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Dragon Age: Inquisition


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The game sold millions. A forum represents a very small percentage of the customer base.

The sales doen't matter, what matter is what happen after the sales...
You could tell the same.after DA2... they will be making more games in DA universe and they will sell good... look at battlefield series. The problem is that they will sell even if garbage, because a) hype build up b) not many choices for new games of this type on consoles. (Rpg even if very lite)


They will only ditch the franchise if the initial sales will be ****. Like in the case of Syndicate or C&C where they simply butchered the franchise



Even if they make DA4, the sales will be bad, then DA officially end. Customers have lost interest in DA. They will fail, and that's make they will not risk making DA4. Even now we don't hear anything about DA4 because they are too busy with DA:I problem, and that's a bad sign. If DA:I is succesful we will hear about DA4 now

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Guys, don't bother with Qis. They think BioWare is part of the anti-Muslim conspiracy.


Not only Muslim, but Christians and anything that can be called religion. That is the basis of DA lore


God is bad, He created the world, some dudes get into His city, He is teribly mad, cursing them all, and they turn into ugly monsters that rape women and kill everyone spreading the Blight. God don't care anymore about the world and leave, it is just religious people still want to call Him back to return. No God don't care, He let demons do as they wish and the Blight and everything else to destroy the world. He even send his children the Spirit of Justice to possess a man to blow up His own church.


Later a guy/girl have some magic thing on his/her hand, can close the gate to hell, everyone believe he/she is a prophet, a messiah, turn out to be not, he/she just accidntally getting that thing while accidentally getting involved in something he/she shouldn't. So what people believe is false. Religion is just something people want to believe in.


And so Mythal, the God of the Elves, turn out to be not a God at all, just a crazy old woman who get possessed by demon. But Elves believe in a God name d Mythal. So what Elves believe in is false and wrong. Religion is just made up of things through time and people believe in.


Templars oppressing Mages by what they believe in, their religion say so or it is what they believe about their religion


And Qunari...well...


And so LGBT stuff...


And....and....and...conclusion is religion is bad.

Edited by Qistina
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You forgot to mention that Bioware secretly experiments on puppies and helps "big pharma" to enact their plan to reduce the world's population to less than a billion through evil affliction causing additives in vaccines. I mean, seriously, would they be called BIOware otherwise? :devil:


Willful misinterpretation of lore: Bringing the world fun, games and crazy consipiracy theories since 5000 BC.

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No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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"Not only Muslim, but Christians and anything that can be called religion. That is the basis of DA lore"\


Then why aren't you hating on PE/Obsidian? It's a HUGE FU to religion. LMAO

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Guys, don't bother with Qis. They think BioWare is part of the anti-Muslim conspiracy.


Not only Muslim, but Christians and anything that can be called religion. That is the basis of DA lore


God is bad, He created the world, some dudes get into His city, He is teribly mad, cursing them all, and they turn into ugly monsters that rape women and kill everyone spreading the Blight. God don't care anymore about the world and leave, it is just religious people still want to call Him back to return. No God don't care, He let demons do as they wish and the Blight and everything else to destroy the world. He even send his children the Spirit of Justice to possess a man to blow up His own church.


Later a guy/girl have some magic thing on his/her hand, can close the gate to hell, everyone believe he/she is a prophet, a messiah, turn out to be not, he/she just accidntally getting that thing while accidentally getting involved in something he/she shouldn't. So what people believe is false. Religion is just something people want to believe in.


And so Mythal, the God of the Elves, turn out to be not a God at all, just a crazy old woman who get possessed by demon. But Elves believe in a God name d Mythal. So what Elves believe in is false and wrong. Religion is just made up of things through time and people believe in.


Templars oppressing Mages by what they believe in, their religion say so or it is what they believe about their religion


And Qunari...well...


And so LGBT stuff...


And....and....and...conclusion is religion is bad.



I think its good sometimes to get a different perspective about what we believe. So even if what you are saying is true about the motives of the creation of  DA, which I doubt, its not like its going to change your faith so why does it bother you if they push a certain  agenda?


Also you do realize that there are many people who do think religion causes more harm than good? So its not like this is a unheard of perspective ?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I think its good sometimes to get a different perspective about what we believe. So even if what you are saying is true about the motives of the creation of  DA, which I doubt, its not like its going to change your faith so why does it bother you if they push a certain  agenda?


Also you do realize that there are many people who do think religion causes more harm than good? So its not like this is a unheard of perspective ?



