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Deus Ex 3

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The thing is that there is, sometimes, more than one "right" dialogue. The guy in the precinct has at least two outcomes that lead to him letting you roam the station. But you might not know about the other without the aug.


Also, the convince option doesn't come up at all without the aug. And that can yield new information and outcomes.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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And if you use it on Malik, she threatens to slap you.



Also, anyone want to discuss the endings? These are real spoilers following, not my usual fake ones. But I do try to be vague.



Forced dilemma. :shifty: That's a bad thing. So, we can tell the truth, but that'll make everyone turn Luddite. Or we can murder a bunch of people and trust humanity to do the right thing on their own. Right... If we can trust people to do the right thing, we should be able to trust them with the truth.


Then there's Sarif and Illuminati lies. Which both have noble bends to them. But I don't like lies.


The self-destruct just seems like it is built on a contradictory premise. Maybe it can be resolved by saying that the speaker of the truth will bend it to his ends, but then why couldn't we just have edited it to only the facts as an option? So, it feels forced.


"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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The thing is that there is, sometimes, more than one "right" dialogue. The guy in the precinct has at least two outcomes that lead to him letting you roam the station. But you might not know about the other without the aug.


Also, the convince option doesn't come up at all without the aug. And that can yield new information and outcomes.


You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Huh, I never needed double takedown. Especially now in my second playthrough I see no reason to invest two points into it.


Though, by now I am close to the end again and I've maxed out everything that I find useful.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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i definitely use the double takedown aug, but i think i could get by without it. its certainly not useless though, its saved my bacon several times, and made some areas way easier to get through unseen.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Huh, I never needed double takedown. Especially now in my second playthrough I see no reason to invest two points into it.


Though, by now I am close to the end again and I've maxed out everything that I find useful.

Absolutely necessary if you want to be non-lethal. And, well, explore, I suppose you could just avoid everybody.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Tranq rifle + single takedown can solve most double takedown situations.

And stun gun can solve most single takedown situations. However, the takedown is more reliable and yields more experience.


There are even a few encounters in the game with something like three enemies in close proximity. So the takedown + tranq/stun extends to them with double takedown.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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The best I did without being noticed was stun 3 guys with the Icarus, stun gun on a guy with his back to the situation and then a double takedown on two of the guys lying down.. as the third got up he was knocked out cold.. That felt pretty good. :)


So far I've manged to go non-lethal all the way except for the boss fights, the intro (assault on Sariff Industries) and one guy who I accidentally killed by bodyslamming him into electrified water.

Fortune favors the bald.

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The game feels like it penalizes you for going lethal, so there's not a whole lot of reason to do it if you're playing stealth. I still managed a few times, when I didn't want to wait for my stun gun to reload.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I find boss fights to be pretty easy with emp grenades, stun gun / peps, by the way. Your enemy can't move anymore and you can blast bullets into him.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Huh, I never needed double takedown. Especially now in my second playthrough I see no reason to invest two points into it.


Though, by now I am close to the end again and I've maxed out everything that I find useful.

I use it all the time. I'm not sure if I need it, but it's one of the most handy augs for me.


The game feels like it penalizes you for going lethal, so there's not a whole lot of reason to do it if you're playing stealth. I still managed a few times, when I didn't want to wait for my stun gun to reload.

What is the range on the stun gun? I've used the tranq rifle and it annoys me. When I actually want to fire at a long distance, I can't do so from cover and even with the zoom, the shot isn't reliable enough. The silenced sniper rifle seems far more handy to me; I always hit my target, there's a light so I can reliably use it around corners, it's an instant down, and the guys never get back up.

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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The more I play, the more I wish they would use some of Alpha Protocols features in a sequel, like dossiers, a perk system and timed dialoge for some decisions.


Oh, and what is the 'level' cap?

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The more I play, the more I wish they would use some of Alpha Protocols features in a sequel, like dossiers, a perk system and timed dialoge for some decisions.


Oh, and what is the 'level' cap?

I don't think there really is one... you can buy all the praxis you need under certain circumstances for the intro, and then go and level up the last few you need for your final augs.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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What is the range on the stun gun?
It's roughly between pitiful and barely-adequate.


I've used the tranq rifle and it annoys me. When I actually want to fire at a long distance, I can't do so from cover and even with the zoom, the shot isn't reliable enough. The silenced sniper rifle seems far more handy to me; I always hit my target, there's a light so I can reliably use it around corners, it's an instant down, and the guys never get back up.

I guess if you're going for that type of stealth, there's more use for it. I think I used the tranq rifle in a single room in the entire game and that was my extent of sniping.


Fair enough, though, if you're not looking to sneak by tiptoeing past everyone at wedgie distance. I made it through using takedowns more than anything else. So I undervalue sniping.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Also, anyone want to discuss the endings?



I would have like for them to flesh out more what happened afterwards, instead of Jensen just doing a monolouge about how he felt. Did he join the illuminati? how that mankind react on it's own? etc etc.



