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What you did today


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Hi everyone. I'm back. Sooner than expected but I'll be going back next month. I've been working in rual Mexico the last five weeks. Mexico wouldn't be such a bad place if it wasn't so screwed up. Nice folks but it is just a mess with drugs, corruption and all. Nice to be home though. I flew into Jackson to pick up the dogs (they were happy as heck to see me) then drove home this morning.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Hi GD. Hope those hounds weren't too traumatised. Did you bring back any pinata seeds?

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Ha, no chance of that. The nectar of the agave is a dangerous spirit indeed. But, in other news I've left CCI. I'm self employed at the moment. The job in Mexico is a design/consulting contract from one of the Mexican governments main construction contractors. It involved becoming familiar with CoFeTel (their version of our FCC) rules and standards. Really just more of the same that we use. This should last another three months of so and after that I'm working with a few people I knew at AT&T & CCI to start a company to bid on some of the design work that CCI no longer wants to pursue. I've got a good feeling that this is going to work. More and more telecom companies want to sub their network design work so we might as well jump on it.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Don't you disappear on us, GD, we want the old timers to stick around. (I'm half your age, but still...)


Looks like the new work is letting you keep the house and the dogs and all, then?

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Well my sister's back from a doctors visit, she's been given a 5 day course of steroids and told to get as much time off work for the next week as she can and to take as little exercise as possible. Chest infection that had led to some lung issues. So she's like "well, that's a good reason to lay in bed and play TOR for the next few days".


I wonder if she'll still be saying that if I keep pushing her dogs into her room over the next few days... :shifty:

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Don't get killed in Mexico, Guard Dog.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Don't you disappear on us, GD, we want the old timers to stick around. (I'm half your age, but still...)


Looks like the new work is letting you keep the house and the dogs and all, then?


There was never any danger of losing the house or anything like that. Things got a little scary when AT&T laid me off a few years back but I was very fortunate to find work quickly and I've been smart with money ever since. My mortgage and electric, dog expenses and health/car insurance are my only bills.


The job is as safe as it could be. They won't let us carry but we do have armed security on the job sites. Plus I believe all the right people are "encouraged" not to bother us if you know what I mean. But it is worrisome, at least a little. George Norry almost got himself kidnapped in Cabo. http://www.allaccess.com/net-news/archive/story/103322/ktrh-talks-to-george-noory-about-scare-while-trave

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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I do recall that you turned down a couple of jobs because you didn't want to relocate and everything, though, so that's all good to hear.


I'm juggling some relationship troubles, a paper for a conference next week which is one of those papers that keeps changing its identity as you write it, the lack of an Age of Decadence demo, and the terrible fact that Radiohead will be in New Jersey when I'm in New Zealand, in France when I'm in Korea, in Japan when I'm in Korea, then in New Zealand when I'm back in Philly. Yee-haw.

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I went off on my own to see Kyoto and all it's temples and shrines.. I was there for 3 days and have now returned to Hamamastu. Tokyo tomorrow and then back to Denmark.


Here are some pictures.. they are taken with a mobile phone, which is why they are so pale and colourless.. I'll have to do some retouches when I get back.






Fortune favors the bald.

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2 things


1 GD, nice to have you back. Been missing banter with you.


2) Daddy wants to buy a car... or maybe get it as an early birfday present. The one I currently have works, and is quite fun, but would probably be best if kept as sort of a training vehicle (teaching friends to use manual transmission)



Only 3 grand. I could, in theory, buy it, but I don't have that amount of cash laying around.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Dear diary,


today I skipped school and did nothing productive. Now I feel vaguely guilty.


I did that yesterday. Clean a room or something, the guilt will go away. Then you can triumphantly declare you stayed home to clean up and organize.


Don't spend more than 20 minutes on it, though, no need to go overboard.

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Dear diary,


today I skipped school and did nothing productive. Now I feel vaguely guilty.


I did that yesterday. Clean a room or something, the guilt will go away. Then you can triumphantly declare you stayed home to clean up and organize.


Don't spend more than 20 minutes on it, though, no need to go overboard.


That sounds similar to when I try to convince myself that masturbation is a form exercise and I cannot be out of shape, because I exercise regularly.

Edited by kirottu
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Dear diary,


today I skipped school and did nothing productive. Now I feel vaguely guilty.


I did that yesterday. Clean a room or something, the guilt will go away. Then you can triumphantly declare you stayed home to clean up and organize.


Don't spend more than 20 minutes on it, though, no need to go overboard.


That sounds similar to when I try to convince myself that masturbation is a form exercise and I cannot be out of shape, because I exercise regularly.


That depends on if you stretch beforehand.

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It's spring break, so I'm naturally doing more work than I ever did rest of the term. Will be in Toronto for conference next week, should be cool, I like Toronto. Well, okay, I've only been there for 24 hours, but it snowed then, so there.


Would like to play some CK2, and my guitar, but no time.

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Then how could you buy it?

Begging from my parents. I've got most of the money, but I'd need to make up a tiny bit at the end.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Dear diary,


today I skipped school and did nothing productive. Now I feel vaguely guilty.


I did that yesterday. Clean a room or something, the guilt will go away. Then you can triumphantly declare you stayed home to clean up and organize.


Don't spend more than 20 minutes on it, though, no need to go overboard.


That sounds similar to when I try to convince myself that masturbation is a form exercise and I cannot be out of shape, because I exercise regularly.

But do you exercise for long enough to get the cardio benefit?

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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