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Finished Risen 2 so I'll just upload some random screenshots I took along the way that I thought were pretty.






Not so shabby for an open world, small budget game.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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*Waves* Goodbye Frodo...


Not so shabby for an open world, small budget game.

I wonder what kind of budgets and assets/tech these guys do work with. It does look visually (way) more than adequate.

How bad are the QTE's and minigames? Rumors of their existence is what is keeping me from buying it at the moment.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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How bad are the QTE's and minigames? Rumors of their existence is what is keeping me from buying it at the moment.

I'm not sure what people are referring to when they say this? When you explore old tombs you sometimes run into a trap and the game prompts you to press space. If you do it in time, your character will jump away from danger (space is the jump button), and if you don't.. you die. Is this a QTE? There are no other QTE's that I can think of.


Mini games.. yes, there are a few. The lockpicking is one, but it's (almost) the same as in the Gothic games. You just move your mouse to left and right until you figure out the lock and it opens. There's also a shooting mini game, but I think that's entirely optional. I had a few minutes of fun with it and won some very needed gold from it. I don't remember any other mini games. Oh, right, there's a drinking mini game too. You have to click on bottles with your hand shaped mouse pointer, and for every bottle you drink, your hand becomes more and more difficult to control. You just need to click on all your bottles faster than your opponent at the other end of the table.


By the way, the locks can actually be a little tricky..




..when they start looking like this.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I suppose taking a warhammer to the door instead isn't an option???


If it isn't worse (i.e. more prevalent), I might still get it. Crossing fingers and hoping that minigames and boss fights go the way of the dodo some day.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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You missed this one oner:


Sorry snarkmaster, they weren't in.

Note that they were creepier looking in the original, but were (even more) relegated to comic relief in the sequel. http://wiki.guildwars.com/images/thumb/5/5a/Asura_concept_art.jpg/642px-Asura_concept_art.jpg


Maybe he likes them. I know that it's a far-fetched idea but it could be true.

Yeah, who would've thought. I also dislike having to stare at an over-idealised manhunk in oversized gear.
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I've been playing NWN with a dumb, butt-ugly half-Orc barbarian and it's been surprisingly satisfying. Almost every NPC has a unique reaction to such a character, it's quite impressive really, it even beats Failout 2. It truly is... the best series ever!!!!









The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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It's a pity the art direction in Risen 2 is so schizophrenic. Both models and environments look good when taken in their own right but they just don't look good when put together, since the environments are too realistic and make the cartoonish character models stick out.


Also, Piranha Bytes still hasn't learned how to do animation but they have added a slow mo camera. Why guys, why? :(


Game is still a lot of fun despite all the clunky stuff and weird design decisions, I'm almost done with Tacarigua and the questing has been pure Piranha Bytes, hidden solutions, the locations organically come together with the quests, etc. Exploration has been really good so far, although more climbing and swimming would have helped.

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Working on my second map for Commandos right now. :>




I am slowly learning how to workaround the bugs in the rough mapping tools.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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You shouldn't. It looks like ****.


You can thank me later.


You mean the visual appearance or the gameplay? Because I don't care so much about the former as I do about the latter.. Also, if I never play it, I'll never know if it was good or bad and so I can't thank you, as I have nothing to base the gratitude on - I will however give you the exclusive right to say "I told you so" if I do buy it and it stinks.

Fortune favors the bald.

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No, I wish it had a demo, but I'm lurking at their forums and checking out videos.. I'll probably, like I usually do, wait until it's less than 10-15

Fortune favors the bald.

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Endless Space


Is it good? I've been looking at it and trying to decide whether I should buy it or not.


I've really enjoyed it so far, but it depends on what you want. The strategy/ship battles part is very limited, same camera angles and same animation. With cards that can add bonuses during the phases. The diplomacy could also use some work. More in depth look here. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/59536-what-are-you-playing-now/page__st__477


As an alpha it's in a more stable state then many games gold, but I feel it's missing some features that gold will get. If your a 4X nut like me, you should enjoy it in it's current state, if not hold off till it's gold.

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