Oh, and what is the 'level' cap?


I think I needed about 15-20 or so praxis points to be fully unlocked by the end..

Fortune favors the bald.

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I would have liked if that Bob Paige epilogue after the end credits had actually changed depending on the choice you made.


Oh well. It was still kind of neat.


I can't make up my mind whether I like that you keep finding credits in


as you go on.. It's not like you can actually spend the 20k you have by that point.. I mean you go in and you pick up those two praxis points from the Limb Clinic..and you still have that much money..and keep finding more.

One the one hand, it's a little pointless.. on the other.. it does keep to a certain sense of realism that you'll find loose change even if you can't use it for anything.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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also, that boss fight against


or what's-his-face

is really mother-******** hard when you made the horrible mistake of visiting the Limb clinic and getting the surgery done... damn

Fortune favors the bald.

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The enormous XP disparity between different playstyles is a bit jarring. At some point I earned the "Consciousness is Overrated" achievement for knocking out 100 enemies, which made me realize that I'd earned the equivalent of a Praxis point from takedowns alone, whereas someone playing a lethal game or a ranged game would have only a fraction of the same XP.


But as bad as that disparity is, the XP gains from hacking are absurdly generous. I've cleared some hacking minigames and won in excess of 300 xp, or the equivalent 30 ranged kills. Ignoring hacking - which is clearly to some extent encouraged by handily discarded passwords and access codes - means losing out on a ton of XP. The hacking minigame is pretty good (it does wear after the 100th time I guess), but doesn't present nearly enough challenge to warrant this level of reward. For a game that supposedly emphasizes choice, some paths and skillsets are decidedly sub-optimal.

A dull boy.

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yeah, im wondering if my next playthrough will leave me totally gimped. im not going to hack anything i dont have to, and im killing EVERYTHING. (ie the opposite of my current playthrough)

Edited by entrerix

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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The enormous XP disparity between different playstyles is a bit jarring. At some point I earned the "Consciousness is Overrated" achievement for knocking out 100 enemies, which made me realize that I'd earned the equivalent of a Praxis point from takedowns alone, whereas someone playing a lethal game or a ranged game would have only a fraction of the same XP.


But as bad as that disparity is, the XP gains from hacking are absurdly generous. I've cleared some hacking minigames and won in excess of 300 xp, or the equivalent 30 ranged kills. Ignoring hacking - which is clearly to some extent encouraged by handily discarded passwords and access codes - means losing out on a ton of XP. The hacking minigame is pretty good (it does wear after the 100th time I guess), but doesn't present nearly enough challenge to warrant this level of reward. For a game that supposedly emphasizes choice, some paths and skillsets are decidedly sub-optimal.

This is one of legitimate criticisms on this game. I suspect, money-wise, too, it would be tougher to go for assault. I don't know why they did this...except possible intention to brainwash the players into stealth games, paving the way for Thief 4* go against shooter mainstream. For, the solution would be quite easy since they only need to give XP just for finishing missions. I myself won't play this game as a shooter but it felt bit unfair to the shooter-players if we can forget about their dominance of the market (BTW, have you read one of the mail of Pritchard?).


* Talking of conspiracy... :)

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I think part of it is that they decided to give XP awards to make up for the fact that stealth players may not go around killing everyone on the map and may actually avoid most enemies.


The fact that going stealth AND taking down everyone on the map is yet better, is simply acceptable consequence.


This does not explain the lethal/non-lethal disparity, however.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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So I caved and bought it ...


Anyway, this might be a dumb question, but where do you find a list of open sidequests?


I'm right near the beginning and got one about interviewing someone and see it listed in my log page, but I'm worried that once I've found a whole bunch of eBooks and whatnot, that e-mail will be impossible to find. The only quests that seems to have a dedicated page is the primary quest.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I think part of it is that they decided to give XP awards to make up for the fact that stealth players may not go around killing everyone on the map and may actually avoid most enemies.


The fact that going stealth AND taking down everyone on the map is yet better, is simply acceptable consequence.

Indeed, I found it easier simply go through and the option doesn't allow me to explore much. So, I switched to take down, ending up with "Consciousness is Over-rated." (Got "Foxiest of the Hounds" but, somehow, missed "Pacifist" while I used tranq even in the process of getting "Good Soul.")


This does not explain the lethal/non-lethal disparity, however.
Yea, this and the money issue. In fact, I came across with some people complaining of it in main stream boards. Combat with hacking would earn decent money and EXP, though.


So I caved and bought it ...


Anyway, this might be a dumb question, but where do you find a list of open sidequests?


I'm right near the beginning and got one about interviewing someone and see it listed in my log page, but I'm worried that once I've found a whole bunch of eBooks and whatnot, that e-mail will be impossible to find. The only quests that seems to have a dedicated page is the primary quest.

Personally, I'd recommend playing by your own but it's your choice. I think this (Achievement-related spoiler warning) is a good place to start. I didn't use this one but found after finishing the game. Maybe, area by area approach can be a possible compromise.
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