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Yeah, I have to say I don't get your idea of Windows 8 and GFWL either. MS have done it's best to kill PC gaming to the point where it already hurt their OS biz. People could easily buy Mac OS, iPhone/iPad, Android system, Playstation/Nintendo handheld/console and leave windows PC (and Xbox) forever. Those are much bigger threats to MS then Linux (or various apps) ever was.


Even if for some odd reason MS goes balls to the wall with Windows 8 and GFWL, they still have to actually sell games much cheaper then Steam and that is difficult task. MS has barely any exclusive games for PC, some Xbox ports and tons of Kinetic crap. I don't belive that's enough to hurt Steam, even if MS pull all their games from that service.


What MS can't do is to disable Steam from Windows 8. EU already fined 'em for not allowing people to choose what browser to use when OS is first installed. That was much more insignificant issue then actually restricting some legal DD service. That would go against so many trade agreements that not even MS is stupid enough to pull something like that.

Let's play Alpha Protocol

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he's saying Microsoft has means of making Steam users pick GFWL over Steam because of Windows 8, be it sabotage or marketing wars, or both

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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he's saying Microsoft has means of making Steam users pick GFWL over Steam because of Windows 8, be it sabotage or marketing wars, or both

This, basically. MS has two methods: buy and integrate the competition, or if they aren't for sale make them irrelevant by leveraging their OS domination. MS controls the operating system and as soon as it gets the motivation to it can and will drive whatever competitors it wants into the ground. Steam makes a nice, fat, tasty target; MS already has the infrastructure and platform and a technique which has worked fine previously.


entrerix's post is particularly apropos: I hardly know anyone who uses IE either but I'm happy to acknowledge that that is because I am an elite individual of taste and refinement; IE has still got 70%+ of the market and it was higher than 90%. 'Click butan for internet/gaems' straight out of the box is what MS will be offering and it is hugely powerful. The power of the Default is exactly what Steam has been trying to establish (getting installs is Steamwork's raison d'etre, they aren't doing it out of charity) and MS can get that at the flick of a switch.

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You're talking about two completely different market sections. MS can get the IE crowd with something like the OSX App Store(not to be confused with the iOS App Store), but the moment it starts dictating which applications run on it is the moment the "elite individuals" abandon W8(if they don't just stick with 7 to begin with) and go back to W7.

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The main difference is that iTunes doesn't sell stuff intrinsically linked to Windows- an mp3 or equivalent functions fine without windows- ultimately 90%+ (and probably 98%+) of the stuff bought on Steam absolutely requires Windows to run.


You're talking about two completely different market sections.

Not really, and certainly for the most relevant parts Valve itself adopting the bundling = success model (the 'Internet Explorer' model, if you like) with no reservations and no qualms from HL2 on implies they think the situations are comparable. And there's simply no comparison to bundling with individual games vs bundling with the baseline OS in terms of penetration. As for the rest, a few Steam loyalists refusing to upgrade ain't going to upset MS in the slightest if they can get IE like market share since we all know how good computer gamers are on following through on boycotts and, really, what are you going to do? Switch to Linux?


It's all predicated on MS not half-arsing it but really, how many companies have gone up against MS on its home turf and actually won?


I can only think of one and it's been diversifying itself as quick as possible.

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if microsoft really can beat steam prices and features, then sign me up! (i'll believe it when i see it)


as for microsoft leveraging their os to beat the competition, well, i've never seen someone drop a vastly superior product just because their os doesn't like it. people will workaround their os.


if we're talking about the guy who wants to "click buton and game!1!", he or she is probably gaming on facebook, where they spend all their time anyway, so unless microsoft wants to tackle that, i just don't see them going anywhere with GFWL. it'll end up like the zune at best.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Does Microsoft have its own music store? Steam seems a lot closer to iTunes than an internet browser.

Not really, ever since fairplay was removed and itunes music is drm free, you can run it in any player (well, any player worth using, since they are standard aac files). The lock-in effect comes from the iphone (and ipod touch) ties,* and is related to the mobile aspects.


