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HBO's Game of Thrones


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The annoying blonde girly geezer got molten metal poured on his head after the new queen feasted on offal. In other news, the dwarf admitted to whacking off into his sisters' soup.


All in all, yet again, the great stallion has blessed us.


Just wait for ep7. It has a whole 4-minutes blessing.

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Season 2 is going to be difficult for the producers. So much of that book is just "

Good Guys make poor decisions; Bad Guys win again

." The story arcs told in the

Theon, Bran, Sansa, and Arya

chapters are just depressing. The audience needs at least a little something cheerful to root for. Maybe they'll follow

Robb's campaign in the West

, which all happened "off-screen" in the books. Apart from that,

Tyrion's political maneuvering and Dany's arrival in Qarth

are probably the only highnotes.


Have you considered working for the government, classifying files? :)

Fortune favors the bald.

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Have you considered working for the government, classifying files? :)

Who's to say that isn't what I do?



(It isn't.)




However, I probably could've probably saved myself a lot of effort and pulled an "Irving Washington," just blacking out the whole post.

Edited by Enoch
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I guess HBO was having a Game of Thrones A-Thon last night and I got caught up on episodes five and six. Awesome. Makes me wish I read the series so I would know whats coming up.

Umm you know that can be esaily rectified. You could probably finish all of them before Season Two starts. You do not need to read the first one after the next three episodes because the series has been pretty faithful to the story.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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So who was the guy that fought as champion for the dwarf at the end of episode 5?





From wikipedia:

Bronn is a mercenary of great skill. He has a lean, wolfish appearance, a black sense of humor, and a pragmatic, thoroughly amoral philosophy. Bronn was present in the inn when Lady Catelyn Stark begged all men present to help her arrest Tyrion Lannister for the attempted murder of her son. He helped escort Tyrion to the Eyrie, but championed him during his trial by combat in hope of reward. He won the duel and thereafter passed into Tyrion's service as an enforcer.
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I really like his character but the actor's pronunciation is a bit off now and then, he sounds like he's aiming for upper class British but it comes off a bit forced, hopefully he'll get better, or get killed, I've heard how this series works :shifty:

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I dunno, I think he's an excellent actor and the accent is fine. He's making this series work for me, his story and character are one of the most interesting parts. I'm looking forward to seeing how him and his new merc / bodyguard are going to work out.


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Bronn's awesome


he doesn't even so much as pretend to be loyal to Tyrion. he just knows that he has more money than anyone who would oppose him

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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What, none of you like Littlefinger?





"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Yeah, felt it was unnecessary as well. It's obviously meant to reinforce Petyr's character (at least what he says when he's "teaching" them) but just don't think it was particularly needed.


The additions to the series are hit and miss for me so far. I really enjoy some of them but really dislike others.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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