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What you did today


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Went to a club and ended up coming home with a girl's number and a promise to call her sometime - not bad, not Shyrke-level for sure but not that bad. Oh, and she dances so that's a plus (and possibly why I got the number seeing as that's what we did for most of the night there).


ah you have learned well my young padawan :wub:


in all seriousness, good to hear Jesse :x


there's not too much going on in the land of Shryke

still seeing this girl, but things may have to come to an end as she may have to move away again

c'est la vie

also, started getting work done on another tattoo today. still deciding whether or not to turn it into a sleeve

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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Now that I'm no longer working for HM Liz I've been thinking about getting a tattoo. I just can't think of what to have. I did consider having a cryptographic tattoo done, using geometric shapes.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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that's pretty much what i'm going for :x

I don't whether to be reassured about the awesomeness of my idea, or annoyed that it's not original.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I'm sitting at my computer wondering what to do next. I don't feel like playing a game. I'm too aggravated to revise my book, I've read all the news I can stand and there is nothing on ebay I want. I guess I really need to get laid but there is small chance of that happening. I think the best way to go is load up my Pink Floyd playlist in itunes and open a bottle of bourbon and get really, really drunk. Then watch the cartoon network until I pass out.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Hey, guys! Something interesting happened in my life, too! I was threatened with eviction today. :)


Long story short I live in a boarding house kind of deal where you get communal kitchens, but they ban ALL cooking instruments, including electric jugs. You're allowed a rice cooker but got to take it out to cook. I thought fair enough, but electric jugs are not a fire hazard or any kind of hazard, so I had one.


Last year the manager comes in while I'm not there to fix the toilet, takes the jug, leaves a short note 'come and get it'. When I go he acts like an angry power-trip headmaster talking to a kindergarten boy, refusing to give it up and saying he will take my stuff whenever it's not meant to be there. After an argument I do get it back, then get rid of it.


So last month someone gives me a jug and some other stuff, and after having it around the room I figure what the hell, it's convenient - pretty much having forgotten about last year. Of course today he comes in to repair my lock, and I remember and think OSHI- and hide it, but that's hard when your room is tiny. Problem is this guy's a very angry guy - he goes on a big tirade accusing me of cooking my lunch in the room and that he can smell cooking (except my lunch was on a FRYING PAN right in front of him, I guess he thinks I can conjure fire with my hands), using the rice cooker (which was unplugged and empty), and covering up the smoke alarm.


Which was a big surprise, so I looked up and lo and behold, the alarm was covered with a bag! I had only moved in a couple weeks ago to this particular room, so I never noticed (who checks that, anyway?). I removed the bag and it was broken, too. So now he thinks I've broken it, goes purple and yells and yells, threatens with eviction and police, and so forth. I told him I'll get rid of the jug but he can get lost, and now he's trying to pin the alarm on me, fine me $500 (NZD) for keeping the jug, and threatening with eviction otherwise.


Interesting thing is, a lawyer tells me, a landlord (in NZ, anyway) cannot legally demand punitive fines; only fines for damages or services rendered based on a professional estimate. Obviously the jug never damaged anything, and if it was the alarm - they say they checked the room before I moved in and never noticed it, but in my mind, you can't prove it either way. You can't prove that they simply didn't miss it, or that I didn't do it - how can you fine me based on that?


Anyway, I'm now thinking of refusing to pay the fine based on that advice, and see how it goes - I'm fine with apologising for the jug, getting warned, getting rid, hell, mutual termination of contract. But something tells me he's intent on getting some $ out of me or evicitng me then trying to eat up my bond. We'll see how it goes. What do you guys think? I *was* an idiot to keep the jug twice, but does that justify verbal abuse, theft, threatening eviction, 500 fine (uh... ~300USD)?


The upside is, I guess this is good training in life before I move overseas, yeah?

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Hey, guys! Something interesting happened in my life, too! I was threatened with eviction today. :)


Long story short I live in a boarding house kind of deal where you get communal kitchens, but they ban ALL cooking instruments, including electric jugs. You're allowed a rice cooker but got to take it out to cook. I thought fair enough, but electric jugs are not a fire hazard or any kind of hazard, so I had one.


Last year the manager comes in while I'm not there to fix the toilet, takes the jug, leaves a short note 'come and get it'. When I go he acts like an angry power-trip headmaster talking to a kindergarten boy, refusing to give it up and saying he will take my stuff whenever it's not meant to be there. After an argument I do get it back, then get rid of it.


So last month someone gives me a jug and some other stuff, and after having it around the room I figure what the hell, it's convenient - pretty much having forgotten about last year. Of course today he comes in to repair my lock, and I remember and think OSHI- and hide it, but that's hard when your room is tiny. Problem is this guy's a very angry guy - he goes on a big tirade accusing me of cooking my lunch in the room and that he can smell cooking (except my lunch was on a FRYING PAN right in front of him, I guess he thinks I can conjure fire with my hands), using the rice cooker (which was unplugged and empty), and covering up the smoke alarm.


