The Guildmaster Posted June 30, 2011 Posted June 30, 2011 From our new blog site at With Dungeon Siege III
Bakercompany86 Posted June 30, 2011 Posted June 30, 2011 Way to deliver Obsidian This is fantastic news for PC guys.
XxTaLoNxX Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 And here I was thinking the two most requested additions that would make the game better were... 1) Keymapping 2) NEW GAME+
LadyCrimson Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 I don't get the new game+ thing. Or rather, I do, but then they'd have to make another difficulty for people who started on HC, or force people to start on Normal first (like Diablo does). Not that I'd mind another difficulty. Or perhaps I'm misunderstanding what people want new game+ for? ....anyway, the keybinding thing, I'm stoked for that, thanks much. “Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
zhandao Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 XxTaLoNxX said: And here I was thinking the two most requested additions that would make the game better were... 1) Keymapping 2) NEW GAME+ Uh... 1) Keymapping 2) Camera (zoom, before skyboxes are mentioned) Unfortunately I play with controller so (1) doesn't help me. Well, I played... Currently waiting for a hopeful camera patch before I play more.
metamag Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 If you are not left handed the only thing that's relevant here is that you will be able to switch SHIFT function with ALT or F, right now you can't really use empowered abilities because of this. Everything else works perfectly fine as it is.
Grym Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 Keymapping is a nice touch for PC players, but the biggest issue by far for me and my friend is the multiplayer camera. We both pre-ordered, played for one evening after it came out, and have put it on hold completely because the MP is frankly unplayable. I understand this might be a larger, more difficult issue to fix than keymapping and movement, but could one of you fine folks please let us know if you are at least working on it? Cheers:)
glenn3e Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 I second the New game Plus. I already have the game on my PS3, so Keybinding is not an issue though I understand it is for the PC users.
Bakercompany86 Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 Before anything is added, the multi-player camera issue needs to be resolved. It is extremely difficult to play a 4 player game due solely to the camera. Keep the players tethered by a distance, but let the camera just be as free as the single player one. And I definitely don't want my camera to rotate because an ally is moving. It should only move based on what I do. After that, yeah any more content is welcome.
XxTaLoNxX Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 Seeing as how the game was built as a "multiplayer game" and the multiplayer is marred by the MP camera... I am inclined to agree that the two most requested fixes/updates are... 1) Keymapping 2) MP camera (actually the camera in general needs another +25% zoom out even in SP) BUT THE THIRD is most definitely New Game+ or some sort of Arena mode. I hate that as is, I have 4 fully leveled characters that I built and cared for from the ground up and only JUST GOT THEM to the point of badassery with glowing crap and effects everywhere... and the game is over for them. Even DS and DS2 had a built in New Game+ like mechanic where you can choose your old characters and start a new game with them.
C2B Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 XxTaLoNxX said: Seeing as how the game was built as a "multiplayer game" and the multiplayer is marred by the MP camera... No? It was built as a singleplayer game + co-op.
greenpeas Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 Our group of 4 players is about 6 hours into the game. We're having a great time (and together we have played a ton of Diablo, Diablo 2 and Dungeon Siege 1). The camera has been annoying only a few times. The idea that it makes the game unplayable is silly... Yes, I would still like a camera fix though, ideally independent or big zoom out. It is the only tarnish on an otherwise excellent game.
