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I never said anything about loading screens; but the Gothics most assuredly have loading times. This is a fact. You call it stuttering; but it's so obvious the game is using the 'pause' to load areas. I have no reason to beleive that future patches I didn't download somehow magically stopped the loading times.

Why do you think anyone gives a **** about your opinion about stuff you haven't even tried? Troll much?

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Except i've tried the Gothics so why do you lie unless you are simply trolling. The Gothics may not have loading SCREENS; but they most assuredly have loading TIMES.


P.S. You obviously care enough to spam false 'facts' about how the Gothics don't have load times when they most certainly do.

Edited by Volourn


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Lets get back to the topic of what you are playing minus the personal attacks.

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Baldur's Gate modder/community leader
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Gothic 3 will drive you insane.

Ignore Gorgon and get this:




It's 880 MB, but it's worth it. Not only will you get an insane performance increase, the badly broken combat actually works now. But be warned: if you're used to games like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic or equivalent, this game is not for you. There's no hand-holding, you WILL die a horrible death a hundred times and you WILL fail quests. Yes, it's actually possible to fail stuff in the Gothic games, unlike anything produced in the US for the last ten years. It's a very difficult game.


But if you enjoy a living, breathing, absolutely massive world with no loading times, lots of combat, quests, treasures and three different story lines (you can only finish one per playthrough), you'll have a blast. I am currently replaying Gothic 3 with the community patch 1.7 and it's a great game now. Just make sure you turn on the Alternative balancing and the new AI and you're set to go.


Thanks! Just downloaded the patch and put Gothic 3 on top of my list. Will play it as soon as I've got the time. As long as it's got a working save game system, the high difficulty shouldn't be too frustrating, and the fact that you can actually fail quests sounds like a nice touch. I'm in it for the experience, and not so much for the XP. From what I can gather from the forums, you're quite passionate about the Gothic games, and there's probably good reasons for that. Always wanted to try out a good open-world RPG (Fallout 3 was ok, but got boring and repetitive, and Oblivion was boring from the very beginning)


And whether or not there are short load screens, load times, hints of loading or no loading at all doesn't make or break the game for me. As long as it doesn't happen extremely frequently, of course, but that certainly doesn't seem to be the case here ;)

Edited by ericjones
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Strictly speaking, since all games have loading times of one sort or another, I don't care about them either. That assumes the loading times are not particularly onerous. For example, Wow has very few loading times outside of dungeons and major zones, but you can see the world get populated from time to time. No biggie as it's quick.

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Except i've tried the Gothics so why do you lie unless you are simply trolling. The Gothics may not have loading SCREENS; but they most assuredly have loading TIMES.


P.S. You obviously care enough to spam false 'facts' about how the Gothics don't have load times when they most certainly do.

Yeah, I could either continue exchanging idiocies with you or I could

instead. It stutters once (for less than a second, 18 seconds in) at the beginning of the video, but that might be because of Fraps accessing the hard drive at the same time as the game. For the rest of the 4+ minute video there is no stuttering at all, despite the raw video file ending up being over 4 GB big. That's a lot of hard drive access during gameplay.


You call me a liar and troll. I post a stutter free (or "loading times" as the ignoramus call it) video of Gothic 3 CP 1.7. What does that make you?



(The video depicts me entering Gotha during night time so it's a bit dark)

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I just finished a round of Left 4 Dead with the credits song for You Have To Burn The Rope playing on a loop in the background. It completely eliminates any tension there might be in the game when you are constantly hearing "Now you're a hero! You beat the whole damn ga-ame!", but damn is it fun. :D

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Mkreku, so that's all I'll need to get my Gothic Universe Gothic 3 ready to go right? I'll download when I get home tonight.

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Trying a Mount & Blade stand-alone still-in-process mod called "Custom Settlements." It seems like a mod designed to turn the game a bit more into a strategy/sim, where you claim a small tent camp and "build" it into a major town/faction, whilst other AI npcs/neutral Heroes (that don't sit around waiting for you to come hire them, they can roam around/claim settlements too) and peasant tents are doing the same thing all around you. Watch your tent-city grow into the finished castle-town (with you eventually being King/Queen) and eventually taking over/leading other towns while battling other bandit factions and/or making friends etc.


