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If you were creating all 6 party members what would your ideal party look like?

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Now that we're getting our arms around the game a bit, I'm curious what everyone's "ultimate" player created parties would consist of. I think mine would like something like this:


  1. Ranger - Death from afar with a powerful animal ally. Excellent.
  2. Fighter - The best tank of the bunch, and all parties need a good tank.
  3. Priest - Life restoring stamina heals and excellent party buffs. Probably would be my "gunner".
  4. Rogue - I've always been a fan of rogues, and would almost certainly dedicate a party slot for this.
  5. Chanter - A great support character that is extremely versatile. Could be replace with a monk or paladin for more frontline power, or maybe a druid for more spell power.
  6. Wizard - You have to have a wizard. I would likely take the muscle wizard for a spin in this group.


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"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke


1. Chanter

2. Chanter

3. Paladin

4. Paladin


This stacks all the buffs from chants and auras.


5. Priest


For heals.


6. Cipher for single target damage, or another Chanter or Paladin if the first four dont already manage to have all good chants and auras up between them.


I would most likley never play with 6 self made characters because I would miss the chit chatter of my party. It would get even more complicated if theirs a character like Jan Jansen or Minsk in PoE.

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Fighters seem like the most boring class ever created. I'd go monk, and barbarian as my front line. Behind them, a cypher, wizard, priest... and I'm not sure for the last character. I haven't tried out druids or rangers. Maybe one of them or a rogue.

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  On 8/23/2014 at 5:41 AM, Matt516 said:

All muscle wizards. All the time.



This is my squad:


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"The Courier was the worst of all of them. The worst by far. When he died the first time, he must have met the devil, and then killed him."



  On 10/30/2014 at 11:04 AM, BruceVC said:

Is your mom hot? It may explain why guys were following her ?

  On 8/23/2014 at 6:00 AM, Longknife said:


  On 8/23/2014 at 5:41 AM, Matt516 said:

All muscle wizards. All the time.



This is my squad:


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"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke


I can already tell I'm going to have so much fun with custom parties...


The one that I'm most itching to try is modeled on the Grey Helms from the Malazan Book of the Fallen:


Destriant: Paladin

Shield Anvil: Priest

Mortal Sword: Barbarian

...and Fighter, Fighter, Fighter to give them somebody to order around.


Kit them all out in identical heavy armor and stomp all over the battlefield, or die in a glorious last stand, depending.

I have a project. It's a tabletop RPG. It's free. It's a work in progress. Find it here: www.brikoleur.com


1: Ranger with a bear named, "Tina"


2: Ranger with a bear named, "Nina"


3: Ranger with a bear named, "Lina"


4: Ranger with a bear named, "Jina"


5: Ranger with a bear named, "Rina"


6: Ranger with a bear named, "Sina"



  • Like 4

"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

  On 8/23/2014 at 6:09 AM, Namutree said:

1: Ranger with a bear named, "Tina"


2: Ranger with a bear named, "Nina"


3: Ranger with a bear named, "Lina"


4: Ranger with a bear named, "Jina"


5: Ranger with a bear named, "Rina"


6: Ranger with a bear named, "Sina"




Dear god!!! You will Bear-y the competition.  (for Lephys).

  • Like 3

@Namutree I was actually thinking that a 6-ranger party could be fairly overwhelming. Bear stampede FTW.

That said, without any access to buffs/debuffs/counters, they could be surprisingly fragile. A caster dealing area damage that ignores the bears' DT's could TPW PDQ.

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I have a project. It's a tabletop RPG. It's free. It's a work in progress. Find it here: www.brikoleur.com


Main char - firghter/barb/paly dps with 2he or 2x1he (not sure yet)

Fighter SaS tank

Priest healer (and he has good cc!)

Rogue (someone must pick locks and disarm traps!)

Caster - wizard or cipher

Chanter or something else.

  On 8/23/2014 at 7:25 AM, PrimeJunta said:

@Namutree I was actually thinking that a 6-ranger party could be fairly overwhelming. Bear stampede FTW.

That said, without any access to buffs/debuffs/counters, they could be surprisingly fragile. A caster dealing area damage that ignores the bears' DT's could TPW PDQ.