For me ofcourse nothing will change my faith, but for the masses it implant an idea that religion is bad. The ones who already hate religion will agree with every points they put it in the game and generalize all religions are like that. So it's kind of throw petrol on fire. "Oh, religion is something that make believe", you agree with that?


It doesn't matter if there are people who think religion cause harm than good, but there are religious people also who believe religion bring good, it will be an endless debate, and to point out what we think about it do more harm than good isn't it?


The difference between DA lore about religion with other games is they make religion in DA closer to real religion. You never see The Maker or having any hint on His existence, you can doubt The Maker even exist, but everything in DA:O is about The Maker curse the world making it turn out like that. Does it really true or not or some religious fanatics who make it out to be as excuse to justify everything they done? You see what i mean?


Then Mythal the God of the Elves, they reveal it is Flemeth, and Flemeth make excuse why she don't show herself to the Elves because "They don't want the truth!", so does that means the Elves are totally wrong about what they believe in and their religion is false? That give an idea that all religion are in such way, just stories to make believe.


The whole thing about Herald of Andraste is just make believe, the Inquisitor is NOT the chosen one whatsoever but you can play along with what people believe, no matter what people still believe you are the chosen one. (you can also make believe yourself a chosen one, the mask become self). What does that mean? All prophets are in such nature just playing a role to please the crowd? Does Jesus not a chosen one but having some magic to do stuff and playing with people gullibility?

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If someone has faith in their religion, a video game's interpretation of religion shouldn't shake that faith.  If someone doesn't believe in God or in religion, a video game's interpretation of religion won't suddenly change or alter that view.


If someone will think that religion is bad because of what's portrayed in a video game, that person has issues.  It's the same kind of person who thinks shooting people is okay because Call of Duty said so, or that running over hookers is okay because Grand Theft Auto says so.


Bottom line: stupid people are going to be stupid regardless of what the video games tell them, and smart people are going to understand that it's only a video game.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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If someone has faith in their religion, a video game's interpretation of religion shouldn't shake that faith.  If someone doesn't believe in God or in religion, a video game's interpretation of religion won't suddenly change or alter that view.


If someone will think that religion is bad because of what's portrayed in a video game, that person has issues.  It's the same kind of person who thinks shooting people is okay because Call of Duty said so, or that running over hookers is okay because Grand Theft Auto says so.


Bottom line: stupid people are going to be stupid regardless of what the video games tell them, and smart people are going to understand that it's only a video game.


Well, not all people are faithful and not all people are smart, these people who become their target in their agenda.


Mind control Illuminati

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I give you an example, it is fine when Alistair said "You don't really need lyrium to learn Templar ability", it give some hint that their ability is miracle from God, meaning The Maker that is God really existed in that universe, it just that the Chantry fooling the Templars making them a drug addict to control, so the Chantry who is the bad one. I am fine by that. It didn't attack the faith of the character itself, it only attack the religious system who control the religion (ie church or mullahs)


But they smash it all since DA2 making you really need lyrium, Templar ability come from lyrium. Alistair is just stupid because he don't take the vow, so he don't know he really need lyrium, meaning the ability is NOT a miracle.


It is like midichlorian in Star Wars, it neglect everything mystic about the Force and the basis of the Jedi religion. So you need midichlorian to use the Force, not dedication in faith, it's not miracle it's science, it's biology. Some people have midichlorian and they can use some mutant power


The same way here, Templar ability is not miracle given to them because of their faith to God, but it just biochemistry come from drug consumption. Take drug and you can get cool powers.

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I am entirely certain that 99% of the people playing Dragon Age games are paying way less attention to the lore that Qistana.  It really is just a game for the majority of people.


No, I don't think so. 99% of the people probably don't even bother with the lore. She's just really good and interpreting things the wrong way, which is why I said it is willful. Nothing of the sort really happens in the games, and nothing of the sort is written in the lore. It's just her willful misinterpretation, and I say willful here because it's not possible to read that much text and accidentially get everything almost but never quite right, and it is liberally seasoned with flat out lies.


Or she never played the games and just read about the lore on some weirdo conspiracy site, in which case she's a victim of exactly what she's saying Bioware is doing. Having an agenda.


Take the interpretation that the Darkspawn are the Maker's curse to punish the hybris of man, yeah, it's not like there haven't been real life precedences. The bubonic plague was seen as exactly that, a punishment of God for sins committed. So did the Catholic church in 14th Century Europe have an anti-religous agenda as well?