Neat in concept, but it still needs a lot of work ... getting started is confusing and very very slow ... still, quite an amazing mod in terms of restructuring the entire game, rather than just giving new names to factions, tweaking combat values, and adding new weapons/troop trees etc. The modder is having people create new 'settlements' designs to add in future versions.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Trying a Mount & Blade stand-alone still-in-process mod called "Custom Settlements." It seems like a mod designed to turn the game a bit more into a strategy/sim, where you claim a small tent camp and "build" it into a major town/faction, whilst other AI npcs/neutral Heroes (that don't sit around waiting for you to come hire them, they can roam around/claim settlements too) and peasant tents are doing the same thing all around you. Watch your tent-city grow into the finished castle-town (with you eventually being King/Queen) and eventually taking over/leading other towns while battling other bandit factions and/or making friends etc.


Neat in concept, but it still needs a lot of work ... getting started is confusing and very very slow ... still, quite an amazing mod in terms of restructuring the entire game, rather than just giving new names to factions, tweaking combat values, and adding new weapons/troop trees etc. The modder is having people create new 'settlements' designs to add in future versions.


Thanks for the tip, sounds good.

Edited by Bos_hybrid
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Everyone should try the Eagle and the Radiant Cross mod for Mount and Blade. It's so over the top, I can't be but entertained.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Mkreku, so that's all I'll need to get my Gothic Universe Gothic 3 ready to go right? I'll download when I get home tonight.

Yes. It contains ALL the previous patches, official as well as unofficial ones. As a small bonus, it also removes the need to have the DVD in your computer while playing.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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MLB 09 The Show - I was well on my way to getting rookie of the year honors, but a hamstring injury put me out for the last two months of the season. I was pretty upset about it. I'm in my sophomore season now, and I'm off to a great start with 3 homers in my first two series.


I also bought a swank penthouse apartment in Saints Row 2 and now I fly everywhere in a chopper.

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The Last Remnant, which is really cool, albeit now I'm stuck with Emma alone, therefor battles have become incredibly hard.


The section in the mine? As long as you don't try to fight to many monsters at one time, you'll be fine. All the monsters in that area are pretty weak individually, but when they gang up on you they can really hurt.

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The Last Remnant, which is really cool, albeit now I'm stuck with Emma alone, therefor battles have become incredibly hard.


The section in the mine? As long as you don't try to fight to many monsters at one time, you'll be fine. All the monsters in that area are pretty weak individually, but when they gang up on you they can really hurt.

I figured that out the hard way. This game is definately tailored towards larger groups - there it really shines. But now I'm stuck with the twin-dudes.

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The Last Remnant, which is really cool, albeit now I'm stuck with Emma alone, therefor battles have become incredibly hard.


The section in the mine? As long as you don't try to fight to many monsters at one time, you'll be fine. All the monsters in that area are pretty weak individually, but when they gang up on you they can really hurt.

I figured that out the hard way. This game is definately tailored towards larger groups - there it really shines. But now I'm stuck with the twin-dudes.


Yeah, it's a balancing act between having enough groups that you don't get too many flank attacks, and having large enough groups that they can actually do some damage. I've generally stuck with the max number of groups except for one boss fight where I had to switch it up a little because one of the bosses could one shot any of my unions with non-AoE attacks.


I stopped playing after

the Nagapur remnant gets really pissed off and kills everyone

and have been playing more Left 4 Dead. After I get over this, I'll go back and finish it off. Currently have five unions each with 3 characters. I've mostly replaced the no-name characters with unique generals, but I can't bring myself to kick McGrady, Shepard and Faye are the last three. Faye stays for now, because she knows Vivification Herb and that's always handy. Shepard is developing well with 600HP and some pretty decent attacks. McGrady is a sentimental favourite. He's the first character I hired and watching him use Thunderclap V never gets old. :)

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*sigh* I've decided to improve my chances of raiding I'm gonna respec to fury. I have NO CLUE how to do fury but still I've got the gear which is like 50% of the fight :p

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Isnt DPS usually the easiest spot to fill? It would seem you would be more in demand staying a tank.

Problem is that all major raiding guilds have their tanks set, while they usually can rotate DPS much faster than a tank.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Yeah, McGrady is also in my party, plus Loki and Baulin (?) that old grumpy warrior. But now I'm stuck with Emma and can't get past the twin-dudes.


I didn't pick up Loki because by the time I noticed him, he was a good 100HP lower than anyone else in my group and had pretty much nothing useful in the way of moves. As for the other guy, I think you mean Baulson, the big fish dude right?

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Ok, I defeated the Twin-dudes, and played a bit further. Now I'm in the Nest of Eagles or something, where I have to defeat the Conquerer's army.




I mean I get to the point where I can crush everyone except the chick and the hammer dude with Dave's gun, but I've no chance to bring those two down. I'm BR 12, if that helps. Any advices, strategy?

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