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Dragon Age: Inquisition


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I am really crying right now...that song and the video is so touching....


:( :( :( :(

i miss the grey wardens too..


btw,how you managed to get perma banned?


Dragon Age games doesn't mean it must be necessary for the protagonist to be a GW

on the contrary,GW should not be cut out from the game and play a major role

i agree,the trailer for DA:O is awesome



I miss Grey Warden so much, the first game we got only partial feeling of being a Grey Warden, because we are one of the two who survive in Ferelden and our master is killed before manage to tell us what Grey Warden is all about. Then we meet senior Grey Warden who later also killed. Although we learned much from him, but still we are already "going too far" assuming our role as a Grey Warden by the time we meet him isn't it? Sadly, DA2 is totally a different story


I got perma banned after some fights on BSN, the mods there play favorite, they always keep monitoring me and my posts, i can see their usernames on my profile always, then my posts usually got locked without any real reason, i also got banned many times while others don't. I asked many times on how to deactivate my account, but i don't get reply. So, i change my user name to "Boycott Bioware" then got perma banned. I am happy how DA:I turn out to be now, and i am happy everyone can see how bad the company is

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The Grey Wardens were one of the most insipid elements of Origins, mere recycling of SPECTRE or jedi concept from previous games.


I don't want to be a part of any pro bono save the world organization. The only reason they're in the game is because that way writers don't have to struggle with providing credible motivation for the PC. Instead your participation in the organization becomes a justification for being the  galactic errand boy, for the game feeding you tasks and holding the reigns of the plot. 


At least in BG you're forced into doing what you're doing by your lineage and fate and in PST by your mistakes your previous life. I understand that a story driven RPG must force upon the PC a certain sequence of events (either that or give up on the story, TES style), but for god's sake, let it at least be plausible. 


What didn't inspired by "Jedi", most of this kind of military order is "Jedi-like", because it is all rooted from Crusader Knight especially Knight Templar and Hospitaler. Almost all military order in medieval fantasy are of common trope, even in Dungeon and Dragon we got "Paladin". just because it's common doesn't mean it's bad and boring


In fact Grey Wardens do paradox from their own trope...drinking blood, become a part of the evil they are fighting, questionable morality, maybe recruited from criminals and so on. That is what make them unique


Now you got The Inquisitor, what make "The Inquisition Order" any different than any "good guy religious military order who fight against evil" already in the trope? "The Herald of Andraste...."


Don't be a hypocrite

Edited by Qistina
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I'm saying both suck.


Although being an Inquisitor could have been interesting, if it were not for Bioware's political correctness.

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И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
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Седамдесет и седам иљада;
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И миломе Богу приступачно.


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Proof of your conversation with David Gaider please. Also, why is anti-religion a bad theme? Isn't Dragon Age art? Shouldn't it, as art in general, be provocative and critical to aspects of the human condition? Why is it necessary for the setting to have grey wardens if there's more to the world itself? 



I got perma banned from BSN, but before that i delete everything as far as i can, there's 3500 posts or so, i don't remember, so i cannot prove it to you.


As for why it is important to have Grey Warden as the central theme, it is because that is what we have been established in the first place.


You may argue using TES, but TES is different thing, it is an open world where the story never being the important thing. Players love TES not bcause of it's story, and TES stories suck. Most players love TES because of the world it give, and that is. Most players don't even care to pursue the main plot in TES games, just want to be in that world, romaing around, messing around until bored to death.


It is different with DA, the game is a story, a story about you as any role you choose, then it progress as the story progress, the central theme is being a Grey Warden and how your perception on "what it is mean to be a Grey Warden", that is the issue, you are a new recruit, your master dead, you only assume your role as a Grey Warden.


So for the next story they should maintain that, giving another perspective of being a Grey Warden, and so on for the next story. That way Dragon Age will be remembered, because it have central theme, and not just bunch of stories of different characters.


So now, what Dragon Age is all about?


As you can see, Dragon Age Origin trailer is so awesome compared with DA2 and DA:I, as yourself why...



you didn't genuine answer meshugger questions. sure, we got that you can't give proof regarding what you claim gaider said, but as to necessity o' grey wardens or why religion= bad is an unacceptable theme, you said nothing. we started with grey wardens, so we need grey wardens? *snort* that is not much o' a reason... or any real reason. and  "the central theme is being a Grey Warden" is not only hogwash, but is unsupported hogwash. am thinking you is confusing plot and theme. 


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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I'm saying both suck.


Although being an Inquisitor could have been interesting, if it were not for Bioware's political correctness.