I like that interpretation, so I'm keeping it. Bioware is just an extension of a catholic conspiracy that started seventeen centuries ago when emperor Constantine apparently converted so that heathen pagans eventually would be able to destroy it from within. ;)

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No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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they can use some mutant power

The truth is out there...




Joking aside, now I'm actually getting curious about the game.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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It actually took about 5 years after WoW's launch for them to add quest markers into the game. As anyone searching for Mankrik's wife would attest to.

Is that true? Huh. I only played from 2005-2007 and it sure seemed like they had quest helpers. But that was a long time ago. Maybe for those days it seemed carebear but today it would seem hard core.



Absolutely. The quest I'm referring to for example had an NPC ask you to find his wife. The only direction given was that she was in the southern half of the Barrens, which is to say, somewherein the lower half of the largest zone in the game. Even Morrowind would have been proud of that level of vagueness. I also remember quests that started from tiny books or scrolls, which weren't marked with exclamation marks like they are these days. Indeed I suspect the only reason most people would know of them at all is through third-party websites such as Thottbot and Allakhazam.


A quick Google shows quest markers were added in patch 3.2, which it shows was released in August of 2009, 4 years and 9 months after launch.



Yes the infamous quest. It´s well known in the wow community, at last back then. However Blizzard did add questmarker before that, they were just very rarely placed, just like EQ2 did it. It took them some years to add them all over the game, thats true.



I think you might be confusing a built-in feature with the very commonly used QuestHelper plugin which added quest markers for quite a lot of quests and whose features Blizzard integrated into WoW at some point. Which is sort of funny because it increased a problem Blizzard (and all MMO developers, well, except the sandbox MMO devs, of course) have with content: players go through *much* faster than the developers can put out new content, knowing *exactly* where to go of course only increased that problem.



On another note I grabbed DA:I for 33% off, let's see if it's as good/bad as I've been hearing.

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I think its good sometimes to get a different perspective about what we believe. So even if what you are saying is true about the motives of the creation of  DA, which I doubt, its not like its going to change your faith so why does it bother you if they push a certain  agenda?


Also you do realize that there are many people who do think religion causes more harm than good? So its not like this is a unheard of perspective ?

I don't think DA is even saying religion causes more harm than good. It is left ambiguous. Everytime it looks like the Chantry has been proven correct, or incorrect, they put a little seed of doubt in there for you.


While that idea that religion does more harm than good is a perspective some people might have I don't think the series is saying that at all. Some of the most sympathetic characters are quite religious IMO.

Edited by Valmy
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No, I don't think so. 99% of the people probably don't even bother with the lore. She's just really good and interpreting things the wrong way, which is why I said it is willful. Nothing of the sort really happens in the games, and nothing of the sort is written in the lore. It's just her willful misinterpretation, and I say willful here because it's not possible to read that much text and accidentially get everything almost but never quite right, and it is liberally seasoned with flat out lies.


Or she never played the games and just read about the lore on some weirdo conspiracy site, in which case she's a victim of exactly what she's saying Bioware is doing. Having an agenda.


Take the interpretation that the Darkspawn are the Maker's curse to punish the hybris of man, yeah, it's not like there haven't been real life precedences. The bubonic plague was seen as exactly that, a punishment of God for sins committed. So did the Catholic church in 14th Century Europe have an anti-religous agenda as well?

Well to be fair it sure looks like the Darkspawn are a punishment for the hubris of the Tevinter Imperium. If I actually lived in that world I would find that pretty convincing.


But yeah I agree with your take on Qistana's interpretation. You really have to twist and stretch things to come to her conclusions.

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they can use some mutant power

The truth is out there...




Joking aside, now I'm actually getting curious about the game.




What explain Jedi powers then? Jedis are born with midichlorian therefore they are mutants with "X-gene" that give them powers. It's a trend nowadays to diminished any miracles and making it into science


Same thing goes into Dragon Age, you need lyrium to do miracle, the drug who give you powers, not God. They retconed it into that. In the first game there is a grey area where you are hinted that The Maker exist and grant you power against magic out of your dedication in faith, the Chantry who is corrupt, later they change it into you take drug you get power, The Maker have nothing to do with it and He maybe don't exist


But in anyway, they show demons exist, you can see demons everywhere in this game, in and out of the Fade. They give you doubt about the existence of God but they tell you demons exist. What is that? They are Satanists.


See? They try hard to indoctrinate you that God don't exist, but they say demons exist...


