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I got Shogun 2 the day it came out but I still haven't really tried it due to the game running like crap on all detail settings, gotta wait for a patch so I'm a bit miffed, I had all these righteous thoughts of supporting a quality PC exclusive title and this is what I get.


It seems that these days in PC gaming you shouldn't buy games until a few months after release, it's a bit sad :lol:

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Rainbow Six Vegas 2.


Gotta wonder why Ubi wanted this series to become yet another generic shooter. I know, I know - Consolization.


Yeah, no one had ever done generic FPS on PC before.


God damn kids today don't know nothin' 'bout gaming.

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Rainbow Six Vegas 2.


Gotta wonder why Ubi wanted this series to become yet another generic shooter. I know, I know - Consolization.


Yeah, no one had ever done generic FPS on PC before.


God damn kids today don't know nothin' 'bout gaming.

Talk about missing the point..

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Rainbow Six Vegas 2.


God, why would you play that crap ? The fact there's a frigging boss level in a supposed R6 game took the cake, heh.


Yeah, no one had ever done generic FPS on PC before.


God damn kids today don't know nothin' 'bout gaming.


Did you play Rainbow Six, Rogue Spear or Raven Shield ? >_<


As for me, well having fun with spreadsheets for EVE. Trying to determine what to make from PI, but my old bet of coolant dropped off. It IS POS (player owned station) fuel, but everyone's in it and corps make their own. Joys of market research.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Should definitely play Raven Shield / Athena Sword then, best of the bunch.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Crysis + Warhead, not sure why.

could it have anything to do with Crysis 2 coming out?

I hink it's because I saw the game (Maximum Edition) at bargain price and the words 'WORTH IT' started hovering before my eyes.

Plus I have a new (or maybe less old?) comp and am still testing it's limits.

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God, why would you play that crap ? The fact there's a frigging boss level in a supposed R6 game took the cake, heh.


Good point. I made it to boss level and tried it two times. I have no words how stupid that's from the design point of view. If there's one game where this type of boss fights don't belong, it's Raimbow 6 brand. Yeah, it was my fault to start this game with realistic difficulty because I expected something complitely different from this game. I'm not going to spend time to kill infinite respawn of mobs while combat helicopter guns me down with minigun and later with missiles. Funk that !


Game uninstalled >_<

Let's play Alpha Protocol

My misadventures on youtube.

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I tried to play Gothic 2. The control scheme was simply intolerable. Did Germany not have mice in 2002?


I also tried out Mount & Blade: Warband. Actually was enjoying that. Only criticisms so far is that my guys keep getting in my way and I can't do mounted melee combat to save my life.


Debating between M&B or Neverwinter Nights 2. Kalach-cha!

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Good point. I made it to boss level and tried it two times. I have no words how stupid that's from the design point of view. If there's one game where this type of boss fights don't belong, it's Raimbow 6 brand. Yeah, it was my fault to start this game with realistic difficulty because I expected something complitely different from this game. I'm not going to spend time to kill infinite respawn of mobs while combat helicopter guns me down with minigun and later with missiles. Funk that !


Game uninstalled :shifty:


Don't stop there, break the disc. And maybe kneecap Dugas.


Hm...that'd be a good game if it were your 3 man Space Marine squad fighting off a Tyranid invasion in the form of Mexicans. I was wondering when the US Army would respond to this Mexican division storming their city, but never materialized. :)

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Shogun 2 still, captured Kyoto and became shogun.


And the entirety of Japan promptly turned on me (literally, EVERY SINGLE CLAN that was remaining attacked), and right now i'm in the process of going around taking provinces and making vassal states.



Ladies and gentlemen, I give you my first defense of Kyoto.



That's about halfway through the battle, MOST of those corpses you see are my enemies. Archers have become DEADLY in this installment of the franchise and that's what did most of my killing that round.



And that's how it ultimately turned out. I managed to hang on by tooth and nail because of my archers and towers on my castle.

For the record, that's MOSTLY an army made up of Ashigaru (militia) while the enemy was Samruai level (professionals). In RTW terms it was Town Watch vs Legionary cohorts and the Watch won, by a large margin.


Right now I'm on Kyushu (the southernmost/western most island in the chain) and was about to launch an army into enemy territory from there by crossing a land bridge, the army got attacked across the gap and I got the best defensive map in the inventory.


