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[New Game+] Are you for or aginst ?!

New game +  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you for or aginst New Game+ feature ? (if devs have recorces)

  2. 2. IF a New game+ is gonna be added what shoud it provide ? (multi)

    • I want to inherit levels from previos game.
    • Inherit items
    • New Game+ shoud unlock new items
    • New Game+ shoud unlock new monsters, enemys.
    • New Game+ shoud unlock new events, quests etc
    • New Game+ shoud unlock new endings.
    • New Game+ shoud "lock" something for example some previous events etc.
    • Inherit characters "fame" and influence (if it is) with companions
    • New Game+ shoud unlock special abilitis (from other class or others)
    • other
  3. 3. Are you for New Game++ option or New Game +++ oprion ? (third play thru fourth etc)

    • Yes i for it 100%
    • No ... please ... noooo!!!
    • Other

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Are you for or are you aginst New Game + Feature ?


For those who don't know, New Game + feature meant starting a new game (from begining) exporting a character that you previosly end the game.


We seen this type of Feature for example in Mass Efect where you can import a character at level you previosly end the game.


Of coure NewGame + feature does not mean that you must inherit your levels, you coud for example inherit items but also start once again with addictional events ...


In BG we have "Export" character option but it isin't newgame+ option ... The new game+ option is when you end game and your character is saved for new play thru, OR simple ending of the game unlocks new opitons during second play (this also may include other characters)

Edited by Ulquiorra
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Unfortunately, I'm going to have to oppose this. For all the uproar over perceived "replayability" or lack thereof in certain games, for me this is always secondary to "playability", even if I like sandbox elements (which are typically associated with replayability and the endgame). Cross-character/game/save file (or whatever you want to call it) unlockables like this simply don't belong in the RPG genre in my opinion, since I would consider choosing a new role (i.e. switching classes) to be the central and the only necessary aspect of "replays", and if I had my way it wouldn't be any game's business to restrict which roles we could choose in the first playthrough. I think cut/copy-pasting aspects of past character sort of violates the setting's fidelity from a roleplay perspective, and even if this was worked in with some reincarnation aspects of the souls bit in the game's narrative, I still don't see what this would really add. The only thing I can think of is maybe protecting players from their own tendency to choose the most blinged out and egotistic characters from the start- via restricting access to character backgrounds such as "noble lineage" that may confer certain gameplay benefits similar to the options you've listed- and even then I'm not sure that constitutes grounds for including a novel mechanic. I think that as long as the scope of our characters' "roles" in Project Eternity is adequately wide (via including elements of non-combat-focused gameplay and limited sandbox elements), the promise of a new role should be enough motivation for replay, and there's no need for meta-gamist challenges.

Edited by mcmanusaur
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I'm actively against it.


P:E promises to deliver replayability in the form of different party setups and optional difficulty modes, and last but not least, real choices. Therefore, adding an option on top that lets you replay with an experienced character that unlocks new content would be overkill/ a waste of time and ressources.


Now an export feature as seen in Baldur's Gate, I'm not against that, as long as no additional dev time is spent on this (i.e. for balancing).

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Completely against this. I don't mind the ability to export a character(and all of their equipment) for use in modules or PE2(if it features the same PC), but a newgame+ seems unneeded.

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New Game+ is a complete waste of time and development resources in my opinion. It's basically just an artificial limit defining what you can achieve level-wise in one playthrough - I don't know why anybody would want it.


To put it bluntly, if I want to play through the game again, I'll create a new character.

Exile in Torment



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Often times New Game+ are ways to artificially extend the perceived game-play time. They do this by locking away content in second and third play thru-s.* I think this is generally a bad idea. All content should be available (barring exclusive choice content - that is content that is dependent upon choice, i.e help defend the village, you get quests attached to such, but you lose the opportunity for content associated with the bugbears who wanted help burning the village and so on) on the first play through.


