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Being very responsible. Way back when DA was fresh meat, Grom made it perfectly clear that he felt rogues were useless. He only changed his mantra when he was provenm wrong as people came out of the woodwork showing that rogues, are indeed, awesome.


As for your other garbage, useless point to bring it up, as I never disputed that fact. I was, in fact, one of the first to bring up that the rogue CLASS wasn't actually needed. LMAO *shrug*


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You are revisioning something that wasn't that long ago.


When everyone was making the first round of ROGUES SUCK posts you answered damn near everyone one with posts about how rogues and fighters were not supposed to be equal in a fight. People criticized the DPS they were able to do in the early levels figuring out mechanics, and you responded to all those thread by saying things like its not wow and they are not wow rogues etc. The fact that rogues can get excellent DPS after you know the mechanics makes your initial position just as ignorant as anything else said about rogues when DA was 'freshmeat'


Unlike your rememberance of Gromnir's opinion i am stating facts about things you actually said and meant and how they were wrong.

All deception is self deception all hypnosis is auto-hypnosis

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tig is gonna be cheesed that you bring up once again.


Gromnir's first two posts regarding da rogues




so, put up or...


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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tig is gonna be cheesed that you bring up once again.

Not only him :rolleyes:


How about laying off the finger pointing for a while guys? Or at least take lessons from Gromnir and produce the darn link to the posts and leave the conclusions to the reader?


Saves me some work. Less work = more time for fun stuff. Simple Gorthlogic ®

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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So one of the new character in Awakening is a Dalish elf mage that hates humans. So i wonder if you slaughtered

the Dalsih for the wolves

if she still joins you? Knowing Bio, that will be a yes, but still I can hope for something.

Edited by Bos_hybrid
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There are rumors of a werewolf companion. It would be great if you got Velanna (dalish mage) for helping the dalish and the werewolf for slaughtering them.


Which is why it won't happen.

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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There are rumors of a werewolf companion. It would be great if you got Velanna (dalish mage) for helping the dalish and the werewolf for slaughtering them.


Which is why it won't happen.


Where's your optimism? :lol:


That's more like something I'd say.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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I love BioWare games, but I accept their limitations.


Companions are some of the most 'zot' heavy elements. They didn't bring Dog back because he takes too much effort/resources to animate. Would they create a companion that some people would have no access to? No.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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There are rumors of a werewolf companion. It would be great if you got Velanna (dalish mage) for helping the dalish and the werewolf for slaughtering them.


Which is why it won't happen.


Where's your optimism? :lol:


That's more like something I'd say.

You can be optimistic only with things which might end up surprising you.


Since it's Bioware, being realistic is the way to go :p

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There are rumors of a werewolf companion. It would be great if you got Velanna (dalish mage) for helping the dalish and the werewolf for slaughtering them.


Which is why it won't happen.


Where's your optimism? :lol:


That's more like something I'd say.

You can be optimistic only with things which might end up surprising you.


Since it's Bioware, being realistic is the way to go :p


I know, I was just teasing her. :)


If Awakening ends up being what MotB was for NWN2 there might be a chance for redemption. Somehow, I don't get that vibe though.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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*shrug* be fair, boo. DA is a very solid and well-received game right off the bat and it makes sense to do 'more of the same', even if something a little more out of the way is to be hoped for in terms of setting and level design. NWN2 had a pretty dreary main campaign (I seem to be one of the few that enjoyed it) and MOTB had to be a 'redemption'.

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Goddamn it I never knew of the Twisted rune quest until googling it up minutes ago. *grumbles* bloody huge game... rrrr


:lol: Just now finding out about the mighty Staff of the Magi?!?! Heh, youre in for a treat next playthrough.


And this from the self-professed "resident BG2 guru"? :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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There's certainly the possibility for a more personal storyline in DA2, for instance about a Grey Warden seeking to find a cure for the taint, it's hard to imagine BioWare would simply go for the next ancient evil/blight to rise from oblivion.


Even the Witcher had a hint of this, with that other guy Bellegar/Beregar looking for a cure for the mutation because he wanted a normal life. Grey Wardens are very similar to Witchers, anyhow, save that Witchers get a much longer lifespan instead of just 30 years.


Oh, and for laughs, the supposed werewolf companion should be named Cernd. Nobody ever used that poor guy. :lol:

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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DA 2 won't be about a Warden or Blight.


I know, I was just teasing her. :lol:


If Awakening ends up being what MotB was for NWN2 there might be a chance for redemption. Somehow, I don't get that vibe though.


What do you mean by "what MotB was for NWN2?"

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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What do you mean by "what MotB was for NWN2?"

He probably means that NWN2 sucked until MotB was added. :lol: But again that's like an opinion.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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There's certainly the possibility for a more personal storyline in DA2, for instance about a Grey Warden seeking to find a cure for the taint, it's hard to imagine BioWare would simply go for the next ancient evil/blight to rise from oblivion.


