Leferd Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 Nice job Justin! Really good stuff and I especially like the third track. One thing that might seem a little off to me though were the pauses here and there. Seemed maybe a beat too long...? "Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin."P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle
Chaos Theory Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 Music in games is such an underappreciated element... Especially for RPGs... I really like what I'm hearing so far. 1
Cantousent Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 (edited) I can understand folks advocating for and against things in the game based on personal taste, but is anyone so insane as to believe that the game won't have music because he *personally* doesn't like music in games? Frankly, I'm sure a lot of us don't always play the attending score for every particular game. Hell, even a game where I love the music, like New Vegas, it got to the point where I would sometimes mute the soundtrack and play other music in the background. In other games, World of Warcraft for instance, I always thought the music wasn't to my liking and immediately muted it in favor of my own. In still other games, such as Planescape: Torment, I've kept listening to some of the music even when I wasn't playing the game. I'm not much of a message board cowboy these days and I sure as hell don't want to call out anyone over the music, but apart from my tastes or the apparent interest on the part of many people in the community, Obsidian isn't going to produce a game without a soundtrack. I'd like to reiterate my desire for Classical guitar. I know it might not be possible, but how many actual instruments will you guys use? Are we talking synthetic all the way? I can think of a lot of interesting instruments that would be cool. lol I was at a jazz club in LA recently and the pianist for the trio played part of a song on the mandolin. Edited October 3, 2012 by Cantousent Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community: Happy Holidays Join the revelry at the Obsidian Plays channel:Obsidian Plays Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris. Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!
WorstUsernameEver Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 I like the tracks but I'm not excessively impressed by them. "Prelude" feels excessively.. safe? Though I guess it makes sense, seeing as the aim was to create something to accompany the old Infinity Engine games in the presentation rather than just present Project Eternity, the Dirge sounds good, but lacks.. a certain something, sorry for the lack of specifics. The instruments, the melody line.. they don't really seem strong enough to carry the whole tune. In a way, yeah, it's very soundtrack-y since I'd imagine it would work better while actually playing the game. I really lack the ending with the bells though. As for the Road, I think it's my favorite track. It's more or less yet another variation of the same theme, but somehow.. it works better? Sorry for my inability to express my thoughts in a better way, unfortunately I only studied music for three years ages ago, and it wasn't even anything particularly rigorous or comprehensive. :/
Justin Bell Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 Quoting something from another thread. It clarifies some questions people have had: On 10/3/2012 at 12:13 AM, Justin Bell said: Just wanted quickly jump in to talk about the music we put up for download vs. the actual music for Project Eternity. The pieces on Sound Cloud were tailor made for the Kickstarter launch trailer. There might be some elements from the trailer that'll make it into the actual score, but mostly it was written to support the message of the video. We're really happy to see so many of you enjoy that. Now for the best indication for how the music will sound, look no further than the main portion of the update (i.e. "Music with Soul" etc). That really spells out our high level vision for the music. It's going to be great, and we can't wait to dig into that and eventually share it with you when the time comes!
Aedelric Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 On 10/3/2012 at 6:47 AM, WorstUsernameEver said: snip... Music is subjective, personally I thought Dirge of Eir Glanfath was the best and all were quite impressive.
True_Spike Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 Hearing the released tracks made me completely calm about the music in P:E. Great work.
WorstUsernameEver Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 On 10/3/2012 at 7:05 AM, Aedelric said: Music is subjective, personally I thought Dirge of Eir Glanfath was the best and all were quite impressive. Sure it is, but isn't that, uh, kind of obvious? I mean, I'm sorry, but I really don't understand the point of a comment like that.
Olauron Mor-Galad Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 Amazing update! I adore the choirs. There is something that resonates with the depths of mind.
USER47 Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 (edited) I can't say I'm all that impressed by the music. I guess it is difficult to compete with things like (despite it's ripping off Predator theme:)) or , but this still feels a little bit bland, like something you could hear in countless games that you forget few hours after finishing them. Hopefully it will work better in the game, right now I can't remember single motive despite listening to it two minutes ago:). Edited October 3, 2012 by USER47
Oner Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 (edited) Uhh, I got shivers at 2:20 of the Dirge of Eir Glanfath, very nice. It'll be even better when there's a scene for the song to actually reinforce. Edited October 3, 2012 by Oner Giveaway list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DgyQFpOJvyNASt8A12ipyV_iwpLXg_yltGG5mffvSwo/edit?usp=sharing What is glass but tortured sand?Never forget! '12.01.13.
themanclaw Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 Great stuff. I think Jeremy Soule is a great musical role mdoel in terms of fantasy. Yes, I know he worked for Bioware, blah blah blah. However, objectively speaking, thinking outside of the context of the games he's involved in, he is an amazing composed. In terms of "epic" battle music, his work on the Dawn of War soundtrack was superb, as was, in similar context, his song in TEV: Skyrim "Blood and steel" (many of his other combat themes could have been better though). As for Soule's deeper music, there is a certain tone shared between Bastilla's theme in KotOR and "Distant Horizons" in Skyrim. It's simply beautiful, so much so to the extent that felt too deep even for such amazing games. But as for composers Obsidian has hired, Mark Griskey did an amazing job with some of this stuff, most notably with "rebuilt Jedi enlcave" song which was different than Soule's stuff, yet brought the same depth. You're on the right track, Obsidian. Full support here!
