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US tortures


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Because the West faces a brutal, intransigent  and unforgiving enemy in the form of Islamic Fundamentalism. And because so many  terrorist attacks have been foiled some of you guys forget what a threat they can be





We cannot say with absolute certainty that the advanced interrogation techniques did help prevent any attacks but we also can't say they didn't, so you are  looking for a hypothetical answer


I think you must know this ?



Cognitive Dissonance wheeee!


Also, there's a non Orwellian / non Culturally Marxist word for  "advanced interrogation techniques". It's the word: 'Torture'. It's seven syllables less, 24 characters shorter, and honest. You should start using it.


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Terrorism isn't much of a threat. More people die in car accidents in a month than the sum of terrorist attacks in a western country in probably a decade. That would probably include the sum of the most pessimistic casualty outcomes of foiled plots as well.


It could be ended in a fortnight by leveling Riyadh and bringing the Gulf states to heel, who are its major, if not only sponsors.


Instead the US is fighting "terror" in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Because the goat herders of afghanistan and two self centered autocrats were a threat to american national security.


Framing the discussion of this torture around terrorism is rubbish, because that's not what its about. Its about showing power: "if you annoy us we will kidnap you, stick you in a jail and rape you" outside of international law or court, and no one will know what happened to you. In fact, if these grisly details didn't leak, the whole endeavor of holding these people prisoner and torturing them (as opposed to just  shooting them and dumping them somewhere) would be utterly pointless.

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"It's cruel, it's useless, it's the CIA"


France getting ready to leave NATO?


You have got to say one thing about the CIA though - it's a great agency for doing horrendously stupid stuff that inevitably backlashes at you later. The entire aftermath of 9/11 has been one big failure on the part of the CIA. It seems as though their every move has been guided by the goal of making the US locked in an ever-worsening quagmire with the Muslim population of the world. Cui bono? Sure as hell not the US in any case.

"Well, overkill is my middle name. And my last name. And all of my other names as well!"

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"It's cruel, it's useless, it's the CIA"


France getting ready to leave NATO?


You have got to say one thing about the CIA though - it's a great agency for doing horrendously stupid stuff that inevitably backlashes at you later. The entire aftermath of 9/11 has been one big failure on the part of the CIA. It seems as though their every move has been guided by the goal of making the US locked in an ever-worsening quagmire with the Muslim population of the world. Cui bono? Sure as hell not the US in any case.


The Le Pen news don't mean much unless she wins the elections. Which is probably possible for the first time around.

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"It's cruel, it's useless, it's the CIA"


France getting ready to leave NATO?


You have got to say one thing about the CIA though - it's a great agency for doing horrendously stupid stuff that inevitably backlashes at you later. The entire aftermath of 9/11 has been one big failure on the part of the CIA. It seems as though their every move has been guided by the goal of making the US locked in an ever-worsening quagmire with the Muslim population of the world. Cui bono? Sure as hell not the US in any case.


The Le Pen news don't mean much unless she wins the elections. Which is probably possible for the first time around.


It is nevertheless symptomatic of an increasing sentiment. It is sadly definitely possible that she wins the elections though.

"Well, overkill is my middle name. And my last name. And all of my other names as well!"

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France has never really been cozy with NATO, I had thought.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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"It's cruel, it's useless, it's the CIA"


France getting ready to leave NATO?


You have got to say one thing about the CIA though - it's a great agency for doing horrendously stupid stuff that inevitably backlashes at you later. The entire aftermath of 9/11 has been one big failure on the part of the CIA. It seems as though their every move has been guided by the goal of making the US locked in an ever-worsening quagmire with the Muslim population of the world. Cui bono? Sure as hell not the US in any case.


The Le Pen news don't mean much unless she wins the elections. Which is probably possible for the first time around.


It is nevertheless symptomatic of an increasing sentiment. It is sadly definitely possible that she wins the elections though.



What's sad about her winning the elections? She's the only major independent politician in France. She's also the only one that has any idea how a respectable nation state should act in the international arena and has definite principles, unlike spineless characters such as Sarkozy/Hollande. 


All real parties of the right in the EU have been systematically demonized in european media, branded as "extreme right" and equalized with the Nazis even though they plainly do act like the traditional extreme right in any shape or form. Same with Le Pen. All because she's proposing a policy outside the dominion of Brussels and Washington.


Regardless, I have a feeling her bark is worse than her bite. She has not committed to getting France out of NATO if she wins, and likely won't. Politicians as a rule soften up their rhetoric the moment they come into power, so I don't expect much from her.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor
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France has about as much a chance of leaving NATO in the next decade as the U.S. does. whether Le Pen is elected or not. Both nations certainly should leave as they'd both be better off, but both nations aren't run by people who have the best interest of those nations at heart or in mind.


The sad truth likely is that France will leave NATO the day that NATO is dissolved and something new,  like it, and very probably more evil replaces it.

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I just researched that event a bit and it does seem like De Gaulle's big "no" wasn't as big as previously thought. Ah well, live and learn




France never left the overarching North Atlantic Alliance, however, and within a year the practical effect of withdrawing from the integrated command was also watered down. A secret accord between U.S. and French officials, the Lemnitzer-Aillert Agreements, laid out in great detail how French forces would dovetail back into NATO's command structure should East-West hostilities break out.

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"Terrorism isn't much of a threat. More people die in car accidents in a month than the sum of terrorist attacks in a western country in probably a decade."


Dumb article is dumb.


P.S. As for torture, as a rule it's evil and garabge. Most people who swear by it get a perverse pleasure out of it.  The sickos who do it are usually wackos. Of course, every rule has exceptions. A lot of torture described in this article, however, just seem like the type that's done simply to get  giggles at hurting those you have power over. That's sick.


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I can't speak for other countries but in South Africa the CIA actions are still regularly discussed and condemned


Especially when we have now been told that South Africa agreed to be used for a black site. I have been very busy on this radio station defending and trying to explain context and the American justification on this at the time. But there is  a lot of general ignorance and  anti-American sentiment at the moment. This is emboldening those that dislike the West and giving them a platform for Western diatribe. Its quite annoying

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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You are defending the US using South Africa as a place to torture people ?

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Bruce is very much 100% pro government. He believes wholeheartedly that the individual does not have any rights and exists only  to be controlled, and enslaved. It's why he thinsk so little of women.

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Well, that was a bit surprising. Even if it was loooong over due.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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While I'm generally against the retarded stance the U.S. has had with Cuba over the last many decades, the President is very limited in what he can do in regards to U.S. - Cuban relations. There is a great deal of anti-Cuban legislation on the books here.


That said, laws and limits on his power haven't concerned Obama too much on other issues... so....

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