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The Beginning of the End of ISIS?


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Is that Eden Hazard in the back?


Is that you, Photoshop? Is this me?

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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As you can see, Crimea is just above Gallia.

Edited by Namutree

"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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Problem, Crimea?


Who would have thought Al- Baghdadi was a fan of Crusader Kings Jihad Emirs 2?


He's done quite well with 12 Emir level titles, more than enough to claim Caliph. Bet it's not an ironman game and he's been abusing save/ reload though, understandable as those F18s from the Sunset Invasion dlc are totally OP and need nerfing, typical Paradox with their balance failure.

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I read the title as "The begining of the end of Zoraptor".


I should cut down on the whiskey.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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I see shooting without aiming is in fashion again, if anyone gets killed in those middle eastern battles its by accident. Its not surprising that they always run out of ammo so quickly. 

Edited by Woldan

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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Low barrier for proof of being ISIS, anyway. Be brown (maybe), crazy, do stupid stuff and claim you're an ISIS jihadist.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Being white is often enough to lose your property in Afrika and Middle East. And,s oemtimes even in the 'Western' world. LMAO


btw, Majority of 'browns' don't get arrested in the US so, obviously, that's not enough.


On top of that, there are whities in ISIS. 8shrug*


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He said public officials should "be responsible in what we decide to share with the American public, so that the public is informed."

He meant "so that the public doesn't learn the truth". I'd believe Judicial Watch over the Feds any day, the Feds have been caught lying again and again, speaking of mainstream sources the Washington Post discovered another White House cover up just today. But I'll concede the facts about ISIS are in dispute at this point.


Do you read any mainstream news outlets?


Do you understand that the ones you keep sighting have a very specific agenda?

That's citing. Do you understand that the mainstream news outlets also have a very specific agenda, like getting Obola elected? Over 90% of mainstream journalist are Democrats. Edited by Wrath of Dagon

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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90% of mainstream journalists are democrats?  Please, you probably think I'm a democrat.   :facepalm:


You put entirely too much faith in right wing media.  Personally I don't put all my eggs in any single basket, I like to read as many news sources as possible and develop my own opinions.  

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One source:



A lot of folks say what you say Hurl, yet for many those 'many news sources' are the likes of Bill Mahar, Steve Colbert, John Stewart, etc. And a lot of folks who call themselves independents are just jumping on the bandwagon of being independent, as these days it's increasingly becoming as uncool to be Democrat as it has been to be Republican for the last few decades. They still vote democrat or republican at the end of the day, they still tout most of the BS that is spit out by both parties (such as ISIS), and they don't actually think independently. Sadly. 

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90% of mainstream journalists are democrats?  Please, you probably think I'm a democrat.   :facepalm:


You put entirely too much faith in right wing media.  Personally I don't put all my eggs in any single basket, I like to read as many news sources as possible and develop my own opinions.

You may not believe you're a Democrat, but when was the last time you actually voted for a Republican for a nationwide office? And for your information, I do read different sources, you're the one with a phobia for conservatives. I evaluate everything objectively and am well aware of biases on either side. Trust me, I check out every link I post to the best of my ability.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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