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NY Daily News - New Underwear Line Filters Farts



Using chemical warfare technology, these new briefs, shorties and boxers camouflage bodily odors that make intimacy difficult for people with digestive disorders like IBS and Crohn’s disease.


A healthcare underwear company has designed a range of briefs and boxers which use chemical warfare technology to filter unwanted gas.

The hi-tech pants, created by Shreddies Ltd. based in Leicestershire, England, feature a highly absorptive carbon cloth back panel which traps and neutralizes flatulence odors.


The thin and flexible cloth, which contains Zorflex — the same activated carbon material used in chemical warfare suits — is reactivated simply by washing the pants. Shreddies say through extensive testing the carbon cloth could filter odors 200 times the strength of the average flatus emission.


The award-winning healthcare product is particularly useful for sufferers of digestive disorders such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), Crohn's disease, Colitis and food intolerances.


Suitable for men and women the underwear comes in a range of styles and is designed to fit more snugly than conventional underwear.


Women can buy Shreddies in briefs, high-leg briefs or shorties, while men can purchase support boxers, adjustable support boxers, hipsters and briefs.

It has even been reported that soccer player Frank Lampard has worn the underwear, so there is no need to be embarrassed buying them.

In the last few months Shreddies has signed up to sell their product in 11 UK retailers including Fenwicks and Bentalls.


A spokesperson at Shreddies Ltd. said: "Although Shreddies has got cheeky with the new campaign, to many people they still remain very much a healthcare product and have helped so many cope with conditions such as IBS, Crohn's and food intolerances. But the bottom line is that Shreddies are for everyone, after all, it’s something we all do.


"Flatulence seriously affects millions of people every day and since 2008 Shreddies has been helping those affected increase their quality of life. We have found the answer to help alleviate the most obvious symptom of flatulence…the odors."

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Crazy French Tourists.




Police were on their way to Gantheaume Point Cable Beach at 7:20am on Sunday, when they spotted a white Ford Falcon wagon travelling about 60 kilometres an hour (37 mph), with a man lying on the bonnet.

Police stopped the car, with the man still lying on the bonnet facing the driver, smoking a cigarette, dressed in a dinosaur onesie and wearing a snorkel. The vehicle was seized under hoon legislation. Both the male and female are French nationals of no fixed address. It is believed they are backpackers...


I don't know which part of that is the most bizarre.

The fact he was smoking a cigarette while she was driving at 60 kmh?
The fact he was wearing a Onesie? Let alone a dinosaur one.
The snorkel and smoking? Trying to be a chimney?



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In Britain, to get hooned means to get drunk. Connection?

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Toby Sheldon pays $100,000 on plastic surgery to look like Justin Bieber


Oh Dear.




Doesn't even look like Beiber!


I know.


Wasn't there a paedo online who pretended to be Justin Beiber, to trick teenage girls? This look awfully similar as an agenda. 

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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In Britain, to get hooned means to get drunk. Connection?


Not quite. A Hoon is someone who is involved in anti-social behaviour whilst driving their car (or boat).  



Ah. As in Geoff Hoon.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Obese children should keep food diaries


My thought was "Great idea. They will seem more bookish and avuncular, like Dr Johnson."

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Gold does grow on trees ..... 


Scientists in Australia have discovered gold deposits on eucalyptus trees in the Outback.





Edited by kgambit
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Read that one the the other day in local news. Who said money didn't grow on trees?


The amount is insignificant in its own right, but is indicator of deeper lying veins of gold. Saves a lot of prospecting if you can just pick some leaves and test them.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Forgetful Groom Who Made Hoax Bomb Threat at Register Office is Jailed for a Year




Like many a groom before him, Neil McArdle spent the eve of his nuptials double-checking his to-do list, from keeping track of the rings to laying out his suit. It was only when he got to the undelivered form for booking the wedding ceremony itself that he realised he had a problem.


But rather than tell his bride-to-be that their big day was the subject of a significant last-minute hitch, McArdle decided on an alternative course of action - shortly before the ceremony he nipped out to a call box and delivered a bomb threat to the register office.