HoonDing Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 Bakercompany86 said: Way to deliver Obsidian Yeah, kudos on putting in a feature that should've been in the game from the very beginning. The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
Sasha_Je Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 (edited) Very good that Obsidian added key binding but my major problem is New Game+! I bought the game on 17th and after 3-4 days i finished the game, after that it's just dust on that Blu-Ray. In a Dungeon Crawler you must have the ability to create a new game with your character and kill monsters, level up and of course get better items. This "feature" is missing therefore there is no point in playing this game. This is not an Adventure game geez...In White Knight Chronicles you are able to make the campaine again with your high level character and on top of that you have tons of side missions that can be played solo or multi player and because of that you can find new, better items, level up more. Even FFXIII in all that linearity you still have an open area ( Grand Pulse ) where you have 63 side quests. What i am saying is that all RPGs have post game content and not via DLC. I play RPGs because i like to collect items and try different builds but Dungeon Siege III does not allow me to do anything of that, just like Dragon Age 2 ( re-play the game so you can chose different options in dialogs, pretty lame imo ). Check the bloody internet and see the definition of this genre! Just learn from the best, Diablo II a game made 11 years ago and still has 200k+ active users. Since version 1.07 till 1.13 you got tons of new items, crafting recipes and unique online items, all for free. Dungeon Siege III at this stage fails badly as an Dungeon Crawler therefor it will be forgotten very soon because you don't have why to go in-game. And there is no comparative between Hardcore difficulty from Dungeon Siege III and Diablo II, i would really like to see how many legit players made it to Baal on Hell HC single player. And not mention all the variables from Diablo ( resistance, life/mana leach, damage reduction, faster hit recovery, chance to block, attack rating, Deadly Strike, Crushing Blow, Open Wounds, Damage to Demons/Undead and many many many other things + the random stats on the charms, you cannot find 2 identical characters) Edited July 1, 2011 by Sasha_Je
Bakercompany86 Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 virumor said: Bakercompany86 said: Way to deliver Obsidian Yeah, kudos on putting in a feature that should've been in the game from the very beginning. Quit whining and just be thankful. Many developers produce completely garbage games and don't fix them hardly at all, and then the fixes are also garbage. IE. Brink and Splash Damage. This was the #1 issue for PC players, and they're rolling out the update in less than a month. They told us about their intentions to fix it within the first few days it was released. That is excellent customer service. I haven't seen that quick of a response from any other developer on fixing their games. These days almost every game is released with some kind of issue, with the exception of the extreme high end titles that can afford extensive beta testing and such. Issues that are later patched up. Do you have any idea how many times Diablo 2 has been patched in the past years? Now Obsidian, please fix the camera. It's not unplayable, but its close with 4 players. Combine the bad camera with the fact that people who join the game have crap gear, and they end up dead very fast, and often. Example: 4 of us were doing Reveal hidden contents The Witch fight in the cave where you free Anjali. Because the camera limited their movement and ability to dodge, they all died except me, and it ended up me dodging everything to revive them constantly. Multi-player will be flawless with the following changes in order of necessity: -Fix the Camera. It should be completely freed up where the player still has single player control regardless of how many players exist. Just tether them via a distance check instead of the camera feeling like a leash. -Fix the random gear players start with when joining a MP game. The gear should be randomized to somewhat be similar to what the host character has. Without this fix, people who joing games at later levels do virtually no damage. My standard attack as Reinhart against the final boss was doing like...26 damage a hit? Too weak to really even do anything but revive the host. -Fix loot drops throughout the campaign in MP. This should even out with the presence of human players. 2 players loo should drop 50/50, 4 players should be a 25% split. -Perhaps when you join someones game, give each ability a bit of the master bar filled depending on level. If you join a game in the 20's, each ability should have about 65% of its master bar filled. Empowered moves are a huge part of this combat system and can make or break a fight, but joining someones game you will basically have zero mastery filled. So again a gimped character to run around with. After you fix those issues, MP will be perfect. Until you fix the camera, the best defensive mechanic Dodging is severely restrained due to the camera. You can actually become trapped in an open area by the corner of the camera. So please tether people by distance and free the camera up. Boss fights should feel just like single player where your buddy can be off screen giving you freedom of movement. Then i'll definitely take some sort of New Game+ or preferably an arena type mode to fight waves of enemies. This game has an excellent variety of creature types and that would enable dozens upon dozens of mixed enemies to throw at the team. And you can do so much with an arena mode. Again I point to Dawn of War II's last stand mode. It has a great gear unlock system combined with its leveling, and there's even more creative freedom to be had in Dungeon Siege III. I could sit here and think of tons of ways it could be done, so I can't imagine what the creative minds at Obsidian would be able to conjure up.
brandysnap Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 kudos to the devs for actually patching the game i can think of quite a lot of rpg games that had no patches at all for them despite being bug riddled.
Falcon68 Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 Alpha said: Please don't forget consoles issues . /facepalm
XxTaLoNxX Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 Alpha said: Please don't forget consoles issues . Are there console issues that differ from PC specific issues? I'm pretty sure the camera issues are still prevalent on console if I am not mistaken. (I'm not BTW) That and if they do incorporate New Game+ in an upcoming patch or DLC than console users will get that as well. That and Obsidian is one of the best customer driven developers in the gaming industry. They really do care about their games and their fans, this can't be said for other developers *cough*BioWare*cough*. My point... they won't forget about console users.
Bakercompany86 Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 Yup the remainder of the issues are in all versions of the game. So basically when they address them, everyone shall rejoice Camera is definitely the biggest one, followed by loot balance and generation, and then some form of endless replayability. At least in my opinion thats the order.
