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Witcher 2

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Besides which, the world of TW2 makes it pretty clear that this kind of partial knowledge sorceresses have is not exactly listened to or filtered down to institutionalised development of scientific endeavours in the kingdoms of the North. Going from that dialogue line to an expectation of full-fledged modernity is nonsense.

The problem isn't that I want modernity or have issues with the way such information was obtained,

it's that such knowledge has to be absurdly selective and unused to maintain the pseudo-medieval setting.


Why, for example, no vaccination for the plague was available?

Surely if cancer is understood then immunization should be a the most logical application of similar knowledge in the fields of medicine and biology.


Simply put - if the authors insist on revisiting fantasy conventions they should really avoid putting there things that evidently stand out.

The moment they step outside the tropes I have been conditioned to accept at face value wondering begins, and that cannot end well in fictional universe.

This way one out of place line ends up undermining the setting and ruining a lot of immersion I might have had.

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EDIT: When do we get the Let's Play Witcher II, Tigranes?


You really want to see "Let's Play: The Witcher II, in the Lowest Settings Possible"? :thumbsup:


pmp - I can't say for the cancer reference since I've never seen it in my game. Suffice to say that I agree it's a silly and unnecessary line to insert, but I think it's blown way out of proportion, and one or two comments like this definitely doesn't break down the verisimilitude... especially given we have mutagens and the like.

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You really want to see "Let's Play: The Witcher II, in the Lowest Settings Possible"? :o

who cares about the picture, we want Tigranes style commentary :thumbsup:

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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The problem isn't that I want modernity or have issues with the way such information was obtained,

it's that such knowledge has to be absurdly selective and unused to maintain the pseudo-medieval setting.


Why, for example, no vaccination for the plague was available?

Surely if cancer is understood then immunization should be a the most logical application of similar knowledge in the fields of medicine and biology.


Simply put - if the authors insist on revisiting fantasy conventions they should really avoid putting there things that evidently stand out.

The moment they step outside the tropes I have been conditioned to accept at face value wondering begins, and that cannot end well in fictional universe.

This way one out of place line ends up undermining the setting and ruining a lot of immersion I might have had.

We are far from travelling to another galaxy and even further from traveling into another dimension. Yet that doesn't stop us from theorizing and making equations to prove our thesis, why would humans in a different setting be devoid from the ingenuity and infinite curiosity that we are so proud of.

I agree that the comment came off as anachronic and had little relevance to the plot in general which ended up doing exactly what you described.


On related news I finished the game, I get the feeling that I've missed some of the consequences of my choices. On the other hand I have a feeling that the ending was the result from the sum of every choice that I had made from the beginning, will do second playthrough to confirm.


Also lackluster ending.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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The problem isn't that I want modernity or have issues with the way such information was obtained,

it's that such knowledge has to be absurdly selective and unused to maintain the pseudo-medieval setting.


Why, for example, no vaccination for the plague was available?

Surely if cancer is understood then immunization should be a the most logical application of similar knowledge in the fields of medicine and biology.

Vaccination implies a vaccine has been developed. We haven't even created a vaccination for all the diseases we have, why would you expect them to? Or the resources and willingness to apply it. Vizima only seemed to have two mages, period. One was a politician, the other a genocidal madman. Which one do you think would be a capable medical researcher? Might it be the one who secretly went on about how the plague was "going exactly according to plan MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA."


They certainly have magical vaccination available for some diseases.



So that's how I got conjurer. In that case, Intimidation gives "Cover" (+10% damage reduction).



I got cover before I ever used intimidation. I had no idea how I got it.


Anyway, just finished it. Loved it. Want to do another playthrough, but will let the memory of up through Act 1 fade first.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I am kind of running through chapter 1 now, because I want to see how much chapter 2 will differ if I side with the squirrels. :> Hope they will not take exactly the same storypath and just exchange the npcs.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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EDIT: When do we get the Let's Play Witcher II, Tigranes?


You really want to see "Let's Play: The Witcher II, in the Lowest Settings Possible"? :thumbsup:


pmp - I can't say for the cancer reference since I've never seen it in my game. Suffice to say that I agree it's a silly and unnecessary line to insert, but I think it's blown way out of proportion, and one or two comments like this definitely doesn't break down the verisimilitude... especially given we have mutagens and the like.

The cancer reference is right before the screenshot I posted. Basically triss comments that the Kyran has a series of mutated cells, almost like cancer, on it that are causing it much pain and will probably kill it.


Thing is, all this talk of mutations and cancer and an understanding of both, makes me wonder why medics and doctors (particularly in the first game) still are running around in little more than smock and seem to have about as much information as the medics of the time period in THIS reality.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Troll trouble fix :



In the Witcher world, chemistry seems to be at a high level.

Besides, evolution theory is not a technological invention, it's a theoritical knowledge and could have been developped during antiquity (where atoms where already considered).

Mutation is (in the game) a very visible modification of human metabolism induced by chemistry. All of it can be attained in the Witcher world easily.


On the other hand, vaccination and immunology are technology. Technologies are expensive to develop and you can suppose that in a non democratic society, society issues may lack funds for technology development : if the aristorcacy doesn't suffer from the sae illness as poor people, like plagues, no treatment may ave been developped.

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In the Witcher setting, a lot of scientific and medical knowledge went awol during the revolt on Thanedd island prior to the war with Nilfgaard, when the majority of sorcerers & sorceresses in the North were killed.