Locking content away behind artificial barriers creates a bad precedent and many customers see it as cheap and mildly underhanded. A counter argument could be made that the devs are then making content specific for New Game + modes, so they wouldn't be taking anything away from the core game. To that, I would counter, they should spend their time working on the core game then. If you make the foundation of the game (interesting and distinct class mechanics, a pool of viable and well-written companions, choices with visible and pervasive effects) then a mode to extend the life of the game is unneeded, since the core mechanics encourage replay anyways.

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In Icewind Dale and Icewind Dale II, I don't believe most people would have much luck playing through on Heart of Fury mode without either a party of characters who had been levelled up to where they would have been had they ended a game, or an imported party who had ended the game. That sort of thing is fine with me, and I'm for the import/export ability and such.


However, my understanding is that New Game+ isn't quite the same thing as that, and so I'm not sure that I would want it. Unless the difficulty also spikes up a great deal, it seems fairly pointless.


Even taking into account what I said to begin with, I'm fairly neutral on the issue. I do think that being able to import previously used characters is nice with a harder mode, but it's hardly necessary. I certainly don't think it should unlock anything except perhaps higher level items (that was a nice thing about the Heart of Fury mode in Icewind Dale II).


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Nothing good for the game is a waste of resources.


Is NG+ good for Project Eternity? I don't know. Maybe. I personally like it when it's included, and I think the objection to metagaming among cRPG fans is fundamentally idiotic. But, you know, that's me.

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This is the wrong type of game for new game+.

That's my feeling on it as well. I like such things in fast, more action-y games but don't feel like it fits here.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I would be okay with some sort of special persistence only for the perma-death no-save-spamming at all trial-of-iron mode.  I think I mentioned previously somewhere that I thought it'd be cool if there were a graveyard (or similar) somewhere in game where the gravestones matched names from previous wipes up to a certain limit and age, as older graves get sucked under.

I guess to add on to that, I'd be okay if random common items from perma-death iron mode wipes occasionally got dropped from enemies. Like your party wipes and perma-dies, and then a couple playthroughs later the really common short sword +1 or whatnot your thief 'Steve the Tricky Fingers' or whatever he was named used when he died drops from some random creep as "Steve the Tricky Fingers' short sword +1" without any stat changes.


Both of these features are just atmospheric and don't alter the gameplay at all. So they're probably not really 'NG+'  or whatever you call the godforsaken mechanisms invented by marketers and psychologists to make people repetitiously grind for minor imaginary rewards (or, in the worst case, to completely break games).

Edited by khango
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No New Game+ please.  It's artificial and more for console RPGs (not an attack on consoles, just that's where this feature is used, not in PC games).  Having an artificial limit applied to a game where your choices should matter does not fit.  I do not get why people would want such a feature when the game should already offer replayability via alternate character classes.

"That rabbit's dynamite!" - King Arthur, Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail

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I friend supposedly had great fun with heart of fury mode. So I guess the stuff has value for some.

Me. I see it a a frivolous waste of resources that'd be much better spent to fine tune the first playthrough, so I voted against.


But if it's something the devs would really like to do, I'm not going to cry over it.

Mostly I just don't care. If the choice is there I'll surely ignore it, wouldn't try it on my 10th playthrough even.

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I friend supposedly had great fun with heart of fury mode. So I guess the stuff has value for some.

I loved Heart of Fury. Icewind Dale was completely linear, and completely bogged down by AD&D rules (simplistic character building) and its conventions (similar party setups), so HoF was a way to extend the game's lifetime on people's harddrives. P:E won't be like that. There will be a lot of different things you can try on any given playthrough, including modes like Trial of Iron.