Xy232 Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 leeloodallas said: Thank you so much! I've been dying for this. Yeah me too. Since i bought the pc version and heard people complaining about the controls and camera, i haven't installed the game. Next week its Dungeon Siege III week for me Good job Obsidian.
greenpeas Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 Bakercompany86 said: virumor said: Bakercompany86 said: Way to deliver Obsidian Yeah, kudos on putting in a feature that should've been in the game from the very beginning. Quit whining and just be thankful. Many developers produce completely garbage games and don't fix them hardly at all, and then the fixes are also garbage. IE. Brink and Splash Damage. This was the #1 issue for PC players, and they're rolling out the update in less than a month. They told us about their intentions to fix it within the first few days it was released. That is excellent customer service. I haven't seen that quick of a response from any other developer on fixing their games. These days almost every game is released with some kind of issue, with the exception of the extreme high end titles that can afford extensive beta testing and such. Issues that are later patched up. Do you have any idea how many times Diablo 2 has been patched in the past years? Now Obsidian, please fix the camera. It's not unplayable, but its close with 4 players. Combine the bad camera with the fact that people who join the game have crap gear, and they end up dead very fast, and often. Example: 4 of us were doing Reveal hidden contents The Witch fight in the cave where you free Anjali. Because the camera limited their movement and ability to dodge, they all died except me, and it ended up me dodging everything to revive them constantly. Multi-player will be flawless with the following changes in order of necessity: -Fix the Camera. It should be completely freed up where the player still has single player control regardless of how many players exist. Just tether them via a distance check instead of the camera feeling like a leash. -Fix the random gear players start with when joining a MP game. The gear should be randomized to somewhat be similar to what the host character has. Without this fix, people who joing games at later levels do virtually no damage. My standard attack as Reinhart against the final boss was doing like...26 damage a hit? Too weak to really even do anything but revive the host. -Fix loot drops throughout the campaign in MP. This should even out with the presence of human players. 2 players loo should drop 50/50, 4 players should be a 25% split. -Perhaps when you join someones game, give each ability a bit of the master bar filled depending on level. If you join a game in the 20's, each ability should have about 65% of its master bar filled. Empowered moves are a huge part of this combat system and can make or break a fight, but joining someones game you will basically have zero mastery filled. So again a gimped character to run around with. After you fix those issues, MP will be perfect. Until you fix the camera, the best defensive mechanic Dodging is severely restrained due to the camera. You can actually become trapped in an open area by the corner of the camera. So please tether people by distance and free the camera up. Boss fights should feel just like single player where your buddy can be off screen giving you freedom of movement. Then i'll definitely take some sort of New Game+ or preferably an arena type mode to fight waves of enemies. This game has an excellent variety of creature types and that would enable dozens upon dozens of mixed enemies to throw at the team. And you can do so much with an arena mode. Again I point to Dawn of War II's last stand mode. It has a great gear unlock system combined with its leveling, and there's even more creative freedom to be had in Dungeon Siege III. I could sit here and think of tons of ways it could be done, so I can't imagine what the creative minds at Obsidian would be able to conjure up. This guy hit it right on the nail. I dig this game, but I want these changes to knock off the rough edges. NOTE: I don't actually care much about changes to make it work while playing with strangers. I have a great group of friends that I play with. Our games proceed together. So the upside of how it is currently done (ensuring that players always level at the same time) works for me. Obviously developers focused more on supporting play with friends than play with internet strangers.
leeloodallas Posted July 1, 2011 Posted July 1, 2011 Xy232 said: leeloodallas said: Thank you so much! I've been dying for this. Yeah me too. Since i bought the pc version and heard people complaining about the controls and camera, i haven't installed the game. Next week its Dungeon Siege III week for me Good job Obsidian. The controls aren't that bad. I've still played and had a blast anyway.
Alpha Posted July 2, 2011 Posted July 2, 2011 XxTaLoNxX said: Alpha said: Please don't forget consoles issues . Are there console issues that differ from PC specific issues? I'm pretty sure the camera issues are still prevalent on console if I am not mistaken. (I'm not BTW) That and if they do incorporate New Game+ in an upcoming patch or DLC than console users will get that as well. That and Obsidian is one of the best customer driven developers in the gaming industry. They really do care about their games and their fans, this can't be said for other developers *cough*BioWare*cough*. My point... they won't forget about console users. There are a lot of issues on the console version. Isn't fair fix only the PC version so PC gamers can enjoy it more than console gamers. Falcon ..why facepalm ? Console gamers have the same right that PC gamers. I know Obsidian support their games ; but in this case seems that consoles versions aren't getting nothing..
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