Even the Witcher had a hint of this, with that other guy Bellegar/Beregar looking for a cure for the mutation because he wanted a normal life. Grey Wardens are very similar to Witchers, anyhow, save that Witchers get a much longer lifespan instead of just 30 years.

Ah, Berengar. How hard I tried to keep you alive during the fight with Azar Javed, but alas, 'twas not to be. :p


There are definitely similarities between Witchers and Grey Wardens since they are both insular groups, few in number, having undergone a mutagenic metamorphosis.


Oh, and for laughs, the supposed werewolf companion should be named Cernd. Nobody ever used that poor guy. :lol:


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BG2 was the 2nd game in the series, DA2 will have variety.


What's so really different in BG2 chapter 3? It's just 2 factions and you go kill the other. Plenty of that in DA. Same quality too.


In DA, you often choose at the very end who you want to ally with, and the changes are quite minor once you've made your choice, with perhaps the exception of the Dalish part. In Orzammar you do the same quest weither you choose Behlen or Harrowmont. The Circle of Magi, either you choose the mages or the templar, you still just have Uldred to defeat. In the best of case, it's just one final battle that differs.


In BG2, you make a clear choice of who you want to side with before the chapter starts, and most of the quests have different twists about them because of it. And of course, the final dungeon and enemies are extremely different : on one hand, a building in the middle of the city filled with thieves and mages, on the other hand a crypt in a cemetary with a lot of vampires, that don't really ask for the same tactics.


The same thing was tried in Neverwinter Nights 2, but with really poor results.

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What do you mean by "what MotB was for NWN2?"

He probably means that NWN2 sucked until MotB was added. :closed: But again that's like an opinion.


Yes. A great expansion for a thoroughly generic game.


. NWN2 had a pretty dreary main campaign


Exactly. I find DA's main campaign to be very similar, it just has the Bioware polish and better production values.


*shrug* be fair, boo. DA is a very solid and well-received game right off the bat and it makes sense to do 'more of the same', even if something a little more out of the way is to be hoped for in terms of setting and level design. NWN2 had a pretty dreary main campaign (I seem to be one of the few that enjoyed it) and MOTB had to be a 'redemption'.


That's why I said I don't have the feeling they'll do a MotB. It does make sense to make the expansion filler, but there's no reason to not to hope otherwise.


And this from the self-professed "resident BG2 guru"? laughing.gif


Quiet, you. My last playthrough was ages ago. :p

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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NWN2 OC didn't suck. It was pretty good. There wa sno need for redemption. Besides, if MOTB was 'redmeption' what the heck was one of the worst games ever with SOZ? L0LZ


Awakening will likely not be as good as MOTB because the scope and the goals for it seem to be ratehr limited. A kinda reminds me TOSC except its a direct continuation of DA. I simply epect more struff from it ntohing that will blow you away ala TOB, HOTU, or MOTB as far as expansions go. *shrug*


But, there's no need for BIo to try to redeem themselevs. The fact that some people were dissapoiinted or dislike DA is completely and utterly irrelevant to the big picture. BIO most certainly don't care about them. Nor should they.


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While my opinion on NWN2 OC is pretty low, it does have one funny thing: I noticed earlier in some Bioware interviews how they said that if the players find themselves hating or loving some characters in their games, they consider that as a success in their part. The thing is, I don't think I have had any stronger feelings, good or bad, for ANY character Bio has done after BG2.


But by god, I hated Grobnar and Qara in NWN2 so much that I REALLY wanted to strangle them with my bare hands. So congratulations Obsidian.. I guess :closed:

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While my opinion on NWN2 OC is pretty low, it does have one funny thing: I noticed earlier in some Bioware interviews how they said that if the players find themselves hating or loving some characters in their games, they consider that as a success in their part. The thing is, I don't think I have had any stronger feelings, good or bad, for ANY character Bio has done after BG2.


But by god, I hated Grobnar and Qara in NWN2 so much that I REALLY wanted to strangle them with my bare hands. So congratulations Obsidian.. I guess :p


Having played it through 3 times (back in the days I still had the patience), I can tell you I have no idea who you're talking about. I remember the names, but not the characters. I only remember Bishop because he was such a bastard (as is consistent with his character). And umm something about a silver shard and a main villain who resembles those formless shadows from Princess Mononoke (although not that much).


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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I always found Grobnar to be entertaining, but seeing how much Khelgar hated him, I can understand why he would drive some people crazy :p As for Qara, well, she's a bitch, in the same vein as Morrigan, so yay I suppose it is a good thing that you hated her.

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At least Grobnar has a concept of usefulness. (And he's pretty funny, especially at the siege. :p )

Qara would get brain cancer if she touched a book. Gawd, I wanna punch her so bad.

At least I got to deliver the killing blow at the end. Disintegrate would've been better.

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