*since anyone who can get a PC game run reliably can use an itunes alternative to communicate with their ipods for music purposes, which is certainly everybody in this forum.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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MS is probably integrating its entertainment-distribution system among PC, Console and Portable devices. Wonder how Sony, Nintendo, Apple, Google and Onlive, Gaikai are planning.


Also, gamers can choose a game of their liking on their favorite devices.

The quote below from AusGamers' interview to Howard may have other possible benefits for cross-platforming, although it is not even on paper as he points out.

AusGamers: You always support the mod community as well and I know that this is going to have mod tools out of the box.


Todd: For download, not in the box.


AusGamers: Right okay, yeah.


Todd: In case people look in their box and they

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Guest Slinky
Dumbing down modding is the solution. :p

Hehe, I wouldn't say no to a modding tool for idiots, it took me a good while to fiqure out how the hell to make a mod with geck that changed HC mode needs and timescale in New Vegas :p

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But that is already very low modding stuff. :>


If you do simple things, the GECK is the way to go. The problem is more all that deeper scripting that really can mess up your game. There was a Morrowind mod years ago, that - I think - added some hats or what to npcs, always when there was rain weather. The result of that was a memory issue that destroyed peoples savegames-- the savegames couldn't be repaired, so reloading a save where the mod was not used has been the only possible solution. (Fun fact: Bethesda introduced the same bug with one of their later Addons as well. The modder at least could then provided a fix pretty fast.)


/Edit: I think it had something to do with unique IDs in the game. There was or is only a limited amount of them-- the amount is big, but sooner or later you hit the maximum and then the game will crash.

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Dumbing down modding is the solution. :p
:o Obviously, it would make the matters worse. As you know, even professional DLC can cause some damages :sweat: (In fact, it's one of the reasons why I keep my hands off from them at the moment. Besides, I found the raison d'etre of Steam on my PC after installing New Vegas is its sales. No hassle for me since I already have a pile of games which needs to be played for a while). Outside of "suffering" console-exclusive titles, a possible benefit for PC users and even the developers are written in the quote below, which seems to be proven to Bethesda's and even Obsidian's case through New Vegas. Well, the article has some interesting stuff, I visited these boards to see if it is posted at Skyrim thread but ended up with posting it here instead.
AusGamers: Sticking with the mod community for a quick second. Is there anything that you guys added to Skyrim that was taken from Oblivion mods or even Fallout 3 mods that just seemed to work that you guys maybe hadn
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Does Microsoft have its own music store? Steam seems a lot closer to iTunes than an internet browser.

yeah, Zune. And its brilliant. I recently switched to Windows phone and I'm enjoying it even more than an iPhone. In fact I'm working towards giving ms another try and switching to all ms integration around the house.

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In fact I'm working towards giving ms another try and switching to all ms integration around the house.


I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Does Microsoft have its own music store? Steam seems a lot closer to iTunes than an internet browser.

yeah, Zune. And its brilliant. I recently switched to Windows phone and I'm enjoying it even more than an iPhone. In fact I'm working towards giving ms another try and switching to all ms integration around the house.

Yea...yet another consumer choice...don't feel like I'm actually choosing though. :thumbsup: That said, I'd be more likely to go for a tablet and/or a phone since they can be used outside of "entertainment."


Thanx for the news. I'd wait for sales anyway, though. :sweat:
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You know, I really really don't see why people hate on Microsoft so much. I've used all three major platforms extensively in my personal and professional life and every one of them has plenty of advantages and disadvantages. One of Microsoft's advantages is fantastic integration, which can be their main weapon against steam.

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The integration is precisely the reason they're not trusted. But while it's not saying a lot, I'd say I trust MS more than the likes of Google, Facebook and maybe even Apple. So while I don't particularly like Steam, it's mostly a standalone product which a lot of people are more comfortable with - in relative terms that is. A fair few can't imagine how messy a Steam 'divorce' would be, with a more integrated platform it'd be an even messier breakup.


I think I'm rambling, but anyhow, not a big deal personally - I haven't even logged into Steam since I stopped NV in January.


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