Which was a big surprise, so I looked up and lo and behold, the alarm was covered with a bag! I had only moved in a couple weeks ago to this particular room, so I never noticed (who checks that, anyway?). I removed the bag and it was broken, too. So now he thinks I've broken it, goes purple and yells and yells, threatens with eviction and police, and so forth. I told him I'll get rid of the jug but he can get lost, and now he's trying to pin the alarm on me, fine me $500 (NZD) for keeping the jug, and threatening with eviction otherwise.


Interesting thing is, a lawyer tells me, a landlord (in NZ, anyway) cannot legally demand punitive fines; only fines for damages or services rendered based on a professional estimate. Obviously the jug never damaged anything, and if it was the alarm - they say they checked the room before I moved in and never noticed it, but in my mind, you can't prove it either way. You can't prove that they simply didn't miss it, or that I didn't do it - how can you fine me based on that?


Anyway, I'm now thinking of refusing to pay the fine based on that advice, and see how it goes - I'm fine with apologising for the jug, getting warned, getting rid, hell, mutual termination of contract. But something tells me he's intent on getting some $ out of me or evicitng me then trying to eat up my bond. We'll see how it goes. What do you guys think? I *was* an idiot to keep the jug twice, but does that justify verbal abuse, theft, threatening eviction, 500 fine (uh... ~300USD)?


The upside is, I guess this is good training in life before I move overseas, yeah?


have a chat to someone at the tenancy tribunal

from the sounds of it, he's completely full of ****

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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Saw the ex for the first time in a couple of months. Felt surprisingly good, maybe I've finally reached the part where the pain is over and I can just look back and remember the good things. For those good things were, indeed, amazing.


Also, landlords (and employers= traditionally have a rather optimistic view of their rights. Of course, YMMV, we have relatively clear rules in Finland (and having actually presided in a few eviction cases, I probably have a better-than-average-lawyer's understanding of it...)

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Long story short I live in a boarding house kind of deal where you get communal kitchens, but they ban ALL cooking instruments, including electric jugs. You're allowed a rice cooker but got to take it out to cook. I thought fair enough, but electric jugs are not a fire hazard or any kind of hazard, so I had one.


Not even a microwave? What do you do; eat chips all day?

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My university messed up my schedule. I'm in 2 of the same History class and I have a business class that I didn't even register for. Gotta clear that up...


Does the university register you for your courses? (I ask because where I work we have hand registered the majority of student for almost 15 years).

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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I think I just ran over a bunny.


Not too happy about that.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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God, I recall being in university a few years ago. We had a wannabe Great Dictator running that place too. I could wax on the subject for hours, but his favourite rule was enforcing no 'guests'. Which vaused me no end of grief. I mean I'm not Shryke, but even I can get lucky once or twice a year. Anyway, the joke came when it turned out his policy of insisting on booking people in advance had kept our various delightful young ladies, but completely missed the arrival of a group of neo-fascist jihadis who flung hate-filled literature about for a few months until (I think) the immigration people threw them out.


I hate people like that - the building manager I mean.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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My university messed up my schedule. I'm in 2 of the same History class and I have a business class that I didn't even register for. Gotta clear that up...


Does the university register you for your courses? (I ask because where I work we have hand registered the majority of student for almost 15 years).


That should be HAVE NOT registered the majority of students for almost 15 years.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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I think I just ran over a bunny.


Not too happy about that.

Touche, little bunny. The tire that ran you over spontaneously went flat.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I think I just ran over a bunny.


That's rather ironic given your current avatar.



But, yeah, it's not fun to hit small, fluffy animals. :sorcerer:

Edited by Deadly_Nightshade

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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getting more done on the new tattoo tonight


after that's done, i've still got to decide on what i'm doing for the rest of the night

there's a choice between going to see Christian Death play, a friend's band playing, a party, another party, or going to see a friend's first ever burlesque performance


too many choices - i can't decide! :sorcerer:

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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Jesus Christ it's friggin humid out here. Been doing the whole "get aquainted" things... even so I feel like I'm A-social. Doesn't help that my roomates entire life seems to be "go out to do paperwork, come back to room and browse the net". Nothing more really.... oh and eat half preserved food.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Yeah, i think I will go ahead and test his bluster. If I have to pay a fine for breaking the rules I will, but only fines that he can legally give, and then I will see him pulled up for harrassment at least. Don't like abuse of 'authority'.


If I set the place on fire I'll give you a call, Shryke. :(

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Jesus Christ it's friggin humid out here. Been doing the whole "get aquainted" things... even so I feel like I'm A-social. Doesn't help that my roomates entire life seems to be "go out to do paperwork, come back to room and browse the net". Nothing more really.... oh and eat half preserved food.


Yeah roommates tend to be hit-or-miss. Once classes start, hang out w/ classmates (this is where you'll meet a good deal of your college friends) Then start showing up to parties, it'll all come together. :(

Edited by Syraxis
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