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I am testing out Scribblenauts on my DS! Favourite words so far: God, Bazooka, Jetpack, Cthulhu.
Oh wow hahaha. ;)


Did you miss my thread, it's pretty clear from it that Cthulhu is indeed in the game.(as are Shoggoths, time machines, helipackbacks, chloroform, invisibility cloak and Longcat)


EDIT: Apparently I didn't link that video. It was in a video, though.

Edited by Purkake
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You can tame Cthulhu. Then you can give it a monocle and top hat.


I don't know what you could possibly want more.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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Fear 2: Reborn.


Very short, but more like FEAR than Project Origin was in terms of horror and feel. By short I mean "I beat it in 1.5 hours" short. Still, it was only five bucks (thanks steam sale) so it all balances out.


And everyone's favorite victim of Fratricide from the first one has returned.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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The pointman is back?

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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im playing titan quest for the first time ever.... undecided as to how i feel about it as of this time.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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The pointman is back?

Other brother.

... Fettel? Well this is certainly a step in the right direction.


"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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There are other ways to add challenge to gameplay mechanics other than gimping a players ability to control their avatar.


You're still arguing from the point of view that the movement and combat of the standard FPS is the default at which all games should start at. Which in my mind is a cop-out, because you aren't giving a reason why the control system on it's own is badly designed, only complaining that something you don't like isn't similar to something you do like.


As Will points out, RE characters control like tanks. It has always been this way for the series, that's how it has been designed to work. Wanting it to work differently does not make it a problem. Even though the games are incredibly popular, perhaps even more people would play them if the control system worked differently. I would have thought folks on this forum would appreciate developers sticking to their guns rather than changing a game to make it more appealing to the masses.


But there are in fact SO MANY wasy to make games challenging


What are they, and how would they work for a game like RE5 without drastically altering what the developer is trying to achieve?


If other people want avatar control to feel more like a minigame, that is certainly there right.


That's an odd thing to say. People don't want the control system to feel like a mini-game, and if they don't have a problem with it then it's not going to feel that way to them.


If people eat a type of food you think is disgusting, that doesn't mean they enjoy eating disgusting food. "Disgusting" would simply be a label you use to describe how you feel about the food, not an inherent property of it. You seem to be able to accept that there are different strokes for different folks, but fail to recognise that there isn't necessarily anything wrong with the strokes you don't like.

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But there are in fact SO MANY wasy to make games challenging


What are they, and how would they work for a game like RE5 without drastically altering what the developer is trying to achieve?


Do what Dead Space did?

It seemed to work just fine there.

Granted the necromorphs are sometimes a bit faster than your average zombie, but thats something that could be overcome.

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It would be better. At least you wouldn't have the dumb situation where a zombie stops for a good five seconds before attacking you.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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Just started in on CHapeter 4 of the Witcher.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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NCAA 2010 - Messing with sliders, I believe it's impossible to achieve a good set, especially with home field advantage turned on, seems to be broken since I always win on the road and get thrashed at home :brows:


SoZ - Started another solo game with a Grey Dwarf Cleric. Kicking ass so far.


Madden 2008 (2010 mod) - Coach mode 3rd week of the season.

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Hey, is NWN an MMO, i am confused.


The original Neverwinter Nights on AOL was an MMO. When BioWare built the Neverwinter Nights game, it had both a single player and a multi-player component, but it

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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WoW and AoE2


in wow I've just seen the BEST guild recruitment advert EVAR!


[22:12:39] [2] [Mildo]: 'get on my level' is currently recruiting anyone that likes to talk mad smack about the people in their guild, just remember that YOU are better then everyone else at this game because YOU are gods gift to WoW


in AoE2 I've had to relearn the art of seige in that game (which is a little different htan most) and the fact that you're SUPPOSED to loose stupid amounts of troops in town razing.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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In wow I've just seen the BEST guild recruitment advert EVAR!


'get on my level' is currently recruiting anyone that likes to talk mad smack about the people in their guild, just remember that YOU are better then everyone else at this game because YOU are gods gift to WoW


Yo, Calax , Ima let you finish reading this recruitment advert, but Beyonce has one of the best guilds of all time!!

―Kanye West

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