We shall fear no caster. If some magical dolt should cast an aoe spell our way Tina will alone will be the target. She scouts ahead you see, and after being hit she shall run away. The rangers whom all have guns (They are supposed to be good against mages) shall rush the spell-slinging buffoon and shoot him up good. You'll see. Our might shall be brought to BEAR...

  • Like 2

"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

Posted (edited)

Bears do surprising amount of damage in beta, including 40+ crits. They're not great at holding the line though, and ranger getting maimed or even dead (what happens on Hard+Expert if your animal dies, anyone tested?) is too big of a penalty. Also, you'd be good to run musketeer-rangers, but 6 chars with guns as they are now can kill anything without any bears.


Just judging by the beta my top pics are:

- Fighter or Barb for holding the line,

- Dual wielding Barb for DPS

- Cleric. I see no replacement for cleric atm, at least on high difficulties, he is the only caster who is able to rotate heals and AoE heals well

- Druid. Charm Animal is a non-combat AoE level 1 spell. Nuff said. Throw it on beetles, see them kill themselves. Trivialize half the combat in beta.

The spell selection is very unimaginative though, ton of DPS, heal only on level 3 (yet another point goes to Cleric, in IE games druids and clerics were somewhat interchangeable... thanks Josh). Blight summon is slow and buggy, give me animal summons ffs, I'm a druid or what.

- Wizard. The grimoire mechanic is nice and flexible, you can learn ton of spells by just spending money, and his spells are fairly decent.

- Chanter. Multiple simultaneous flamingweapons skeletons.


Not interested in:

- Rogue. He has zero unique non-combat abilities and his builds are more boring than BG2 kits. Backstab is not as cool. Barb seems to do same stuff but has inborn Super Healing Potion as ability. Granted Rogue can do some dps but anyone can dish out some, and he has no utility except that. Thanks Josh.

- Ranger. The life link is eh, bows suck, and you can give a gun to any other char, so I don't see a reason to carry a ranged non-caster specialist.

- Paladin. Fighter with some buffs or whatever. Not saying he's bad but I prefer classes to excel at something particular.

- Monk. Not about my general dislike of monks, but they seem to ask too much but bring too little (hight maintenance, not enough interesting talents).

- Cipher. They're not weak, but their spell selection is a bit like of a Warlock, meaning you end up spamming just a few spells. It's not what I expect from a spellcaster (I expect whole Psionic Book dumped into class including ****ton of non-combat abilities, detections, ESP, utility spells, mind read, that sort of stuff).

Edited by Shadenuat
  On 8/23/2014 at 12:03 PM, Shadenuat said:


- Ranger. The life link is eh, bows suck, and you can give a gun to any other char, so I don't see a reason to carry a ranged non-caster specialist.


Rangers can have bears. You'll see when you play the finished game. You'll find your lack of bears unbearable...

  • Like 2

"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

  On 8/23/2014 at 12:22 PM, Shadenuat said:

I am a Bear.



I see you are missing 3 hp; clearly you just fought 10 dragons and 50 Demigorgans...

  • Like 2

"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.



2.Barb, im thinking high INT high PER with some CON for an interupter





"Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something." Plato

Posted (edited)

Hmmm well.


1: Fighter - probably decent but not huge might, breastplate/scale type armor, faster weapon with high dex.

2: Paladin - Goldpact or Saint Elega.  For melee buff buff.

3: Cipher - Melee damages even if they surprisingly get slightly more range than melee accuracy (is this intended or a mistake???)

4: Priest - Heals, more buff buff, dresses pretty in plate.

5: Druid - Covers required "I am Bear" buff.

6: Wizard - named Harry.  My let's play will be epic.  Of course he will also use a gun, no one ever said he would use magic.

Edited by Karkarov
  On 8/23/2014 at 4:22 AM, limaxophobiacq said:

1. Chanter

2. Chanter

3. Paladin

4. Paladin


This stacks all the buffs from chants and auras.


5. Priest


For heals.


6. Cipher for single target damage, or another Chanter or Paladin if the first four dont already manage to have all good chants and auras up between them.

Interesting build. I wonder if this is truly as good as it seems on paper. It could be the new ultra-gamey, min-max party build. I haven't had enough experience with these classes or the game yet to have a proper understanding. Might be something I'll have to try at some point.

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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