Oner Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 On 10/3/2012 at 9:24 AM, themanclaw said: Great stuff. I think Jeremy Soule is a great musical role mdoel in terms of fantasy. Yes, I know he worked for Bioware, blah blah blah. However, objectively speaking, thinking outside of the context of the games he's involved in, he is an amazing composed. In terms of "epic" battle music, his work on the Dawn of War soundtrack was superb, as was, in similar context, his song in TEV: Skyrim "Blood and steel" (many of his other combat themes could have been better though). As for Soule's deeper music, there is a certain tone shared between Bastilla's theme in KotOR and "Distant Horizons" in Skyrim. It's simply beautiful, so much so to the extent that felt too deep even for such amazing games. But as for composers Obsidian has hired, Mark Griskey did an amazing job with some of this stuff, most notably with "rebuilt Jedi enlcave" song which was different than Soule's stuff, yet brought the same depth. You're on the right track, Obsidian. Full support here! The title wasn't Music with Soul because Jeremy Soul is making the music. Also Soul worked on many of Black Isle's games so don't worry, they know what he can do. Though personally I only really like his battle or cold themed songs consistenly. Giveaway list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DgyQFpOJvyNASt8A12ipyV_iwpLXg_yltGG5mffvSwo/edit?usp=sharing What is glass but tortured sand?Never forget! '12.01.13.
Bloody Hypocrite Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 All three were solid tracks. The second was probably my favorite, the first being my least. I'm eager to hear more!
Dectilon Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 (edited) I'm personally tired of ooh-aah choir in game/movie soundtracks. Not in the sense that I don't think they have a place, but they're used too much. Be it carmina burana-style choir to convey disaster/desperation or wavering ooh-aah choir to convey mystery, it should be saved for those moments so it retains its effect. I'd like to talk a little about fantasy rpg-music in general. I, like a lot of people, loved NWN2. However, I feel that the music was a weakness of that game. Not the individual tracks mind you, but the overarching theme of doom and gloom. No matter where you are, be it a friendly town or city, or deep in a orc citadel the music conveys this sort of lingering depression. Once again, I'm not saying those sort of tracks don't have their place, but I hope Eternity goes for a bigger variety. There are so many more things to convey in a fantasy world than mystery and darkness. Adventure, revelry, bravery, zeal, insanity, various cultures and serenity. Given a musical queue, those all sound very different in my mind. I'd also like to make a note about combat music. For a long time now there's been this idea of having an area theme and a combat variety of that theme. In NWN2/Oblivion/etc I feel like combat themes have a tendency to either not sound like combat themes or sound way too overdramatic for what is actually going on. Having the music go into doomsday mode because you stumbled over a starved rat only to cut out again instantly as it dies a second later does not good atmosphere make. I also feel like combat music doesn't have to be in minor. Not to make a direct comparison, but jrpgs often have the combat theme convey adventure rather than desperation. It's a game after all, and combat is one part of the fun! If I were to offer up something I feel is worth taking inspiration from it's the heroes of might and magic-series, for example this battle theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0ObS62Js-4 Some field themes in major would also be nice. Surely the whole world isn't dark and mysterious, even if there's danger? Maybe I'll hurt my "cred" bringing it up, but I think FF12 had some great field themes (when I say field themes I just mean 'not in a city or dungeon') like this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjP6z0YOlSA Obviously I'm not saying either style should be taken wholesale, but I feel like music in fantasy rpgs could do with a bit more variety. edit: dang it, forgot to comment on the tracks themselves. The second and third track with the glockenspiel have a soothing sound, and I can't recall hearing anything similar in any games as of late (or even looking pretty far back). Very nice, gives me hope for the rest of the soundtrack! Okay, I'm done! Sorry if this post ended up being a bit bulky. Edited October 3, 2012 by Dectilon 1
Paul D Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 Music has the ability to help set the scene, to place the "minds eye" into the environment. A good musical score allows the game to interact with more than one sense, increasing the potential for immersion into the narrative. Thank you for sharing the pieces; they helped draw a picture in my mind of the possible Project Eternity universe; epic & peaceful, but tension is building as something is coming. If these pieces are an indicator what we can look forward to in the final product, happy days!
theseez Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 50 minutes seems to be a bit short for a game of this scope. Would it be feasible do you think for an expanded soundtrack to be set as a stretch goal? (subject to Mr Bell's concurrence, of course). 1 Snarkmaster of the Obsidian Order and Planescape junkie!The Obsidian Order wants you!
Guest Andriel Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 Need some of BG epicness and depth. Main themes or battles. Like "The Druid Grove", BG2 or BGToB Main Titles.
True_Spike Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 On 10/3/2012 at 12:05 PM, theseez said: 50 minutes seems to be a bit short for a game of this scope. Would it be feasible do you think for an expanded soundtrack to be set as a stretch goal? (subject to Mr Bell's concurrence, of course). 50 minutes does seem very short. A stretch goal of the sort you mentioned would be fantastic. 1
Guest Andriel Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgBF1FwVc8E But this not a BG, IWD or PT. Аnd should not be
Guest Andriel Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGT7IY91jIE
Kopi Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 (edited) Justin, as I understand there will prabably be several soundtracks for different settings, could you make one like in Diablo 1 tristram with just the guitar? Sometimes it is so fitting just to hear a single instrument (or very few). Nothing too fancy, yet sets the mood perfectly! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2evIg-aYw8 Edited October 3, 2012 by Kopi
Guest Andriel Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 For comparison: PT youtube.com/watch?v=8usOiu8StWQ IWD youtube.com/watch?v=-bPZ9Nt_2oA BG youtube.com/watch?v=ZP7vWiaxw7Y BG2 youtube.com/watch?v=ki9mkLh9u08 BGTob youtube.com/watch?v=lB7T6Kd9cYg
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