Ok, but without both, it become like DA2, total suck


it is better if Hawke is a Grey Warden deserter from Ostagar, he/she run away right in the moment realized got betrayed by Loghain, then gather his/her family and later got stranded on Kirkwal. Hawke manage to live undercover but soon everybody know he/she was a Grey Warden. At least that can explain why Templars didnt touch him/her if he/she a Mage, because of his/her title, like Anders, also it explain why Hawke didn't got tainted fighting waves of darkspawns, . But after few years Hawke rising power in Kirkwal being seen as "Grey Warden" want to play Kirkwal politic, it is even worse if Hawke is a Mage, everybody is furious but yet asking for being an ally...both Mages and Templars...no matter who Hawke sided with it being seen as "Grey Warden" meddling with Chantry business...the Grey Wardens themselves maybe didn't support Hawke...by the same time something happen regarding the darkspawn, blood magic and Archdemon...whatever outcomes lead to the "Inquisition"


And in Inquisition, the main character is a Grey Warden sent to investigate, and so the story begin...


i think it is better that way....it makes sense

Edited by Qistina
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So, after skimming through the first few pages and feeling a connection with Gromnir's feeling of disconnection, I've decided I cba to read through 7+ pages of the same old for the nth time.


But since I'm going to play this game at some point, I would like to know your opinions on the MP, PC specifically, if anyone has tried it. I played ME3MP much more than I did the "main" game, so this may be the key selling point for me — otherwise I'll just wait for a price drop two years from now or something. From what I've read in the MP FAQ, they are making emphasis on lessons learned from ME3MP and stuff... but I have enough experience with BW's PR talk from SWTOR to take it with a grain (or a ton) of salt.


So whaddaya think?

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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They want to copy Skyrim, but they failed, the world is lifeless, there are mimes everywhere, much like SWTOR...it is fine for DA:O to have mimes population, it's an old game, but DA:I is a new gen isn't? An open world with awesome graphic...


They don't even reach Skyrim level, even though Skyrim is dull with it's population repeating the same lines forever, but at least they have their rutines, they walk, they talk, they do their job, they sleep, they wake up...ect....same like in Oblivion, even it's cartoonish but the population feel alive


What makes DA:O feel alive is because of companions and important NPCs in cutscenes, they look alive, but in DA:I everyone are like "living manequins", is this what being praised and get 10/10?


Skyrim characters feel alive, the animation is good, facial expression is good, even sometimes they are just doing what they are scripted to do such as suddenly listen to the bard and drunk and giving weird clapping hands, but still when we interact with them, they feel alive....


Even the catmen Khajit are alive and cute, we don't see catmen in real life right? But in Skyrim we see them alive...


DA:I don't reach that level and don't deserve 10/10 by any means


Edited by Qistina
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So, after skimming through the first few pages and feeling a connection with Gromnir's feeling of disconnection, I've decided I cba to read through 7+ pages of the same old for the nth time.


But since I'm going to play this game at some point, I would like to know your opinions on the MP, PC specifically, if anyone has tried it. I played ME3MP much more than I did the "main" game, so this may be the key selling point for me — otherwise I'll just wait for a price drop two years from now or something. From what I've read in the MP FAQ, they are making emphasis on lessons learned from ME3MP and stuff... but I have enough experience with BW's PR talk from SWTOR to take it with a grain (or a ton) of salt.


So whaddaya think?

It's like Torchlight IMO. I haven't played it much because it's a bit too grindy for my taste, but it could be a good distraction for a few hours.

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"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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I'm really enjoying it.  First off, the music is surprisingly good, like I wandered into a tavern and ended up staying just to hear the songs.  It also does a much better job of explaining why you are fighting people.  I'm not slaughtering desperate refugees anymore, yay.  In fact they seem to be taking quite a bit of care with intentions, story, character development, etc.  That's a refreshing change from DA2.


So yeah, it's a very fun game.  I know this thread is more reserved for people who haven't played it to post silly youtube clips and complain about teh evils of Bioware, but I figured I'd throw my two cents in.

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"At least in BG you're forced into doing what you're doing by your lineage and fate and in PST by your mistakes your previous life. I understand that a story driven RPG must force upon the PC a certain sequence of events (either that or give up on the story, TES style), but for god's sake, let it at least be plausible."


\How in the HOLY HELL are the GW any less 'plausible' than being a spawn of a god or a repeatedly reincarnated immortal? LMAO


Some of you people's complaints are beyond asanine. You were better off just sticking with I 'don't like GW' instead of that nonsense. At least it be more intellectually more honest that way.