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After reading everyone else's opinion I decided I am against the implementation of  a New Game+ concept

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I see you guys don't understand the question. I sad if they "HAD" resorces. Im also aginst it if they don't but my qiestion was about if thay have proper reseroces and other elements will not suffer from this .. :)

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i dont mind having a new game + function, but it should be trial of iron only. you keep your levels and items at the start, the companion's levels are the same as your's but they have the same gear as the first time. the enemies you faced the first time will be there but scaled to your level (if you finished the first run at lv12, enemies that were lv1 will now be lv12, those who were lv5 will now be 17 etc) and maybe a few more powerful that you had no chance to defeat would pop up, along with some harder areas (enemies and areas could be in the first run, but would be impossible to beat) and better gear than what you could find in the first run. however it should definitly not lock quests, events, areas etc, absolutely NO new (dedicated) endings, reputation should be back to 0, and as for abilities, they could have some that you may or may not get in the first run (depending on what level you reached) and you can just take them on the second run. in short, a really hardcore mode for the toughest of players

as for ++ or +++ etc, it's a definite NO

but if it's not implemented i couldn't care less about it. after all its more of an artificial way to boost replayability than actualy give players a reason to play the game again

Edited by teknoman2

The words freedom and liberty, are diminishing the true meaning of the abstract concept they try to explain. The true nature of freedom is such, that the human mind is unable to comprehend it, so we make a cage and name it freedom in order to give a tangible meaning to what we dont understand, just as our ancestors made gods like Thor or Zeus to explain thunder.



What? You thought it was a quote from some well known wise guy from the past?


Stupidity leads to willful ignorance - willful ignorance leads to hope - hope leads to sex - and that is how a new generation of fools is born!

We are hardcore role players... When we go to bed with a girl, we roll a D20 to see if we hit the target and a D6 to see how much penetration damage we did.


Modern democracy is: the sheep voting for which dog will be the shepherd's right hand.

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I see you guys don't understand the question. I sad if they "HAD" resorces. Im also aginst it if they don't but my qiestion was about if thay have proper reseroces and other elements will not suffer from this .. :)


That's saying "if they had unlimited amounts of time, money and manpower".

If they did, I'd be fine with the feature being there, still wouldn't use it, but I wouldn't mind it either.


But they don't have unlimited resources. 4 million budget is not even 40 million.

There'll be lots of questions to the tune of "this would be a kind of a neat feature, but is it worth the effort?"

Stuff will be cut no matter what.

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I see you guys don't understand the question. I sad if they "HAD" resorces. Im also aginst it if they don't but my qiestion was about if thay have proper reseroces and other elements will not suffer from this .. :)


That's saying "if they had unlimited amounts of time, money and manpower".

If they did, I'd be fine with the feature being there, still wouldn't use it, but I wouldn't mind it either.


But they don't have unlimited resources. 4 million budget is not even 40 million.

There'll be lots of questions to the tune of "this would be a kind of a neat feature, but is it worth the effort?"

Stuff will be cut no matter what.



They just mustn't cut the important stuff like Romance\Sex from PE



"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I see you guys don't understand the question. I sad if they "HAD" resorces. Im also aginst it if they don't but my qiestion was about if thay have proper reseroces and other elements will not suffer from this .. :)


That's saying "if they had unlimited amounts of time, money and manpower".

If they did, I'd be fine with the feature being there, still wouldn't use it, but I wouldn't mind it either.


But they don't have unlimited resources. 4 million budget is not even 40 million.

There'll be lots of questions to the tune of "this would be a kind of a neat feature, but is it worth the effort?"

Stuff will be cut no matter what.



Beliewe me adding an option to play you character onec again is not that expencieve. New quests/events/endings etc whoud probably cos more becouse of "writhing" part.


Still i don't get this obsession about reasorces ... the first goal to create the game was 1 million .. we have 4 times more .. so by their calculations they shoud be able to create 4 games with the basic content. So the game will be 4 times bigger then at the begininng.


the 40 milion games are those like Starcraft2, Dragon age orgins(with DLCs) or mass effencts .. im not preaty sure about witcher 2 ...