Bioware is Illuminati

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Yes, let us march on Edmonton against those 10 foot tall, subterranean lizard Jew bankers of Bioware rolleyes.gif

Edited by Agiel
“Political philosophers have often pointed out that in wartime, the citizen, the male citizen at least, loses one of his most basic rights, his right to life; and this has been true ever since the French Revolution and the invention of conscription, now an almost universally accepted principle. But these same philosophers have rarely noted that the citizen in question simultaneously loses another right, one just as basic and perhaps even more vital for his conception of himself as a civilized human being: the right not to kill.”
-Jonathan Littell <<Les Bienveillantes>>

"The chancellor, the late chancellor, was only partly correct. He was obsolete. But so is the State, the entity he worshipped. Any state, entity, or ideology becomes obsolete when it stockpiles the wrong weapons: when it captures territories, but not minds; when it enslaves millions, but convinces nobody. When it is naked, yet puts on armor and calls it faith, while in the Eyes of God it has no faith at all. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."

-Rod Serling


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"To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods. "

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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See? They try hard to indoctrinate you that God don't exist, but they say demons exist...

Um the ashes of the prophet literally does heal the sick and you get to talk to people who knew Andraste personally. The only lame reason the non-believers have to counter this is there is alot of Lyrium in the area. I don't care how much lyrium is around if the scull of St. Peter could actually miraculously heal the sick and I could talk to Pontius Pilate and he was all 'yep I talked to Jesus, it's all true'. Well let's just say most of us would run not walk to the Cathdral to become Catholics. The actual Catholics amongst us might even start practicing.


What explain Jedi powers then? Jedis are born with midichlorian therefore they are mutants with "X-gene" that give them powers. It's a trend nowadays to diminished any miracles and making it into science

Fade and Demons = SCIENCE!

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See? They try hard to indoctrinate you that God don't exist, but they say demons exist...

Um the ashes of the prophet literally does heal the sick and you get to talk to people who knew Andraste personally. The only lame reason the non-believers have to counter this is there is alot of Lyrium in the area. I don't care how much lyrium is around if the scull of St. Peter could actually miraculously heal the sick and I could talk to Pontius Pilate and he was all 'yep I talked to Jesus, it's all true'. Well let's just say most of us would run not walk to the Cathdral to become Catholics. The actual Catholics amongst us might even start practicing.


What explain Jedi powers then? Jedis are born with midichlorian therefore they are mutants with "X-gene" that give them powers. It's a trend nowadays to diminished any miracles and making it into science

Fade and Demons = SCIENCE!



You clearly miss my point....they always give doubt about the existence of God in DA universe, while the existence of demons is clear cut.


You said yourself Andraste Ash could be lyrium infused thing or something that could relate with lyrium, it also could be miracle from God. But demons are there in and out of the Fade, there is no doubt about the demons existence, they simply exist.


Atheists don't believe in the existence of flying spaggheti isn't it, but in DA even if you are atheist you still believe demons exist because you see demons everywhere. So what makes you in DA universe, you can't claim to be atheist. It's simple...there is god and there is demons, this is simple logic, the value of god is the opposite of the value of demons...since you believe there is demons because you see them, but you deny God, then you are a Satanist


That is what being implanted into your subconcious mind...God don't exist, but demon is...they even said clearly in DA:O, the Rage demon say "there is no Maker, only demons...", then the Templar Sir Otto got backstabbed by giant trident


That is the whole point of DA series, and DA:I showing blatantly about that...you may deny being Herald of Andraste, you may play along being Herald of Andraste, either way you are not a Herald of Andraste at all. But demons is everywhere....


Oh yes, regardng Mages, they are born Mages, so they are mutant, they have afinity to the Fade and Demons, it's something in their blood, that's make them mutant, so that's science

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BTW, the Black Emporium is now free for release versions of the game. Even for muslims!


Content is basically all kinds of schematics, crafting materials, and a chance to change your characters look. I checked it with a level 18 character, and it basically had all the schematics and materials you'll ever need.

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Games are often more interesting (imnsho) when they don't have some benevolent fix it all residing in the background. Probably part of why i'm a fan of the Warhammer/WH40K settings. Lots of Gods. Most of them are capricious, indifferent or outright malevolent. Plenty of people who worship bad gods, worship the emperor or just worship material wealth. Also lots of atheists. The latter usually gets cleansed by flamethrower or eaten by the demons that the atheists claim are the fabrication of peoples imagination (which ironically, they quite literally are).

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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