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Dragon Age Discussion


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Ah, yes, "Hardening." Taking one throw-away conversation choice and, without any warning to the player, making it govern that character's entire future. :p


TBH, it's not completely throw-away, but you really have no idea how major the consequences scripted for that choice are (when I say major, I really mean out-of-proportion). :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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You have to say "Everyone's out for themselves" after his sister quest ends. Which is particularly logical since you yourself are running around risking you own life trying to save everyone's ass.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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You'd think that you could take him to the Pearl afterwards so that he may seal his "hardening" by "licking some posts" and finally becoming a man.


That one is also sexual!



I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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You'd think that you could take him to the Pearl afterwards so that he may seal his "hardening" by "licking some posts" and finally becoming a man.


That one is also sexual!

Does he even partake in the three/foursome?

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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You'd think that you could take him to the Pearl afterwards so that he may seal his "hardening" by "licking some posts" and finally becoming a man.


That one is also sexual!

Does he even partake in the three/foursome?

If you harden him then yes, IIRC.
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Just finished the first major area of the expansion. Very good stuff there. The ph@t lewt is ph@t, companions are nice, atmosphere is solid, and the new improved darkspawn are definitely cooler than Origins.


The rune crafting can make one's head spin though, lol. Gotta craft a bunch of lesser runes just to get to the ones you want.


Does anyone if the shield heraldry does anything combat wise or is just to be whatever.


My biggest beef with the expansion is that my main character is so damage resistant that most enemies including bosses barely faze him so my allies can fall but I just laugh. Worst example of this was a major new boss monster that wa shyped up, and it enver even took me down to 2/3rds of my health. Tsk, tsk.


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I don't understand why Bioware likes to ignore choices that you've made if your character is killed in previous title. I just read that if your character made the ultimate sacrifice, you'll start with default canon option with new Orlesian Warden. It means anything your character did in DA are ignored if they differ from the canon. I don't mind if my character dies, I chose that path but if Bioware just ignores all the choices I've made, what the point to continue the story? They are doing same in ME3 too.

Why do you bother with addons and sequels if the game is already finished for you?

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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As for bugs, can't say, but your spoiler if it happens would suck for sure.


I got it wrong, it was a different character that did that. However I didn't romance Lelianna with that character so I still don't know how I got that epilogue.



DA is buggy in the romances. I had a male character who I tried to court Leliana with, and I ended up triggering relationship related banter from Morrigan (not so surprising) and Alistair (shouldn't even be possible) as well.

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Guest Slinky

It wasn't funny when Alistair said "My love?" when I was playing as MALE human noble, and clicked Alistair to turn his shield wall on.


There's always bugs in games, especially in RPG's, but is it just me or does Bio seem to be less interested in fixing bugs in their games these days?

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I don't understand why Bioware likes to ignore choices that you've made if your character is killed in previous title. I just read that if your character made the ultimate sacrifice, you'll start with default canon option with new Orlesian Warden. It means anything your character did in DA are ignored if they differ from the canon. I don't mind if my character dies, I chose that path but if Bioware just ignores all the choices I've made, what the point to continue the story? They are doing same in ME3 too.

Why do you bother with addons and sequels if the game is already finished for you?


I don't understand the question. Maybe because of my PnP background, characters death mean very little. World goes on and the choices you made with that character live on. You roll the dice and make new character in that same world.

Let's play Alpha Protocol

My misadventures on youtube.

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There's always bugs in games, especially in RPG's, but is it just me or does Bio seem to be less interested in fixing bugs in their games these days?


These days? ME got 2 patches, JE 1 patch, Knights got 3 patches.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Dragon Age is pretty stable, I've got no complaints about the out-of-the-box product nor the 3 patches in, what, 5 months?


Just on the PC version, mind. AFAIK, a lot of the bugs fixed on the PC side remain unpatched on the console side - can't really verify, as I haven't played the original game in the ~2 weeks since the first PS3 patch came out. :p


Awakening worked pretty well getting my mind off some unpleasant stuff for a couple of days. Might even replay it straight away with a warrior-type. We'll see.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Dragon Age is pretty stable, I've got no complaints about the out-of-the-box product nor the 3 patches in, what, 5 months?

I prefer a good CTD over 5 minute loading times & terrible performance drops every hour.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Guest Slinky

It would be nice if some of the chantry board quests could be finished if the player stumbles on them without starting it first at the board, and if items that impove healing effects or increase/decrease aggro would actually work.


Of course these kind of bugs were expected, so it would be nice if the game would be easy to patch. I don't think it is if even the missing ancient elven boots can't be added to the game by Bio.

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I played Return to Ostagar yesterday.


It was nothing special*, except for the phat l00t, which was pretty cool, my level 10 party came out of it pretty tooled-up. Frankly, the Soldier's Peak DLC was better. I have mixed feelings about bite-sized DLC, now having seen how the experiment works, I still say full-length XPs are the way to go.


A piece of DLC the combined size of the two abovementioned adventures and costing 65-70% of them both combined strikes me as the 'least worst' option. In any case, I'm getting back into it by trying different NPCs and am getting more enthusiastic about Awakenings.



* There are tunnels, but they are woefully small and not up to the usual miles 'O tunnels industry standard for DA.


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What was his explanation? I think it sounds like a weird decision overall, it's not like those items are going to be overpowered in Awakenings.


That exactly was his explanation - you don't need them.


I suspect the real reason for not including them is some sort of inter-company bureucracy.

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What was his explanation? I think it sounds like a weird decision overall, it's not like those items are going to be overpowered in Awakenings.


That exactly was his explanation - you don't need them.


I suspect the real reason for not including them is some sort of inter-company bureucracy.

So even though you bought them with real money, you can't port them to the expansions? Methinks that BW is going a little off their rocker. We should had seen Sonic as a warning sign of their descent to madness.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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