"it is better if Hawke is a Grey Warden deserter from Ostagar"

No. Hawke's background is absolutely fine as it. It also works because it allows the potential sibling to become a GW later in story. That wouldn't have been es as effective if Hawke was already a GW. It would have been lame tor reuse the GW hook.



"And in Inquisition, the main character is a Grey Warden sent to investigate, and so the story begin..."


I'm not deep into the game, but that is just lame. There is no need to make the Inquisitor a GW. He's already being accused of being the 'Chosen One' (not proven yet). He doesn't need to have GW thrown in there. You lack imagination.



"They want to copy Skyrim, but they failed, the world is lifeless, there are mimes everywhere, much like SWTOR...it is fine for DA:O to have mimes population, it's an old game, but DA:I is a new gen isn't? An open world with awesome graphic...


They don't even reach Skyrim level, even though Skyrim is dull with it's population repeating the same lines forever, but at least they have their rutines, they walk, they talk, they do their job, they sleep, they wake up...ect....same like in Oblivion, even it's cartoonish but the population feel alive"

\You claim DA3 fails at 'miming' Skyrim because there are 'mimes' then go on and say Skyrim has 'mimes'. Stop trying to have it both ways. btw,  Almiost all the bad parts of DA3 is the stuff it has in common with Skyrim. Proving yet again how much Betehsda games suck and how if you try to copy them it just taints your game. R00fles!


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"At least in BG you're forced into doing what you're doing by your lineage and fate and in PST by your mistakes your previous life. I understand that a story driven RPG must force upon the PC a certain sequence of events (either that or give up on the story, TES style), but for god's sake, let it at least be plausible."


\How in the HOLY HELL are the GW any less 'plausible' than being a spawn of a god or a repeatedly reincarnated immortal? LMAO



Plausible in the sense that its much easier to walk away from any human organization, especially an implausibly altruistic one than it is to walk away from your own blood or, in the case of the nameless one - "sins". Why would any PC force himself to participate in the thankless task of being cannon fodder for darkspawn? Why would anybody choose to be a jedi or a spectre? Why would such a ridiculous organization even exist in the first place? 


Its all part of the myth of "knighthood" which is fine in the context of a fable such as Star Wars.  Its fine in other stories I suppose, but its still inherently implausible because its so utterly impersonal. 


In BG its do or die, a pure fight for your own personal survival. In Torment its about self discovery and redemption, again, quite personal. Both motivations make perfect sense in the context the game provides. If you don't like the story that's fine, but your main quest is still adequately justified.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

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И миломе Богу приступачно.


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"Plausible in the sense that its much easier to walk away from any human organization, especially an implausibly altruistic one than it is to walk away from your own blood or, in the case of the nameless one - "sins". Why would any PC force himself to participate in the thankless task of being cannon fodder for darkspawn? Why would anybody choose to be a jedi or a spectre? Why would such a ridiculous organization even exist in the first place? "



"In BG its do or die, a pure fight for your own personal survival. In Torment its about self discovery and redemption, again, quite personal. Both motivations make perfect sense in the context the game provides."

This is silly. Plenty of bhaalspawn avoid all the drama of being one. They hide and live relatively normal lives not being part of the big war.


TNO could simply go hide somewhere.


In both cases, the motivation comes from the PC (aka forced on them by the game).


As a GW you end up in a situatuiion where if you say no to the GW you die. Period. So the motivation is saving yourself. It can also be about gaining power (evil) or saving the world (good).


The same cna be argued for the Inquisiotor. In fact, plenty of times you can tell people you don't believe you are the 'chosen one'.


Your logic seems frivilious - espicially since you seem okay with Jedi Order.


The motivation is very plausible. Your definition of 'plausible' is rather weak. Not preferring something doesn't make it implausible. Do you even know what i means?


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You seem to have no idea how human interests work. I suggest you get on a soapbox and proclaim that you will save the world and tell us how long it took before you found yourself in a padded room.


I'm fine with that sort of romanticism in Star Wars because its a film for children. I'm not entertained by it in anything that tries to pass itself as more mature. Its trite, its a cliche, a poor writers cop out and its utterly out of place in anything other than a child's fable. 


Its easy to write it in such a way that the PC has no choice in the matter, but its still crappy storytelling. The BG PC was hounded by enemies and interested parties ever since leaving Candlekeep and had a credible stake in seeing things through. The nameless one also has a credible stake in his personal quest, why should he hide? After all, much of that story is constructed as a mystery and only towards the end do you discover that you even have a tangible enemy that you could "hide from". 

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.


