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FINALLY made it to act four, and that plot twist was about as "hidden" as a freight train.


Personally the new Diablo design doesn't work. If you're gonna make him a her, then you sorta kinda need to adjust the voice, because right now it feels like I'm fighting somethin that would have been from D1 or D2... but it's got baby-makin hips and mammary glands.

What the...

Oh hai, spoilers!
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not really, given that they've got baby-hips and mammary glands in many promo pieces of art. Including in this thread.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I hardly think Gender is a spoiler either way. And this is Diablo after all, where the entire plot can boil down to "forces of good suck at fighting evil and need a dood to do do their dirty work. Are you bad enough to kill Diablo?"

Edited by Calax

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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My point is that spoilers for diablo is like arguing on the internet, nobody cares because they've done it all before and will do it all again. There are outliers but All things considered, the gender of the big bad isn't a "OMG SPOILERTH!" issue.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I broke down and bought it. I did convince my wife that it would make a suitable Fathers Day gift, so I don't feel too bad about it.


ID is Hurlshot#1715


Hurlie, I'm on the Yank server, you'll see my invite from AirfixPanzer


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Got my first legendary items playing my barbarian on the American servers. Don't remember the name, but they were useless for my character. I might sell them in the Auction House.


I only played public games today. Lots of Asians on the American servers. Played with 5 or 6 different Asians.


The barbarian is getting more fun to play. I wasn't impressed in the earlier levels, but it's really fun now. Most of the skills I have equipped are stun based. Fought a boss and it was stunned almost the entire fight.


I haven't played my Witch Doctor (Euro servers) for a few days. Will get back to him later.

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I just died. At level 47 against nightmare belial. I was bit bored and decided to group up with some randoms. They all decided against going against belial even the person who started the event, I still went there. I somehow assumed that since that they weren't doing it wouldn't be four man hard. You know, since they decided against it. Meh.


I should never group up with randoms.

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Aim to play this with friends has fallen through as they're all on Hell and I'm stil dragging my way through Nightmare :p Maybe I'll give it a break for a bit.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Does anyone know if resists go up higher than 100? I had 60ish resist all in NM and those poison tossersin Act3 would still leech all the life away in a few seconds (12-13k at the time).


Anyway....most of NM wasn't that hard - there were several good Elite battles with a lot of frantic running/kiting, even with 15-16k life - but the Act bosses were all snoozefests again. I've started Hell now. I need to up my dps once more, it's only 1080. It'll work for a while but probably not too long. So far in early Hell I use my healing spell fairly frequently against even non-special normal mobs vs "almost never" before now. It's actually about the difficulty I like. Hopefully I can find/make some better dps gear, because I'm going to need it. Guess I'll have to grind farm again. Got max Stash done, blacksmith to lvl6 and jeweler to max available in NM.


And no, I'm not going to "just go buy better gear on the AH." Can't stand that mentality...hated it in WoW too. I like self-sufficiency, it's more rewarding when I win.


At least I'm finally in Hell...which at least by Act3 shouldn't be cake and pie. I might start to have more fun now. :p

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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LadyC, I'm worried about my barbarian in NM and Hell. Level 30 now, I still need to be mindful of those toxic Act III critters. I've got a yellow 228 armour shield that is socketed, it helps but if I try to go 2H weapon or DW I'm taking too much damage.


OTOH I feel that the Demon Hunter is a much more viable hi-level choice, all that tumbling, traps, AK47 fully auto skillz madness and invisibility is ideal for kiting / planning on mob control.


Whaddya think?


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I don't know....my Wiz is lvl 24, just got to Act3. DH is only 15 and Barb 19. They all kick butt but that's early Normal. ;) I think if you build the Barb right, he can seem OP'd until somewhere in Hell, like the Monk somewhat. But I don't know what that build might be.


Demon Hunters do seem one of the better classes for soloing Hell, perhaps. Ranged, natural high dodge, etc. That said, one person I know who is a DH, said Act3 Hell was almost a rage-quit fest, but the Act-bosses were still weak/easy. I think all classes are going to have problems solo in Hell, unless you spend all your cash on uber gear from the AH or something. Even with the initially OP'd Monk I died several times in NM, all to Elites...that I couldn't avoid/were in the way of the story goal. Stupid arcane laser turret and molten fire trail dudes...

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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The ungodly amount of whining about this game... Even WoW players aren't THIS selfentitled!


He only has TWO items on his list of 8 that might even be seen as court worthy and not laughed out of it on sight. Of those two


1. Huge server problems, for example Error 37.

2. Game being deactivated for no reason, and no email message at all.


Are STILL a BIG MAYBE. In fact probably still won't get a court case even really considered IN MY OPINION...BUT at least hold more weight than everything else he stated. Deactivating his game for no reason (if it truly was for no reason) could be seen as court worthy...as you paid for goods not received, illegal in some nations regardless of how some stupid company wants to try to institute an illegal EULA/TOS (which by law in some places HAS to BE SIGNED IN FRONT OF WITNESSES AND LEGAL REPRESENTATION IN ORDER TO HAVE ANY WEIGHT AT ALL).


Of course, that's only some nations, other nations probably allow such EULA's to hold water. Such stuff hasn't been tested in many others.


That of course, is dependant on whether there was deactivation without cause or not, aka...selling someone snake water. If it was sold under deceptive practices and stuff was taken, then it ceases to be self-entitlement and instead turns into taking money without return of promised goods.


However, I'm thinking Blizzard may have a good reason behind what they did, in which case the court won't do anything for him...unless he's in California in which case you could run your car into a Blizzard building if it were there, kill one of their employees, and still win a lawsuit against blizzard because you broke a nail.


{last part there was more sarcastic humor in relation to some of the crazier lawsuits I've heard won in California of late than actually being a serious comment, just so you know and don't over react to it}.

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I find EULAs an interesting concept. "By clicking agree on this document, you agree to forfeit the following legal rights: any avenue of using the legal system against us". Seems legit, right? :banghead:

That's what the publishers would like to think.

The reality is that many parts of the EULAs are simply illegal and go through only because nobody will challenge them in court.

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What is really messed up is the need for a EULA in the first place. Using the legal system because you are unhappy with a video game is ridiculous.



You made a logical fallacy here. Using the legal system because you are unhappy with a video game is moronic. However, EULAs don't exist to prevent people from using the legal system when they are unhappy with a video game. Such people would sue and fail with or without EULAs.


EULAs generally exist for more nefarious purposes: to (attempt to) strip away genuine consumer rights.

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