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And what exactly are you trying to insinuate by that good sir?!


I feel I must warn you in advance that it's 20 past 7 in the morning here and I've already been drinking for an hour, so if I missed something obvious there it's not my fault :o

Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.


I hope you have a better day tomorrow, Calax.


I went for supper at my bosses' house tonight. Some tequila was drank, some non tobacco cigarettes were smoked.


Works going to come around early tomorrow morning.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

  Daaave said:
And what exactly are you trying to insinuate by that good sir?!

well i NEVER! good sir my ass...


um, ribbing you, dude. i mean, you do have an avatar picture that has a lipstick i heart u on it and all... :ermm:



comrade taks... just because.


Hello, I'm Aristes and I'm a... logic gameaholic. Yes, I've become addicted to the damned things. I mean, they are games, whether they're on a test or not. Moreover, they're actually fun. I just finished a 6 question maximized variable setup in less than 10 minutes. I jumped up and strutted around the table like a rooster in the hen-house. Awesome. I. HAVE. MADE. FIRE! lololol Yeah, maybe I've brain washed myself. I never get more than a couple hours sleep at a time these days and I've gone 24+ hours without sleep a few times over the past couple of weeks. I think I'm getting a bit loopy, but my spirits are actually quite high. :ermm:

  Calax said:
Well, my processor got to me but didn't fix my problem with my motherboard, so it looks like I'm gonna be going to a repair shop after yanking out the HD.


Then when I asked my mom to help me we got in a fight where she told me that I "met expectations" when I got the best grades I've had since third grade, and then she told me to get a job.


I promptly had a bipolar episode where I had a huge (500 pills, half empty) bottle of Ibprofine in my room and was looking at it pondering if I should swallow all the pills left.


Yeah... not a good day.


Crikey. Not good to hear. Hope things are better today.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.


fashion show was win


bumped into people on my way home and got dragged along for the early rehearsals and sat backstage for ages with scantily clad ladies in body paint and corsets getting pleasantly boozed


there were 2 dudes with grinders showering sparks all over the catwalk and there was even a little burlesque act in the middle as well :ermm:

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

  Aristes said:
Hello, I'm Aristes and I'm a... logic gameaholic. Yes, I've become addicted to the damned things. I mean, they are games, whether they're on a test or not. Moreover, they're actually fun. I just finished a 6 question maximized variable setup in less than 10 minutes. I jumped up and strutted around the table like a rooster in the hen-house. Awesome. I. HAVE. MADE. FIRE! lololol Yeah, maybe I've brain washed myself. I never get more than a couple hours sleep at a time these days and I've gone 24+ hours without sleep a few times over the past couple of weeks. I think I'm getting a bit loopy, but my spirits are actually quite high. :sorcerer:

Glad to see that you're making progress on the test prep. Bear in mind, though, that there is a diminshing return to this sort of thing-- at some point, normalizing your sleep cycle and toning down the "loopy" factor is going to become more worthwhile than further time spent practicing the problems.


Yeah not to mention when you finish the test your likely never going to use the stuff ever again amirite enoch? Who needs logic puzzles when you'll just be doing tort law and cat reform.


I'm hungry but we have nothing to eat. I'm also bored. My friends that I play HoN with set out for blizzcon today. Luckily they will get lots of pictures and a more personal view of all the games I'm looking forward to. They also get beta keys for sc2 which means I will have assured play time even if their friend in blizzard can't get me one.

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.


Mainly recovering from hangover today. Not exactly cheered up by reading the profiles of these criminals. Made me remember that thread we had about the need to intervene in problem families. Such intervention plans would certainly have prevented the tragedy in this case.


The mother says that when she gets out in three years she wants to party and travel. She will receive tax-payer funded protection and housing in perpetuity.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.


My widower buddy, with whom I have faithfully been sharing lunch at least once a week since his wife died (except when I've been out of state) called this morning before I went to bed to see if I could meet for lunch, significantly cutting down on my sleep time. I get ya, Enoch. I'm feeling my age right now. I think I'll simply take the whole weekend off and try to come to some semblance of a normal schedule. I can do the logic tests recreationally for a few hours every day and get away from the crushing schedule.