Basically the biggest feature on the map for the defender is a small plateau that you can park yourself on that has a tight bottleneck that anyone who wants to get you has to go through. So I tossed myself up on that and this happened:







And this was the final count of that particular battles survivors.


Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I tried to play Gothic 2. The control scheme was simply intolerable. Did Germany not have mice in 2002?


I also tried out Mount & Blade: Warband. Actually was enjoying that. Only criticisms so far is that my guys keep getting in my way and I can't do mounted melee combat to save my life.


Debating between M&B or Neverwinter Nights 2. Kalach-cha!



Did you get it off the recent Steam sale? All the Gothic games for $19ish. I bit because some of our forumites like it. So far, I'm still trying to get used to the controls in Gothic 1. It's a little wonky. Not sure why they just didn't have a separate attack button.


Is there a mod out there that converts stuff to mouse and keyboard controls?


Playing in the highest resolution so the game looks decent. I like the music so far and the voice acting is a lot better than what I was expecting.

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Strange. When I looked at that Gothic pack, they did not want to sell Gothic 1 to me. I could buy everything else except Gothic 1. I wonder if it's a regional thing? It was never sold in Sweden, I had to import it from the UK.. maybe that is why.


Oh and the controls in the early Gothic games were made to separate the boys from the men. Are you a man?! ARE YOU?!


Anyhow, I recently started playing Darksiders (another Steam sales bargain) and it is surprisingly good. I mean, I had read the reviews where it scored well.. but I had also read that it was a cross between God of War and Zelda.. which it is.. but it's still good! The art design is annoying (all characters have tiny heads and gigantic muscles and hands) and it gets a bit tiresome always walking into rooms with doors that close behind you and a mean boss appearing in front of you.. but it's STILL good, despite all of that. Odd.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I'll guess I'll have to get used to the controls to prove my manhood to some dude in Sweden I've never met in person. :ermm:



I played a little of Darksiders when I got it during the Steam holiday sale. I didn't get far enough in the game where it started to feel Zelda-ish, but what I played was pretty good. I like throwing cars around.

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I tried to play Gothic 2. The control scheme was simply intolerable. Did Germany not have mice in 2002?


I also tried out Mount & Blade: Warband. Actually was enjoying that. Only criticisms so far is that my guys keep getting in my way and I can't do mounted melee combat to save my life.


Debating between M&B or Neverwinter Nights 2. Kalach-cha!



Did you get it off the recent Steam sale? All the Gothic games for $19ish. I bit because some of our forumites like it. So far, I'm still trying to get used to the controls in Gothic 1. It's a little wonky. Not sure why they just didn't have a separate attack button.


Is there a mod out there that converts stuff to mouse and keyboard controls?


Playing in the highest resolution so the game looks decent. I like the music so far and the voice acting is a lot better than what I was expecting.

I got it off a sale back around Christmas, as I recall. The graphics are fine and don't bother me. The barely implemented mouse controls do. The keyboard controls are too sensitive as well. Maybe I'll give it another try another day, but not any time soon.


And for some reason, looking around outside causes my framerate to plummet. I have no explanation for that.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Playing Blood Money, latest goal is to cheat, but attempt to kill everyone by making them bleed slowly to death. If you shoot them in the gut or so, they roll on the ground and scream for about 5-6 seconds before expiring. So far, 28 is my highest.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Also, I'm playing Progress Quest at work. You're all jealous.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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With Gothic I recommend that you just invest a few hours into it and get used to the controls, perhaps with a few adjustments. I mean, it IS still sort of keyboard and mouse, just very weirdly so. I set it up so that I look with the mouse, I WASD to move, I left/right click to attack, and set all secondary buttons near the WASD.


There's no doubt that G1/2 are criminally clunky, but theres mroe than enough to make up for it.

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About Gothic 2, I found the following guide to be quite helpful in the beginning. No spoiler, just tweakings and strategies :



In M&B : Warbands, there is an issue with the beginning army orders during a battle : all the troups are in charge mode. There are shortcuts using F keys (like F8 and F4, don't remember which combination) that allows you to put all your troops into wait mode very quickly so that you give proper orders to each group.

I used to begin every battle by that combination that would allow my hero to be in front of the battle to do the first charge.

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I'm still running through New Vegas. Whenever it decides to take a break from crashing and actually let me play for more than fifteen minutes it is engrossing.

Everything was beautiful. Nothing hurt.

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