The 36-year-old was yesterday given the time to ponder the wisdom of his strategy for concealing his administrative failures in the shape of a 12-month prison sentence for causing “terror” at St George’s Hall in Liverpool on 26 April this year.


A judge heard that instead of grasping the nettle of a painful conversation with his fiancee, Amy Williams, university-educated McArdle had panicked when he realised his error hours before the wedding and decided to “weasel” out of his predicament.


After Miss Williams awoke at 4am on the day of the wedding and began her preparations, McArdle slipped out of their home in Kirkby, Merseyside, and called the Liverpool Register Office, using a disguised voice to tell the receptionist: “This is not a hoax call. There’s a bomb in St George’s Hall and it will go off in 45 minutes.”


The 9am call, which came 11 days after the Boston Marathon bombing, provoked a full-scale emergency inside the neo-classical building in central Liverpool as staff and the public were evacuated while police and firefighters rushed to the scene. Among the visitors left standing outside was Miss Williams in her wedding gown and other members of the wedding party.


Unfortunately for the groom, who was also present and busy feigning surprise, the hoax did not have the desired effect of cancelling all ceremonies for the rest of the day and thus allow McArdle to re-book the ceremony he had neglected to schedule in the first place.


Some 45 minutes after the “bomb” was supposed to have gone off, the all-clear was given and a member of register office staff emerged to find the groom and his future sister-in-law locked in a “heated conversation” with her saying: “You probably done the bomb scare yourself!”


Charles Lander, defending, told Liverpool Crown Court: “If it was not so serious, the facts of this case have all the makings of a comedy.”

The barrister said that after seeing his fiancee in her wedding dress, he had found himself unable to confess his error. Mr Lander said: “She looked amazing. He just could not get out the words to her to tell her what he had not done in relation to the forms.” The court heard that after making the hoax call, McArdle used his personal mobile phone to call the venue and try to call off the hoax. He was arrested at 4pm on the same day after police traced that call.


McArdle, who was tearful in the dock, pleaded guilty at a previous hearing to a single charge of making a threatening phone call. Sentencing him to one year’s imprisonment, Judge Norman Wright said: “Having realised you hadn’t booked the wedding, you did nothing, and nothing and nothing and buried your head in the sand.”


The court that for the disastrous groom there was at least some small cause for happiness - his fiancee has stood by him.

Mr Lander said: “If any individual should abandon him, has been humiliated by him, the fact that she stands with him speaks volumes for her and I hope volumes for him.”



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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Man steals woman's wallet, woman buys man food



Jessica Eaves from Guthrie, Oklahoma recently had her wallet stolen by a man while she was grocery shopping. Most people in that situation would immediately get the authorities involved, but she found a way to resolve her problem herself. 

 "I saw this gentleman down the aisle from me," Jessica tells us. "He walked behind me, and when I got a couple of aisles over, I realized my wallet was gone." 
"I spotted him in a crowded aisle and approached him," she continues. "I'm a pretty out-there personality, but I was quiet and calm."
"I said to him, 'I think you have something of mine. I'm gonna give you a choice. You can either give me my wallet and I'll forgive you right now, and I'll even take you to the front and pay for your groceries." 
The alternative? Jessica reporting him to the police. 
"He reached into his hoodie pocket and gave me my wallet," she recalls, adding that the man was extremely grateful for her help and forgiveness. 
"He started crying when we walked up to the front," she says. "He said he was sorry about 20 times by the time we went from the pickle aisle to the front. He told me he was desperate." 
She spent $27 on his groceries, which included milk, bread, bologna, crackers, soup and cheese. "The last thing he said was, 'I'll never forget tonight. I'm broke, I have kids, I'm embarrassed and I'm sorry.'" 
"Some people are critical because I didn't turn him in, but sometimes all you need is a second chance," she adds. 
This generosity and desire to help others is a major part of Jessica's life. Though she's a full-time college student, United Way employee, wife and mother of four, she still finds time to work with the Christian Outreach in her community and spends up to 12 hours per week volunteering. 
Says Jessica, "My brother and I lost my dad to suicide when I was seven, and I remember him telling me years ago that no matter what I become in life, to always, always be kind."
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Free games updated 3/4/21

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SkyNews - Police find first 3d Gun Printing Factory




Police have discovered a 3D printer which they believe criminals were using to try to make a gun, Sky News can reveal.