There's a codex entry in TW1 about the most talented healers being mages who develop vaccines and such, but at the time of the game there doesn't seem to be any left. Catriona's plague in Vizima for instance, has no vaccine nor is anyone even researching it.


At the time of the Witcher, there's basically only the Lodge of Sorceresses (about 10-15 female mages), some male court mages and a couple of rogue sorcerers left. And most of these seem to be more worried about political intrigue and advancing their own power rather than scientific research.


The situation in Nilfgaard might be wholly different. I'm guessing this area is much more advanced and civilized, but also keeping a tight rein on mages.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I'm not much into the Witcher lore, but after reading the stuff here, it almost seems to be a tad post-apocalyptic. :>

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Although I was expecting a fix for the DLC not downloading :sorcerer:. Just the file in my documents should do I think, but you probably cannot download that anywhere.


So still have to wait for 1.1 to continue. But seeing how the issue described is also true for me, maybe if 1.1 hasn't dealt with that it's still useful.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Double-post, I know... but just found;

"ETA to Wednesday evening (Poland Time: Central European Time (CET))

Michał Kiciński




Good news. Patch 1.1 is soon to be released! Test are in progress.

Current ETA is Wednesday evening (Europe time)


Please expect major improvments:) and solution for most of the problems. Including:


- activation/installation problems

- better performance (owners of retail version will notice the biggest difference)

- no more DLC download/activation problems (Troll DLC will be INCLUDED in the patch itself, so

no need to download and install it)

- Nvidia 3D vision problem solved

- invert mouse and keyboard mapping


and many more:-)


To be sure that all people will have an access to this patch there will be option of manuall download and installation.


Sorry 4 all problems, we will work hard to be sure that eventually all of you will be fully satified!




PS. Once this patch is in the tests right now, we already have started working on the next one in which we want to solve some more issues, including hardware specific problems (ie. g35 compatibility). Patch 1.1 seems to be very major one, but still if you don't find your problem on the list, there is a big chance that it will fixed soon in next patch. And we will really do all this ASAP."




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Yeah, 12:01PM in Poland now.

Though it's an ETA. Most developers don't hit those, so we'll see.


EDIT: Anyone else thinks "owners of retail version will notice the biggest difference" means DRM gets removed from Retail versions in this patch?


Took a look at my savefolder. Haven't even finished chapter 1 and it's already 1 GB big.

Edited by Hassat Hunter




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Got a 4gb big savegame folder some days ago. Everything from autosaves, so I started to delete some...


...but beside the huge amount of space needed, I don't have anything against it. In case you ****up something in the game, you can revert to pretty much any point prior to that, as the autosaves are done in good distances.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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I'll try the insane ironman difficulty but only when I upgrade, so I get more than 8fps. Though bloody hell, the Kayren would be the gamestopper 99% of the time.


My save folder is 2.88gb :D

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I'm sure you can kill everything in the game by using Quen, dodging & spamming the appropriate bombs. Samum for crowd control, and then a dragon dream or grapeshot. Or just put Conflagration traps in plain sight and let the retarded enemies walk over them.


Since there's so much crap scattered about everywhere, crafting is not exactly a problem either.


Basically a "Green Goblin" Geralt, which would make a rather hilarious playthrough. Maybe I'll try it on a second playthrough. I'm focusing on swordsmanship, but the combat is pretty terrible.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Cleaning up the folder only does so much, given that clearing the old early games saves is only worth ~2MB each, whereas my saves around the end of chapter one are 13MB each. Being diligent with early saves is therefore of little impact later on where it'll chomp your disk space no matter what.


Worse yet, my Documents folder is on my old, small SSD with no obvious way to change it. Might need some file system trickery here.



Whatever happened to being able to save games whereever you wanted? Even DOS games supported that....

Edited by Humanoid


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Was that so non-obvious? :> I mean, everyone who followed the development for a while knows that the game was made with consoles in mind. So it's really not that surprising to see a console release.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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I don't mind if they develop console versions, as long as the game is good. Consolisation is only ever a problem when it downgrades a game. TW2 certainly could have done with a few UI optimisations, but it's nowhere as annoying as, say, Oblivion.


Realised that some monsters of different types fight each other - used a lure object to

get Nekkers to come and fight the Endrega Queen, letting me flank her all day long and turn a very difficult fight into a feel-good triumph.


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Never used the lure objects. How are they working? You use them / place them on the ground and the critters are coming from everywhere?

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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From TheWitcher.com, where I was contacting tech because the DLC code from TheHut.com, where I ordered The Witcher wasn't working...

Internal tests of Patch 1.1 are well under way. Our current target is to release it this evening. Please note that although we are doing our best to have it ready by then, the time still may change in order to be completely sure that the patch will function properly. This is our primary concern since there are significant changes and upgrades that will affect many users.


1. Simpler and more reliable game installation and activation. Details to be revealed soon.


2. Fixed the free Troll Trouble DLC download. It is now included n the patch so there's no need to download and install it separately.


3. Fixed an issue that prevented some users from downloading other free DLCs (the ones given out with some pre-orders, special promotions, etc). The launcher now properly refreshes the list of available DLCs and allows for installation.


4. Performance improvements: approximately 5% to 30% better framerate and faster game loading for many users, depending on their individual systems and game versions. Owners of retail versions can expect the biggest improvements.


5. Fixed random crashes occurring on some systems, especially after saving and loading saves.


6. Key mapping




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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