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Rules for a Rift fight:


1. Bring a mage with Dispel.

2. Preferably bring two mages with Dispel.

3. Bring all your mage friends with Dispel.

Edited by Agiel
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“Political philosophers have often pointed out that in wartime, the citizen, the male citizen at least, loses one of his most basic rights, his right to life; and this has been true ever since the French Revolution and the invention of conscription, now an almost universally accepted principle. But these same philosophers have rarely noted that the citizen in question simultaneously loses another right, one just as basic and perhaps even more vital for his conception of himself as a civilized human being: the right not to kill.”
-Jonathan Littell <<Les Bienveillantes>>

"The chancellor, the late chancellor, was only partly correct. He was obsolete. But so is the State, the entity he worshipped. Any state, entity, or ideology becomes obsolete when it stockpiles the wrong weapons: when it captures territories, but not minds; when it enslaves millions, but convinces nobody. When it is naked, yet puts on armor and calls it faith, while in the Eyes of God it has no faith at all. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."

-Rod Serling


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Well to address Hurlshot:


I am not going to spen my money on something that I deem as **** based on some videos I've seen, and past bad experiences with ME2, DA2, and ME3, where I gave the benefit of doubt and it was respectively:


"meh, decent shooter that does not really move the main plot forward, and wtf is that coming back from death ****?" and eventually is discarded almost fully in ME3,


"what a crap of anime style game with reused areas, **** last act and retarded dialog and every single character hitting on you, and with Anderss becoming a parody of himself from DA:A",


"yet even more of a shooter, but ****ed up all the plot elements and weight from your choices in the previous games, with a completely **** ending that resorted to odd space magic"


How after such a track record I can trust them to deliver, when gameplay shows, no brainer combat, where yor only goal is to out DPS the encounter, plus you get information that it's a subpar Skyrim like world, with SWTOR quest types and not a single praise about the sotry line or some memorable quests, where you would be awestruck, while dialogs stay on teenage level humor, and world around you is subpar in terms of reactivity to what you've seen in Skyrim and TW3 demo videos.


I do not deny, that it might be fun on its own to some people if you look for a console game, but as a PC gamer that requires something more from the games than just poor jokes, sily romances and buttonmashing mindless combat with grind elements, I do not find it worth my time and money just to get pissed and regret both resources spent on it.

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"Those plenty of Bhaalspawn didn't have a close encounter with Sarevok and survived. When you think someone like Sarevok is hunting you, hiding is not a real option. Well you can try to hide in BG1 but you run into assassins often so your only choice left is to fight."





"The nameless one also has a credible stake in his personal quest, why should he hide? After all, much of that story is constructed as a mystery and only towards the end do you discover that you even have a tangible enemy that you could "hide from"."


Must explain all the TNOs that lived long lives that didn't do anything to complete the quest.


Don't be so ignorant.




You seem to have no idea how human interests work. I suggest you get on a soapbox and proclaim that you will save the world and tell us how long it took before you found yourself in a padded room."


That's funny. Plenty of people in the real world proclaim they'll save the world and most of them are not in a padded room. Seriously, your whining is illogical and doesn't make any sense whatsoever.



"Those plenty of Bhaalspawn didn't have a close encounter with Sarevok and survived. When you think someone like Sarevok is hunting you, hiding is not a real option. Well you can try to hide in BG1 but you run into assassins often so your only choice left is to fight."


You run into them because you go straight to them. You could avoid assassins quite fine but it wouldn't be much of a game.


Also, I bet you areone of the ones who hated BG2's plot of hunting down Irenicus because it wans't 'motivational' enough and it was 'too restrictive'. LMAO


The motivations of the DA series  are fine. No better or worse than BG or PST. And, certainly unlike one Drowsey pretends, they are very plausible but he doesn't know what plausible means. He seems to think it means 'i like it'.





"not a single praise about the sotry line or some memorable quests,"


Lie. Even the Codex has praised some story aspects and quests. Even from people who dislike the game overall. Don't make stuff up.




"but as a PC gamer that requires something more from the games than just poor jokes, sily romances and buttonmashing mindless combat with grind elements, I do not find it worth my time and money just to get pissed and regret both resources spent on it."


Yup. Go enjoy your 'deep' facebook games 'PC gamer'. LOL0L0L0L0LLIP0P


Why spend time whining about such a horrible game when you could be playing one of those fun and deep facebook games that PC gamers love sooooooo much. LMAO




"Rules for a Rift fight:


1. Bring a mage with Dispel.

2. Preferably bring two mages with Dispel.

3. Bring all your mage friends with Dispel."


That rule isn't needed.

Edited by Volourn


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I'm not at home, so I can't reel them off exactly, but I have an ASUS laptop from 2010 with 8 gigs of RAM and the Nvidia GTX 460M.  I think it is an i7 chipset but I can't remember off the top of my head.


