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SW: The Old Republic


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I signed up for beta testing. I thought it would be pretty much the perfect way to test if this would be worth buying, but I kinda doubt my changes of actually getting to be a tester.

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I think this desperately needs a filibustering minigame.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Just to add to the geek-levels... Since they haven't pre-sold all the CE boxes yet, they've decided to release an "unboxing" video just to add temptation.


TOR - Collector's Edition Unboxed


Yeah, I finally broke down and ordered one. They were still available at Wal-Mart a few weeks ago. It's a lot of dough, but I can see myself playing this game for a long time, and I like having a shelf of CE's.

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Interesting amount of stuff, wonder how quality the statue actually is.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Lots of good and inetresting extras there but $150 for a agme I might not play long is an oo. Then again, the most expensive game I ever bought I still play today so maybe there is soemthing to say fabout the value of the pruchase... or not? R00fles!


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Hm, the thing that bumps the cost up is that statue of Malgus.


Of course, the thing is Gentle Giant produces 12 inch statues of various Star Wars figures that sell for (or at least are listed as costing) around the $200-250 mark.


So I guess there's always the option to put the 9 inch Malgus on ebay to see if you can get anything back.. of course, the hard core fans will probably already have the CE themselves anyway.... :shifty:


Edit: I have to admit, the whole putting a statue in a computer game and then jacking the price up for CE's is getting a wee bit annoying.

Edited by Raithe

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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"Each of the Class Stories is a trilogy. Chapter 1 itself is far bigger than the entirety of Knights of the Old Republic. Each Chapter has a distinct ending, wrap up and then the next Chapter starts. When we said it was akin to KOTOR 3-10 and beyond it wasn

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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I've been reading lot of faq material and in it it was said starting area is about 10 hours long and of those 10 hours 7 is spend doing class specific quests. After that you get your ship and get to explore universe with every other class. I think it's safe to assume every area after starting area has a worse ratio of class specific quests than 70%. Why? Because it was your class' starting area after all.


Furthermore, it is a mmo. There are lot of people who want to play mmos with other people, with other classes, and want to be rewarded for it. In other words: their quest will go forward as they help a friend go forward. So I think it's safe to assume(yes again, sorry) class specific quests give only slightly different reason and/or different objective to go in a area full of enemies, but every class goes there. Basically, where jedi knight would go to kill the leader of sand people, smuggler would go to steal specific goods, but most of the time during their quests both of them would be killing sand people.


So, in practice, the 100 hours of class specific material would be actually a lot less.


I'm perfectly willing to be proven wrong by the beta people.

Edited by kirottu

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Given that character /played times reach months in MMOGs, there's no way that significant portion of the game would be different depending on your class or the choices you make. To reach max level takes only tiny bit to total time (unless you treat it as single player game and quit).

Let's play Alpha Protocol

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Given that character /played times reach months in MMOGs, there's no way that significant portion of the game would be different depending on your class or the choices you make. To reach max level takes only tiny bit to total time (unless you treat it as single player game and quit).


I'm not sure what you mean. Most MMO's I've played take 100's of hours to level to the cap, even when focused heavily on that goal.

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Given that character /played times reach months in MMOGs, there's no way that significant portion of the game would be different depending on your class or the choices you make. To reach max level takes only tiny bit to total time (unless you treat it as single player game and quit).


I'm not sure what you mean. Most MMO's I've played take 100's of hours to level to the cap, even when focused heavily on that goal.

But comparing that to the time spent at the level cap.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Given that character /played times reach months in MMOGs, there's no way that significant portion of the game would be different depending on your class or the choices you make. To reach max level takes only tiny bit to total time (unless you treat it as single player game and quit).


I'm not sure what you mean. Most MMO's I've played take 100's of hours to level to the cap, even when focused heavily on that goal.

But comparing that to the time spent at the level cap.


I wonder what the percentage is of players that cap out? I rarely reach the level cap in MMO's. I can never tell if I am in the minority.

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Given that character /played times reach months in MMOGs, there's no way that significant portion of the game would be different depending on your class or the choices you make. To reach max level takes only tiny bit to total time (unless you treat it as single player game and quit).


I'm not sure what you mean. Most MMO's I've played take 100's of hours to level to the cap, even when focused heavily on that goal.

But comparing that to the time spent at the level cap.


I wonder what the percentage is of players that cap out? I rarely reach the level cap in MMO's. I can never tell if I am in the minority.

Honestly? I'm willing to bet that most of the players of MMO's have at least one character at the cap. I think you'd the minority (or abberation).

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Honestly? I'm willing to bet that most of the players of MMO's have at least one character at the cap. I think you'd the minority (or abberation).


He might be one of those ultra-casual players who keep account open for years but never play more then few hours a week. Most of my time in WoW I was in raiding guild that allowed so called social members too. For example about 10 days played in early WoW to reach level 60... Took for some of 'em over a year (roughly 4 hours played per week). It's possible, but generally even they spend most of the time in max level, unless they quit because they can't handle any group instances (normal difficulty 5 man groups), don't bother finishing max level singleplayer quests (for coins) or doing daily quests... or just socializing with friends or guildies.

Let's play Alpha Protocol

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I guess I am an aberration. I do play very casually, I will get into the game for a month or so and then taper out to a few hours a week. I also actively avoid killing stuff unless it is for a quest. I don't like daily quests. I do like socializing with people. I also take longish breaks to play the latest single player games. I kind of dread the cap, really. I've gotten close in a few games and that's usually when I stop playing. LotRO is the exception, but even then I reached the cap a few months before they raised it.

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A bit much to pay for IRC with avatars no ? >_<


Always better to take your time in any case, used to laugh at the people trying to win the 70,80,85 race in WoW, rushing to the most boring part of the game.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I preordered Old Republic and I will blame Hurlshot if it is crap, because he is clearly the one to blame here.


I accept full responsibility and will even refund your emotional investment.


The only payment method I accept are uncomfortable long hugs with you mouth breathing to my ear.

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You two will be 'those' kind of guildies I see.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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