In what is believed to be the first case of its kind, officers in Manchester on Thursday seized a printer and other components potentially used in the manufacture of firearms during a raid.


As part of an operation to target organised crime gangs in the city, police found a trigger and a magazine they believe is capable of holding bullets, both of which are thought to have been made using the printer. Officers believe the raid - in the Bagley area of the city - could have uncovered what could be Britain's first 3D gun factory.


Earlier this year concerns were raised that the printers, which construct everyday solid items using very thin layers of plastic, could be used to make a gun, which contained no metal parts and could therefore evade detection by security scanners at airports and other potential criminal targets.


Detective Inspector Chris Mossop, of Greater Manchester Police, told Sky News: "If what we have seized is proven to be viable components capable of constructing a genuine firearm, then it demonstrates that organised crime groups are acquiring technology that can be bought on the high street to produce the next generation of weapons.

"In theory, the technology essentially allows offenders to produce their own guns in the privacy of their own home, which they can then supply to the criminal gangs who are causing such misery in our communities.

"Because they are also plastic and can avoid X-ray detection, it makes them easy to conceal and smuggle."


The Chief Constable of Greater Manchester, Sir Peter Fahy, told Sky News that 3D guns were "a new phenomenon".

He said: "We will really need to look at this new development. Certainly we feel that we are having success - and the important thing is not to be defeatist about this. It is not to think that we'll never win, that these people are cleverer than us." 

"They are not, they are just more violent than us."


At the time it was warned that criminals may try to use the devices to do something similar.

The firm, Defense Distributed, spent a year trying to assemble a working model. It succeeded using separate printed plastic components and a metal firing pin.

The cost of 3D printers has fallen dramatically in recent months. They can now be bought for less than £1,000.


In a statement Greater Manchester Police said: "Component parts for what could be the UK's first ever 3D gun have been seized by Greater Manchester Police.

"During the searches, officers found a 3D printer and what is suspected might be a plastic clip and a 3D trigger which could be fitted together to make a viable 3D gun.


"It they are found to be viable components for a 3D gun, it would be the first ever seizure of this kind in the UK. The parts are now being forensically examined by firearms specialists to establish if they could construct a genuine device.


"A man has been arrested on suspicion of making gunpowder and remains in custody for questioning."


The raid came as part of what police describe as the largest operation to tackle organised criminal gangs in Manchester's history.

In the past week more than 50 suspected members of criminal gangs have been arrested for a variety of offences including drugs, firearms and money laundering.

As well as the 3D printer, seizures included £330,000 worth of drugs, £25,000 in cash along with weapons such as high-powered air rifles, a BB gun, a Taser, a baton and seven high powered cars.


Up to 50 tonnes of counterfeit goods worth at least £2m - including fake trainers, watches and clothing - were also recovered.

Detective Chief Superintendent Rebekah Sutcliffe, who heads Challenger for Greater Manchester Police, said: "Organised crime groups have a corrosive and insidious effect on our communities. These sorts of people mistakenly believe they 'own their turf' and use violence and intimidation to make people's lives a misery.


"However, this week we have brought the fight to these gangs and through Challenger we are now declaring war on these criminal networks who for too long have been bullying communities and enjoying a lavish lifestyle."


There are currently more than 160 known organised criminal gangs in Greater Manchester, costing the local economy between £850m and £1.7bn each year.

However, it is thought there may be up to 500 of these networks in operation.


"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Yeah, we spied on you. You're welcome.


While outrage in Europe grows over reports of the NSA spying on its citizens and public figures, some in Congress have struck a less conciliatory tone, with a key GOP congressman saying Sunday that foreign publics should be grateful - not angry - because America's spying keeps them safe.

Edited by ShadySands

Free games updated 3/4/21

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Can understand it sort of - kids can make people lose their cool quite easily. Stll, just grab his shirt or ear or something, rather than that.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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****ing _OW_


Poor kid! I hope Jesus makes his junk enormous to compensate.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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