I think I am having problems with heat, after some more investigation.  Framerates are dropping off in other games over time. 


I think I have the same laptop. I was having massive vlag spikes in SWTOR warzones (like the game freezing for 1 second) and general poor performance, and Humanoid is right on the money — it's your graphics card throttling down. Apparently the manufacturer went a bit overboard with throttling to make power consumption manageable. I tried downloading a software override to disable throttling and the laptop ended up shutting down once due to the inbuilt overheat protection. So in my case I also had to take the thing to a local workshop to have it cleaned out. They showed me the crap they pulled from the fans and I kid you not, I was embarrassed. The metal fan support was also warped due to the heat. My vlag problemas have disappeared since.


TL;DR find a manufacturer-certified laptop repair business and get them to clean out the fans and replace the themal paste.




It's like Torchlight IMO. I haven't played it much because it's a bit too grindy for my taste, but it could be a good distraction for a few hours.


Haven't played Torchlight, so I'm not sure if that's good or bad. I don't really have a problem with grindy, if the actual matches are fun and the game allows for sufficient character customization (I don't mean aesthetically) and different playstyles to provide variety to keep things interesting past the first 20 games or so. I have a feeling that ME3MP was kind of a fluke, though.

Edited by 213374U
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- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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That's good to hear Numbers man.  Humanoid was definitely correct, he did me a solid by suggesting I open it up and clean out the dust.  I did all the steps minus the new thermal paste, and now it is running way more efficiently.  I still bought it on the PS4 though, and I'm glad I did.  


I'm going to stay a way from this thread for awhile now.  I get it, Darkpriest, Qistana, and Boo don't like Bioware anymore.  Typically when a game comes out, this forum is a great place to talk about the pros and cons, get advice, and share humorous moments.  There has always been a healthy amount of criticism, but right now the needle is swung way over on the negativity scale.  I'm not even really sure if some of the people posting enjoy games.  It's page after page of terrible reading.


Maybe I'll try coming back after PoE comes out.     

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I love the amount of RP you can do in this game.


My first run was as a hard-as-nails Qunari Templar that did whatever it took to get the job done.

My new run is that of someone who believes 100% they are an agent of God, but they are not a Jesus Freak about it.

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No. Hawke's background is absolutely fine as it. It also works because it allows the potential sibling to become a GW later in story. That wouldn't have been es as effective if Hawke was already a GW. It would have been lame tor reuse the GW hook.


I'm not deep into the game, but that is just lame. There is no need to make the Inquisitor a GW. He's already being accused of being the 'Chosen One' (not proven yet). He doesn't need to have GW thrown in there. You lack imagination.


\You claim DA3 fails at 'miming' Skyrim because there are 'mimes' then go on and say Skyrim has 'mimes'. Stop trying to have it both ways. btw,  Almiost all the bad parts of DA3 is the stuff it has in common with Skyrim. Proving yet again how much Betehsda games suck and how if you try to copy them it just taints your game. R00fles!


No, Hawke background is not fine, and it is nonsense especially if Hawke is a Mage. He/She being casting spells in the city of Templar, infrot of Templar, no Templar put him/her in jail. Cullen even said to Mage Hawke "Mages are not like you and me", what is fine with that? It is can only justified if Hawke is a Warden, like Anders.


I have my opinion and you have yours, if you think your opinion matters, i feel mine matters, so far now DA2 and DA:I is lame and boring for me. No deapth at all. In DA2 kill or deal with enemy leader, then become a champion above the law, Hawke already above the law long before that. The importat things that connect DA2 with DA:O and DA:I are in DLCs. In DA:I, it's an Oblivion gates remake


Like i said i don't deny Skyrim is dull with it's population repeating the same line when you meet them, but they are alive when you interact with them, unlike in DA:I where it's population just standing around and mime, you can't even interact with them. You can only interact with quest givers, and they are mimes too. DA:I didn't even reach Skyrim standard in open world living environment. In Skyrm even the guards look alive with their own expression. You feel being in a real world when being in Skyrim. i don't deny Skyrim have flaws, and Skyrim can be better, but DA:I don't even reach Skyrim level.

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Yeah, it's better than Skyrim and the rest of the ES crap.

That isn't saying much.


Wish the ability bar was bigger though, 8 seems a bit too small considering you should have around 12 near the endgame. It also seems like the passive abilities are a bit underwhelming to be honest.


Also, I'm not sure if it's a bug or not but my Mage PC's barrier decays a lot faster than other party members. Is anyone else getting this?

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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