This was a good part of the Baldur's Gate goodneess. Having spells to charm npcs, open locks, search the map for enemies etc. If this seems to powerfull make them (rare) scrolls only. IN GENERAL: Making you able to cheat/cheese the game shouldn't be an argument against changes (like pickpocketing, or at least the ones in the DO section). Even if implementing the above changes would open ways to speedrun the game in 2 hours, why should(n't) you. It don't like beeing that restricted in my interactions with the world, for the sake of advancing in the way the developers meant it to be. If one or two quests get broken on the way I wouldn't care that much, if it opens creative ways to solve other ones.
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