As for you, Slug, I have to admit you have a point. I doubt if I'll ever be forced to keep track of which salesperson showed which tiger in any particular showroom. The ability to reason quickly might come in handy, but I think I'll have more than five minutes and better notes to keep track of the info.


Trying to figure out what the order of our activities for the weekend is. Nobody can ever seem to contact my father to get anything planned out.

Hey now, my mother is huge and don't you forget it. The drunk can't even get off the couch to make herself a vodka drenched sandwich. Octopus suck.


There can only be one cat inspired poster on this board and that is me. Lady Crimson doesn't count because she's a girl. And she hasn't been posting that much recently.

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

  theslug said:
There can only be one cat inspired poster on this board and that is me. Lady Crimson doesn't count because she's a girl. And she hasn't been posting that much recently.

I also don't have 9 cats anymore. Only 1...and probably not for much longer. :* Won't be getting any new ones for a while, either.


What I did yesterday: shoveled 5 garbage bags full of the stupid, tiny-sized and cat-attracting tanbark mulching that whoever lived here before us used to cover up all the dirt areas in the front yard. Replacing with more rocks and cement paver stones. Still tempted to remove the front lawn and pave the whole thing over and just use a few giant plants/trees in barrels for decoration. Lawns....meh.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts

Finished the first two days of school. I had this idea to greet each student as they came in the door this year in an effort to learn names faster. The first thing I learned is that only about 1 in 10 middle schoolers know how to give a firm handshake.


Ah, well, normal school day. Going to watch Epic Movie on FX in about 15 minutes. Hopefully next friday won't be so dang boring (get to have sleepover with 2 best friends for first time, :lol:)!


i've decided that being weekend manager at work while sick and having half a squillion system faults to deal with is really not fun at all :thumbsup:

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

  theslug said:
There can only be one cat inspired poster on this board and that is me. Lady Crimson doesn't count because she's a girl. And she hasn't been posting that much recently.

what about kittoru and hellkitty?




It just took 250 and a new motherboard and processor >_>

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.


Grats Calax.


My video card pooped out today, just start giving glitches when booting and would only load in safe mode. I looked it up, and it looks like a lot of 8800GTX cards poop out around the 2 year mark. I was pretty dismayed, it isn't under warranty, so I bought a Radeon HD4850 at Best Buy to replace it. So far it seems like a very good card, and the price was under $200.

Posted (edited)

After waiting a week and change for some part to come in for my passenger window, I finally managed to get the damn vehicle into the shop today. I go to work, punch in, secure a ride back from a coworker, and am back on the job in twenty minutes. Two hours later I see the dealership left me a voicemail. Sweet, I'm thinking to myself, I'm back in action. Instead, I get a weird message to phone them as soon as I can. I do so, only to find out they broke the window. My fiancee picked me up after work tonight, and my mom ( man, that sounds even more lame when I type it out) is working in the morning and can shuttle me to work.


Not having a car = suckage. Having a car and not being able to drive it is worse. It's like your independence goes right out the window. There's no pun intended there, I think.


On the plus side, it's all covered under warranty.


If it's not done tomorrow I'm going to try and snake a dealership vehicle for sunday. It's the least they can do for ****ing up this job royally.

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.


If it's under warranty, they should definitely give you a rental, especially if they messed something up. I usually take a rental if they are going to be more than a couple hours in fixing it.

  Hurlshot said:
...so I bought a Radeon HD4850 at Best Buy to replace it. So far it seems like a very good card, and the price was under $200.

It is an excellent card. BUT (isn't there always one?), you should have gotten the 4770 instead.




Same performance, draws less power and costs half as much. Although the price might not be half since the 4770 is supposed to retail for $99 and the 4850 is supposed to be more expensive. In the real world they're practically the same price.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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