And the most of the "money" went on marketing, graphics/animation cutscenes, voice acting ... we know in PE none of these will be as "important".


Secondly, im starting to think that you guys are more concern of "recorces" then devs .. with is weird ...


The dragon age or mass effect where so expencive becouse those game was almost non-stop cutscenes ... witch PE will be not ..


But talking with you guys about recources is just waste of time .. becouse even talking about "adding" new type of weapon you will see as possible dangerous situation ... sigh ...

Edited by Ulquiorra
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While I'm not against it, I firmly believe that New Game+ should not "unlock" any particular extras, neither in terms of story or gear.


It's all well and good to have the experience of your previous character carry over, but if I've played through a game that has only half the available content and then have to replay it in order to get the full story telling experience... Well, I'm going to be very, very, unhappy.

Edited by Sylvanpyxie
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I am definitely for it (I made a recent thread requesting this)! However, one must be clear what is meant by "new game +". For me it is solely the ability to export/import my character (or party even) and play through the game again with him/her again (with all his/her gear as well). Ideally exactly like how heart of fury mode was handled in IWD1&2 where there is no new content (just better items). I.e. always same content, just ability to make game harder (and get better loot). That is what I want. They don't even need to spend too much time balancing it; I just like having the option of continuing to improve one character (or even better: and entire party) if I want to (whilst playing through an epic story/adventure). I don't care if it makes the game easy or breaks some challenges, I enjoy it and would really appreciate at the very least the option to export/import, just as the BG & IWD series had.

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I see you guys don't understand the question. I sad if they "HAD" resorces. Im also aginst it if they don't but my qiestion was about if thay have proper reseroces and other elements will not suffer from this .. :)


That's saying "if they had unlimited amounts of time, money and manpower".

If they did, I'd be fine with the feature being there, still wouldn't use it, but I wouldn't mind it either.


But they don't have unlimited resources. 4 million budget is not even 40 million.

There'll be lots of questions to the tune of "this would be a kind of a neat feature, but is it worth the effort?"

Stuff will be cut no matter what.



Beliewe me adding an option to play you character onec again is not that expencieve. New quests/events/endings etc whoud probably cos more becouse of "writhing" part.


Still i don't get this obsession about reasorces ... the first goal to create the game was 1 million .. we have 4 times more .. so by their calculations they shoud be able to create 4 games with the basic content. So the game will be 4 times bigger then at the begininng.


the 40 milion games are those like Starcraft2, Dragon age orgins(with DLCs) or mass effencts .. im not preaty sure about witcher 2 ...


And the most of the "money" went on marketing, graphics/animation cutscenes, voice acting ... we know in PE none of these will be as "important".


Secondly, im starting to think that you guys are more concern of "recorces" then devs .. with is weird ...


The dragon age or mass effect where so expencive becouse those game was almost non-stop cutscenes ... witch PE will be not ..


But talking with you guys about recources is just waste of time .. becouse even talking about "adding" new type of weapon you will see as possible dangerous situation ... sigh ...



Okay, so your turn... why would you like this feature? What would New Game+ add to the game that it doesn't have already? How do you justify wanting to play through the game twice with the same character? Are you really that opposed to playing other classes, or at a different difficulty? I'm assuming the reason you want to do everything twice with the same character isn't because you prioritize roleplay? I'm just trying to see the other point of view here, since your OP was more about what New Game+ might entail than about why you want it in Project: Eternity.


In regards to resources, it's a bit pointless to ask whether people support an optional feature assuming that the developers have infinite resources, because hypothetically there is no reason to oppose it, and thus the result is meaningless. In practice, however, it always comes down to the tradeoff between adding new features and improving existing ones, and if people feel they wouldn't get any use out of New Game+, they are perfectly entitled to oppose it on the grounds that it's not worth the effort. This is the same issue that will keep people from wanting things like I'd want such as purchasable property or tradeskills and the like in Project: Eternity.

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